Slowly we make our way inside as my eyes take in the house. It was a mess, photos were strewn against the tables, photos of Marcus, Seb, Greyson, Kai, Hayden and me.

“How did you get these?” I ask as I go through them, recognising when the images were taken.

“We had someone send them to us, we still don’t know who” Taylor says.

“Who sent you images of the guys I was working with? Why?” I ask as my eyes go over every image.

“Maybe we should leave this for tonight and talk in the morning” Rueben says as Lindsey follows behind him without Cody as she had put him to bed.

“No. Who the hell took these?” I repeat.

“We don’t know. They were sent to us, we haven’t had anything else, just images, there are some more in an envelope, but we don’t leave them out because of the kids” Rueben says as he opens a locked cabinet and passes over an envelope.

I hear cars and bikes enter the driveway as I draw out the photo’s from the envelope and gasp.

“You recognise the people in these?” Taylor asks.

“Yeah, I’m the one who did that to them all…” I gulp as I see the destruction I had done over the year.

“I thought you were going to bed young lady” Tobias walks in with my Grandpa behind him, his arms crossed as he notices the photo’s in my hand.

“We are not doing this tonight Samantha” Grandpa says taking the file from my hands and turning me away from the photos.

“I did that…” I said as his eyes went wide. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You were made to. It wasn’t your fault that those people died” He says.

“Do you know who they were?” I ask, they were keeping something from me.

“We know some information yes. But not tonight” He shakes his head.

“They were innocent weren’t they” I stand my ground as he turns back to me from leading me from the room.

“Sam, it’s best not to delve into this tonight. We’ll sort it out when you’ve got some rest” Luka enters the corridor.

“Who the fuck have I killed?!” I scream as everyone looks at me in shock.

“People we’d sent to help find you” Luka answered.

“He told me they were part of sex rings, traffickers, sick and twisted men…Why did I trust his words?” My hand went to my mouth with a gasp and a sob.

“Sammy…” Taylor places a hand on my shoulder as I shake it off and run from them all as I bolt out the back door and out onto the beach as I scream and fall to my knees.

Scenes flicker in my head of every mission we had gone on in the year. Hayden had had me kill all those who had gotten close to finding me, he made me kill my own allies and I had done so painfully. I was a killer.


“Leave me alone” I cried on my knees.

“You are not a monster Samantha, he did this to you, he coerced you to do this. You are not a murderer” Tobias sits beside me.

“I fucking enjoyed it…” I look to him as he nods with a sigh.

“You thought they were different types of men…You did what you thought was right with the information you had” He says.

“Nothing but a blood-soaked rose…He did it…He broke me…Turned me into what he wanted…He loved it when I came back to him covered in blood calling me his blood-soaked rose. But it wasn’t just me he meant, he meant that I was killing my own people this whole time, I killed men of the Midnight Rose”

“You are not broken Samantha. You are better than this. You will make it through this. It’s over” He says looking into my eyes.

“It’s never over…I can’t stop this urge to want to rip someone’s throat out, to destroy everything in my path. He made me angry, he made me into a monster” I say as my fingernails dig into my palm.

“You can change again” He says.

“What if I don’t want to” I say standing, fists clenched.

“I know who you really are Samantha, you can do this” He says placing his hands on my shoulders as I shove him off me.

“You know nothing Tobias” I growl out.

“Come on Samantha, let it out. Punch me, go on I dare you” He tries to egg me on.

“Fuck off Tobias, go inside and leave me alone” I growl facing the sea once more.

“You can’t do it. You know we are your family we love you Samantha. You can’t punch me because you care” He says in my ear as I turn and hit him in the face as he goes down hard.

“Shit, I’m sorry” I gasp as my hand goes to my mouth in shock.

“Saaammmaaannnttthhhaaaa” A voice sings in the distance.

“Tobias, go back inside…NOW!” I warn as he jumps up and turns towards the voice.

“Not a chance.” He says holding his nose.

“I heard that the big boss died today, is that true little one?” Greyson comes out of the darkness with Seb and Kai by his side.

“Who the fuck are you?” Tobias growls.

“Come home with us Samantha, these people aren’t your family, we are” Seb smiles, holding out a hand.

“Don’t do it” Tobias warns.

“We’ll take the world by storm Samantha, you and us” Greyson winks.

“No more Hayden telling us what to do anymore, the gang is ours” Kai smirks.

I notice Tobias get out his phone, ringing someone.

“Tobias, go inside” I urge, walking in front of him and taking the gun from his back pocket before aiming it at him as he takes a step back in shock.

“Good girl” Seb laughs walking up behind me, kissing my shoulder as Greyson and Kai walk up close behind.

Tobias walks up the steps slowly.

“The people we killed…They were my men right?” I say turning with the gun pointing down.

“Only ones that got too close. Hayden wanted you to himself, he wasn’t sharing. But, we didn’t want to share you either” Seb smirks, his finger caressing my cheek.

“You drowned me several times…” I pointed to Seb.

“Never let you die though” He replies.

“You violated me sexually once” I pointed to Greyson.

“Your body was just too good to be true. I’ve always wanted you to myself” He winks.

“You watched it all, did you enjoy it Kai?” I growled.

“I watched you enjoy ripping those men to pieces, I’ve watched you beat a man within an inch of his life and sit in his blood as your fingers play with it, without even realising. I’ve watched you become the most feared woman in this world as you took down your own allies without knowing. But, I also know you enjoy the thrill of a kill” His eyes sparkle.

“Sam!” I hear the call of several voices coming down the stairs.

“Come with us” Seb says.

“He made me into a monster” I said.

“He made you stronger” Greyson smiles.

“He threatened my family” I growl.

“But yet, he never hurt them unless you made the wrong move…” Kai answered.

“Come with us Samantha, be our leader, take the world by storm” Seb says once more.

“Kitten!” Jayden shouts from a few metres away.

“Stay away Jayden” I call back as he’s joined by Rob, Wayne, Tobias and Lukas.

“They want you to just run the school, be a nobody, you’ll be in an office doing paperwork and not living the life you really enjoy. We can help you have fun. We can take down everything you hate. Killing the people that deserve it, child molesters, drug runners, sex traffickers. We can help you” Greyson comes closer to me.

“No!” Jayden shouts.

“We could do that?” I say as I walk close to Greyson as he smirks, his hand on my chin.

“Of course, but one little thing…” He says his hand on my waist.

“Samantha no!” Luka shouts.

“What?” I ask as I look into Greyson’s mischievous eyes.

“You’ll be ours and only ours, we’ll share you, but you’ll only be mine, Seb’s and Kai’s” He smirks.

“Yours…” I closed my eyes. Why did everyone see me as a possession as if I was something that needed to be owned! Something inside me snapped me out of their hypnotic hold.

“Yes, be ours and only ours. You don’t need them.” He nodded towards my family behind me.

“You’ve been waiting for the day Hayden lost me haven’t you? To take me for yourself?” I ask as my fingers tightened around my gun.

“It was a matter of time. You will be mine” Greyson growls possessively.

“There’s one thing…” I said as he tilts his head smirking.

“Yes my love?” He says pecking my lips as he smirks over my shoulder.

“I don’t like being owned” I said as I fired three times.

Greyson dropped to the ground coughing up blood from the shots to his chest as Kai and Seb drew out their own guns but were shot at before they could aim as they went down just as quickly.

“Say hi to Hayden for me” I snarl as I grab Greyson by the throat and watch as the light leaves his eyes, blood pooling over my hand as my nails bit into his neck.

“Let go Sam, he’s dead. Let go” Someone pulls me off his body as I’m dragged backwards.

Something inside me snapped once more, it was like a hold on my heart had been lifted slightly as I sat shakily sobbing.

“You must love me…You broke my nose Samantha” Tobias knelt in front of me and suddenly I was a sobbing, laughing mess.

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