Blood on the Moon
Chapter 42: Release


Saliva pools in my mouth as I take in his length. Or at least part of it; I’ll have to work up to taking in all of his massive size.

He tilts his head back, his eyes screwed shut, his grip on my hair tightening as I inch closer to the base. I use my tongue to lick side to side under his length, playing with his balls with my free hand.

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“Shit, Rose,” he hisses through gritted teeth. “I-I don’t know how long I can last with that venom shit you did.”

I hum, letting the vibration of my voice pleasure him as I grab his hips. I relax my throat, allowing his entire length in, choking on it and quickly coming up for air, a strand of saliva falling down my chin.

“Oh, my Goddess,” he mutters, staring at me, his glowing eyes full of lust. “You are so fucking hot it’s not even fair.”

I giggle, happy with how flustered he is, his cheeks red and hands shaking slightly.

“You wanna fuck my throat, baby?” I ask as I position myself in front of his length again, letting my good venom trickle into my mouth and down my throat. It’ll give him the same sensation and make it easier for me to take his full length without choking. A neat little trick we vampire females have figured out over the years.

“Do I-” He stutters, his eyes wide as I swirl my tongue around his tip, practically making out with it with my eyes closed. I can taste salty precum slipping out of him, which must mean the idea excites him.

“Grab the back of my head, Alpha,” I instruct, pushing myself further down his length, glancing up at him.

He wraps his hands around the back of my head and begins thrusting gently. He’s trying to be nice. But I don’t want him to be nice.

I grab his hips and start guiding him to trust harder and faster, making gagging noises as he does, my eyes watering as I open my mouth to let myself breathe a little bit.

He grunts through his nostrils, allowing his wolf to take complete control. At least, I assume that’s what’s happening since he animalistically thrusts himself into my throat with merciless ferocity. I moan, my clit throbbing as I feel him hitting the back of my throat. I can smell the sweat on his body, the heaving breathing, and moans of pleasure.

“Such a good girl,” he growls, pulling himself out of me and grabbing my chin, lifting it. “I can smell how turned on you are by this.”

I nod, about to say something, but he’s lifting my head to his lips to kiss me hungrily. He trails his hand down my side and to my cunt, toying with me over my clothes.

I whine, biting his bottom lip as he rubs my clit over the fabric.

“What do you want, sweet girl?” He asks, his tone dark and husky. He nips at my ear, the hair on his beard brushing against my skin deliciously. “You have to ask nicely.”

“P-Please,” I beg. “Please touch me.”

“I am touching you, my sweet,” he replies, kissing my neck as I let it roll back, marveling at how quickly he finds the spot I love most. How intuitive he is about what I need.

I reach down and wrap my hand around his length, not quite finished with him yet, either. I don’t want him to let me get carried away. I want tonight to be about him, so I can’t get sidetracked.

“I change my mind,” I tell him, biting his bottom lip a little harder this time.

“Oh, yeah?” He asks, his dominant cockiness so everpresent in his voice. It’s sexy.

“I want you to cum all over me.”

He doesn’t say anything, but I hear the slight hitch of his breath in his throat.

I place my hand on his chest and push him slightly. “Now, be a good boy and lie on your back.”

He does as I say, blinking a few times as he rests, propped up on his elbows to watch me as I lower my head to his length again.

I tease him a little this time to build some tension. I want his climax to be explosive, the kind he’ll never forget. I’ll make sure he remembers this moment under the stars for more than one reason.

I kiss the top of his left thigh, careful not to leave any marks, but sucking lightly, which he seems to enjoy. I run my hands up and down them, kissing up his stomach next to where his erect cock lies. I let my cheek brush against it only slightly. He seethes through his teeth with frustration when I pull away again, kissing on the opposite side of his stomach.

“Rose,” he moans, the blanket balled in his fists.

I blow on his length lightly, moving down to his balls, where I just barely kitten-lick them.

“Rose!” He whines, this time a little louder.

I repeat his line, “You have to ask nicely.”

“Please,” he sputters. “Please!”

“Please, what, Asher?” I ask coyly, batting my lashes as I swipe my thumbs across his inner thighs, spreading them a little so I lie between them.

“I-I want your mouth,” he relents, his cheeks furiously red, but in a good way. His eyes are glowing with hot intensity, even more than before.

Without another word, I oblige his requests, taking him in my mouth and pushing his length down my throat. I tighten and release the muscles in a rhythmic pattern as I slide my lips up and down his length, using my tongue to swipe back and forth.

“Shit,” he hisses, his hand in my hair again, gently guiding me as he rocks his hips up and down.

I keep pleasuring him like this, the night hair growing cooler and cooler as the moon brightens in the sky. I lose track of time, lost in the moment, only focused on what I’m doing and the sounds he’s making. The happy moans and heavy breathing. The way his fingers grip a little harder when something feels particularly good. His thigh muscles twitch, too.

“R-Rose,” he mutters. “I’m close. I’m so fucking close.”

I start moving faster, letting him slam against the back of my throat again and again, practically milking him of his cum, begging him for his release.

I glance up at his face, his eyes screwed shut and mouth agape, his brows furrowed with concentration.

The sounds cease to leave his mouth just as his thighs twitch again, and he spills his salty load into my throat. I suck it up, gripping his hips as I finish him off, his chest rising and falling rapidly down as he relaxes from his high.

I pull away, his cock leaving my mouth with a pop! I wipe the saliva and cum off my chin with my forearm, studying his face as he lies on his back, his eyes closed.

I smile, lying beside him as he pulls up his boxers and fixes his pants.

“Holy shit,” he whispers breathlessly.

I kiss his cheek sweetly, to which he smiles in response, his dimples prominent as he loops his arm under me again, letting me curl up next to him, my head on his chest.

“I’m guessing you liked that?” I ask.

He chuckles. “You serious?”

I bite my lip, kissing his chin and cheek again, pressing rapid kisses all over his face. He blushes, kissing my nose in response with a content smile on his lips and eyes.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this satisfied. Not just sexually, but… In general.”

“Me too,” I reply, closing my eyes.

“Feels nice that someone wants me to be happy.”

“I want you to feel loved,” I tell him. “Always.”

“I do,” he replies. “I also feel really fucking horny.”

I laugh, throwing my head back as he chuckles with me. “My God, that soon after? It’s been like two minutes!”

“You’ve awoken a sleeping giant,” he teases. “The beast is hungry.”

I roll my eyes, wrinkling my nose dramatically at his stupid joke as he winks at me.

“Well, this bloodsucking beast is tired and hasn’t slept in a long time,” I tell him, sitting up. “I would very much like to fall asleep next to you in that cozy cabin if you wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t mind,” he replies, sitting up and pressing a soft kiss on my lips. His voice then turns a few shades darker, yet also softer. Husky yet romantic. “But next time, you don’t get to make me cum unless you do first. Understood?”

My breath hitches in my throat, his hand caressing my waist gently but also possessively in a way that is comforting and erotic. If it weren’t for the fact that I’m scared he may want to go all the way if I allow him to return the favor, I’d say yes right now.

But I won’t be able to hold out for too long… His allure is too strong for me not to give in. I need him just as desperately as he does me. The mate bond demands it.


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