Monday morning orchestrated out exactly how Sherri said.

"Good morning, Nattie. This is Francie. She'll be helping you up in the conference room this week,” Ursula said.

Francie was exactly how Sherri had described. She was very petite and only reached to Natalia's shoulders, but she still was well endowed. She had a bubbly and smiling personality and perfect white teeth that she showed in a constant smile.

“Let's head on up.”

Natalia noted there was never any mention of what Francie was actually going to do. When they passed Uri's office, she saw he wasn't there. The conference room was now almost full of boxes. She caught herself before she groaned, deciding she better remain positive.

“You know what to do,” Ursula said, leaving them be.

"We alphabetize,” Natalia said, wondering if Francie knew what she was to do.

Francie nodded.

“Oh, this will be so fun.”

She laughed and giggled.

Knowing what Francie’s true reason for being there was, Natalia watched to see how she was going to accomplish it.

First, Francie positioned herself by the door so her voice carried down the hall. And she had a voice. Natalia found it too loud and her giggles almost inappropriate for a bank setting.

Natalia expected her to pretend to work, but Francie actually dove in, chatting the whole while, which Natalia joined in. A nod and smile from Francie showed her approval.

In an hour, they saw the first result of their efforts. Ravi walked slow down the hall, glancing in at them. Francie threw him a dazzling smile while she worked. He nodded, keeping a neutral face, and kept on going.

"He never comes down this hall,” Natalia said, using a very quiet voice.

Francie smiled.

“We got him,” she said, equally quiet.

“You're confident.”

Francie did a loud giggle and continued to chatter. She had an art of talking about a few topics over and over. There was shopping with a particular interest in antiques and golf. Natalia had no interest or knew anything about golf. She just smiled and loudly agreed.

"Oh, yes. Go on.”

Ten minutes later, Ravi walked slowly back down the hall. This time, Francie kept her back to him while she chatted and worked.

Lunch time came. Sack lunches were delivered to them both. They sat and chatted, but there were no more sightings of Ravi. The afternoon went by fast.

"An excellent first day,” Francie said. “See you tomorrow.”

Uri stepped up to the door.

“Good night, Francie,” he said.

"Good night.”

“Ready to go?” he said.

Natalia nodded.

“The day went fast.”

“I have some papers to deliver to a customer on our way. Won't take long.”

She noted two thick manila envelopes that he carried. Also, Sophie wasn't riding with them. She was getting used to biting her tongue and not asking why, because she found she really didn't want to know.

The limo moved slow through the traffic.

“Rush hour traffic seems extra heavy,” she said.

“It's just the way we have to go,” Uri said

As usual, he seemed unperturbed.

Finally, they pulled up to a building.

"Come with,” he said, pulling her along.

There was a front receptionist.

“Uri Osrisca to see Devon Partson.”

“Yes, sir, one moment.”

The front waiting area was very arty and showed money.

“He'll be right out,” the receptionist said with a smile, indicating they sit in the waiting area.

“New customer or old,” Natalia said.

"Old, but growing. We've only handled a couple of their small accounts. Just scored some big loans.”

He barely indicated the envelopes.

“You going to be long? I have to pee.”

“Shouldn't be.”


Uri rose to shake hands.

“Devon. You're looking good as usual.”

Devon was impeccably dressed in a fine tailored suit. He had a long mustache that was obviously waxed and curled up. His smile showed perfect teeth.

"And who is this beautiful young lady?” Devon smiled.

He was also old. Natalia could tell he wore a toupee.

“This is Nattie, my wife.”

"A wife. You're supposed to bring the single girls,” Devon said with a light-hearted laugh.

If Viperians get in here, they'll get you one for sure, Natalia thought to herself.

"Come on back and we'll get these signed.”

Devon led them through a door to the back offices. They navigated two hallways before they reached his office. It was lavish and crowded with sports memorabilia. They all appeared to be autographed.

“How are all your teams doing?” Uri said, gesturing around the room.

Devon laughed loudly.

"A'ppollo is ahead in the division again,” he said, looking eager to show off some of his treasures. Natalia did the slightest of throat clearing.

"Before we get started,” Uri said, “Nattie needs a restroom.”

“Oh, yes. Down the hall. Take two lefts and you'll find them.”

“Thank you,” Natalia said, leaving them.

She was glad that Uri caught the hint and relieved she didn't have to listen to Devon show off his sports treasures. It was something she had no interest in.

Once out of the office, she realized there were two halls to choose from. She picked one and did the two lefts, but there was no restroom in sight. She backtracked, having a hard time finding Devon's office. Only his laughter guided her way. She tried again, but found she had to do two lefts and a right to find the women's restroom.

The restroom was nicely decorated. While the floor was still tile, it was an expensive tile. The walls were mahogany on the lower half with a flowered printed wall paper on the upper. There were flowers in a vase that she guessed were fresh that day. A cabinet held hairspray, perfume, towelettes, and other handy items a woman might need or want.

“This is the nicest restroom I've ever seen,” she said. “I need to give the bank some ideas, but then again, I bet they're frugal.”

She left the restroom and automatically turned the way she came. However, she knew right away that something was wrong. A door that had been open was now closed. She turned the handle and found it was locked.

She followed the hallway the other way, but no door or turn took her back to where she needed to go.

"Uri? Where's that Viperian vibration when I need it?” she said.

She paused to listen. The building creaked. She could hear the traffic outside. There was an exit sign. “I guess back outside and around to the front.”

She pushed at the door, and it opened out to a stairwell. There was another door with an exit sign and stairs that went up one level.

On a whim, she trotted up the stairs, but the door was locked. She trotted back down and opened the door that she figured went outside. The door opened out to an alley. It was almost pitch black. She felt the hair on her neck stand up. There was a foul odor in the air. It wasn't until the door closed behind her, blocking the light from within the building, that she realized there was no light by the door. Panic crept in. She stepped back and tried the door, but it was locked. She had no choice but to go down the alley.

But... which way was the front? Right or left down the alley? She listened hard for any traffic that she figured would be the front, but there was lots of traffic at both ends.

She paused to let her eyes adjust until she could see the garbage bins in the alley. There was a lot of litter on the ground.

“Let's try left. I can always turn around and go the other way.”

She felt that she had perfected the low voice of the Viperian, and her voice was hardly a wisp of breath and knew it wouldn't give her away should there be any one around. As quiet as she could, she walked down the alley, but after half the distance, something told her to stop.

A man separated himself from the wall and headed toward her. She could hear him breathing. His breath had a BBQ smokey and alcoholic smell. She knew in an instant that he wasn't Viperian.

She backed up, spun, and ran, but he was faster. He grabbed her around the waist and laughed. Natalia tried, but wasn't able to twist around to hit him. Neither Uri nor Grazie had discussed escaping anyone should they grab her. Her next thought was her knife.

Her hands were free since he had grabbed her around the waist, although one of his hands was now up fondling her breasts. He didn't seem to care where her hands were. She slid her knife out of her sheath.

He started masturbating against her. She reached back and jabbed the knife into his side. It slid in so easy, she thought she had missed, until she felt the wet warmth of his blood. She twisted the knife and pulled. Only then did the man realize.

He released her.

“Damn, bitch.”

Now free, Natalia spun around. The knife followed along with her spin, slitting through his belly. Black spilled out, staining his lighter colored t-shirt. She followed through with another back slash at his face, catching along his cheek toward his nose.

The man rushed at her. He grabbed her hard, but then released his hold with a grunt and sank to the ground. She lost her grip of the knife since it was now embedded in his chest.

She stared at the man. He was convulsing at the loss of blood. It pooled at her feet. She stepped back. It gleamed black, reminding her of sanguine tea.

With her foot, she pushed him over, then pulled out her knife. She wiped it on her skirt and sheathed it.

She had heard of a death rattle and found herself unable to stop staring at the man. Then he suddenly exhaled and stopped moving.

Now what was she supposed to do?

A footstep caused her to start and look up.

“What are you doing back here?” the man said.

By the quiet of his voice, she knew he was Viperian. She couldn't see him well enough to identify him. His voice wasn't familiar.

“I went through the wrong door and couldn't get back in.”

She glanced down.

“He attacked me.”

“Follow me. Uri is coming.”

He spun and headed down the alley. Natalia followed. There was a rich irony smell in her nose. She couldn't figure out where it came from until she reached the end of the alley and the glow of the street light. Her hands were sticky. She looked down to find them and the front of her clothes covered in blood

The man paused.

Natalia found herself almost panting.

Then she felt the subtle vibration. Uri appeared out of a door, heading toward her. A moment later, the limo pulled up.

“You hurt?” he said when he reached her.

“No. He just grabbed me.”

Uri opened the limo door for her.

She slid in wondering how much blood she was getting on the seats, then realized it didn’t matter. The seats were a glossy leather or vinyl. They would wipe clean.

Uri slid in next to her. He tossed his envelopes over to the other seat. Despite, her hand was bloody, he took hold of it.

The smell of blood seemed to be everywhere. She watched Uri. His tattoo seemed to deepen in color. It looked like blood painted on his face. A nostril flared.

A strange excitement crept up her spine.

He turned to watch her. She smiled. He smiled. She leaned in and kissed him.

At first it was a gentle kiss, then she wrapped her arms around him, unconcerned about the blood. The kiss became hard and demanding. Uri twisted her from her seat and they landed with a thud on the floor of the limo.

Uri pushed up her skirt, then flashed a knife. He cut her panties off. The intensity of her desire caused her to rise herself up to meet him as he thrust in. He did hard short thrusts just like she had seen at the breedings. She felt like she was in a constant orgasm of pleasure until the real orgasm hit. She moaned and felt herself tighten around him so hard he couldn't thrust any more. Then she gasped when she realized she had been holding her breath. Uri was able to thrust twice more and he was done, pressed hard against her.

He was heavy on her. She found it hard to breath and pushed at him. He finally rolled off her. Together they panted and caught their breath.

“Your first kill,” he said.

"Just protecting myself.”

“I'm so proud of you.”

For a fleeting moment she thought of Sherri and all her scheming.

“This wasn't staged was it?"

“Not to my knowledge.”

"Customer okay?"

"Yes. We're good there. I told him I had to leave because you returned to the car feeling ill since you're pregnant. I got what I needed signed. Did you find the restroom?”

“Yes, but it wasn't where Devon said. Then a door was shut, probably by the night crew closing things up and not knowing that I was in that section of the building.”

“We don't have people in his building. This was a total accident.”

“I made a mess of my new suit.”

That wasn't what she was really worried about.

“The cleaners will get it clean. Our guy will handle cleaning up the alley.”


She breathed easier.

They rode the entire way home lying on the floor of the limo.

She felt rather than saw when they pulled into the laneway. They both rose when the limo stopped by the door. Uri stuffed her panties into his suit pocket. She wondered who did the laundry and what they thought.

He took her hand and led her into the house.

"Oh, my word,” Mag said, catching sight of them.

“Need a plastic bag,” he said, dragging Natalia up the stairs.

By the time they reached the master bathroom, Mag was right behind them with a big black plastic bag.

“What happened? Are either of you hurt?”

“Nattie made her first kill. Details later. Shoo,” he said, shutting the bathroom door in her face. “Put all your clothing in here. Even your shoes.”

While she undressed and stuffed everything in the bag, Uri did so as well, then put the bag outside the door.

They showered, washing their hair and using a soft brush on their fingernails.

The bag was gone when they left the bathroom. They both dressed in jeans and t-shirts, choosing to go barefoot. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Let's get dinner,” he said, taking her hand.

The table was set, but there was no dinner. However, Uri still settled at the table, setting his phone in front of him. It was fifteen more minutes before Zena appeared and served them.

They were well into enjoying a pasta dish when his phone rang. He answered it with a tap and put it on speaker with another tap.

“Yes,” he said.

“What the hell happened?” Sherri said in a cold stern voice.

“I had to get papers signed. Went to Devon Partson'’s office. Nattie needed a restroom. She got lost. Being the end of the day, we suspect night security was locking doors. She got locked out of where I was with Devon. She was forced to leave the building.”

“Shit. In that part of town.”

"Yes. She was attacked. She knifed him and escaped. Verle is doing clean up. Her attacker was drunk and high on kite.”

“Kite. The newest drug to rage the city.”

She sounded disgusted.

“She's okay. We're having dinner.”

“Are you okay, Nattie?” Sherri said, sounding concerned.

“Yes. I'm fine. Since working with Grazie, I knew what to do.”

"Good girl.”

“She kept calm,” Uri said. “She handled it well.”

“Her knife will be cleaned and back to her in the morning. Don't let her leave without it,” Sherri said and she ended the call.

“I wish I knew Viperian.”

“Can you see in the dark yet?”

“Of course not.”

“Then it's too early to learn Viperian,” he said.

“What has seeing in the dark got to do with hearing?”

Mag entered the room, interrupting.

“Here's the knife back,” she said, handing both the sheath and the knife to Natalia.

“Thank you. That was fast.”

"Did it get resharpened?” Uri said.

"Of course,” Mag said. “The suits will be back from the cleaners tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Mag,” Natalia said.

Mag nodded and left.

Natalia stared at the knife.

“Do I need a second one?”

“I love you,” Uri said with a smile.

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