Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom
Chapter 556 It Keeps Worsening

Upon walking into the room, I whispered to Bella, "Thanks to you. How did you know they were making a move?"

"Mr. Atticus called me, and I went out to handle it," Bella replied calmly. "This Liora is a troublemaker, always causing problems for herself."

It was the first time I heard Bella comment on someone in such a way, indicating that Liora had indeed gone too far.

"Go quickly." Bella motioned for me to go, and I nodded, quickly heading to Atticus's room.

Atticus got straight to the point, "Did you also receive the news?"

"Yes, why did she suddenly want to withdraw the investment?" I looked at Atticus. "Is it because she got Avalon Hills, and she thinks she can stand on her own now?"

Atticus pondered, "No, even if she got it, she still needs someone to handle things. Based on what I know about her, she hasn't found a more suitable partner than Matthew."

Atticus seemed confident in his assessment.

"Their collaboration is mutually beneficial. Matthew is smart; he wants projects, but lacks the ability and connections. Depending on Liora is a wise choice for him. And for Liora, finding Matthew is about leveraging his professional team. To be honest, their union is perfect." Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I completely agreed with him on this point; they did complement each other.

"And Liora is aware that she's exhausting her resources. After all, these are resources from Echelon Group. Since I kicked the members of the Thompson family out of the company, I've gradually taken back her so-called connections."

Atticus poured tea for me, gesturing for me to continue listening. "This time, she knows she's used up all her resources. She got Avalon Hills, but she probably senses her luck running out. She's also spent quite a bit of money on it. Those who can help her are likely not good people but greedy individuals."

"I checked, and this time, Celine didn't support her. The only possible reason for her sudden withdrawal is that she wants to negotiate with Matthew."

"Oh? Isn't there any other possibility?" I asked, feeling a bit uneasy.

"In such a short time, finding a new backer is unlikely. I don't think she has that capability." Atticus sneered dismissively.

After thinking for a moment, I thought Atticus's analysis was plausible. "Could it be that she wants to turn the tables and take control of Ardora Construction?"

Atticus smiled mysteriously, "If Matthew is wise enough to step back, it might not be a bad thing."

"In Muborough, the Thompson

family and Melanie are cooperating.

Now, Matthew is starting the construction of the amusement park. Everything is his initiative, and negotiating these terms might not be easy. Also, from what I know, their initial funds are tied together. The funds for the operation of Avalon Hills are not from the Thompson family alone..."

I continued, "This information is absolutely accurate."

"Then find out and give them a push. We need to protect Matthew now." Atticus strategized. "As long as Matthew stands firm, Liora will have to yield. She needs to reconsider how much confidence she really has I'll keep a close eye on her and

won't give her any leeway Content

I nodded, glancing at Atticus. It seemed that when a man became ruthless, he truly developed an iron heart.

"So, shall we wait and see?" I asked Atticus.

"We prepare ourselves and see how they react. In any case, since they are tied together, we can't let her withdraw so easily." Atticus emphasized.

That was precisely my intention. I had just planned this play; there was no way I would let it end before they even took the stage.

After discussing the details with Atticus, I left with Bella. She said, "To perform a complete play, we need to be thorough. He is afraid Liora might leave someone behind, waiting. I've thought it through for him."

So, she devised a plan within a plan, and we both went to the hospital. We checked on Trinity, but there were no signs of improvement. The toxins in her blood were still rising.

The doctor could only provide temporary relief, repeatedly emphasizing to Jared that it wouldn't last long. Jared was tirelessly exploring ways to find an antidote through various channels.

This time, no one could persuade Anson that things would be fine. He stood outside the intensive care unit, cursing. Everyone just kept their distance.

The critical condition notice had


been signed twice already, and Jared was becoming increasingly uneasy had seen this expression before during Ivanna's uncertai life-and-death situation. This time, it

was Trinity in critical condition.

Bella lightly comforted Jared and then turned her attention to Anson. She walked over gracefully and sat beside him, displaying an extraordinarily calm demeanor, which seemed inappropriate given the critical situation.

I observed her from a distance, unsure of how she managed it.

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