Big Bad Wolfie
Chapter 66: 65 - Oh, He's Not Happy

I yawned and smacked my lips when the real world started breaking through my consciousness.

I feel okay.

If there wasn't the pain engulfing my body, I'd say I was great.

I got my friends back, we destroyed the hell hole, and hopefully a bunch of the hybrids inside(this isn't the end, and we all know it, but it's still a victory), and I got to SLEEP in Wolfie's comfy, shirtless arms. It's a pretty good thing to wake up to.

"Well look who's finally awake."

I froze.

Uh oh, He doesn't sound too happy.

Of course he's not too happy, I broke his neck.

Maybe I should just pretend to still be asleep.

"You know I know you're awake, right?"

D@mn it Wolfie! Why do you always have to ruin everything?

"No, I was sleep yawning," I responded, still with my eyes closed.

"Oh, sleep yawning. Even after two days of sleeping?" I could imagine him raising his eyebrow.

My eyes shot open, "Two days?!"

"Yep," Happy cut in.

I looked back at Wolfie in bewilderment and for confirmation.

Has he been carrying me for two days?

"Mhm," he answered my silent question, "and you're lucky you're a cute sleeper, or else I would have left your lying @ss behind," he glared straight ahead.

I immediately felt a pang of guilt.

"I'm sorry about that," I mumbled, looking down.

"Oh, about what? Snapping my neck or tricking me into letting my guard down with you?" I flinched at his tone.

"Both," I whispered.

"It's fine, I should have known better," he said.

Everyone seemed to go even quieter after that.

I looked up at his face, hurt, "No, I -"

"Yes," he cut me off.

I felt the ball growing in my throat. I tried to push out of his arms, but he tightened his grip around me.

... At least I know he doesn't absolutely hate me. He's just hurt... I betrayed the little trust we built in each other, of course he's hurt.

"Hey man, what if that was your sister in that rubble," Brandon glared at Wolfie.

"I wouldn't have done things the way she did them," he answered curtly.

Now I felt the tears stinging my eyes.

"Then what would you have done?! No one else wanted to come back, including you. What was she supposed to do?!" Rose clapped back.

"I wouldn't have snapped her f*cking neck!" He snapped in their direction.

"Well what else would you have done then?!" She pressed.

"I would have just left!" He yelled at them as I flinched every time he spoke.

"And what if she wouldn't let you?" Brandon furrowed his eyebrows angrily. "Then I would have taken her with me," Wolfie's grip tightened around me.

"... Well, would you have come with me?" I whispered.

"Yes!" His head snapped towards me in a flash, as he finally looked me in the eye.

He's so angry and hurt.

Why couldn't you have just taken me with you? They seemed to say.

"I'm sorry," I let a tear fall, "I didn't know."

He grunted and looked back at the woods ahead of us.

I closed my eyes and urned to burrow my tear streaked face somewhere to hide.

His chest is my only option, and I know I betrayed him, and he's pissed at me for it, but it still feels right when I burrow my face into his shoulder.

He doesn't offer any protests, so I take a calming inhale of his scent and try and force myself to go back to sleep.

Maybe my nightmares will hurt less than this.

I woke up in a car.

I blinked my eyes rapidly.

This isn't even the van we arrived in.

And where is everyone else?

What is -

"Oh, you're awake."

I nearly jumped out of my skin. I don't know why I thought I'd be alone, but I still wasn't expecting to hear Wolfie's voice break through my grogginess.

"Yeah..." I said slowly, looking at the outside. We're on an empty road surrounded by woods. "How did we —"

"We took less breaks getting the h3ll out of there and we actually knew where we were going," He answered shortly, before I even finished.


"And you were squirming a lot in your sleep, so we gave you some pain meds that made you sleep longer."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

I just looked around at the empty car.

"The others took the other car that came for us back to the van, and that's how they're getting home."

Well, his mind reading is on point today.

I slowly nodded as I hesitantly watched him.

Oh, he is still not happy at all.

His tone is clipped, and his grip on the steering wheel is deadly.

Poor steering wheel, I cringed.

I looked at him longer... I wonder why his wolf isn't at the forefront.

I shook my head.

Well, am I just gonna keep staring at him, or am I actually gonna say something? I frowned at myself.

Wolfie?" I whispered and nearly facepalmed myself.

Why would I call him that right now?!

It's not how it used to be.

I used to say it to mock him, but I haven't in a while.

Now it's just... He's my Wolfie.

Goddess, I'm too cheesy.

Jason's POV

I ground my teeth at the nick name.

'Why would she call us that right now?! Does she think this is a joke!!' Ki bellowed and clawed at his cage in my head

I've had to lock down on him so hard, not even give him a little leeway.

If he gets out, I have no doubt he'll do everything he's been swearing to me he'll do to her... In excruciating detail.

I paused... I don't think so Ki.

She seems just about as hurt as I am.

Which doesn't really make any sense, because I was the one she betrayed, but I guess we'll go with it.

She cleared her throat.

Oh no, what's gonna come of her mouth now?

'You wanna know what I'd like to be in her mouth now?'


'What? She'

I blocked him out.

"Jason," she corrected quietly.

I didn't say anything.

I have nothing to say.

Actually, I have a lot to say.

But I don't want to say it just yet.

She sighed defeatedly, "Look I'm sorry I snapped your neck... And lead you on like that." She paused, looking down. "I didn't want to, I promise! It hurt me so bad to know—"

F*ck being quiet. "Oh, it hurt YOU? You f*cking make me believe we're actually getting somewhere with each other, and then you snap my f*cking neck?!"

I'm so furious right now I could tear off the steering wheel.

Thank f*ck there's no one else on this rode, or we would have crashed by now.

I smelled saltiness in the air.

Oh, now she's f*cking crying!

"We are getting somewhere," she cried.

"No, we were getting somewhere." I can't even look at her, or I know I'll just crack. I can't do that.

She cried louder into her hands, "Jason, they're my family! I couldn't just leave them."

"Why couldn't you have just asked me to come with you?! I would have gone to help you," My eyes started burning and I growled at myself. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I'm sorry," she sniffles.

"Why would you think I would want you to go alone?!"

I just don't understand!

"I didn't know!" She yelled at me.

"What do you mean, you didn't know?! You think I'm the kind of f*cking mate that would prefer you walk into danger alone?!"

"You say that like, like... Ugh!" She ran her hands through her colorful hair and refused to look at me.

I growled and slammed my head back against the head rest.

There was a moment of silence between us.

"You know you haven't exactly been that kind of mate up until now, right?" She finally spoke, sounding hopeless.

I closed my eyes, then remembered I was driving. "I've done everything I've done to try and keep everyone safe."

From Abaddon.

"I know that's a sticky situation, Wolf - I mean Jason."

I shot her a short glare.

"Hey, at least I didn't call you Jackson."

I cleared my throat to disguise anything close to a laugh that might try to weasel it's way out.

This is not a laughing matter

'I still can't believe she called you Jackson,' Ki snickered.

I internally rolled my eyes at him.

She cleared her throat again, "Anyway. . . I know why you've done what you have... But it doesn't mean you did it the right way," she looked away from me.

Something clicked in my head and I was saying it before I even processed it, ". So we're even."

She swung around to look at me with tears still on her cheeks, "I didn't do it to make us even —'

"I know," I cut her off, "but we both did things the wrong way when we could have just asked the other for help. . ." I admitted slowly.

I'm such an idiot.

"Well, I wouldn't call us even," she mumbled under her breath, and my gaze shot to her.

"But, I want us to stop hurting each other," she looked up at me with what looked like pleading eyes.

'It's a good look for her. Especially right now.'

Shut up, Ki.

I nodded slowly. "Me too," I agreed.

"So you'll let me help you?" She grabbed onto my hand desperate and my gaze was drawn to the act.

Well, how do I say no to this?


'You don't, dumb @ss, the jig is up.'

Oh, thank the goddess.

"Yes," I blurted out.

"And you'll forgive me for what I did last night?" Her other hand grabbed higher on my arm and squeezed tightly.

'I don't know about that one," Ki growled.

"Yes," I nodded.


There was a pause, and I finally tore my gaze from our interlocked hands and looked her in the eyes.

Her forest eyes are so d@mn beautiful.

My hand subconsciously went up to hold her cheek. "Will you forgive me for, Everything?" I asked as a wave of emotion suddenly hit me.

Sh*t, what if she says no.

A small smile crept to her face.


I couldn't help but to smile too.


"I can't promise the same for my house though. . ." She continued sadly, the smile wiping from her face.

I closed my eyes and exhaled, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," I quoted her.

I'm just so happy to have this weight off my shoulders.

I felt the car jerk.

"Wolfie! The road!"

"Sh*it, sorry!"

After I got the car back under control, I heard a small giggle from beside me.

I couldn't stop the smile growing on my face at the sound of it.

This was a nice turn of events.

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