Bonds of the Fallen
Chapter 14

Bat eased into the sanctuary of her room, a wave of relief washing over her as she collapsed onto the plush, inviting bed. Over the next few days, she received Val’s thoughtful care as he ensured her room was stocked with an assortment of clothes and essential supplies for her stay within the compound’s fortified walls. Though Val’s visits were infrequent and their exchanges brief, she couldn’t help but wonder about him and what he did when he wasn’t checking in on her.

Her days were filled with exploration and discovery as she delved into the vast libraries and experimented in the well-appointed kitchens. The abundance of animal and human blood was daunting, and the thought of drinking it made her stomach churn. She couldn’t fathom the necessity of such gruesome sustenance and wondered how she would handle it when the inevitable time came.

She wandered through the compound’s lush courtyards and vibrant gardens, letting the beauty of her surroundings soothe her troubled mind. The absence of any new reports of attacks since the festival’s conclusion was a small comfort, though the stern-faced Harii guards patrolling the compound were a reminder of the dangers that lay beyond its walls.

Sunlight filtered through the canopy of leaves overhead, casting the courtyard in a golden glow. Bat wandered, her mind wandering as she took in the vibrant hues of the flowers surrounding her.

She turned to see a young man with red hair approaching her. “Good day,” he called out, a small smile on his lips.

Bat paused, returning the smile hesitantly. “Hi.”

The young man stopped before her, tilting his head slightly as he regarded her. “You’re one of the new-fallen from the ceremony, right?”

She nodded. “Yes, I suppose I am. My name’s Bat.”

The young man extended a hand. “Lyell. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bat.”

She hesitated for a moment before shaking his hand awkwardly.

“Have you experienced the thirst yet?” he asked excitedly.

Bat shook her head. “No, not yet. I’m not sure what to expect.”

Lyell nodded. “It hit me almost immediately. One moment, I was fine; the next, it was like this fire had ignited in my throat, demanding to be quenched. I never thought I could crave something so... primal.” He laughed, giddy.

Bat listened quietly, her heart pounding in her chest.

Lyell continued to speak excitedly. “But once you taste it, everything changes. The world becomes sharper, more vivid. You’ll feel alive in a way you never thought possible.”

Bat swallowed hard. She hadn’t experienced these changes, and a tiny seed of doubt was planted in her mind. She kept her lack of hunger and the mysterious golden threads she’d seen to herself, simply nodding in response to Lyell’s words. Fear clenched her heart at the thought of something wrong with her, just like her mother. She did not want to risk finding out what the Vampir would do if they thought something was wrong.

As they reached the end of the courtyard, Lyell stopped and turned to face her. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Bat. I hope we’ll meet again soon.”

And with that, he was gone, leaving Bat alone in the courtyard, a mix of emotions swirling within her. As he rounded the corner, the golden threads sparkled in Bat’s vision, their ethereal light illuminating the path before her. They called to her, urging her to follow. And follow she did, her heart racing as she stepped outside the safety of the compound walls.

The bustling world outside greeted her with an assault on her senses. People called out from their market stalls, peddling their wares, while the scent of a hundred different spices filled the air.

Bat felt a strange connection to the threads as they danced and weaved through the air, guiding her steps as she walked. She followed the golden path, mesmerized by their beauty until they abruptly disappeared. Bat blinked, staring at the spot where they had vanished.

“Lost, are we?” a voice called out.

Bat turned to see a young woman approaching, a basket slung over her arm. The woman wore a plain dress with her hair in a messy bun. Her eyes were kind, but they held a glint of desperation.

“Care for any tonics, Miss? I have something for pain or whatever ailment may need attention.” The woman lifted her basket expectantly.

Bat hesitated before shaking her head. “No, thank you. I’m fine.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Undeterred, the woman stepped closer, her eyes pleading. “Please, Miss, I just want to feed my family. I picked all of the herbs myself.”

Bat felt a pang of sympathy for the woman. She reached into her pocket, remembering she hadn’t taken any money.

“I don’t have any money,” she admitted, her voice soft.

She paused, a thought occurring to her. “But there is a food bank by the embassy. I can escort you there if you would like.”

The woman’s face lit up with gratitude. “Oh yes, please, Miss. I would much appreciate it.”

A vice-like grip tightened around Bat’s upper arm, sending tremors of panic skittering down her spine. She turned to see a looming figure – a mountain of a man, his eyes gleaming with a vicious delight that danced in tandem with the twisted smile slashing across his face.

“Let go of me!” Bat demanded, her voice pitched high with fear and anger.

The brute’s grip was unyielding, fingers digging into her flesh. The man’s grin stretched higher, a grotesque mockery of a smile, as Bat felt his hot breath caress her face.

A shadow fell across her as another figure approached – the woman she had been helping. The delight in the woman’s eyes was unmistakable as she hissed, “Don’t you know? We’re in the midst of a war.”

Her tone was sinister, sending shivers down Bat’s spine as she continued, “The army of our New God shall purge the realms of your abominations. We shall cleanse the New Kingdom of your wickedness.”

But before Bat could utter a word in protest, her world erupted into white-hot pain. The man clamped his hand over her mouth, muffling her scream, just as the woman withdrew a knife from Bat’s stomach.

Time slowed as Bat collapsed to the ground, a spray of blood staining the cobblestones. The woman loomed above her, raising the knife for another strike. But in a split-second decision fueled by adrenaline, Bat’s hand shot out, connecting with the woman’s body and sending her crashing against the building. The impact was so strong the woman slumped to the ground, unmoving.

The man’s foot connected with Bat’s stomach, sending her sprawling. She gritted her teeth against the pain, a fiery determination burning in her eyes. With a swift, powerful movement, she seized the man’s ankle and twisted, relishing the scream that tore from his lips as his bone snapped.

Bat pushed herself to a sitting position, her hand pressed against her bleeding stomach. A wicked grin spread across her face as adrenaline and newfound strength coursed through her veins.

The world began to blur around the edges, but not before she saw two figures – Harii guards – running towards her. One of them scooped her up, his arms like steel bands, as he cradled her against his chest. The cool metal of his armor pressed against her back, comforting as her vision darkened.

“Ace,” she murmured before she succumbed to the darkness.

“Hold tight. You’re in safe hands now,” Ace’s voice was comforting as he swept into her room, his helmet discarded with a clatter. Gently, almost reverently, he placed her onto the soft bed, his intense eyes scanning her for any unseen injuries. His breath hitched as his gaze landed on the bloody wound, and although his fingers itched to examine it, he refrained from touching the damage.

Ace rushed from the room, only to reappear moments later with a carafe of blood in his hand. Carefully, he brought it to her lips, his brows knitting together as she gagged and forcibly spat the liquid out.

“Have you ingested any blood at all?” His voice took on a note of urgency, tinged with concern.

Bat shook her head, her eyes glassy with the onslaught of pain. Ace gently peeled back her lip, revealing the bluntness of her teeth.

A frown creased his forehead as he muttered, “Something’s wrong,” his gaze landed on the red stain marring her shirt.

Her wound was in the process of healing itself, her blood a deep red. Days had passed without her drinking blood, and even then, she had managed to take down a woman and snap a man’s leg like a twig.

“What does that mean?” Her voice was raspy, the words barely audible.

Ace drew his sword across his arm, the gleaming metal biting into his flesh. Almost instantaneously, the wound began to close, the surrounding skin darkening to an inky black where the cut had been. Shaking his head, Ace confessed, “I’m at a loss. Your blood should be black like mine.”

She let out a small, raspy laugh, “Guess you don’t have all the answers.” A wry smile played on her lips as she slowly, gingerly leveraged herself into a sitting position. “Could you pick a more convenient moment to be stumped next time?”

The door burst open as Val stormed into the room, “What in the realms happened?” an undercurrent of barely restrained fury laced his words.

“We trailed the followers of the New God into the woods. I discovered fresh tracks and followed them back towards the city. That’s where we found her, just outside of the compound.” Ace swiftly reported.

“I’m perfectly fine now. See?” She lifted her shirt to reveal her stomach. The once angry wound was now reduced to a mere thin line.

Ace hesitated before adding, “There’s something else.”

A glare from Bat did nothing to deter him, though it was clear she wished he would keep his mouth shut.

“What’s the matter?” His gaze darted between Ace and Bat, anger simmering beneath the surface as his eyes locked onto Ace’s.

“Something may have gone wrong with the ritual,” she confessed, tearing her eyes from Ace to meet Val’s steady gaze. “I have strength, a rapid healing ability. And then there’s the golden threads. They appeared during the ceremony and kept cropping up, leading me to places. They led me right into the path of those followers who attacked me.”

“She’s lost her ability to consume blood, and her fangs have disappeared,” Ace interjected.

Val’s hand hovered near her face, his eyes seeking permission. “May I?”

Nodding, she tilted her head back as his fingers gently explored her neck and chest contours. Her breath hitched as his other hand cradled her jaw, his thumb caressing her lips. A low moan slipped from her lips as he gently eased her top lip upward with his thumb, his touch lingering on her bottom lip. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears as she exhaled slowly, her eyes locking onto Ace’s.

“You’re to remain here,” Val stated firmly, his touch falling away from her. “For reasons unknown to us, the followers of the New God have taken a particular interest in you.”

With indignation flaring inside her, Bat countered, “It may have been a coincidence. I just happened to be outside.”

She was left to fend for herself for days, and now Val wanted to confine her to the compound under constant watch. “Don’t I have a say in this?”

“Ace is assigned to you in my absence,” Val directed, his gaze shifting to the warrior beside her.

“Understood,” Ace’s nodded, his response crisp.

“This is non-negotiable. The followers of the New God may be seeking to use you as a pawn against me. I can’t jeopardize my people or this city. I won’t risk your safety to give them something to play with.” Val paused, the gravity of the situation etched into his features. “Until we determine their motives and the nature of your condition, we must exercise extreme caution.”

The fight drained out of Bat at the mention of her ‘condition.’ The term hit her with the weight of a thousand bricks, mirroring the fate of her mother.

Val’s hand rested reassuringly on her shoulder. “I’ll see you tonight. Will you be alright until then?”

She nodded in resignation.

“I have an interrogation to conduct. Ace, I’m entrusting her safety to you. See to it that she wants for nothing.”

“Certainly,” Ace agreed, bowing slightly.

As the door closed behind Val, uneasiness engulfed Bat.

Ace reached for her hand, his grasp warm and reassuring. “Together, we will figure this out,” he vowed before taking his station by her door.

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