Ace p.o.v.

A relieved breath escapes my lungs as I see Daleyza enter the house. I don’t know how to explain it, but when she’s away I feel incomplete. Now I wonder how my life would have been without her. I don’t even want to think about it, but I imagine a complete mess.

She marches straight up to me and started kissing me. I was taken back for a second, but it didn’t take long before I took over the kiss.

“Where is Aiden?” she whispered between her labored breaths.

“Asleep in his new room.” She nodded and I picked her up. I felt her soft lips on my skin causing a growl from me. Tumbling we reached our room and she pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. “Daleyza…”

“You want me to stop?” she suddenly froze and looked with a questioning gaze towards me. Why did she look so afraid? I shook my head and she continued her assault on my lips as she pushed my clothes off. Letting my thoughts go, I returned the favor.

I tried turning us over, but she just gave me a disapproving glare. So I lay on my back as she did as she pleased. I felt her lips roaming my body and stop right above my pants. I was so uncomfortably hard, I groaned in distress. I moved to get my pants off quickly, but she just slapped my hands away. As slowly as humanly possible she took it off and I really needed a release. It has been too long. She shocked me when I felt her warms lips around me that I couldn’t hold back anymore. Letting out a loud moan I felt my release. Leaning my head back I tried to catch my breath as she continued stroking me.

“Love… ”

“I’m not done yet.” She whispered seductively and kissed her way up my torso. She straddled me and licked her lips. Pushing her hair to one side she looked like a sexy erotic dream. I felt myself getting hard again and she smirked. I pulled her in for a kiss and she moaned into my mouth. She slowly teased herself onto me.

“Stop teasing me like that, love.” She just moaned in response as she started moving faster. She closed her eyes and let herself live in the moment. I was mesmerized by the sight in front of me. For a moment I questioned why I was thinking like that, but she suddenly came and it was fucking amazing. Breathlessly she rested her head on my chest and I pulled her closer till she calmed down a bit.

She tilted her head up and pressed her lips against mine and just like that I was ready for another round. Turning us around, I pinned her on the bed. This time I didn’t give her a chance to protest. As we got lost in our moans and groans. We exhausted ourselves and fell asleep.

The next morning I open my eyes and for no reason a smile washed over my face. My head was on Daleyza’s stomach and her fingers were entwined through my hair. Sitting up I notice a tie around my wrist. At what point did that happen? I started wondering and when it hit me I smirked. I heard a small moan come from her as she turned in bed and snuggled closer to me.

“Morning, love.”

“Since when did you start calling me love?” she cracked an eye open and questioned. I just shrugged it off. Why did I start calling her that? I guess it just suits her.

“So you want to talk about what happened?” I knew something was bothering her. I never cared about these things, but with her everything seems different. Am I losing my mind?

“I confronted my father about my real mom and he just gave me some bullshit answer.” She rolled her eyes and started drawing patters on my chest with her fingers. “Then Frankie stormed in and started going off on him. Turns out he had Frankie’s girlfriend kidnapped. We found her and when Frankie found out that she was abused he shot the bastard in the head.”

“He’s dead?” I wasn’t expecting that at all.

“Yeah. I was also a bit taken back. It seemed so anti-climactic.” She sighed.

“Hmm but it was bound to happen sooner or later. He was getting sloppy with his work. It wouldn’t have been long before someone caught up to him.”

“And by someone you mean you?”

“Maybe… maybe not. He did make my life a bit difficult with his shit.” She shrugged. “Come on let’s get showered and ready before Aiden marches in here and sees something he isn’t supposed to.” She smirked and started walking to the bathroom in a very seductive way. Grinning I make an attempt to follow her only to be held back by the restraint on my hand. When did she tie the tie around the bed? Getting it off I storm into the bathroom.

“You’re going to pay for that you little minx.” I threatened in a playful manner… and she fucking smirked.

“Do your worst… bad boy…” she winked. I stalked closer to her and she ended up between the wall and me. I felt the hot water cascade down my back and it burned. How does she shower with water this hot? She tried regaining control, but kissed her hard and she melt into it. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I hiked one leg up and she moaned as I entered her. She started whispering in my ear as she bit softly on them. She moaned out my name as she came and that’s all it took for me to come too. We held on to each other as we came down from the high.

She closed her eyes and rested her head on my shoulder and all I could think was how beautiful she is.

“We should go out… I think Aiden might be awake.” She whispered after a while. I nod and we finished showering. As we got out of our room she head to Aiden’s. I walk down the stairs to find Vik lounging on the couch.

“I was calling you.” He said with a pointed look.

“I was busy.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah yeah… anyways…”

“Owh hi Vik.” I heard Daleyza behind me and Aiden ran to him screaming ‘uncle vik’

“Hi champ.” He picked Aiden up and put him on his shoulders. “And hello to you pretty lady.”

“So you want to tell my why you’re here?” I ask staring him down.

“What can’t I come see my favorite people?” he shrugged.

“So you’d rather be here on a Sunday morning instead of at home with your girlfriend.” I raised an eyebrow and he sighed.

“I had a fight with her.” He pouted and Daleyza laughed.

“Funny. But that’s not why you’re here.” He put his serious face on and wanted to start talking but his eyes flickered to Aiden. Daleyza read the situation and took Aiden to the kitchen as I sat down.

“So what do you want to start with? The good news or the bad news?”

“Does it matter?”

“Guess not… I combed through trough the files Daleyza got for us and they knew a lot about us. Most of the things were confidential.”

“So that means they are getting their information from someone in our inner circle… put everyone through the fucking loop and fish the dam rat out. I’ve had enough with that bastards games. Have you got the tech guys to screen everything?”

“Yeah they’re working on everything as we speak.” I nod.

“Boys… breakfast.” I hear Daleyza call from the kitchen.

“Ooh… I’m starving.” He gets up and walks over. Smiling I shake my head and join them.

“… But papa promised.” I heard Aiden whine to Daleyza. She gave him a pointed look. Aiden ran to me and I picked him up. “Papa tell mama you promised I can have ice-cream for breakfast.”

“uuhh” I scratch the back of my neck. “I kind of did.” I confess and she didn’t look happy. Aiden on the other hand was ecstatic. Daleyza crossed her arms and stared angrily at me. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“How about you finish your toast and omelette and we’ll get ice-cream after?”


“I’ll let you choose as many flavors as you want.” I tried reasoning with him.


Vik started laughing, but stopped when I glared at him. We took our food and gathered around the dining table.

“So what was the good news you mentioned?” I asked.

“That follows after I ask Daleyza something…” he pulls out something from his pocket and shows it to her. It looked like a jewelry box… more like a ring box and I was about to punch him.

“You think Lea will like it?” all eyes were on Daleyza and she seemed frozen.

“You’re proposing to her?” she asked as her voice faded out. What is that about?

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