Bonds of the Fallen
Chapter 11

A web of corridors and hallways unfolded before Bat as she followed the attendant, finally stepping into the sanctuary of a private ritual room. Her eyes widened at the expanse before her – vaulted ceilings soaring overhead, their height accentuated by clustered stone columns. Rich, dark hues adorned the walls, their severity softened by the warmth of polished wood and the subtle sparkle of gold accents. The room pulsed with an undercurrent of grandeur and expectation, mirroring the violent beat of her own heart.

The strength in her legs deserted her as she entered the room, her earlier confidence dissolving in the face of the unknown. And there, in the heart of the room, stood Val. His all-black suit clung to him in all the right places, sculpting his form with an elegance that took her breath away. Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, she thought she saw a flicker of nervousness mirroring her own. His gaze swept over her, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake. Stepping forward, he took her hand and offered a bow, his lips brushing the back of her hand in a feather-light kiss. “You are stunning,” he murmured.

Val guided her to an opulent settee framed by towering candelabras, their flames casting shadows that danced upon the walls. A crystal decanter filled with an amber liquid glinted in the candlelight, set upon a small table before them. They sat, the space between them bridged by their clasped hands.

Flustered, Bat admitted, “I…I didn’t know who to put down on the registration. If I had known you didn’t participate in the rituals...”

Val lifted her hand with a smile, placing another gentle kiss just below her wrist. “The choice is ours to make. I am honored that you chose me.”

Gracefully, he lifted the decanter, the liquid catching the light as he filled two crystal goblets. He took one, leaving the other untouched on the table, creating space for Bat to choose.

Bat’s voice wavered as she asked, “How does it work? What happens?”

His eyes, the vibrant green of laurel leaves kissed by morning dew, met hers. “The ritual is a sacred communion. Your permission is essential. It is your choice and yours alone.” He searched her eyes before continuing, “The ritual requires an exchange of blood that intertwines our energies, the essence that fuels our existence—feeding from the unwilling taints the blood with dark energy. Some are drawn to it. During the wars, many succumbed to this temptation.”

“The Draugr,” she muttered under a heavy breath.

The stillness hung between them, the room punctuated by the slow savoring sips of the wine he took, eyes delving into hers. “The blood itself does not bind us, but by the energy that permeates all existence. Once the ritual concludes, our energies will intertwine, weaving the fabric of our existences together, merging our souls in an eternal dance,” he explained, the timbre of his voice wrapping around the words.

“And what does it mean to be bound to one another?” she asked.

“It varies from individual to individual. Some compare it to family bonds, like the unconditional love between a mother and child. For others, it resembles the sacred union of marriage, the profound connection between lovers,” he elaborated.

“And are you bound to all Vampir as their sire?”

“In principle, yes. My bond with them is like that of a guardian,” he affirmed.

Bat took a moment to absorb his words. Her experience with family bonds was limited, but she was sure that from the moment their paths crossed, what she felt for Val was not platonic.

“I understand. Thank you for the courtesy of explaining this in person. I should have asked you before giving them your name. Would you assist me in finding a suitable match?” she requested, eyes lowered to the floor.

Val studied her, her vulnerability making her all the more radiant. He detected a glimmer of hope dimming in her eyes. “In the past, fear has prevented me from participating in the ritual. The fear of surrendering to a life devoid of hope, an eternity of potential heartbreak, was a gamble I was unwilling to take,” he confessed, staring into the depths of his cup.

Lifting his gaze, now pools of abyssal black, he asserted, “If you choose me, it would be my honor to guide you through the ceremony. I am prepared to leap into the abyss with you, Bat. The thought of allowing another to bind themself to you is unfathomable.”

In response, Bat’s arms encircled Val’s neck in a spontaneous embrace.

His lips curled into a smile. “I take it this means, yes?”

She withdrew slightly, her head nodding in acknowledgment.

His eyes locked with hers, an unspoken promise lingering in their depths. “Remember, your consent is non-negotiable. Know that at any point, if you wish to halt the proceedings up until the crucial exchange of blood, you can. Just say the word. There will be no repercussions for changing your decision. The choice is completely and utterly yours,” he clarified, his gaze piercing Bat’s soul, seeking an affirmation of her understanding.

The yearning, the intense desire, even the need that simmered in his eyes was a mirror to her internal tumult. Bat made her decision. “I choose you, Val. I want you to complete the ritual. You have my consent,” she declared, her voice husky, eyes hooded as she relinquished the desire that had been building up within her.

The intensity of her declaration ignited a fire within Val. In a swift motion, he pulled her onto his lap by her hips. “Is this alright?” His question was barely above a whisper, his breath caressing her skin.

“Yes,” she breathed out, her senses heightened by the strength of his arms encircling her, his warm breath tickling her neck.

“It’s not too late to stop,” he murmured, his breath warm against her skin.

Her heart pounded against her ribcage, a tidal wave of heat flooding her body as an invisible force drew her even closer to him. “I want this,” she whispered.

His fangs gently grazed her neck, trailing a path down to her exposed collarbone. “Tell me when you are ready,” he whispered, his arms pulling her closer.

Her words were barely audible, her breaths coming out in ragged pants, her chest heaving with each breath. “I am ready.”

She gasped as his fangs delicately traced a path across the sensitive skin above her breast, a sharp pain following as he sank them into her flesh. Her body arched towards him, giving herself over to the overwhelming sensations that engulfed her. From within her, golden energy erupted, snaking its way around her arms and waist, stretching out towards Val, wrapping them both in a cocoon of golden light. Val’s head snapped back. His fangs bared as he drew in a ragged breath. Bat’s lips met his, the tang of her blood an elixir that fueled their passion. Their tongues danced, her tongue grazing the tip of his fang, the sensation exhilarating. She deepened the kiss, nipping at his swollen bottom lip, drawing the coppery taste of blood that mingled with their saliva.

Val broke the kiss, his thumb tracing her bottom lip, gently pulling it downwards. A flicker of fear shadowed his handsome features. Gently, his hand cradled her face. “Are you alright?” His voice was laden with concern.

“Yes,” Bat responded languidly, her body nestling into his, craving more. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You drew my blood,” he said, his eyes boring into hers as his thumb brushed her cheek. “The ritual is complete.”

A sigh escaped her lips as she nestled her head onto his shoulder, her body cradled in his lap. Her gaze wandered from his chest to his jawline, finally resting on his lips, where the cut was already healing. Val scooped her up, his gentle yet strong arms carrying her toward another set of doors. Her eyes fluttered closed as she sank deeper into his warm caress, his scent of earth and night sky enveloping her. “What shall be is coming,” she murmured, her consciousness slipping into a deep, restful slumber.

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