Bossalicious Bad Boy: A Billionaire Office Romance
Bossalicious Bad Boy: Chapter 15

The familiar aroma of dust and old paper greets me as I crack open the door to the records room. This place always reminds me of my childhood days spent in my father’s office, sifting through piles of papers and imagining myself as an archaeologist unearthing ancient treasures.

But that was then, and this is now. I’m no longer a wide-eyed child with big dreams. I am Clara Williams, recent college graduate and new employee at Alexander Blaese’s billion-dollar company.

‘Alright, Clara, focus,’ I mutter under my breath, my sneakers squeaking on the linoleum floor. I glance around the dimly lit room, squinting at the rows upon rows of metal shelves towering over me like silent sentinels. I know there has to be something valuable hidden away in here, some old marketing program that can breathe new life into the company and prove my worth to Alexander.

‘Let’s see what we have here,’ I murmur, running my fingers along the spines of dusty file folders. With every passing moment, I feel the weight of expectation pressing down on me. I can’t afford to let Alexander down – I need to make my mark on this company and show him that I deserve a second chance.

‘Come on, come on, where are you?’ My voice bounces off the walls, a symphony of frustration echoing back at me. As I search through the files, I can’t help but think about Alexander. On the surface, he’s your typical billionaire alpha male – confident, commanding, and handsome in a way that makes my heart race. But beneath that polished exterior, I’ve caught glimpses of vulnerability, a man who’s been hurt before and yearns for forgiveness.

‘Clara, have you found anything yet?’ Alexander’s voice startles me out of my thoughts, and I spin around to find him standing in the doorway. His eyes are fixed on me, filled with curiosity and something else I can’t quite put my finger on.

‘Uh, not yet,’ I stammer, feeling my cheeks burn under his gaze. ‘I-I’m still looking.’

‘Alright, keep searching,’ he says, his voice a low rumble that sends a shiver down my spine. ‘Let me know if you find anything interesting.’ With that, he disappears back into the hallway, leaving me alone once more.

‘Okay, Clara, you’ve got this,’ I tell myself, taking a deep breath as I dive back into the files. I don’t know how much longer I have before Alexander loses patience with me, but I’m determined to find something – anything – to prove my worth to him.

‘Alright,’ I mutter under my breath, rolling up my sleeves as I prepare to tackle this daunting task. ‘Time to find those old marketing programs.’

I start my search at the nearest shelf, scanning the labels on the disorganized boxes and files. It quickly becomes apparent that there’s no rhyme or reason to their arrangement, making my job all the more difficult. But I’m determined to prove myself to Alexander, so I press on, digging through the mountains of paperwork with dogged persistence.

As I reach for a promising-looking box on a high shelf, I misjudge the distance and accidentally knock it over. The box tumbles to the ground, spilling its contents everywhere with an ear splitting crash.

‘Damn it!’ I curse, cringing at the mess I’ve made. Files and papers are now scattered across the floor, creating a sea of chaos that I’ll have to wade through in order to continue my search.

Feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment, I kneel down and begin to gather the fallen documents, cursing my own clumsiness. As I pick up the files, I can’t help but notice how aged and worn they appear – these records clearly haven’t been touched in years. Maybe they hold the key to the information I’m looking for.

I grumble under my breath as I gather the scattered files, feeling as if everyone in the office can sense my embarrassment. My heart races with each crinkled sheet of paper I pick up, as though every crease is evidence of my incompetence. Despite knowing that Alexander’s footsteps are retreating from the doorway, I can’t help but feel like I’m still being watched.

‘Clara? Everything okay in there?’ Lily from marketing calls out, her voice wavering with concern.

‘Yeah, everything’s fine!’ I reply quickly, forcing a cheerful tone into my voice. ‘Just cleaning up a little mess.’

‘Alright, just checking,’ she says, and I hear her footsteps echoing away from the door.

With a sigh of relief, I return to the task at hand. As I do, my gaze catches on something strange – a loose panel on the wall that seems to have been knocked askew by my accident.

‘Curious…’ I whisper to myself, drawn towards the irregularity. The panel appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a glimpse of darkness behind it. As my fingers brush against its surface, I can’t deny the thrill of excitement that courses through me.

‘Could it be…?’ I wonder, my curiosity getting the better of me. I glance around to make sure no one’s watching, then gently tug on the edge of the panel. It moves easily, swinging open to reveal a hidden compartment.

‘Wow…’ I murmur, my heart pounding in my chest. What secrets could be tucked away in this hidden space? And why had they been concealed in the first place?

As I reach into the darkness, I can’t help but imagine what I might find – old blueprints of the building, perhaps, or confidential financial records. But when my fingers brush against a stack of dusty files, I feel an inexplicable sense of disappointment. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘Really?’ I mutter, pulling them out and examining them more closely. ‘Just…files?’

But as I flip through the pages, I realize there’s more to these documents than meets the eye. Their age alone suggests they’re from a time long past, and the cryptic notations scribbled in the margins pique my curiosity even further.

‘Okay, now we’re getting somewhere,’ I murmur, my excitement growing as I continue to sift through the stack.

My heart hammers in my chest as I delve deeper into the files, each one more intriguing than the last. There are detailed plans for marketing campaigns that were never launched, as well as correspondence between employees who have long since left the company. It’s fascinating, in a way – like stepping into a time capsule of the organization’s history.

The files before me are a mixture of colors and textures, some with frayed edges and others yellowed with age. I carefully pick up the first document, noticing the fragile state of the paper. It’s a contract dated several years back, detailing a deal between my father, Michael Williams, and Daniel Blaese, Alexander’s father. My heart drops as I read through the terms.

‘Is this what they were trying to hide?’ I mutter, feeling my stomach churn in response. As I continue to examine the files, I find correspondences between the two men that hint at underhanded dealings and bitter negotiations. I can’t believe what I’m reading; my father trusted Daniel, and it seems he was only out to manipulate him.

My hands tremble as I turn the pages, uncovering more and more evidence of deception. I come across legal documents outlining lawsuits that our family filed against the Blaese empire. Each time, the cases were dismissed due to lack of evidence or other suspicious circumstances. It’s clear now that Daniel used his wealth and influence to ensure he came out on top, even if it meant crushing my father in the process.

‘Those bastards,’ I whisper, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. ‘They ruined everything for us.’ The weight of their betrayal sits heavily on my chest, making it difficult to breathe.

I clench my fists, anger coursing through me like a tidal wave. How could they do this to my family? To my father? He was an honest man, always working hard to provide for us. And they destroyed him – all because of their greed and desire for power.

I have to tell someone about this. I have to make things right.

But who can I trust? Certainly not Alexander – he’s just another Blaese, cut from the same cloth as his deceitful father. Even though we’ve grown close during my internship, I refuse to let myself be blinded by our friendship.

‘Enough,’ I say aloud, my voice trembling with conviction. ‘I won’t let this stand.’ My resolve hardens, and I know that it’s up to me to expose the truth and bring justice to my family.

I stare at the documents spread before me on the floor, each page revealing another layer of deceit. My heart races as I read through the legal jargon detailing the extent of the betrayal. The names jump out at me like sharp knives: Daniel Blaese, my father’s former business partner; Thomas Langley, a ruthless lawyer who made sure no lawsuit ever made it to court; and Sarah Johnson, an inside mole who fed them information about my dad’s company.

The documents paint a vivid picture. Daniel and his conspirators had meticulously orchestrated a takeover of my father’s company by fabricating evidence, manipulating stocks, and exploiting every loophole they could find. They left my dad with nothing – no company, no money, and a tarnished reputation.

‘Damn them,’ I whisper, feeling a sudden surge of rage. How many sleepless nights did my father spend trying to save his company, never knowing that those closest to him were working against him? How much pain did this betrayal cause my family?

‘Unbelievable,’ I mutter under my breath, shaking my head in disbelief. The sheer audacity of their scheme leaves me reeling. It’s no wonder my father had been so broken – he was fighting a battle he couldn’t win.

My hands tremble as I continue to scan the pages, taking in every damning detail. The consequences of their actions are laid out for me to see, like a trail of destruction that I’ve been living in the shadow of for years.

‘Look what you’ve done,’ I say aloud, addressing the ghosts of the past. ‘You took everything from us, and for what? Greed? Power?’

As I sit there surrounded by the evidence of their treachery, a storm of emotions rages within me – fury, grief, and a fierce determination to make things right. I realize that I have a choice to make: bury this secret and let the Blaeses continue their reign of corporate terror, or stand up for my family and expose them for what they truly are.

‘Enough hiding,’ I tell myself, my voice quivering with resolve. ‘I won’t let my father’s legacy be tarnished by these snakes.’

Clutching the files to my chest, I take one last look at the now-empty compartment before rising to my feet. The weight of the truth settles on my shoulders like a heavy cloak, but it’s a burden I’ll gladly bear if it means bringing justice to my family. As I step out of the records room, I know there’s no turning back – the time has come to confront the sins of the past, and finally set things right.

As I stride out of the records room, my heart races and the files in my arms feel like a ticking time bomb. The air around me seems to thicken, making it hard to breathe, but I push on. A bitter cocktail of emotions stirs within me – anger at the Blaeses for their deception and betrayal, sorrow for my father’s suffering, and relief that I never let things progress too far with Alexander.

‘Thank God,’ I whisper, shaking my head as I remember our close calls, the flirtatious banter, and the unspoken tension that had been building between us. In those moments, I’d been dangerously close to falling for him, but now I know the truth: my heart belongs to my family, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get justice for them.

I dash back to my desk, stowing the files away. I only have to wait a few more hours to get home so that I can go through them again and digest them.

Already I can feel the pain and anger radiating through me, though, and I know one thing: I need to get away from Alexander Blaese to sort myself out.

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