Myst gasped, staring at the layer of wood that encased Ivy, spying the rough surface of the protective covering. The armor encased the girl head to toe, leaving very little area exposed. Only small gaps near the major joints were left open, allowing the tomboy to move freely. Even with those, though, the wooden joints seemed to bend up appropriately, shielding the exposed pivots at most times. The nymph's eyes were drawn to the girl's sword, eyeing the full casing of wood that encircled Ivy's hand, keeping it perfectly still as it coated the fist and the handle it held completely. As the nymph took the whole sight in – the rough, bumpy surface of the armor drawing attention – Myst realized the defensive coat greatly resembled the bark of a tree. All in all, gazing at the timber-coated girl, the nymph couldn't help but be impressed. Ivy was advancing quicker than she would have expected in her skill with the blade.

Ivy stared across the deck of the ship, eyeing the monster girl as the jellyfish glared back at her. The beast's eyes darted across her, examining the wooden coat she was now wearing. The tomboy would have to admit one thing to herself at this point: she was doing a lot better than she had ever expected. Seeing the startled anger that shined in the creature's eyes as Medusa studied her made her proud. Somehow, despite the odds, she had managed to stay standing against this monster longer than all of her companions combined. As the surprised pupils of the jellyfish met her own gaze, Ivy sympathized with the curiosity held within them – she was just as shocked she was still standing.

Still, her serendipitous success aside, the battle had yet to conclude. If anything, Ivy realized this was only the start of it. And if she wanted to maintain her luck and her life, she would have to continue with the same level of caution she had maintained thus far, which meant attempting to protect the space that separated her from that beast. She needed to keep her distance.

Ivy sighed, flicking her eyes down to her sword as she made the realization. Her long-range abilities with the weapon were nothing like those of her allies. Frost and Flare could shoot out waves of ice and fire, along with fireballs, icicles, and streams of their respective power. Even Myst could somehow turn her blade into an endlessly extending whip of water, or create explosive balls of hydration. All she had was a shower of wooden thorns. Frowning, the tomboy sighed once more. She would have to make do, as nothing else was coming to mind.

The tomboy returned her focus to the jellyfish, raising her sword in a quick swing. As had been witnessed a few times already during this battle, a shower of needles spewed from the edge of the blade, cascading through the air toward the monster girl. Medusa reacted quickly, darting to her side to avoid the spray of thorns as she pushed off toward the green-haired girl, lifting her own blade as she quickly approached.

Ivy raised her sword, preparing for the oncoming attack as Medusa closed in. At the last moment, though, the monster girl leapt up, flying an incredible distance into the air as the jellyfish flipped over her head. The tomboy spun around quickly, watching her attacker's arc, trying to determine where or how an attack might come. She swung up hap-hazardously as the beast flew over head, completely missing the girl as she plummeted down on the other side of her.

A wicked grin tugged at the corner of Medusa's lips as her feet struck the deck of the boat. She wasted no time, swinging out with her blade at the pest's chest. The edge of her blade carved a path through the wooden breastplate, eliciting a startled scream from the green-haired girl as it cut its way across her chest. As the blade finished its arc, though, the jellyfish realized instantly there was something off. There was no quivering trail of crimson liquid flowing from the tip of her blade.

Ivy gasped, staring down, surprised by the lack of pain. As her eyes found the rough gouge in her armor, though, she found no blood or wound. A deep gash marred the surface of her breastplate, but the unnatural groove didn't seem to run all the way through, leaving her flesh safe behind its defensive grip. As the tomboy lifted her gaze back to her opponent, she could see the same look of surprise there as well. Gritting her teeth, the green-haired girl decided not to waste the moment of shock that was granted her. Ivy swung out with her own sword, slicing toward the beast's chest.

Prompted by the flash of green in her periphery, Medusa leapt back, barely avoiding the tip of the twin-bladed sword as it slashed in front of her eyes. The monster girl growled to herself, eyes darting back to the gash her blade had made in the girl's chest. Moments ago she had been able to penetrate the wood with a meager thrust. It seemed that when the wood condensed down, it had become thicker, as well. The jellyfish scoffed, further annoyed by the troublesome girl before her.

Steeling her determination, Medusa pressed forward once more, attempting to slash at the same spot she had just hit. A little less alarmed, and a little more prepared, the irksome girl quickly dodged backwards herself, avoiding the attack and frustrating the jellyfish further.

Ivy's breathing became rushed as she slashed out once more at the jellyfish, determined to try and hold her own in this battle. She had hoped to keep this fight at a distance, but she remembered well the speed of her opponent. She knew that now that the monster girl was upon her, there was little point in trying to get away – she wasn't nearly as quick as this beast. That being the case, the only choice left was to try and land a hit on the monster before the creature managed to hit her for real.

Ivy grunted as her sword clashed against the beast's, their blades singing out the resonating clash as they collided. The green-haired girl slid her sword, twisting it slightly, trying to lock Medusa's blade between the two of her own, recalling the previous night's battle with Flare. The jellyfish was no fool, though, spying her helix blades wrapping around the sword. The monster girl pushed back, parrying Ivy's attack and quickly lowering her sword for a powerful thrust. The tomboy grunted, pulling herself out of the way in the nick of time as she moved to the side, the beast's blade scratching against her armor.

The jellyfish spun her blade, sliding the flat end of the sword against the irksome pest's wooden protection. With the flat of her blade pressed against the armor, Medusa swung out, an unexpected surge of strength powering the motion to knock the girl away. The tomboy stumbled, struggling to regain her balance and footing before crashing to her knees.

"Watch it!"

Ivy gasped, her legs nearly crushing Frost's arm as she fell to the deck.

"On second thought, watch her!" Frost shouted, warning the girl of the beast's approach.

Ivy spun around, spying the tempered blade slicing its way through the air toward her. The green-haired girl raised her own weapon, slamming the swords together with a powerful clanging sound. Gritting her teeth, Ivy lifted a leg, kicking out at the beast's chest. Instantly, the jellyfish responded, leaping away.

The tomboy groaned, trying to figure out a strategy. The beast was too quick – she could barely dodge the girl's sword, let alone try and attack. And when she did manage to throw a slash at the monster girl, the girl would just duck away as quickly as she had swooped in. She needed someway to slow her down, or hold her in place.

Ivy gasped, a stroke on inspiration striking her as the jellyfish landed a foot or so away, preparing to move in again. It was so obvious she couldn't believe she hadn't thought of it before. In their battle with the Sentry, she had managed to summon up vines from the ground to hold Myst in place – maybe she could do the same thing here.

Without a great deal of time to consider the plan – the jellyfish already beginning to move at her again – Ivy set it into motion. Raising her sword, the tomboy plunged its double-helix blade straight into the deck of the ship, crashing it through the unknown substance the boat seemed to be made from. The girl lifted her eyes, willing those vines to return and help her as the jellyfish lunged at her.

But the vines never came.

Ivy gasped, shuffling quickly to the side to try and avoid the strike aimed her way, but hesitated. The image of the white-haired fool behind her flashed in her mind. If she dodged, the idiot would get impaled instead. Clenching her teeth – relying on the wooden armor encasing her – Ivy stopped moving and awaited the strike.

Medusa grinned wickedly as the vexing teenager let out a piercing scream, her blade driving its way into the girl's shoulder. She was surprised when the girl had paused mid-dodge, leaving herself vulnerable, but had taken the opportunity nonetheless. With a slight adjustment to her aim, the beast had thrust her sword through the small gap near the girl's shoulder, finally finding flesh.

Agony gripped Ivy's shoulder as the beast twisted the blade that was stuck there. She let out another scream as she lifted her sword, slashing upward at the monster girl's face. The jellyfish was quick to pull away once more, leaping back a few feet before pausing to grin maliciously.

The tomboy reached up with her opposite arm – the hand still coated by her wooden armor – trying to cradle the wound. She had never experienced anything quiet so painful, and she could now feel the blood running down her arm and side. She bit down hard, grinding her teeth as she tried to will the pain away. It didn't seem so willing to oblige.

The real problem from the tomboy, though, wasn't the fresh wound. No, as she pulled herself reluctantly to her feet, her real problem was that he sword hadn't responded. It was the first time she could recall actually having her faith in the blade not be answered. She lowered her pale green eyes to the twin-bladed weapon, wondering what had happened. But it was as she looked past the sword that she got the answer.

The deck.

It was the deck that had halted her powers. She gasped at the revelation, thinking back to the past few times she had summoned the plant tendrils that way – she had always plunged them into the earth. She cursed herself mentally for not thinking of it – her sword may be magic, but it was still based around her element. Plants don't grow in… whatever it was that deck was made of. They grew in earth.

Ivy raised her gaze, eyeing the jellyfish as the beast stood a short distance away, not bothering to continue with her attacks. She seemed to be reveling in the wound she had finally managed to inflict. Ivy scowled, angry with the creature, and angry with herself. She couldn't use the vines the way she had in the past. She had to come up with something else – and quick.

The green-haired girl lowered her eyes to the sword, trying to think – trying to come up with something she could do. Vines from below weren't going to work on the ship. And she knew another wave of thorns from her blade would just be dodged – the jellyfish would see it coming. She needed something new! And, preferably, something long range. But what! Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Ivy tsked, annoyed as the jellyfish suddenly shifted her weight, preparing for another attack. The girl shot her eyes behind her, glancing across the faces of her friends. She couldn't afford to dodge – the beast's attack would strike them instead. Plus, she was sure that the jellyfish would take advantage of her desire to protect them now that the beast knew she'd put herself in harm's way to do so.

"Think, Ivy, Think!"

The girl gasped, her own scream the catalyst she needed as Medusa pushed toward her again. Ivy quickly raised her sword, pointing the tip toward the approaching monster, trying her best to aim at the beast's arm. The next instant, the tip of the blade exploded with plant life, wild vines shooting out as they coiled their way through the air. The jellyfish gasped, trying to dodge, but the weedy tendrils twisted as they moved, seeking out their target: the beast's sword and arm.

The vines coiled up around the limb, securing themselves to the beast as Medusa shouted out in surprise. The monster girl felt no pain as the weeds gripped her arm, but she did feel a gentle tug forward as the slack between her and the tip of the Thorn Cutter was picked up.

Ivy let out the breath she had been holding, her trepidation leaving with it as she spied the vine connecting her sword to the jellyfish's arm. Finally, a bit of luck. She wasn't sure if the blade would respond the way she wanted, but as she stared at the weedy tendrils connecting her to the monster girl, a wave of relief passed over her.

Medusa scoffed, unimpressed by the plants that bound her. They weren't harming her, just gently tugging on her limb. As well, the pest had been foolish enough to have them wrap around her blade. The jellyfish flicked her wrist, slashing at the vines with her sword… but nothing happened.

Medusa's eyes widened slightly as the plants resisted her blade. She flicked again, with the same result. Grunting, the jellyfish whipped her arm wildly, trying to use the pressure of her weapon's edge to slice through the vines, but they still refused to be cut.


Her voice was eerily calm given the long of uninhibited rage that covered her face while she stared at the resilient weeds gripping her. She tore at the plants again, feeling them resist her. Her eyes flicked up to the wood-plated girl, gasping as she spied the brat. Though she was tugging wildly with her arm, the girl's sword barely moved. The vines were absorbing all of the force.

Screeching with frustration, Medusa launched herself forward, trying to shake the plants from her sword as she closed in, preparing the impale the irksome pest. As she grew closer though, the green-haired nuisance suddenly flicked her weapon down. Reacting to the movement, the vines responded, a ripple passing up their length, growing in amplitude until it reached her arm. Medusa grunted as the full force tore at her limb, pulling her down, slamming her into the deck with a deafening thud.

Ivy gasped at her own ability, eyeing the jellyfish sprawled on the deck before turning her gaze up to the sword in her hands. She had put a lot of effort into that swing – hoping for an outcome somewhat like this one – but she knew she wasn't that strong. Her green eyes moved back to the monster as she began to pick herself up, studying the cracked surface of the deck. Ivy grinned – the vines were amplifying her force.

A groan of agony escaped Medusa's lips as she pushed herself up from her dent in the deck, eyeing the cracked and torn material repugnantly, as if it were the surface's fault that she had struck it. She raised her eyes, turning the discriminating glare upon that irksome woman – loathing her more with every second. She was growing tired of this.

Mustering up as much of her speed as she could, the jellyfish launched herself from the deck, slashing at the green-haired gnat. Before she had even cleared half the distance, though, the detestable pest swung her arm away. Once more, the weeds encircling her limb yanked her off course with incredible strength, sending her careening through the air. After a few moments of flight, the veins grew taught, yanking her back as they negated her momentum, forcing her to crash to the ground once more.

Medusa roared, her vexation turning to pure vehemence as she tore herself up from the ground, glaring at the girl who was now further from her than ever… and grinning. The sight of the nuisance's toothy smile sent shivers of rage trickling down the beast's spine. How dare she smile! How dare she!

Medusa bellowed, tired of this game she seemed to be playing – tired of falling short and finding she was underestimating this wench. No more philandering – no more chances for this whore. The jellyfish reached her unencumbered hand up, griping her arm near where it met her shoulder. With an ear-wrenching scream, the monster girl tore outward, ripping the limb from her own body.

Ivy gasped, eyes widening as she stared dumbstruck by the scene as the jellyfish dropped her arm to the deck. The limb flopped and floundered on the ground a moment as it fell, almost like a fish, before slowly losing all life. The tomboy's eyes rose, staring at the torn flesh where the arm had once been, but she saw no blood. Instead, a strange, translucent, viscous fluid began to pour from the wound, dripping toward the ground like molasses. Horrified, Ivy simply watched as the thick liquid dripped down, slipping to the deck, then suddenly stopped. The gelatinous substance recoiled, pulling back up, quivering as it slowly formed into the shape of the beast's missing arm.

Dumbfounded by the scene, entranced by the strange goo, Ivy wasn't able to react quick enough as the jellyfish rushed toward her. The tomboy gasped, raising her sword, but before she would lift it fully, the monster's fingers wrapped around her throat. Ivy coughed, the fingers beginning to tighten. Gritting her teeth, the green-haired girl shook the vines from the tip of her sword, pulled the blade back, and thrust it forward.

The twin edges of the Thorn Cutter dove into the stomach of the monster girl, tearing the flesh open as they worked their twisted way into her belly. The jellyfish barely flinched, though, the hatred in her eyes refusing to be distracted as it glared into Ivy's soul. She pushed her sword deeper, trying to get a reaction, but the monster didn't budge, simply gripping her throat tighter as that same viscous liquid began to flow from her stomach.

Medusa clenched her teeth, ignoring the sharp metallic object as its tip protruded all the way through her body, poking out her back. She didn't care – she would squeeze the life from the wench even if it meant her own.


Medusa's scowl twisted into a malevolent grin as she loosened her hold on the girl's neck. Chocking to death would be far too good for her. No, this pest deserved much worse.

The jellyfish turned her head back, eyeing the sword still clenched in her old arm. The beast lifted her free hand, motioning to the weapon. A tendril of her blonde hair began to stretch out, winding its way across the deck until it wrapped around the sword. With a wag of her finger, the tendril began to pull the weapon back toward her, the vines no longer clutching it now that they were cut from their source.

Medusa turned back to the irksome whore in her clutches, swinging her arm back to grip at the top of the breastplate. Summoning up the same strength she had used to rip her own arm off, the beast torn downward, splitting the front of the wooden armor from the rest with a resonating crack. The girl in her clutches screamed, feeling the pressure weigh down on her for a moment before the armor gave way.

The jellyfish held out her hand, her tentacle depositing the blade it had retrieved in her grasp before falling away, lifeless. The beast grinned malevolently, imagining the torment and pain she was going to cause this wench – payback for all the trouble she had caused. The smile quickly turned into a snarl as she stared at the girl's face. The sword moved back, its tip aiming at the girl's stomach. Lust to spill the girl's blood boiled over as the monster screeched, thrusting the blade forward.

Then her arm stopped.

The creature grunted, surprised as her limb was dragged to a halt, but what she saw as she turned to examine the arm startled her even more. Her eyes widened as she stared at the teen with fiery red hair, following the length of the boy's arm as it reached up to stop her own. The boy glared at her, defiant, breathing heavily, his entire body seeming to convulse as he fought to maintain his grip on her. It was inconceivable – he had been in direct contact with her tendril for nearly an hour – he should have been having trouble breathing, let along standing. How?

"Can't… let you… do that." The boy managed to spit the words out through muscles spasms, only his eyes remaining steady as he shook.

"Tired of this!"

Medusa glowered down at the redhead, yanking her arm free as she lifted her blade above her head.


She knew The Serpent would not be pleased when she arrived with two of these children already dead, but she no longer cared. She just wanted them gone. She was tired of struggling with them – these pathetic humans! She was tired of all of them!

Medusa swung down toward the redhead, but once again her attack was stopped. The jellyfish roared, lifting her eyes to her wrist as a green tendril wrapped about it, tugging her arm towards her back.

"You probably shouldn't forget about me."

Ivy steeled her gaze as the beast's face spun toward her, glowering at her as she roared again. The tomboy didn't care, flicking her eyes to gaze at Flare as he collapsed back to the deck. She had no idea how the boy had managed to move, and even stop Medusa's strike, but she was thankful. To repay him, she had no choice but to win this fight. She gripped her blade tighter, focusing on controlling the vines that were spewing out from the tip of her blade – reaching out from where her sword had penetrated through the beast's back. The vines twisted and curled, locking around the jellyfish's arm, pulling her arm straight back over the monster's shoulder as she thrashed and screamed, trying to pull the limb free. But they both knew that wouldn't have any point.

Medusa shot a vicious stare at the green-haired girl, giving up on trying to free her sword and arm as it was stretched to its limits. The weeds were crawling all over her know, stretching across her chest, down her legs, and up her other arm. There was only one way free now: she had to kill this girl.

The beast clenched her fingers tight around the girl's throat once more, returning to her first method of murder: strangulation. It was less bloody and violent than she would have liked, but as long as she could see the last vestiges of life ebb from the wench's eyes, she no longer cared. And as she gripped down on the girl's throat, hearing her gasp and wheeze as a glimmer of panic tinted her eyes, she couldn't help but smile.

The irksome whore tried to reach up with her free hand, attempting to pull the hand from around her throat, but Medusa's fingers would not be moved. A vine suddenly whipped out from over her shoulder, wrapping around the beast's wrist as it tried to pull the arm up and back as well, but Medusa would not allow it.

Ivy gasped, struggling to breath as the grip on her trachea grew tighter. If this kept up, she was going to die, and her vines weren't able to pull the hand from her throat. The green-haired girl strained her mind, attempting to come up with some sort of counter, and only one came. Gritting her teeth, the Bladewarrior unleashed yet another vine from the tip of her sword, willing the plant tendril to stretch up and wrap itself around the beast's throat. Instantly the vine tightened, and she could see the monster laboring to take in a breath as well, shooting her an even more wrathful gaze.

It was coming down to this, as both of them worked to choke the other. Unfortunately for Ivy, the beast had gotten a head start. She could feel herself becoming light-headed as she struggled to breath, and soon began to collapse, fighting to stay standing. Eventually the lack of air brought them both down, glaring at each other as their faces began to turn shades of blue. If Ivy wanted to win – if she wanted to live – she would need to come up with something quick. Her thoughts ran back through the battle, trying to seek inspiration from something she had seen or done, and sure enough she found it.

Remembering the way her vines amplified her own force, Ivy gripped tight around the hilt of her sword. There was one sure way to end this as she tightened the muscles in her neck, mentally willing the vines wrapped about the monster's arm to tighten as well. Gathering her strength, Ivy pulled back on her sword, tearing it from the girl. As she did, the vine amplified the force, ripping the beast's arm from around her throat. Ivy tried to scream as the beast's fingernails gouged her skin, but had no air left in her lungs to do so. Instead she simply fell back, taking in deep and labored breaths as she continued to grip her sword. A few moments later, she heard another thud as Medusa struck the deck as well.

The tomboy lay on the deck, still willing her sword's vines to grip tight around the beast's throat as she caught her breath, staring up at the gloomy, dark sky. The light was fading from the realm – somewhere beyond the clouds, there was a beautiful sunset. But all that the green-haired girl could see were gray clouds turning to black.

"… Ivy?"

Ivy slowly sat up as her name was called, turning her eyes to the jellyfish. Medusa was sprawled on the deck, mouth hung open as her lifeless body froze in her last efforts for air. The girl looked away, unable to bare the sight, turning to look at her friends. They all stared at her a moment before grinning, sighing with relief.

"You're alright." Myst stated, composure returning to her voice as she met the girl's eyes.

"Yeah…" Ivy replied, lowering her eyes. She really was alright… other than the searing pain in her shoulder from where she was stabbed, and the burning scratches that ran across her throat. But… she was alive.

"So… what did you learn?"

Ivy turned her gaze to the redhead as he spoke up, staring at him blankly a moment before she smiled, giggling lightly.

"A lot." Ivy replied, pushing herself up, moving toward the youth.

"Are you okay?' She questioned, leaning down next to him as his body continued to shake. "How did you manage to move?"

"I… don't know." Flare answered, honestly, trying and failing to shrug. "But I had made you a promise; that I'd be there to protect you. And I keep my promises."

Ivy smiled, shaking her head. She was too tired to be concerned with the how. The girl was just happy he had managed it. Without Flare's intervention, she might have died, and she knew it.

The tomboy lowered her blade, running the tip across the tentacle that bound the redhead, cutting him free. Once the boy had been freed, Ivy leaned down and gently rolled him to the side of the paralyzing constraint.

"Feel any better?" she asked, pausing before moving to the others. "Can you move."

"… Nope." Flare replied after a moment of trying to wiggle.

"The toxin will probably take a while to leave our systems." Myst stated, drawing the girl's attention.

Ivy sighed, shaking her head as she kneeled down once more. Raising her blade, the tomboy lowered the tip to Flare's chest. With a small amount of concentration, she summoned up a familiar ripple that ran down the length of her blades. The twin edges split apart, latching on to the redhead as a green glow began to run down their length. A few moments later, Flare sat up, wiggling his fingers and toes.

"Definitely useful." The redhead commented, turning a grin to the girl.

Ivy grinned back, then rose, moving to help Myst and Frost in the same way. Once all of them were free, Ivy collapsed to the ground, sighing as the wood armor suddenly fell from her.

"Don't suppose any of you can heal me?" Ivy questioned offhandedly, gripping at the wound in her shoulder.

"Can't you do it yourself?" Frost replied, staring down at the green sword. "Pretty lousy healing power if doesn't work on the wielder, too."

The tomboy paused, actually uncertain of the truth of the matter. She lowered her eyes back to the Thorn Cutter, stretching a hand out to grip it once more. Figuring it was worth a try, the girl placed the tip of the sword against her wound, and willed the healing energy to flow. Sure enough, it did, latching into her as a soothing warmth spread through her body.

"So… anyone else notice this ship is still moving and steering itself?" Frost stared out at the waves, looking back at the receding shoreline.

"I guess you're right." Flare replied, moving up to the railing of the deck, peering over the edge at the ocean below.

"Where do you suppose its going?" Ivy questioned, cooing as the sword worked its magic on her shoulder.

"Medusa told us, didn't she?" Myst walked up to the lifeless husk that had once been the beast, staring down at the pained look that coated its face. She knew it was a monster, but stuffed in that human form, the nymph almost felt sorry for her.

"It's headed for The Serpent."

The blue-haired girl turned back to her friends, her gaze solemn as she stared at their faces.

"Sweet!" Frost exclaimed, allowing himself to collapse to a seated position. "Saves us the trouble!"

"It also means we'll be facing a Creature of the Gods, soon." Myst replied somberly, frowning as she turned to look in the direction their ship was headed. "Are we really ready for that?"

Her three companions were silent, all turning to follow her gaze and stare at the distant and darkening horizon. Ready or not, they didn't have a choice. Odds were good, that by morning, they'd be face to face with the most powerful beast the Water Realm had ever seen. Ready or not, they would have to stand and fight.

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