I’m painfully aware of it. Acting on impulse has become my thing, and where this story ends is anyone’s guess. But for now, there’s a personal vendetta to settle. After all this time, I’m ready to face Jenny and tear down what she values, like she tried with me.

I’ve just left the jewelry store when my phone buzzes. It’s Liam. “Your girl was here looking for you,” he says, and a rush of excitement hits me. I lean against my car, the jewelry store bag momentarily forgotten. Since Vegas, I’ve been keeping my distance from Eva, even if I keep tabs. My reasons are different now. It’s not out of the need to find out what her secrets are. It’s out of fear, a deep-seated fear of losing her that I can’t shake off.

The fact she’s looking for me means this isn’t some text-and-forget matter. My heart kicks up a notch at the thought, a bit of hope sparking up. But then Liam’s next words hit me like a punch.

“The blonde bitch opened the door,” he says, and I can tell he’s not happy about it.

Jenny. I swear under my breath and jump into action, sliding into my car and putting Liam on speaker as I head toward our house.

“What happened?” I ask, my grip tight on the steering wheel.

“I didn’t want Eva to get the wrong idea or Jenny to get suspicious. So I acted like Eva was my girl and got her out of there. Told her that Jenny being there was not what it may look like, but you gotta talk to her, man,” Liam explains.

“Thanks. Really,” I say, feeling both relieved and annoyed.

“Yeah, well, keep me out of your drama from now on, okay?” he grumbles back.

I grimace, not sure I can promise that. Things are likely to get more complicated before they get any better. I can’t say for sure I won’t drag Liam into more of my messes, so I grunt noncommittally.

As I drive, a mix of nerves and determination grips me. Seeing Eva and sorting things out is all I can think about, especially with the looming fear of losing her.

I pull up to the house and hesitate. Jenny being here earlier than planned is annoying. My plan for revenge against her was ready, but with Evan knowing Jenny is here complicates things.

Getting inside, Jenny’s lounging in my living room, with Ethan glaring daggers at her. The air is thick with tension, and I know I’ll owe Ethan big for this. I need to sort this out quickly; I’ve got things to clarify things with Eva, and I want her in the right headspace for the bombshell I have to drop.

She cracks her gum and snorts. “Didn’t know Liam was into fat chicks… Disappointing, but what can I say?”

“No, I don’t think he’s into curvy girls, but I am,” I reply; a genuine smile plays on my lips as I think of Eva, her curves that fit perfectly in my hands, the feel of her skin under my touch.

Jenny laughs mockingly. “Very funny. So why are you with me then?”

I raise an eyebrow. “But I’m not with you, am I? In fact, I broke up with you two months into senior year and haven’t looked back.”

She tries another angle. “I blew you last year.”

“At a college party while I was too drunk to get it up. You shouldn’t even have been there!” I shoot back, my patience wearing thin.

“So why call me here?” she demands.

I lean in, my voice low and dangerous. “Just to see the look on your face when you realize you’re done.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her expression shifts to confusion. “Why?”

“Because destroying someone is fun, right? Tell me, did you enjoy what you did to the coach’s daughter? Unleashing Derek on her?”

The mention of her past actions hits a nerve, and her face contorts with rage. “That bitch thought she owned you! She—”

“Because she fucking did!” I cut in, my voice thundering in the room. “Because she still does.”

Jenny stumbles back, her bravado crumbling.

“You’ve been playing with fire. But here’s the thing about fire—it burns everything in its path. And I’m that fire. I won’t stop until there’s nothing left of you.”

She stumbles back, her face draining of color. “She’s not good enough for you!” she spits out, desperation lacing her voice.

I can’t help but laugh, a sound bitter with irony. “Fuck, Jenny. She’s not just good enough; she’s better than me. She’s the best part of me. And what you did to her…”

My voice trails off as I see the fear creeping into Jenny’s eyes, realizing she’s losing whatever control she thought she had. I lean in closer, my voice dropping to a menacing whisper. “You know, I’ve been thinking about how your school would react if they found out you cheated on the entrance exam.”

Her eyes widen in shock, and for a moment, she’s speechless. “You wouldn’t dare,” she finally manages to choke out.

“Oh, but I would,” I reply, stepping back with a cold smile. “See, I’ve got nothing to lose anymore. You tried to take away the one thing that matters to me, so why should I play fair?”

Jenny’s arrogance begins to fade, replaced by a dawning realization of the seriousness of her situation. She takes a shaky breath, looking like she might crumble right there on the spot.

“Please, Cole,” she whispers, her voice trembling. “I… I didn’t mean for things to go so far. It was a stupid mistake.”

“A mistake that could have cost her life,” I say sternly. “You don’t get to play the victim here. You made your choices, and now you have to face the consequences.”

My voice trails off, but I can’t stop myself from asking the question that’s been gnawing at me. “How did you find out? About my dyscalculia? I know for a fact my girl didn’t tell you.”

Her face contorts with disgust when I say, “my girl.” “I heard her asking the school psychologist where she could find information about dyscalculia and how to help her little cousin. I’m obviously not as stupid as you are, Cole. I knew it could only be you, and you fell for it.”

The urge to strangle her for all the pain she’s caused me and Eva is overwhelming, her lack of remorse fueling my anger. Maybe I should take everything from her. To hell with my father’s advice.

I watch her struggle to compose herself, her hands trembling at her sides. There’s a part of me that almost feels sorry for her, but then I remember Eva’s face, the pain she went through because of Jenny’s actions.

“Now leave,” I say, pointing at the door with a firm gesture. She hesitates, still reeling from the revelation, but I’m not done yet. “Oh, and before you get any ideas about retaliation,” I add, my voice low and controlled, “be thankful that your school and reputation are all I’m taking.”

My smile widens, a cold, calculating expression that I know will send a clear message. “Because guess who is now the major shareholder in your father’s company?” The shock on her face is satisfying. “Tread carefully and forget we exist. Because I swear on what I hold dearest to my heart, I will get him fired. You will be poorer faster than you can blink if you even think about approaching my girl. Do I make myself clear?”

I initially wanted to strip her of everything and watch her downfall, but my father pointed out a crucial flaw: if she had nothing left to lose, she’d have no reason not to fight back. By ensuring she still has something at stake, I can keep her in check. So, for the first time, I put aside my urge for total destruction and followed my father’s advice.

Jenny nods, her usual confidence shattered. She knows I’m not bluffing. The power dynamics have shifted, and she’s on the losing end. Her eyes, once so full of malice, now reflect fear and resignation. Without another word, she turns and hurries out of the house, the sound of the door closing echoing through the room.

As I stand there, the weight of what I’ve just done settles on me. I’ve played the game she started, but I’ve ended it on my terms and won. Protecting Eva, ensuring she never gets hurt by Jenny again, is all that matters. The lengths I’ve gone to or would go to might be extreme, but when it comes to her, there are no half measures.

Now, with Jenny out of the picture, I can focus on what’s important—fixing things with my girl. I need to make things right, to show her that she’s my priority, my everything. The thought of seeing her, of explaining everything and hoping for her understanding, fills me with a sense of urgency.

Grabbing my keys, I leave the house, each step feeling like a move toward the future I’m determined to build with her. When I get to her place, I’m surprised it’s not empty—it’s just Poppy and me. It’s kind of odd, actually, it’s the first time we’ve been alone together.

“Eva’s not here,” Poppy tells me cautiously. “She’s working with her professor on her project.”

I play it cool, though I already knew that. “Mind if I wait for her?”

She hesitates but then opens the door wider. “Sure.”

“Do you want something to drink?” she offers, going back to her tray of cupcakes.

“No, thanks.” I sit at the counter and look at her as she puts some frosting on them.

“My little brother has a bake sale tomorrow, but I got caught up with class, so I made them here, and I can drop them off when Ethan and I go for dinner tonight.”

I feel a twinge of jealousy—Ethan’s fitting into her world so easily. I wonder how it’ll be when I eventually get to bring Eva home and when she will introduce me to her father as her man.

Poppy keeps glancing my way. Finally, I ask, “What’s on your mind?”

She takes a deep breath, her protectiveness toward Eva clearly battling with something else. “Well, Ethan told me that you really want what’s best for Eva, and that I should give you a chance… have a little faith.”

I can’t help but smile, mentally thanking Ethan. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted—her happiness and safety.”

She studies me for a minute before looking down at the cupcake she’s decorating again. “She is one of my best friends,” she continues, not looking up from her task. “And I’m not certain what the history between the two of you is, well, not everything at least. But I know it’s heavy, and she’s been hurt a lot.”

“Yes, I hurt her far more than I intended, and she never deserved it. I-I can’t apologize enough for that. Words mean nothing, but I can assure you that all I want is for her to be happy. Ethan is right. I want what’s best for her; I love her.”

She glances up, surprised. I guess it’s not often she sees men admit their feelings so freely, but it’s the truth.

Her expression softens, and she nods. “Okay then, be good to her. She deserves it.”

Yes, she deserves it, that and more.

Not long after, Eva walks in, and suddenly the room feels right again.

“Hi,” I say, a bit more eagerly than I intend.

“Hi,” she replies, a bit wary.

“I… ummm… I forgot to buy the—” Poppy looks around and sighs, letting go of the pretense. “I’ll be back,” she finishes, grabbing her phone and her coat before exiting the apartment.


Before she can continue, I rush to clarify things about Jenny. “Nothing happened with her,” I say quickly, earnestly. “I would never.”

To my surprise, she simply nods. “I know,” she replies, and I’m momentarily taken aback by her calm assurance.

“You do?”

She removes her coat, revealing a serene expression that doesn’t match my own turmoil. Taking my hand, she leads me to the sofa, her touch grounding. “I trust you,” she says, her eyes meeting mine with a clarity that speaks volumes.

I’m eager to close the distance with a kiss, but she places her hand on my mouth, halting me. “Wait, let’s talk for a minute, and then we can do all the kissing you want.”

I sit back, like a good boy, only because she said I’d get to kiss her as much as I want once she’s done talking.

She takes a deep breath, her fingers intertwined with mine. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking,” she begins. “About us, about what I want, and what it means to trust someone. And I’ve realized that no matter what happens, my feelings for you aren’t going anywhere.”

Hearing her words, a warmth spreads through me, a feeling of hope and gratitude. “Eva, I…” I start, searching for the right words.

She squeezes my hand. “I know you’re not perfect. Neither am I. But I believe in us, in what we have. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m willing to try if you are.”

“I am,” I say without hesitation. “More than anything.”

She nods again, her face still solemn. “The thing is, what broke us at the start is the secrets, the unsaid, and we need to learn from our mistakes. We can’t keep secrets like that, not anymore. And that’s why I’m admitting that yes, of course, I still love you, but I’m scared to fall back into all that.”

“I’m all for honesty.” I take a deep breath, about to reveal to her the last of our secrets.

“And I need us to take it slow.”

I huff, deflating. “What do you mean?” I ask, tightening my hold on her hand.

“You’re intense.”

I frown. “Is that a bad thing? I want you.”

“No, I—” She blushes, and I love that pink hue on her skin. I love it so much that I can’t stop myself from brushing my fingers against her soft cheek. “It’s a work in progress. No matter the lies and the betrayal, you still hurt me very deeply.”

I look down at our intertwined fingers, guilt rearing its ugly head.

She cups my cheek. “Cole, no, I’m not saying that to make you feel bad. I’m trying very hard to leave the past where it belongs, but I’m saying that for you to understand why I’m being a little more… careful with this.” She points between her and me. “I need to go slow.”

I’m thrown off, but I understand. She needs to be cautious. “Slow as in no kissing, no touching, no… sex?” I ask, my eyes involuntarily trailing down to her cardigan that reveals the swell of her large breasts. Lord have mercy if she wants that, I’ll have to take ten cold showers a day and will probably die of hypothermia within a week.

“No, not that slow. That would be a shame for both of us.”

I can’t help but grin. “Little Cole thanks you.”

“We both know there’s nothing little about him,” she teases.

“I know.”

She rolls her eyes and leans into me. “No, I’m thinking more like—not giving ourselves a label, not spending the night, not—”

“Meeting the parents,” I add, unable to hide my disappointment.

“Exactly,” she agrees.

I frown. I hate what she’s saying, every part of it. I want to sleep every night with her in my arms. I want to shout to the world that she’s mine, and I want her to meet my parents—dazzle them as she dazzled me. And I want Coach to know his daughter is mine, but what can I say? I am the one who fucked up, so even if she says she wants to leave the past in the past, I can only agree to whatever she wants until she’s ready for more.

“Fine. We’ll take it slow.”

I see how relieved she is, and I can’t help but smile. Fuck, I love this woman so much.

We lean into each other, and even though it’s not exactly how I envisioned things, it’s a start. A slow start, but a start nonetheless. She’s here with me, and that’s what counts.

“So, about that kissing…” I tease, leaning in.

Eva rolls her eyes playfully but doesn’t pull away. “You and your one-track mind.”

“Yeah, but you love it,” I reply, closing the gap between us.

As our lips meet, I know we’re on the right path. It’s a path of healing, of growing, and of loving at whatever pace she needs. And I’m here for it, every step of the way because there’s no other place for me than by her side.

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