Lisa p.o.v.

The next time I opened my eyes I had the overwhelming urge to vomit. I rushed to the bathroom. After throwing up I brushed my teeth and walked out. I really wasn’t looking to the months ahead with these. I was actually still processing the news. I didn’t know what to actually do with the information. I never wanted a child especially not two. Sighing I started walking back to the bed when something outside the window caught my eye. I stepped closer to it to get a better look.

“Ace…” I called out but he didn’t stir. I went to him and shook him awake. “Wake up!”

“Huh? What’s wrong?” he mumbled sitting up rubbing his face. He had a disoriented look on his face. I took his hand and pulled him to the window. I pointed to the backyard where I was certain Vik was cooped up. “What is he doing there?”

We walked out of our house to the backhouse after making sure there was no threat around. Once in the backhouse we tried approaching Vik without seeming to intrusive.

“Vik…” Ace started talking. His head snapped up and his bloodshot eyes showed his frustration.

“I don’t know where they are.” He hiccupped. He was clearly drunk.

“We found her.” I said.

“I’ve been trying to get into contact with you but clearly I failed.” Ace sighed. He carefully walked closer to him and snatched the bottle in his hand away.

“Where are they, I need to see them.” His speech slurred. Ace looked to me with a worried expression written on his face.

“Why don’t you get some sleep and we’ll go tomorrow?” by the time I finished my sentence he was already knocked out. Ace sighed and stood up. Calling one of the bodyguards they moved him to one of the guestrooms inside. It wasn’t the smartest idea to leave him outside. Especially in an unfinished backhouse.

“Looks like we’re not getting any more sleep.” Ace mumbled once we were back in bed. Glancing at the time it was already 5:30 A.M. Both of us laid down but neither of us could fall asleep. We just stayed there till the sun started rising. Thinking about Aiden’s distraught expression yesterday I needed to check on him. I made a move to get out of bed, but Ace’s arm around my middle prevented that. Furrowing my brows I tried to loosen his grip but he wouldn’t let go. He even tightened his grip.

“Ace… wake up!” I started shaking him awake. Sighing I pulled his ear which had its desired effect.

“Jeez, Daleyza why are you so cruel so early in the morning?” he rubbed his ear as he glared at me. I just shrugged and walked away. He grumbled something and flopped down on the bed. By the time I finished my shower and got dressed Ace was already gone from the room.

I went to Aiden’s room to found him curled up in a ball on his bed. I tried to wake him but after seeing he wouldn’t budge I gave up. As I walked down the stairs I saw Ace talking to one of his men. I changed my direction and walked to the kitchen. I was about to make myself a cup of coffee but decided against it. A while later Ace walked in making himself a drink. Sighing he sat beside me. Both of us glanced to each other.

“I didn’t want to leave my bed today and with every minute they bring something else on my plate.” He grumbled.

“What needs your attention?”

“We have two shipments coming in one of which may be surveyed by the cops. I need to talk to Vik regarding the Lea situation. Our doctor examined her and the baby and they’re both fine. But vik seems to be in shock. He doesn’t speak he doesn’t react.” He ran his hand in front of his face. “As much as I want to ignore it I need to talk to my dad. I want to spend some time training with Aiden. Jay just told me last night there was a fire in one of the warehouses, luckily it was contained on time but it still needs to be checked out. Some of the traitors Jack managed to find have escaped so they need to be taken care of.” He sighed. “And… You’re pregnant.”

My head snapped up at his last comment.

“What does me being pregnant add to your table?” I frowned.

“I don’t know. What the fuck am I supposed to do with a pregnant women. I’m as clueless as they come.” He scratched the back of his neck. That statement made me laugh out loud. When I could breathe calmly again he stared at me with a strange look on his face brushing it off I focused on his tasks.

“You can send your men for the shipments. And you can go check the fire, it may be related to the recent attack we had but to be sure you should see to it. When you return you can check on your father.” I rolled my eyes. “I assume you have men tracking the traitors so that wouldn’t take much of your time. I can talk to Vik. Training with Aiden can be anytime… and regarding my pregnancy…” I let out a chuckle. “You don’t have to worry just send someone to buy ice-cream, whipped cream, chips, pickles, chocolate cake… owh and pickled mangoes.”

He stared at me for a few moments without blinking. I snapped my fingers in front of his face. He shook his head and smiled.

“Uhm yeah… okay.” He coughed and left. I shook my head at his strange behavior but decided not to dwell on it too long. Finishing my tea I went to Aiden’s room. This time I managed to wake him up.

“Morning monkey.” I said as I stroked his hair. He peaked through his lids and lazily sat up.

“Mama I want to sleep more.” He pouted making me smile.

“I know. But you have to get showered for your tutoring lessons.” He scrunched his and reluctantly walked to the bathroom. We wanted his education to go forward even though we couldn’t fully agree on sending him back to school. We ended up settling on private tutors. After he showered I helped him in a pair of clean clothes. I noticed his absent expression.

“What’s wrong monkey?”

“Is papa going to hurt us?” his one question made my blood freeze. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Why would you think that?” I sat him down on his bed and waited for his answer. He wasn’t meeting my eyes and I started to worry.

“That’s what bad people do, mama. They hurt other people.” He fiddled with his fingers in his lap. I tilted his head.

“I know what you mean sweetie. But think about it. Ever since your papa has been in your life, has he done anything to hurt you?”

“He yelled at me when you were away.” He answered in a small voice. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. Ace’s short fuse always puts us in some kind of dilemma.

“He regretted that…” I hope. “But I know he wouldn’t want to put you in harm’s way. I know for a fact that everything he has done is to keep us safe… to keep you safe.” He still had a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

“If he doesn’t want us to hurt than why does he hurt other people?” I was at a loss of words. This boy is too innocent.

“Sometimes life puts you in situations where you are forced to make choices you don’t want. Not everyone will understand why you take some steps but as long as the ones close to you are safe it is okay.”

“Will I have to make choices like that?”

“I hope not, monkey.” I pulled him in for a hug. We stayed there for a while. “Okay let’s get you to your tutors so you can finish your lessons for today and we’ll talk later. Okay?” he nodded and I took him downstairs. Giving him breakfast I check the security before taking him to the study where the tutor was waiting.

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