Bonds of the Fallen
Chapter 28

A shadow of dread and bitterness hung over Val as he once again stood before the mighty Aesir gods. His heart was burdened with the weight of his recent failures and missteps. He had let Bat down, and the ominous cloud of the followers’ increasing strength grew heavier each day.

“My most esteemed champion!” bellowed Odin, his voice echoing off the majestic walls of the court. The resounding boom felt like a physical force reverberating in Val’s chest. “The drumbeats of war resound. The time to strike back at the followers of the New God is imminent—within the next two days. Are you primed for the battle that awaits?”

The court was an expansive, glorious display of opulence, adorned with towering pillars and a ceiling that was a canvas of intricate artwork. Val found his gaze wandering, loathing how the gods sat perched upon their elevated thrones, gazing down at him with impassive and lofty expressions. Their formidable power hung in the air, pressing down upon him. Despite the years he had devoted in servitude to Odin, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being a mere pawn in their celestial machinations.

His fists clenched at his sides, the tension radiating from his frame. He lifted his gaze to meet Odin’s, his throat constricting as he forced out the words in a measured tone. “Yes, my god. We stand prepared for the impending war. Our forces are ready.”

Odin’s gaze pierced Val with an intensity that felt like a physical touch as he leaned forward. “And what of your captives? What is their status?”

“They remain confined within the compound, heavily guarded,” Val responded, the strain evident in his voice as he fought to keep his composure.

Odin’s lips stretched into a sinister smirk. “I want them brought to the battlefield. They might prove to be of some use. At the very least, their presence will be a source of amusement.”

A spasm of anger clenched Val’s jaw, his fingers wrapping around the helm in his grasp with white-knuckled intensity. The implications of Odin’s command were clear as day—the prisoners were to be used as sacrificial pawns, tossed into the thick of battle to divert the enemy’s attention while Odin’s forces swooped in for the kill.

“Do you dare to defy me?” Odin’s smirk twisted, growing more pronounced as it etched across his face.

Val could feel the storm of fury building within him, threatening to devour him whole. He tamped down on the ire, for he knew the cost of dissent. The bonds that tied him to Odin were unbreakable, and he was nothing if not a servant to the god he both revered and loathed.

“With utmost dedication, I am at your service. Your will shall be done,” Val ground out, the words leaving his mouth with a bitterness that felt like poison. His gaze was cast downward, fixed on the mosaic floor.

Odin rose from his majestic throne, his formidable stature looming over Val. Slowly, with measured steps, he closed the distance between them, his piercing gaze never leaving Val’s. The proximity was suffocating, the air thick with the power that radiated off the god. “Never forget your station, Val,” Odin hissed, the warmth of his breath caressing Val’s cheek. “Without me, you are a speck of dust in the wind.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Val’s fists clenched at his sides, the tension coiling within him like a spring ready to snap. He despised Odin’s view of him as nothing more than a puppet to dance at his behest. Rebellion was not an option. His voice was a low growl as he forced out the words. “As you command, my god.”

A triumphant smile curled the corners of Odin’s lips. “Excellent. Now, let us address the matter of your entanglement with the female captive. Rumor has it she has been consorting with Ace as of late.”

A cold knot of dread formed in Val’s stomach at the mention of Bat. He worked to keep his voice steady, which required all his willpower. “What is it to you?”

Odin’s scrutiny was unyielding, his gaze seemingly peeling back the layers to peer into Val’s soul. “Sever your connection with her,” Odin commanded, his tone devoid of warmth. “Failure to comply will leave me with no choice but to intervene—and trust me, you will not like the consequences.”

A shiver slithered down Val’s spine. He was uncertain what schemes Odin had concocted, but he understood it meant nothing but spite.

“I will do what is necessary, my god,” Val intoned, inclining his head with utmost subservience.

“Very well,” Odin responded, patronizingly placing a hand on Val’s shoulder. “You’ve always been a loyal soldier, Val. Remember your place and the oath you took.”

As Odin retreated to his regal throne, Val stood in the vast hall, the weight of dread hanging like a millstone around his neck. His mind was torn between his duty to Odin and the need to safeguard Bat from harm. He felt like he was trapped in an invisible cage with no conceivable means of escape.

With leaden steps, Val returned to the sanctuary of the compound, the burden of his decision weighing heavily upon his shoulders. Inhaling deeply to steady his nerves, he summoned his soldiers to assemble in the central square.

The assembled army of Vampir soldiers stood at attention, their eyes directed toward Val as he addressed them authoritatively. “My brethren, the day of reckoning is upon us. Tomorrow, the followers of the New God will unleash their wrath upon our city, and it is our sacred duty to fight off their advance. We will stand our ground, awaiting their initial attack, before retaliating with the full might and fury of the Vampir.”

A resonant hum of agreement rippled through the ranks of soldiers, their morale visibly bolstered by Val’s words. “Our training has prepared us for this pivotal moment, and we are primed for the confrontation. Let us not forget that our purpose transcends the realm of self-preservation. We fight to preserve our home’s sanctity and shield humanity from danger.”

Val surveyed the ranks of warriors before him with a swell of pride.

“We will stand tall, unwavering in our resolve, shielding the city with every ounce of our strength. In the aftermath of the conflict, we will have broadcasted an indisputable message to the New God and his disciples—neither the gods nor the Vampir are to be underestimated,” Val proclaimed, the fire of determination burning brightly in his eyes.

The soldiers, their spirits lifted, responded with nods of assent before dispersing to prepare for the imminent confrontation. Val, however, lingered in the courtyard.

His posture was dejected, his energy seemingly sapped, leaving him a mere shadow of his usual vibrant self. His eyes, once pools of luminescence, were now dulled by fatigue, while his usually ruddy complexion was ashen. Each movement sapped more of his vitality as if an unseen force had leeched his strength.

“When was the last time you fed, my friend?” inquired Einar, his voice barely above a whisper. “You must feast tonight. Without the necessary fortification, you lack the strength to undertake what is required of you.”

Val’s response was terse, his tone’s edge of irritation evident. “I am well aware of my capabilities and the tasks that lie ahead,” he retorted before softening his tone. “We find ourselves in dire circumstances, with our resources at a premium. Our prime objective is the safeguarding of the city and the humans. Failure is not an option.”

As twilight gave way to the velvet cloak of night, the Vampir congregated for their nocturnal feast. Val’s physical presence was there, seated at the head of the long, oaken table, but his mind was decidedly absent, his thoughts preoccupied with the daunting challenges ahead. He needed to free himself from Odin’s shackles.

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