The story will contain graphic sexual scenes, violence and scenes of abuse and torture. Reader discretion is advised.

“Oh for fuck’s sake.”

Liv sighed as the guy slipped through her fingers and ran ahead of her. Picking up her speed again, she chased her target through the alleys of the city. Her head was still a mess as was her sight and movements. She really needed to stop drinking so much when she knows she has an assignment the next day. The target ran to the left into another alley. She followed and saw a garbage can with a loose lid. The contract said to kill the guy and that’s exacty what she was gonna do. She grabbed the lid as she ran passed it and focused on the guy ahead of her. Her instincts took over and her sight narrowed on the target, before she could loose him she threw the lid with a strength no normal human has. The target screamed out in pain as the lid hit his legs and he went down. With a satisfied smirk she reached the target, who was sobbing on the ground as he tried to crawl away. “No, please, please!” He begged as she crouched down in front of him, withdrawing a knife out of her boot as she did. “I didn’t do anything! I swear!” It was always the same. Always begging for mercy when they knew that they didn’t deserve it. This guy for example. He had borrowed money from the wrong people to pay for his way too expensive, and out of his league, girlfriend, but instead of making an arrangement to pay them back, he tried to blow up the place where they did business. Men really were morons. “Please, please, I didn’t mean to, I...” Liv rolled her eyes at the sobbing male. “Then you shouldn’t have tried to blow them up.” She said as a matter of fact. He whimpered as he dropped his head. “Word of advise, in your next life, stay away from gangs and their money.” She said before she plunged her knife in the back of his head. There was no scream, nothing. A clean kill. One she was way too good at. Liv sighed as she looked at the lifeless body of the guy who made too many wrong decisions in his life. Another thing she was way too good at, not giving a damn fuck she had just killed someone. She pulled the knife out of his head and cleaned it on the guy’s shirt, before placing it back in her boot. standing up she grabbed his leg and started walking to the exit of the alley. Taking her phone out of her pocket she called the only number saved in it.

“Were you just slow or did the guy run marathons for a living?” The male on the other end of the call said as he answered. “Very funny, asshole. Where did the contract say they wanted him?”

“The Sunsire Motel, room 23.”

“On my way.”

“I’ll see you after for your pay and a new contract if you’re up for it.”

“When am I ever not up for it?”

“And that’s why you are my best. Have fun.”

With that the call ended. Liv placed the phone back in her pocket as she reached her car. After she glanced around the street to see if anyone would be able to tell she was about to stuff a dead body in her trunk. When she she was sure no one was going to bust her, she opened the trunk and tossed the guy in like he weighed nothing. She slammed the trunk shut and looked at the blood trail straight to her car. The power in her blood came forward and with half a thought the blood turned into water, leaving no trace behind.

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The scream could be heard from the place where she was standing outside, hidden from view. People raced to the the room and the commotion started. Liv took the pictures she needed, before she got in her car and drove away. Another contract successfully completed. Another payday. After all, that was all it was too her. Being a mercenary was not the most shiny line of work, but with her skillset it was the best one suited for her. She found out about that little fact the hard way. After they had demolished the store, hospital and another store where she had worked, she knew that she needed a job where no one would know or give a damn who she is and one where she never stayed in one place for too long. Solution? Becoming a mercenary. The first few contracts had been killing. Literally. Some guy wanted another dead and she was the one who needed to deliver the message. After that the contracts sifted from needing to bring someone in, killing, scaring the living hell out of someone and torturing. Resulting in the fact that she slowly but surely she lost her humanity whenever she put on her suit and went out to hunt. They haven’t gotten close to her ever since she went under the radar, which made the shit she had to do to get payed something she did without remorse.

After a while she pulled in to the garage, called Headquarters, and got out. Some of the guys in the workshop eyed her as she walked passed them, but as usual, she didn’t even spare them a glance. Liv walked up to the office and got in. Emil looked up from his papers as she did. “Fucking hell Liv, I can smell you from over here. Did you fuck and drink an entire bar or something?” She smirked as she walked towards him.

He pushed her back against the wall as his pants slid down to his knees. He lifted her up by her ass and she immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. He sat her on the sink of the dirty bathroom. His erection met her core, which was already throbbing with need. The guy moved her thong out of the way before he slammed himself into her. A moan left her as ecstasy came over her. An ecstasy which only grew as he kept thrusting his cock inside of her and fucked her in a bathroom of another lousy bar which had just served the needs she needed saturated.

“The photo’s of the body and everything that happened afterwards.” Liv tossed her phone on his desk. Emil rolled his eyes at her evasion of the question he just asked. He sighed as he picked up her phone and connected it to his laptop. “Nice work. Your pay is already in your account.” He disconnected the phone and tossed it back to her, before he grabbed a new contract. “I’m guessing you will be leaving soon?”

“You know I am.”

“Where will you go?” She leaned with her hands on the desk. “Oh Emil, when have I ever told you beforehand where I am going to?” He snorted and shook his head. “Would be easier if you just told me.”

“Trust me, it wouldn’t.” He sighed and shook his head before he dropped the contract in front of her. “Male, around 26 years old, pissed off the wrong dude and they want his head, but no involvement in the whole process thanks to some rivalry or some shit.” Another kill. One last before she leaves this state and moves on to the next. Liv stood up straight again and picked up the contract. “Where can I find the unlucky guy?”

“He is renting one of the cabins down at the Fishlake Forest, near Kanosh and Sunset Peak.” Emil said. “They only want proof that he’s dead so some pictures would be enough. You can dispose of the body afterwards.” Easy enough. Especially since he’s already staying in a secluded area. This will be a one day job. Meaning that she will be gone in two days. “Consider it done.”


Cabin 16 at the edge of the forest, no guests staying in the closest surrounding cabins. This was seriously too easy. She’s been observing the cabin for two hours now and the guy hasn’t made any appearance so far. Liv was starting to question if he was even here when the her heightened hearing picked up the opening of a door, but the front remained closed. Soon footsteps followed the sound of the door, leading away from her. He had taken the back door which leads immediately into the forest. Oh gods, he was one of those people who like to go jogging in a wooded area, oblivious to the wildlife, or something else, that could kill them in one blow. Liv rolled her eyes as she came out of her hiding spot and followed the guy. As soon as she came closer to the cabin her heightened smell picked up something she couldn’t quite place. What the hell was that scent? There was no time to dwell on it now though. She had a job to do. Liv walked around the cabin and saw the dude walk a little further up ahead wearing nothing more than some pants. Okay what the fuck? Wait... He couldn’t be... No, there were none here, but then why? Her interest spiked and she followed the guy at a safe distance.

After what felt like an hour walk the target stopped and crouched down in front of a stream and drank some water. Stealthy and quietly she walked a little closer when a breeze flew passed her towards the guy who immediately whipped his head towards her. With her enhanced sight she could see his eyes change from green to an amber color and she immediately knew why his scent was different and why he was half naked in the forest. He looked at her with utter shock, but she didn’t waste any more time. Liv needed to take him out, now! Using a speed they both shared she was in front of the male in a second and attacked him. He blocked every punch she threw at him, before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her against him. “Who are you?” He asked in wonder. “The one who will kill you.” Liv threw up her leg and kicked him hard in his balls, bringing him to his knees. He screamed and cursed as he got up and made a move to attack her, but before he could she allowed the power in her blood to become present. The male started to choke on his own blood as he fell back on his knees and grabbed his throat as if it would help. Sweat started to form on her brow as her breathing became rapid. The amount of focus and strength it took for her to use her power like this was all consuming. Liv reached for her silver dagger and plunged it in his heart without hesitation. The hold on her power fell as the life left the male who fell to the side. She took a few steps backwards as she looked in horror at the male who slowly started to shift into something else. Liv quickly grabbed her phone and took a few pictures before it would be noticeable what was happening to him. Before there wasn’t a male on the ground anymore, but a wolf. This whole thing wasn’t possible... They weren’t supposed to be here! A howl filled the silence, soon followed by more. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Liv quickly grabbed the knife and started to cut open the wolf. She found his bladder and plunged her knife in it. As she pulled it out the unshed urine poured out and she gagged as the scent of urine and blood covered any other scent that might be here. Including hers. She knew it wouldn’t last long and her scent would be noticeable in a half hour max, but that was all the time she needed. Liv got up from the ground and started running back to the cabins. She needed to get out of here now. Before they would get here and find her. Another howl filled the air and she could pinpoint that they were close. She willed her legs to go even faster and soon she saw her parked car. She immediately hauled herself in and drove away. Her phone connected with the Bluetooth to her car and she immediately called Emil.

“Wow, that was fas...”

“Who the fuck made the contract!?” She yelled before Emil could finished his sentence. “What’s wrong Liv?”

“Who made the contract!?” She yelled again, not answering his question. “Dwight Avantage.” Her heart stopped as she heard his name.

“Uncle Dwight...?” She whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. The large male gave her a hard look as he met her eyes. “I am no uncle to you and I never will be. You are nothing more than a means to an end and I can’t wait to use you.” He looked at her from head to toe. “All of you.” He said with a smirk that told her exactly what he means as his eyes turned amber.

Liv clenched her hands around the steering wheel. “Liv? What happened? Is he dead? Are you hurt?”

“I want the money transferred to my account immediately. I will send you the photo’s later.”

“I don’t understand, what the fuck happened?”

“What the fuck happened was that this guy just fucked up my whole life and I need to disappear. Transfer the money to my account and I will send you the photo’s later. I will contact you once I am far away from here.”


“Just fucking do it!” Liv yelled at him before she hung up and raced to the motel she was staying in. She pulled on the fire alarm as she walked to her room and grabbed everything she needed, before she quickly changed into some clean clothes. With a small bag, containing her wallet, new phone, her spare color contacts and fluid, a set of clean clothes and car key, she walked out of the motel room and saw a large group gathered outside. As stealthy as she could she blended in fast, thankful that no one paid attention to her. “Is everyone out of the motel?” She heard the owner ask. The receptionist nodded. “Positive.” That was the only confirmation she needed and pushed the button hidden in her fist. The bomb in her room went off and everyone screamed in terror as rubble fell everywhere and the fire spread. Liv used the chaos to walk to a parking lot not far from the motel and got into the black mustang. One she never used for assignments. The engine roared as she drove away and left this state. Hoping that they will never find a trace of her scent.

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