After a couple of hours, Willow startled awake. She felt disorientated for a moment. A strange room and a strange bed. Then it all came back to her. She was in bed with Calderone Vincinti, a Mob boss of all things. She felt shocked all over again, that she had just wandered in here, dropped her clothes and had sex with him. But was it sex… no, she’d had that before and this wasn’t it. What they’d done earlier was like POW! Like it rocked her world, for sure. She’d never dreamed it could be like that.

She’d thought this morning that she might die soon, but now she’d knew that she had never lived. Not like this. All those years with Steve and she missed this? No regrets, but that did rankle her a bit. What a mistake it had been, a waste of years to a man who never even reached her G-spot nor made actual fireworks appear for her.

She felt his hard chest beneath her cheek and listened to his breathing. What a man. He was a bit arrogant but… well, look who he was. Although, if he thought to boss her around, he had a surprise coming. She then got a wicked thought.

Touching him like he had her, she caressed his stomach as she slid downward to the apex of his powerful thighs.

He groaned a bit at the touch of her fingers on his skin, but he didn’t wake.

Nervously, she came to his cock. Grasping it in her hand, she noted he gasped at her touch. Yes, he might be awake now. She wondered if she could make him lose his mind like he had done to her. Slowly, she lowered her tongue and licked the tip of him.

He growled.

She took that as a good sign. Emboldened a little, she then licked along his shaft. Experimenting to see what he liked.

His whole body shook.

Willow paused. He likes this… she smiled in the dim light. She then grew bolder and placed her whole mouth over the tip.

His huge hands fisted the sheets. “Dammit!”

Smiling with a mouthful of him, she knew she was on the right track. With more confidence, she slid down as far as she could get then back up.

His shaking grew as his chest was rising and falling. He groaned in that low tone that made her shiver all over.

Oh, this was hot and fun and she loved the taste of him. She then went to town as they say… and pleasured him with her mouth.

Reaching down, he grabbed her long hair in his fists.

Willow then allowed him to propel her up and down.

Damn, this was turning her on and she was wet as she could be. The man was large and barely fit in her throat but she accommodated as best as she could. Her whole body was on fire and she didn’t know if she could keep going before she herself, exploded.

He sped up a bit as he stroked into her mouth, his powerful hips thrusting up and down. Willow was panting through her nose as she sucked for all she was worth as her body squirmed with tingles and shivers all along her nerve endings.

“Oh damn,” he let out in a low voice.

Her clit pulsed with his rumbling voice and his length throbbing in her mouth.

Letting go of her hair, he spoke softly, “I’m going to…”

She knew what he meant and she was more than ready, so she reached down and grasped his balls and squeezed. This move even shocked her but she just did what came naturally.

“Dammit!” His large body shook badly as he shouted and spurted into her mouth.

Willow tasted a salty but kind of sweet flavor burst into her throat and she swallowed every bit. She then found herself coming with him. Oh… she clenched her thighs together and had to let go as she slumped sideways and was in a full blown orgasm.

Sitting up, Calderone stared down at her. “That made you climax?”

She was moaning with pure erotic pleasure and rolling around on the bed. “Mhm-mmm…”

He grabbed her up and pulled her tight to his chest. “Maledetta ragazza. Sei mio…”

Shivering and trembling, she asked, “So does that mean you liked that?”

He stared into her eyes. “The best I ever had, Tesoro.” His grey orbs seemed to dance with joy and pleasure.

Her eyes widened. “What does that name mean?”

He grinned. “My sweetheart and it is my name for you.”

She wanted to ask him how she could have been better than all the women he’d probably had before.

Calderone kissed her soundly while cutting off her words.

Finally, he released her and brought her back down in bed. “Now sleep, you have had a long day.”

Willow snuggled up against his warmth. To think that in one day, she went from being alone and afraid to feeling safe and protected. A long day all right—and the most memorable of her life so far. She smiled and fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later, Calderone was the first to wake up and Willow screamed when she saw the two men after the door was thrown open and two men rushed into the room. Both men were dressed in black and had their faces covered in black ski masks.

“Well, well, well what do we have here?” one of the men said wickedly.

Calderone snarled as he pulled the sheet up to cover Willow. “What the fuck is this?” He felt around under the pillow for his weapon. Dammit, where is it?

“This, Mr. Vincinti, is what we call a kidnapping. My boss wants to talk to your girlfriend but this complicates things, doesn’t it?”

“How did you find us here?” Calderone demanded.

“Now I can’t tell you that but I will tell you, you can’t do anything without us knowing about it. We’ve been watching you for a while now, so we know everything about you.”

The first man went to grab her arm and haul her out of bed.

Calderone had found the gun and he gripped the butt of it.

The man who had Willow in his grip, put a silencer to her temple.

Calderone knew he could risk the man’s gun going off and killing Willow. He was so frustrated. He wanted to blow his head off and right now.

When the talkative man saw her dressed in just a t-shirt and little shorts, he snickered. “Hope you had a good time last night honey, it might very well be your last good time ever.” He pulled her with him toward the door.

The second larger man glared at Calderone. “You are going to let us walk out of here with her. If we don’t, your father is going to have a very bad accident in his own home.”

Calderone glared at the man wanting to shoot him right between the eyes, but then the other man who stood behind him would simply kill Willow most likely. “If you hurt her, I will hunt you down like the dogs you are and I will enjoy taking you apart one piece at a time. If you dare to come after me or my father again, there won’t be a rock in this whole country big enough for you to hide under. I suggest you rethink what you’re doing right now.”

“And I suggest you shut the fuck up. When he finds out what he wants to know, he’ll give you a call and tell you what’s going to happen next. If you make a move to come after him, he’ll kill your girlfriend and it won’t be very nice what he’ll do to her. All you have to do is behave yourself.” He lifted his weapon and swung at Calderone’s head.

Calderone heard Willow scream as he then fell unconscious on the bed.

When he woke up a little while later, the bed was soaked with his blood.

He groaned and sat up. Grabbing his pants, he pulled them up and went in search of the guard that was supposed to be on duty upstairs. When he went upstairs, he found the Sinner tied to a chair and furious.

Calderone untied him and demanded to know, “What the fuck happened?”

“They knew where the cameras were and avoided them. I didn’t see them at all until it was too late to stop them from getting in. Are you and the woman okay?”

“No we are not. They broke into our room and took her. One of them knocked me out and I just woke up. I need to find her and quick. I also need to warn my father.” He went back downstairs and went to Willow’s room. When he entered, he was greeted by the sound of two very pissed off dogs locked in the bathroom. As soon as he opened the door, they rushed past him to find her. Calderone looked around and growled when he saw the signs of someone going through her things.

He went back to his room and finished dressing. Then he went out to the living room.

Hawk was there by this time. “I’m sorry man. This should never have happed.” He looked at the wound Calderone had on his face.

“You’re right, it shouldn’t have, but that’s not on you.” Calderone shook his head. “That’s on the men watching us, plotting against us. But now, I have more than one reason to go after them. They took my woman and I’m getting her back.”

Calderone stormed out of the safe house. When he got to the front porch, he whistled for the dogs and they came running after him. He got into the back of his car and his bodyguard Jovanti started the car. Jovanti took one look at him and asked, “What the hell happened to you? Are you all right?”

“I need to go home and check on my father. There was a threat against his safety, then I need to confront the man who set this up. Someone broke in and kidnapped the woman I was with. I plan to hunt that little bastard down and get her back. Then I’m going to kill him.”

Jovanti nodded. “How did they find out where you were?”

“They told me they’ve been watching us for some time.” Calderone growled. He looked over at the dogs and noticed they were fretting. He reached for his phone and called his father.

Leon answered and was startled by the news Calderone told him. Then he surged to his feet and shouted for his own bodyguard, “John!”

When the man joined him, he growled out an order. “Go find Donny for me and bring him to me immediately. Do not let him make any calls and take his phone away from him.”

“And if he doesn’t want to come?”

“He doesn’t have a choice.” Leon stared at the other man. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

John smiled and nodded. Donny was not well liked by the other members of Leon’s staff and this would be a joy for any of them in fact.

He disappeared down the hall to Donny’s office. A few minutes later, there was some yelling and screaming and then there was silence.

Leon looked down the hall.

John dragged Donny behind him. Donny was out cold and when John came up close, he threw the other man to the ground at Leon’s feet. “He didn’t want to come with me. He said he would follow me and he resisted.” He shrugged his wide shoulders. “So I had to knock his whiney ass out.”

Leon nodded. “Good. Now I want you to copy everything on his computer and then store it where it will be safe.”

John hesitated for a moment then asked, “What’s going on boss?”

Leon looked down at the unconscious man at his feet. “Donny seems to think he can unseat my position and take over for me.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” John exclaimed. “What the fuck?”

Leon nodded. “He’s cooking the books to try and show the Council that I’m cheating them.”

John just shook his head and went back down the hall to Donny’s office. He secured the computer and the office.

A few minutes later, Calderone and two huge dogs joined them.

Leon looked beyond him for Willow and when he didn’t see her, he frowned and stared at his son. That’s when he saw the wound on his head. “What the hell happened to you?”

“Someone broke into the safe house and kidnapped Willow. They told me they were watching us and had been for some time. They must have followed us to the bay and watched us until they felt they could get in safely. He also told me if we behaved, she would still be alive when they didn’t need her anymore.”

“They expect us to cooperate with them?” Leon snarled.

“What the hell is Donny doing here?” Calderone wanted to know as he stared dispassionately down at the man on the floor.

“I asked John to get him away from the computer and not to let him make any calls. He isn’t going to be allowed to contact his partner but I will.” He glared at Donny. “It’s time this ended.”

Donny opened his eyes and glared up at Leon and Calderone. His arms were tired behind his back and his jaw was sore due to the fact that John had to hit him when he refused Leon’s abrupt summons. “What the fuck is going on here?” he whined. “Why am I tied up?”

Calderone hauled the man up by his shirt and glared at him face to face. “You are a fucking coward. Plotting to take down my father and me for your own gain is despicable. Hurting an innocent woman is even more so. Where is Willow?”

Donny shook his head. “I have no idea who you’re talking about.” He snarled. “Who the hell is Willow?”

“Who are you working with?” Leon asked ignoring the man’s denials.

“I’m not working with anyone,” Donny lied to his face.

“I already know all of it, you bastard.” Leon swore. “And steps are being taken to bring him to me. If we don’t get the woman back, you can bet we’ll search the city for her. If we can’t find her or if we find her hurt in any way, you and Carmen will pay for it.”

Donny swallowed hard at the mention of Carmen’s name.

“You do know your game is over now, don’t you?” Leon nodded when he saw the fear in Donny’s eyes. “If you cooperate and tell us where she is, I’ll let the Council know what you did. If we have to find her ourselves, they will show you and Carmen no mercy.”

Donny began to sweat. “I didn’t know he was doing this. I don’t know where she is.”

“Lack of communication skills I suppose. Too bad for you then.” Leon motioned for John and Jovanti to take him away. “Put him in a cell until I can get his partner to join us.”

Calderone and Leon watched as they dragged Donny away.

Donny kept begging for mercy all the way, until they could no longer hear him.

“I cannot believe this man would stab me in the back like this. We’ve been friends for a very long time.” Leon went over to his phone and called his good friend. “Rafe, I need you and your grandson, Carmen to come see me. I need to see you both within thirty minutes. Don’t let me down.” When he hung up the phone, he looked over at Calderone. “We will get her back. Maybe you should get cleaned up and get ready to confront the men responsible for this mess.”

Calderone turned and walked to the doorway. He saw the dogs sitting there waiting for him then he snapped his fingers and they turned to follow him to his bedroom.

Leon watched as his son and Willow’s dogs left.

Then he made another phone call. This one was to the Council. They had a two hour drive to get here and hopefully by then, they would have more information to tell them. They still had to root out the men behind the kidnapping but when he got the answers he hoped to get, that wouldn’t take too much time.

Donny, Carmen and all the others were about to see the real man he was and they would learn he was no pushover. They would now, find out the hard way.

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