Worry and determination warred within the depths of Bat’s wild heart as she summoned all the strength within her to confront the long day of work ahead. She clung to her inner resolve, propelling herself into the intricate tasks of her responsibilities with each determined step that echoed along the corridors of the archives. A chorus of chaotic thoughts invaded her consciousness, clamoring to determine the whereabouts of her missing notebook. Dread and uncertainty threatened to untie the thin tethers of her composure, but even now, she was steadfast in her professionalism as the day continued.

She came to a halt on her way to the archives. Her mind thrust into the memory of when she had hastily shoved the notebook into her bag, scrambling to evade Rorick and his cronies outside the embassy courtyard. It was a defensive reflex to avoid potential confrontation, honed from countless encounters with those whose pitying glances and whispered murmurings. A flicker of realization dawned upon her—the notebook might have slipped from her bag that night.

A chilling tremor of dread slithered down Bat’s spine as she sat behind her desk, grappling with the horrifying prospect of the notebook, her most cherished possession, being cast adrift in the expanse of the city. A tidal wave of fear threatened to overcome her. The notebook held the last remnants of her memories of her mother.

Bat was caught in the chaotic whirlpool of her thoughts as the thud of a notebook landing on her desk yanked her back to reality. Her breath hitched as she eyed the familiar leather cover lying haphazardly atop a stack of papers. Relief, embarrassment, and gratitude swirled within her as she gingerly ran her fingers over the worn surface, her cheeks tinted a delicate shade of rose.

Lifting her gaze, Bat was entranced by captivating forest green eyes belonging to a towering figure looming above her desk. His brown hair, kissed with strands of amber, framed an unfairly handsome face. Broad shoulders, encased in a perfectly tailored suit, tapered down to a lean, muscular frame. It was a physique that screamed of raw power and graceful elegance. His aura was an intoxicating blend of allure and danger, unmistakably that of the Vampir.

The deep timbre of his voice caressed her eardrums, “Ilka told me you were looking for this.” His words vibrated through her as he nodded to the notebook. “I figured you would want it back immediately.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yes,” she breathed, tightening her grip around the leather cover. “Thank you. I was. I think I dropped it when I left the office.”

His eyebrow arched slightly. “You may want to take better care of it then.” His gaze didn’t waver as he added, “While waiting, I took the liberty of reading a few pages.”

Panic clawed at Bat’s insides, her heart thudding against her ribcage, time warping and twisting as she processed his words. In that moment, Bat felt as if this stranger had glimpsed into the innermost recesses of her soul, laying bare her fears and insecurities. His unyielding and intense scrutiny stripped her of her defenses, rendering her vulnerable to the probing depths of his gaze. The warmth of a blush crept up her neck as she averted her gaze.

With an imperceptible tilt of his head, he remarked, “The contents of this notebook are... intriguing, to say the least.” His voice was smooth, like the glint of a polished blade. “Not what I’d expect from a human.”

A wave of anger cascaded down her spine as the implications of his words settled upon her. He had invaded her privacy, the secrets etched within the confines of the notebook exposed to the prying eyes of an outsider. She felt violated by this stranger who now held the power to lay her soul bare for all to see.

A spark of defiance ignited within her. She met the Vampir’s gaze head-on, “I’m not your average human.” Her voice was unwavering as she declared, “And I thought the Vampir would know better than to take what isn’t offered to them.”

He chuckled, the rich sound of his laughter wrapping around her like a warm blanket on a cold winter’s night. “Ilka speaks highly of you, human as you are.” A slight smile played at the corner of his lips. “And I hardly have to obtain permission for something you discarded.”

A flicker of irritation flared within her at the condescension that laced his words. She defiantly tilted her chin upward and corrected him, “Lost, not discarded.”

His proximity was unnerving, his scent – a mix of the forest after a rainstorm and something uniquely him – wrapping around her. Momentarily, Bat’s defenses faltered as she traced the lines of his full lips with her eyes.

He leaned in closer, the whisper of his breath caressing her face. “I fear we have something in common,” He paused, searching her face, “We are both interested in the Dark Market, and I can help you find it.”

Her breath hitched, the notebook feeling like a lead weight in her hands. “I think that’s where my mother went when she disappeared. What do you know about it?”

He shrugged, a slight smirk playing on his lips. “I have my ways. Do we have a deal?”

His question hung in the air, and the weight of it continued to press down on her even as he backed away from her desk.

Her mind screamed at her to refuse, to run, but the pull of the unknown was too strong. She nodded. “Deal.”

With a tip of his head, he turned and walked away, leaving her sitting behind her desk in a mix of excitement and apprehension. “Tomorrow night, at the stroke of midnight, meet me in the courtyard.” His silhouette melded with the shadows as he retreated, the finality of his words hanging in the air.

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