The sleepy fog clears from my mind as a spike of energy slides down the front of my body, making me gasp. Squeezing my eyes tighter, I arch into the pleasure that slowly slithers down to my core, heating my entire body and making me instantly wet.

Keeping my eyes shut, I lean into the delicious feeling, letting it take over every thought and need.

If this is a dream, let me at least finish.

Fisting the sheets, I pause, sensing someone in the room. A smoky scent seeps around me. It’s followed by a familiar deep, raspy chuckle.

“Axel,” I moan, as another spike of energy shoots through me.

“Yes, princess?” I hear the smile in his voice, the slight taunt that is all Axel.

I slightly open my eyes, a reply on the tip of my tongue. But I don’t get the chance to murmur a word before the fucker expands the energy across my entire body, lighting it up from the inside out and making me whimper in need. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Axel chuckles, his raspy voice full of amusement. “No peeking… keep thinking of me while I make your body bend.”

“Fucker.” I pant, just as the energy turns hot, testing and teasing me as it gets me closer and closer to that edge.

“Admit it. You’re loving every minute of it.”

He was right. I knew it, he knew it, but I’d rather face demons again than admit it out loud.

“If you don’t make me come, I’m going to—” I gasp, opening my eyes as the tangled sheets around my body disappear. My clothes follow next as they all turn to ashes, leaving only a lick of flame behind.

Squeezing my eyes tight, I let the warm sensation wrap around me, holding onto it for as long as I can.

I sense Axel move closer, his heady scent drifting over me, seeping into every inch of my skin. The bed dips in front of me just as his warm breath whispers across my cheek.

“Don’t worry, princess…”

I slowly open my eyes just as he pulls back, his wicked smirk growing. “When I’m done with you, your body won’t just bend for me, it will fucking bow.”

“Not a chance—”

A delicious spike of energy shoots over my body, effectively cutting off what I was about to say.

My brain turns numb as pleasure assaults my body on repeat. Over and over, it travels in waves, reaching peak after peak before spreading outward.

I’m lost in the rising sensation when it all becomes too much.

One minute I’m slowly climbing to reach that edge, ready to fall over it when suddenly I plummet headfirst, diving straight into a tidal wave of pleasure.

I scream as I come apart. My body arches, greedily holding on to every sliver of Axel’s energy as it continues to prolong the orgasm. It comes in slow, drugging waves until it pulls back and eases, the tips of my fingers and toes still tingling from the aftermath.

I’m still panting, trying to catch my breath, when I’m finally able to fully open my eyes.

I find Axel staring down at me, wearing a wicked smirk. The smug fuck knows exactly what he just did to me.

He fucking destroyed me. In the best way.

And all without even touching me.

Axel’s eyes slowly trail down my bare body, now slick with sweat. His eyes turn darker the further they move down it.

“Fucking stunning.”

“Isn’t she?” The bed dips beside me as a woodsy scent hits me.

How the fuck did I not sense him coming in?

“Morning, baby.” Jax’s rough whisper teases my ear, sending warm shivers down my spine. “Now that you’re warmed up for us. I think it’s time to really play.”

My eyes widen as my brain short circuits. “That was a warmup?”

Axel’s smile turns savage. “That was nothing compared to what we have planned.”


“We?” I glance between the both of them, noticing Jax is completely naked and… hard. “As in… both of you?” They must hear the shock in my voice as they both chuckle.

Jax places soft, open kisses along the length of my neck and shoulder. “We can play nice… When the incentive is right…”

“The… incentive?” My voice is breathless as he continues his slow trail up and down my neck.

“You.” Jax bites my ear before taking it into his mouth and sucking it. I bite my bottom lip, holding back a moan.

I feel Jax’s smile against my neck as he continues. “Besides, Axel wants to watch you scream for me when I knot you.”

My eyes jump to Axel just as he rolls his eyes at Jax. “I said I could make her scream louder than you did.”

Jax shrugs, the smile never leaving his lips as he trails a finger down the middle of my chest. “I’ll still win, so either way you get to watch.”

Axel’s eyes narrow on Jax, but he stays quiet. I’m still confused about what they both want. Neither of them seemed up for the idea of sharing in that way. Their constant bickering proof of that.

“So, what… you’re both just going to watch while the other—”

“Makes you scream?” Jax says before trailing his lips along my jaw.

Axel steps closer, the dark look in his eyes expanding. “Makes you come apart over and over until you’re begging us to stop?”


Axel’s smirk turns savage. “You want us both, don’t you?”

I open my mouth to reply when Jax’s hand slides down my stomach to my core. I gasp as his fingers slide between my slick folds.

“Fuck, she’s dripping for us.” Jax moves his hand. I lick my lips and moan, the teasing friction slowly building inside me once more.

“I think we’ve got our answer,” Jax tells Axel, wearing a smug grin.

“I want to hear her say it.” Axel moves closer, his dark eyes turning soft before the glint of carnal need returns.

“I want her mind and heart as much as I want her fucking body. So, tell us, princess… Tell us you want us both, and we’ll make all those dirty little fantasies a reality.”

They both pause, waiting for my answer. Jax tenses the longer I wait. But with Jax’s touch and Axel’s words, my brain fucking short-circuits again.

When it finally catches up and realizes what they want, I practically shout my answer.


Jax relaxes, chuckling as Axel whips off his shirt and throws it to the side, his eight pack fully on display.

“Show off,” Jax murmurs while continuing to explore my body, moving his hand up my chest.

Axel stares right at me as he takes his jeans off. His long, thick cock springs free, making my mouth water. I open my mouth, ready to ask for a taste, when Jax shifts me so I’m on my side, facing Axel. His hand trails over my hip to the curve of my backside.

“Have you ever had anyone…” His fingers slide down between my cheeks until his thumb circles my ass.

“No…” I shiver, pushing back into his touch.

“But you want to.” I hear the smirk in his voice as he leans in, the tip of his cock rubbing against my ass making me shiver.

“Yes.” With the way he’s touching me, I can tell it’s something I’d enjoy.

Jax and Axel pause, each narrowing their eyes on one another.

“I call dibs on your ass virginity,” Jax rushes out.

Axel’s eyes widen. He looks at Jax like he just lost his damn mind. “You can’t call dibs on her ass.”

“Looks like I just did.” Jax reaches around and tilts my neck so I’m looking straight at him. His eyes dilate and he smirks down at me. He drags his thumb down my bottom lip. “Open up and take it like you would my cock.”

He smirks at me as I narrow my eyes but open my lips and take his thumb into my mouth. I suck it, running my tongue up and around it, getting it nice and wet.

“That’s it.” Jax’s eyes are blown wide with lust as he watches me.

I lick along the length of his thumb before looking straight at him and slowly sliding my mouth down it. I drag my tongue back up, enjoying the way his breath quickens and eyes turn dark.

His hand tightens on my chin as he pulls me forward, his lips meeting mine on a throaty moan. He bites the bottom of my lip before pulling back with a smirk.

“Good girl.”

He slides his hand down my body, over my hip before grabbing my thigh and pushing my leg up. He moves his thumb back to my ass.


I glance over and watch Axel slide his hand up and down his cock, his eyes dark as he watches us. Jax smirks up at him as he pushes his thumbs slightly inside, making me gasp at the new sensation.

Fuck. It feels so good.

“I already want my knot inside you.” Jax leans down and kisses my neck, he slides a finger into my slick heat while adding pressure to his thumb.

“Yes…” I moan, as I close my eyes absorbing the feel of him. My overheated body shuddering at each sliding thrust.

I hear a low groan and glance over to Axel. His eyes are dilated following Jax’s hand as it moves inside me.

“You want to watch?” The idea of him watching makes me wetter by the minute.

“I want to play.” Axel moves closer, kneeling at the edge of the bed. “But not just play. I want to fucking destroy every inch of you before watching you come apart for me.”

“Fuck, yes! Let’s play.” Jax slides his hand out of me and quickly yanks us up until I’m on my knees, his front to my back. He wraps an arm around my waist as his other hand slides down to my ass, sliding a finger in, making me gasp.

I tilt my head up, leading back into him as his finger slowly slides in and out of me, the pleasure building once more.

Axel moves forward until he’s right in front of me, leaning down, his lips instantly meeting mine. My mouth opens and his tongue tangles with mine, slow and teasing. Needing to touch him, I run my hands up his chest and feel the vibration as he groans.

His lips trail over my chin and down my neck to my breast. Just as his tongue circles my hard nipple, a slow, drugging wave of energy starts to build inside me. It spread out to every limb making me lose my mind.

Axel’s low chuckle sounds out around me as he does it again and again.

With Jax’s fingers and Axel’s mouth, it only takes seconds before I’m burning from the inside, begging for release.

Axel curls his tongue around my nipple one last time before pulling back. He looks down at me with a devilish smirk, as he moves a hand up to my neck and chin.

Jax leans down and kisses the back of my neck and shoulder just as Axel widens my legs and lines his cock up to my core.

Jax’s grip tightens around my waist, his fingers continuing to slide in and out of me as Axel thrusts into me.

“Fuck.” I’m panting, barely hanging on, when an added lick of heat slides down my chest, straight to my core making me gasp and moan. He does it again and again and by the third round I’m slick with sweat, breathless and begging for release.

As if in tandem, Axel’s thrusts grow deeper, harder just as Jax’s pace quickens.

Lost in their sinful scents and the feel of them, I writhe between them as the pleasure expands to every nerve.

“That’s it, baby,” Jax whispers along my neck.

I arch into their touches, hoping to reach my climax faster when a spike of sizzling energy shoots across my body stopping me from moving any further.

“Dicks.” I pant as their grip tightens and they continue to work my body.

Their deep chuckles blend together as I lose myself, the build continuing to roll up and down my body.

I try to move again when another shot of energy shoots through me, making me gasp and moan.

Fucker.” I breathe, trying to move against both of them to push myself over.

Axel chuckles right before the energy hits me again, except harder this time. It seeps into every pore and every nerve.

I’m so close when Jax adds another finger, and it’s all it takes to push me over the edge. This time I don’t just plummet, I shatter, screaming as I come so hard, I see stars. My toes curl, my stomach clenches, and even my fingers turn numb.

Axel thrusts one last time before spilling into me. He slides out of me, his breathing ragged as he watches me writhe in pleasure, the aftermath still riding me hard.

“Fuck, princess…” He swallows hard, his heated eyes following the length of my body just as Jax removes his fingers, pulling me against his body as he slowly slides his hard cock into me.

My body is still shuddering from the aftermath when Axel moves back and Jax pushes me forward. I catch myself with my hands, gripping the side of the bed.

“We’re still not finished with you, babe.” Jax grunts as he leans down and bites my ear, never stopping his slow thrusting pace.

“I love watching my cock disappear inside you. And the feel of you…” Jax groans as he slows down, dragging out each thrust.

Fuck, if they kept this up, we’d never make it to the Underworld.

I must have mumbled it out loud as I hear Jax’s whispering reply. “That’s the plan.”

I freeze. So, this was their plan all along… distract me long enough to forget about the Underworld?


I open my mouth to call them out on it when Axel’s energy slides down my body once more, slowly building until it spreads across me in waves.

I grip the bed tighter as I start to reach my release. I’m so close to it when the fucker pulls the energy away, leaving me stuck at that edge with nothing to push me over.

They both chuckle as I curse them, calling them every name I can think of.

I gasp as Jax’s thrusts get deeper, the grip on my hip getting tighter, holding me in place. I grab the bed harder, meeting him thrust for thrust.

“That’s it, baby.” Jax grunts as he slams into me harder.

Without warning the energy hits, shooting straight to my core. My next orgasm hits me out of nowhere, making me scream with how hard it takes me but instead of spilling into me, I feel Jax grow and expand as he knots me.

Fuck… My eyes roll to the back of my head as it drags out the orgasm further making me whimper at how full I feel.

Jax chuckles. “That’s my girl.”

“Ours,” Axel groans. “Our girl.”

Jax grunts an agreement as he leans down to kiss the back of my neck.

I ignore their bickering, concentrating on the feel of his thick cock as it stretches me to the hilt.

I’m so damn full, I can’t even see straight. I try to move but a surge of pleasure shoots through me making Jax growl.

“Fuck…Fuck.. You feel so good.” He pushes further into me with short, quick thrusts.

Every slight move makes me shudder with pleasure. He keeps his pace until my entire body is trembling trying to reach that shattering release I know is coming.

A lick of flames slides down my chest, curling around each nipple before sliding down my stomach to my core. I glance up and watch Axel’s eyes darken, his wicked smirk growing as his energy sides around my clit.

Jax’s grip tightens as he widens my legs and grinds into me. It’s all it takes to push me over that edge.

My mouth drops open as an intense orgasm rips through me, stealing my breath away. It keeps coming wave after wave as ripples of pleasure assault my body on repeat. Finding my voice, I scream as Jax surges up into me, making me tumble into another orgasm. It slams into me, radiating to every part of my body before slowly ebbing away.

“Kiarra…” Jax growls, thrusting into me a couple of more times before I feel him pulse and spill into me.

He releases me and I fall to the side, my body completely spent and ready for sleep.

Jax maneuvers us until I’m back up at the top of the bed with him behind me. Axel disappears as I close my eyes. I hear water before the bed dips and a warm cloth gently cleans me.

My eyes slightly open, finding Axel leaning over me, the look in his eyes holding nothing but love. He leans down, giving me a quick kiss before throwing the cloth away and getting in beside me.

Jax moves closer to me, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder before glancing at Axel, wearing a wicked smirk. “I made her scream first.”

Axel slides his hand around me, pulling me over to him and making Jax follow. “She screamed for both of us, dick.”

I ignore them both, my eyes closing on their own.

“Fine, it’s a draw… Round two?” Jax trails his hand down my stomach. I stop it from going any further and hold it in place.

“Sleep first,” I murmur, already drifting off. They both pause as I snuggle into Axel’s side, feeling happier and more relaxed than I have in a long time.

Axel kisses my head. “After a nap.”

“Deal.” Jax kisses my shoulder, snuggling in behind me.

I drift off, not an ounce of tension in any part of my body.

I wake to soft kisses across my body. “Where are the rest of the guys?”

Jax slides a hand down my body. “Rion and Luka are out. Kai is in a meeting.”

Another one? How much longer can they talk about the same thing over and over?

Although if I’m honest, it doesn’t surprise me. Most of the leaders like to hear the sound of their own voices over anything that might actually be helpful.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” I move to get up when Jax pushes me back down, a savage smirk on his face.

“You’ve been in enough of those meetings. We both know they never change.” Jax kisses up my stomach just as Axel walks in with a plate full of food.

Placing it down on the bedside table, he picks a piece of fruit up and places it at my lips. I open my mouth and he pulls it back. I narrow my eyes on him, his smirk growing as he leans down and kisses me. He pulls back and places the piece of fruit in his mouth.

Axel picks up another piece of fruit, a strawberry this time, and slowly takes it into his mouth, sucking the juice around it before he eats it.

Heat pools at my center the longer I stare. Jax chuckles as his hand slides slowly down my stomach to my core.

Axel leans over me, dripping the strawberry juice across my chest before leaning down and sucking it.

I moan, arching into their touches. “If we keep this up, we’ll never leave this room.”

“That’s the plan.” Jax’s words make me freeze.

knew it. I smile to myself, sitting up.

“So that was your plan? Give me a shitload of orgasms until I forget about King and the Underworld?”

“Idiot,” Axel mutters to Jax.

Jax narrows his eyes on him before focusing on me. “Or just long enough for us to come up with a better plan than the half ass one we have now.”

“I get that. But we can’t put this off much longer. King needs to be stopped.”

“And we will stop him. But when we have an actual fucking plan first. Going to the Underworld when we don’t know what we’re up against will get us all killed.”

I freeze at Axel’s words. The thought of them being hurt makes my insides turn to ice.

“I don’t want anything to happen to any of you. If you think that I’d ever willingly put any of you in danger—”

“Now who’s the fucking idiot,” Jax mumbles at Axel before pulling me closer to him. “Axel is just word vomiting, baby. None of us think that you’d ever put us in harm’s way.”

“Shit. That’s not what I meant.” Axel scrubs a hand down his face.


I look at Jax, thanking him with my eyes, before turning to Axel.

“I just need you to be safe, princess.”

“I know, and I love that about you.” I glance between them both. “About you all, but I’m not some weakling. I’m going to fight for the future we deserve.”

Jax takes my hand. “None of us think you’re weak, not even a little.”

Axel nods, a soft look on his face. “You mean more to us than anything in this world. But being strong and powerful doesn’t make you invisible. Shit happens, things get out of control and that’s what we fear… The thought of anything happening to you is fucking torture. You’ve fought for long enough; you deserve a fucking break.”

I shake my head. “No, what I need to do is make sure King can’t hurt any of us again, and the only way that’s going to happen is with him dead.”

Axel sighs, mumbling something about a stubborn woman.

“Or…” Jax trails his hand up my leg and around my hip, making me shiver.

“We could stay here and make you…” Jax leans down, placing open wet kisses along my collarbone.

Just as Axel leans in to join him, I come to my senses, pulling away from them. “I love every minute I get to spend with you both, but I can’t just forget about what’s going on out there.”

People were dying and many more were fighting for their lives. More and more demons were showing up, gaining ground on us. They already have Staten Island and are pushing further out.

The time for waiting is over.

Axel shares a look with Jax before narrowing his eyes on me. “You couldn’t remember what day it was last night.” He glances over at Jax. They silently communicate between themselves, a glint of a challenge in their eyes.

“Let’s go another couple of rounds. She won’t remember her name; let alone what day it is after we’re finished.”

Before they get a chance to grab me, I roll off the end of the bed landing on the balls of my feet. Jax’s hand reaches out just as I take a step back, a smirk on my lips.

“I’m going to have a shower and then try to come up with a plan for us.” One that hopefully keeps us all safe.

Jax jumps off the bed, his abs on display as his eyes trail down the length of mine.

“Need some company?”

I smile and turn heading for the bathroom. Just as I reach the door, I glance over my shoulder, catching both of their heated looks burning a trail down my body. “If either of you come with me, none of us will be showering.”

Jax’s smirk is savage as he steps closer, his cock already hard and ready. “I see no problem there.”

“We’ll be quick. It can be our first quickie.” He moves closer, blinking down at me, his expression shifting to an innocent look on his face.

I shake my head at him, still smiling. “I doubt anything would be quick with you.”

Jax nods his head with an attempt to look serious slashed across his face. “True. I’m not a one-hit wonder like Axel.”

Axel growls, making his way over to us. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? I made her cum so hard she fucking creamed me.”

And… now I’m wet again.

Jax scoffs. “That was obviously a fluke.”

Axel clenches his jaw as Jax raises a brow. Neither willing to give in. The glint of challenge in both of their eyes makes me slowly take a step back as I try to slip into the bathroom. But my slight movement doesn’t go unnoticed as a double pair of eyes veer toward me, both of my men wearing savage smirks that slowly slide across their faces, making me shiver.


“Baby…” Jax moves so fast, he has me over his shoulder and into the bathroom.

Axel follows behind us wearing a wicked smirk. “Might as well make you nice and dirty before you get clean.”

Fuck. I guess we were going to be a bit longer, after all.

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