He kept me close through the night, his arm tight around my waist as he spooned me. He didn’t jump with the thunder, but I felt his muscles tightening with each crack.

I rubbed his arm as his fingers drew circles on my stomach. I drifted off to sleep wondering how I could ever again be without the man who understood me more than others.

When this contract was up, would I really be able to leave him?

And did he want me to? Would he be able to let me go? The truth was, I think Dex believed it was his calling to protect those he could. I didn’t know if I could burden him with that even though he wanted it. He wanted to marry me to help, to fix the problem.

That’s what he did. The man had created security systems for a luxury Las Vegas resort and casino and the whole HEAT empire. He’d worked with the best in the world to make sure his systems were state of the art too. He protected people and fixed problems.

I didn’t want to be his problem though. And that’s exactly what I was with my family and now with someone stalking me.

I woke up the next morning to find him in his home office, staring at more screens than he’d had there yesterday that he must have had set up. And he hadn’t left for the day even though it was past six o’clock. He was in our hotel suite acting as though it was completely normal.

“Why are you here?” I said, my voice groggy with sleep.

“In my own place?”

“No.” I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. “You leave in the mornings for work. Why are you here?”

“Because you’re here.” His tone was so light, almost carefree, like he’d figured it all out.

I sighed. “You can’t work from home now because of a letter.”

“What about working from home because my fiancée was nervous about a storm the night before?” He lifted a brow.

“You can’t stay home for that either,” I said.

“I can do whatever I want, Kee.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and then worried over a wrinkle in my shirt. The man was stubborn, but I could be too. “You know, Mitchell hasn’t called me about my contract. I’m going to call today and get it all ironed—”

“It’s fine.” He stopped me. “I’ve already talked with him. I told him we’re getting married in our hometown, we’d squash the rumors, and our PR will work together to come up with a good spin. He’s for it.”

“Dex, you’re not going back to that town you hate. They were assholes to you. And for what? To marry me when this isn’t your problem? It’s ridiculous.”

“It’s perfect. Every problem you have is now my problem.”

“You’re taking this agreement with me to a whole other level, you know that, right? It was an engagement so you wouldn’t be jealous and to get me out of your system,” I tried to remind him.

He nodded slowly. “And you know that’s not what I want anymore right? Is that still what you want from me?”

My heart beat too fast with hope. I’d already tried to forget how he’d talked with my father and called me his family. It felt too perfect, too easy. It felt like something bad was bound to happen. So, I admitted, “I’m not sure.”

“Well, let’s keep moving forward until you are sure. It’s just a little marriage after a little engagement. What could go wrong?” He gave me those dimples and my heart practically tried to gallop toward him.

“Literally everything.”

“Nothing.” He went back to typing on his laptop. “Your breakfast is on the counter. Penelope will text you about wedding planning today. Please answer her so I don’t have to.”

“You just went ahead and told them all we’re getting married?”


“Do you ever listen?” I focused on my irritation rather than my fear of this all crumbling.

He was smiling so big now. “Sure, I’ll listen. Get one of those romance books out and read it to me.”

He leaned back in his chair in his sweats and a T-shirt. It was rare I saw him that way, so laid-back.

“You realize it’s barely daylight? You’re too much of a morning person. Should have disclosed that to me before we got engaged.”

He chuckled. “And you should have disclosed how fucking pretty you are in my sweatshirt in the morning, heartbreaker.”

He looked down at his lap, which drew my gaze there too. I saw the tent of his sweatpants, saw how his cock stood at attention for me. My tongue slid across my lips at the sight. “I’ll let you get back to work,” I murmured as I took a step back, because I knew I had to leave before I jumped him.

“No.” He held his hand out and waved me over. “Come here and see what I’m working on.”

“Why?” I whispered.

“Because I want you to see what I mean when I say I’m going to take care of this, of you, that I’m going to marry you. I don’t think you quite understand.”

My gaze narrowed, but I walked over to him, and he rolled his leather chair back so I could walk between him and the screens. There were about ten now. All of them smaller windows of my life within the resort. My room. My bathroom. My vitals were somehow being monitored. I saw myself standing there with him and that camera was zooming in on my face.

It was a complete invasion of my privacy in every way.

“If you don’t like what’s on these screens, heartbreaker”—I felt his breath at my back as he rolled close to me—“you need to leave now.”

“And if I do like it?”

“Then slide your panties off so I can fuck you and watch you orgasm on every one of my screens.”

My hands were already wiggling my panties down as I watched one of the screens zoom in on that. And then behind me, Dex pulled out his cock so it protruded just above the waistband of his sweatpants. I murmured, “Jesus,” as I watched him stroke it. “It automatically zooms on—”

“Motion.” He stared at the screen when he murmured out his next command. “Take your top off.”

I complied immediately.

“Now, show me how you play with your pussy.”

“Dex,” I whimpered. “I just want you.”

“I want it to zoom in on your cum running down your legs before I let you sit on my cock, Kee.” He growled out, “Play. With. That. Pussy.”

My fingers danced over my sex, and I gasped at the feeling. At the same time, his hand went to my hip and pulled me back so my ass could feel his cock right away. I rolled my pelvis to feel him more and whimpered as I felt his piercings just as I slid a finger into myself.

“You’re made for me, heartbreaker,” he told me as he watched the screen with hungry eyes. “Look how your body loves me watching you.”

My breathing had picked up. I felt the orgasm nearing while I rode my hand and watched how the cameras shifted their angles on me.

“Just a little more time now. Pinch your clit, baby. Roll it between your fingers.”

I did as I was told and felt the zing through my body like it was warming up to explode.

“There she is. Look at that cum dripping down that pretty thigh,” he whispered.

One screen followed it until Dex’s finger wiped it, and then he swirled it around in his mouth before he grabbed my hips and said, “Sit, Kee. Sit on my cock. Ride your fiancé like you want to come.”

I was lost to wanting him so badly at that point that I didn’t even hesitate or try to take him slowly. I gripped his cock and dropped myself hard on him, moaning out his name.

“Fuck me,” he groaned, and his head dropped forward onto my shoulder as he slid inside. We stayed there for seconds, breathing in sync, hearts beating in time together, both watching ourselves on those screens.

We were one, and the whole world around us was gone. My hand threaded through his hair, and he kissed my shoulders, nipped at them, bit them and marked them as I rolled into him. He lifted my hips so I could feel every inch of him, and then he shifted me up and down, up and down.

“Don’t you see that I’m not marrying you for the contract, Kee? I’m marrying you because you’re mine. This pussy is mine. Your heart, your soul, this is all mine.” He stared at the cameras as he said it. “And no one fucks with what is mine.”

I couldn’t accept his confession now. I couldn’t hope for something so perfect from him while still tied to Trinity. I had to fix my own problems first. So, I reminded him, “You only signed that contract to fuck with me yourself, Dex.”

“And I did, didn’t I? I fucked you in the kitchen, in the bedroom, on my stage, and now I’ll have you in this office. You’re about to be my wife. And I’m not marrying you to save you. I’m marrying you so I can save the world. I’ll go crazy and cause too much damn destruction protecting you without you being by my side. You get that?”

“Dex.” I stared at the screens, stared at my heart rate going a mile a minute. I witnessed my body temp rising when he twisted my nipple. I saw it on a screen, how the technology was so good that it could zoom in on the motion. I rode his cock faster, watched how his neck tightened.

I met his thrust with my ass, collided into him just as hard. The cameras caught every angle. I hit the sound button so we could hear ourselves—the panting, the slapping of our skin, the slickness of my pussy.

“You love it, don’t you?” he murmured in my ear, and I tried not to shudder, but I knew my sex was tightening around him. He could see my reaction anyway. I bit my lip and moaned at the sight of him owning me, pleasuring me, letting me be free.

“I love it, Dex. I love it. Watch me,” I whimpered. “Watch us.”

And we both stared at the screens as he fucked me so hard, he’d leave marks on my hips for the next day. Yet, he’d rub and massage them the next morning when he woke up with me again.

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