“I have a plan,” Leon whispered after they went out to the hall.

Calderone cocked his head. When his dad had a plan, it was often deadly for someone. “Ok, go on.”

“We leave Donavan without much of a guard.”

Calderone narrowed his eyes at him.

“I already spoke to John about this, since we do trust him. We simply lay the trap. The man who shot him wants him gone so he won’t identify him. He seems to be the only one who will or can do that.”

Calderone nodded. “I agree but I have one stipulation.”

Leon stared hard at him, knowing him too well. “No, son. I won’t have you there.”

“Yes, you will. This has to be a Vincinti who does this and you know it. This man has to be dealt with in only one way.”

Leon bit at his lip and looked around at the hallway. His expression was an unhappy one. “If I lose you—”

Calderon placed his hand on his shoulder. “I’m good and you know it. It’s too bad I am, but there you have it.”

Leon nodded slowly. “We set this up for tonight.” You got your silent piece?”

“I do. I brought it with me.”

“Yeah, I knew it. It has to be you…” He stepped closer. “But you need to stay safe and alive son. You are…” Leon got a little choked up.

“I know Dad, and I feel the same about you. We have weathered some of the hardest years together and some of the best too. We still have many ahead.”

Leon still looked concerned, but he nodded.

“I want you here with my girl, Dad. With your Dirty weapon handy.”

Leon suddenly perked up “Yeah…I will make sure she is not alone and anyone who wants to bust in, will get a nice large hole in them.”

Calderone patted his arm, though he knew his dad would do so in a flat second. It wasn’t boasting nor was it ego. His dad did what he had to do, just like Calderone had. “Alright, let me know when it is close to the time and if you need any help arranging it, have John give me a call.”

“Not needed it is all set up. We shall place a lazy cop, you know cuz the man would expect there to be one and not one of our men. Then he wanders up and down the hall. And when we see the culprit coming in, we signal the guard and he just wanders away to the cafeteria. Then…”

Calderone nodded. “I will be ready.”

His dad nodded and walked off down the hallway.

Calderone turned and went back into the room where Willow was attempting to get up. “Whoa there,” he called out. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Willow’s cheeks flushed pink as she admitted, “I need to use the little girl’s room.”

Calderone smiled. Then he stepped up and swooped her into his arms to carry her.

“Oh!” she squeaked. “Listen, you don’t have to—”

“I do. I want to. I will take care of you.” He then halted his steps and gazed down at her face. “In fact, I will be doing that very thing from now on. I want you in my life, Willow Yates. Will you stay with me, put up with my old man and the fact that I am sort of a badfella and be a part of my life?”

Willow stared up at him with wide yes. “Was that like sort of a proposal? I mean…” She shook her head.

Calderone felt disappointment flood him as he watched her shaking her head at him. He again, came on too strong, pushing this so soon.

“Of course I will,” she finally whispered.

He looked down at her again in surprise this time. “You will?”

Nodding, she raised up a bit and looked down at her dogs. “What do you both have to say? You do know he is asking to be around all the time. Right?”

The dogs seemed to study the both of them then they rose up on their haunches as each let out just one yap.

Calderone stared at this in fascination. “So was that a yes yap?”

Willow laughed and mimicked her dogs, “Yap!”

He turned his amused gaze back to her. “You are cute too.”

“I am but in a minute, your nice dress pants won’t be so cute on that tight sexy butt of yours when they are wet.”

He raised his brows in confusion, then got the interference. “OH! The little girl’s room, right!” He ushered her over and moved past the door to sit her down.

She braced herself on the sink counter.

Calderone just kept staring. She had said yes. He felt elated and nervous all at the same time. He wanted to do so much for this woman, do so much with this woman.

“Umm, Cal?” she asked.

“Yes?” he replied.

Willow laughed as she pushed him away. “Get out.”

He blinked his eyes then again, got it. “Oh, so sorry!” He smiled and left, closing the door. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Beaming, he let out a breath. Damn, he just finalized something major, something he never thought to do again. Yes, he already knew he would be marrying her as his dad would step in with his traditions sooner or later, but he already felt bound to Willow forever now.

His smile then faded away. But first, he need to clear a path. Get rid of this threat. He had to kill at least one more time. There was no choice in it…Maybe he was a badfella after all.

Willow came out of the bathroom after a long while. She had washed herself up as well as she could, considering s that she couldn’t properly shower yet due to her stitches. She felt that she had seen something in Calderone’s eye besides happiness earlier, after he’d come back from talking with his dad. She wondered how to ask him what was going on without accusing him of keeping something from her.

Calderone had a tray all set up for her with an entire meal on it.

She smiled at him. “Oh wow. Thank you. I am hungry.”

He nodded. “You need to get better. I have plans for you,” his voice deepened.

Again, she got those shivers. Damn, his voice was like a… what was that called an aphrodisiac? She got wet instantly when he used that certain smooth tone on her.

She walked over and sat down in the chair as she tried to hide the fact that she wanted him, yet again.

Calderone then spoon fed her the entire meal. She would take whiffs of that scent that was only him in between bites, but she had complained that she wasn’t a baby.

“But you’re my baby,” he had purred sweetly.

Then all over again …her panties were wet.

He raised a sexy brow at her as he handed her an antibiotic pill.

She took the pill, swallowed it with her juice, then set it down. Next, she stood up and suddenly divested herself of the robe she had put on in the bathroom. “So, baby me the right way then,” she cooed at him.

He stared at her. “You still aren’t up to par.”

“I am so.” She placed her hands on her bare hips. “I need more of your medicine. In fact, I am addicted to it, so give me the REAL meds.”

His lip rose just a fraction, as he seemed to fight a smile. “You are tempting a badfella here, little girl. Are you sure you want to do that?” That purr had come back into his voice.

She nodded her head slowly but surely, as her heartbeat picked up in pace.

Calderone stared at her nude form. His intense steel colored eyes traveling down along her body.

God, now it was his eyes that made her wet. It was just everything about him. She’d been with him several times now, but the lust she felt all over again was like the first time. Yes, she was addicted to a man and funny thing was… it did not scare her like it should.

Calderone loved this, her standing here nude and he could look at his leisure, but looking would never be enough. He knelt and got as close as he could be. The only thing between him and her core was the tiny triangle of her silk underwear covering her mound. His mouth slid down along her body until he was right where he wanted to be. He pulled her panties to the side and spread her folds using his tongue to lap at her.

Calderone groaned when he felt her wet heat. It was almost pulsing in its intensity while his tongue swiped at her sweet skin. Her unique taste drove him wild and he groaned as her essence flooded his mouth.

“Please, Calderone I need you inside me,” she whispered as her body blazed. She groaned when Calderone slid his fingers inside her. First one then two and finally, three fingers fucked her but it wasn’t enough.

When he couldn’t contain himself any longer, he ripped the fabric left between them and his fingers fumbled with his own clothes. Kicking his dress pants off, he laid her down on the bed then settled between her open thighs.

Willow wanted everything Calderone could give her. “Please I need you. Please…” she begged as she licked the side of his neck down his chest to his nipple.

When her lips closed around it, Calderone groaned and held her head to his chest. He began dry humping her core. Her juices coated his cock and then he couldn’t stand it anymore, so he pushed himself deep inside her body. He paused and waited as he felt himself surrounded by her tight sheath. If he weren’t careful, he would lose himself in her heat before he was ready. He didn’t know why but when he was with her, he felt like a damn kid again.

Moaning, she wrapped her legs around him and lifting her hips, she pulled him in deeper. He began to move slowly inside her but she wasn’t going to let him. Thrust after thrust, she lifted her hips to meet his and before long, Calderone lost it.

He didn’t need more than her urging him to thrust into her again and again. Sweat beaded on his body and mixed with her own but neither of them was aware of the fact as both were too caught up in their passion for each other. He rammed his hard hot cock into her repeatedly.

He felt her body tighten, as she got closer to exploding for the second time.

Then he drove deeper than he had before to thrust harder and faster and a moment before he came, he felt her come apart in his arms yet again. She screamed out his name as his lips came down on hers. His mouth muffled her screams as he then sucked on her tongue as they came together.

Willow couldn’t believe how quickly her body had responded to his slightest touch. She couldn’t control herself.

She had gotten lost again, in her passion as Calderone had used what he knew would drive her crazy. He then had sucked on her and she had lost her everlovin’ mind. After that, she’d been nothing but a wild mess, her brain had shut off completely.

Moving to her side, he wrapped his arms around her and brought her close. He snuggled closer when he felt her trembling. “Are you okay?” he whispered. “I lost it there. I hope I didn’t hurt you.” He raised up and checked the bandage at her belly. “I … I’m sorry.”

Willow laughed loudly. “Sorry? Oh, hell no. Don’t be sorry, my Badfella, you just rocked me again is all. I never felt such trips through the universe like you take me on. Oh, my God. Never be sorry.”

He stared at her smiling face. “Very well then. You seem okay?”

“Okay?” She again laughed. She had just been set on fire. “Wow.” she whispered as she snuggled into his body. “That was unbelievable.”

“It was inevitable,” he whispered. “Since the moment I first heard your voice.”

Willow heard him and she smiled as she instantly fell asleep in his arms.

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