Calliope [Book 2]

Maria looked over Asmar from the castle balcony with Mido at her side. She was still struggling to accept the information Mido had just given her. It seemed surreal to see Mido, standing as king of a nation that wanted Librona destroyed.

“This is all jest so much,” she mumbled. “What are ya goin’ ta do now?”

Mido shook his head. “I don’t know. I just want to get back out there and find Calli.”

“You have access to all of Asmar’s resources, now,” Maria said, turning to him. “Ya must be able to use ’em ta ya advantage.”

“They will not allow me to search for a witch. They may be loyal to their ruler, but they’re a kingdom that went rogue. I have a feeling they won’t hesitate to overthrow me if they knew my plan.”

“So don’t tell ’em,” Maria suggested. “Ya lie, boy. Lie like a rug.”

Mido was uneasy. “I don’t know,” he said slowly. He shook his head and returned inside the castle’s walls.

“Wasn’t that the plan?” Maria asked, following him inside. “King Sloan couldn’t help ya, but he did help ya get ’ere where ya could get help.”

“He just wanted the war to end. He doesn’t care about me or Calli.”

“He’s ya father, Mido.”

Mido spun around. “He is not my father,” he hissed.

“He is, whetha ya want to believe it o’ nat.”

Mido shook his head. “I don’t care about him or anyone in that kingdom. I just want to find Calliope.”

Maria sighed. “I will help ya,” she said.

“No. You need to go home and stay away from trouble. I won’t involve anyone in this.”

“Calliope is my friend, Mido. I want ’er ta be safe. Dontcha argue with me, boy.”

Mido nodded. “All right, all right, fine. But don’t tell Ian it was my idea.”

“Ya’ve seen Ian?” Maria seemed hopeful. She had not seen Ian since she left with Calliope.

Mido met her gaze and his heart caught in his throat. “No. I assumed you had.”

Maria shook her head, the hope gone from her eyes.

Mido swallowed. He couldn’t handle losing anyone else. “He may be in Librona,” Mido said in an attempt to assure the both of them. “I wasn’t there very long.”

“He will help us.”

Mido walked outside of the castle with Maria at his side as they spoke. They found themselves in the stables where Lily picked at the hay on the ground.

“Take Lily,” Mido said, patting his mare on the neck. “Go to Librona and find Ian. I’m sure he’s there. Bring him back. I will have a plan by then. I’ll be ready.”

Mido saddled the horse and helped Maria onto Lily’s back. He watched as Lily trotted away, guiding her rider back to Librona. When she disappeared from sight, Mido returned to the castle, finding his way into the throne room once more. He made his way to the door towards the back of the room and peered inside. Just as he suspected, it was Rowan’s tactic room. He examined the maps on the walls and on the table in the center of the room. The map of Asmar lay open, revealing the kingdom to Mido. He examined the walls, finding Librona’s map amongst other maps of kingdoms across seas and to the north, many of whom Asmar and Librona traded resources with over the years. As far as Mido knew, none of these kingdoms were friends, nor enemy, but merely neutral business partners.

Mido hesitated as he looked over the maps. He did not want to bring any trouble to those kingdoms, especially since they were valuable to both kingdoms. But, perhaps they would be eager to meet Asmar’s newest king. He could use that to his advantage to look for Calliope there. It was unlikely she was in Asmar, and if anyone had seen her in Librona, he would have known. There was a chance she had traveled in the other direction, hoping to get as far away as possible. He didn’t know how much of the world she knew of. He couldn’t imagined she had been able to go far. But her magic was beyond what Mido knew.

His stomach churned as he looked over the maps, presenting a vast world where Calliope could be anywhere. It seemed a lost cause, a hopeless mission, but Mido was determined. He would search for her until the end of his days if he had to. He would not give up on her.

Mido made up his mind, deciding to start his search across the sea, in the kingdom of Re’iam, Asmar’s and Librona’s most trusted business partner. They were a wealthy and powerful kingdom. Their queen ruled over the other kingdoms in their world, but their home in the middle of the sea was otherwise a mystery to him. He searched the castle grounds for his advisor, a man named Colin, to deliver his orders. He found the man standing alone just outside of the castle.

“King Mido,” the man said, bowing as Mido approached. “I trust you’re adjusting well?”

“Yeah,” Mido muttered. “It’s great being king.”

The advisor smiled. “I helped King Rowan through many dark times,” he said.

“You did a hell of a job letting him behead his own mother.”

“Ah, yes, an unfortunate event,” he said slowly, shifting his gaze to the ground. “There was nothing I could do about that.” He returned his gaze to his new king. “We’re just glad you have returned to your home.”

“I don’t know if I could call the kingdom I fought against home.”

“You were a soldier of Librona?”

“A knight.”

“Well, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive and understand our predicament. I’m sure it must be hard, having your true identity hidden from you for so many years.”

“It’s a party.”

Colin nodded. “You certainly have the charm of Asmar’s royal family.”

Mido ignored the comment. “I have important business that needs attending. I need to get to Re’iam.”

“Certainly, but what’s the rush? We’ve only just send word that the war is over. It will take some time for your army to return, and your people need time to mourn and heal.”

“How long until we can move?”

Colin looked taken aback. “At least a couple days for the troops to all return. We had men in In’audis looking for the witch; they will not return until the witch is found.”

Mido felt his stomach flip. “Fine,” he said. Perhaps it was better to keep them on a wild goose chase, far away from him so as not to spoil his plans. “I want to leave as soon as possible.”

“I don’t think it wise to leave the kingdom after you have only just returned. We need a leader.”

“Don’t you think it important for me to establish a relationship with our allies, being a new heir? Surely they would be eager to meet the man who now governs their trades.”

“You are right, my lord, but I think it may be best to give your army and your people some time to rest and heal from this brutal warfare.”

Mido nodded. He was anxious to get back into the world, but he knew he had to keep the trust of the Asmarian people if things were going to work as he had planned. He hoped Maria would return soon, perhaps with some news on Calliope’s whereabouts, should she still be in Librona.

“Very well,” Mido said. “A couple weeks, then?” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Colin nodded. “We will get you to Re’iam as soon as we can. It would be ideal to remain on their good side, considering the circumstances.”

Mido cocked his head. “The circumstances?”

“I assumed you were aware.”

“Of what?”

“Re’iam is a powerful nation with valuable resources. It is ruled by an even more powerful queen. A witch.”

“A witch?” Mido’s heart stopped. His mind raced; none of this made any sense.

“A long line of witches in the royal family,” he said.

“But King Rowan didn’t like witches. No one likes witches. How could we do business with a kingdom ruled by a witch?”

“Obviously Asmar has had a bad history with witches,” Colin said slowly. “The kingdom of Re’iam was the only exception. Re’iam was the only home of the only witches in the world. Queen Ryenna belongs to a long line of witches that go back before either of our kingdoms existed. According to legend, they shaped and created this land and ruled it since the beginning. Despite their powerful magic, not once was magic used.”


“Never in all the years since they created this world.”

Mido was quiet as he let this information sink in.

“Men have ventured far and wide over the years with the blessings from the Queen in order to expand their world and start new life. Kingdoms arose, including Asmar and Librona, with the exception that witches were to remain in Re’iam, since the only witches to exist were of royal blood.”

“What about Scarletta and Kaya?” Mido asked.

“They weren’t of royal blood.”

“How is that possible, then?”

The advisor shook his head. “That was the problem. Suddenly, there was a witch in Asmar. While our relationship with Re’iam and the royal family was stable, it was promised that no witches would appear in any other kingdom. No one knew where they came from or how they came to be. Naturally, they were a threat. We had no tied promises with them; nothing to say that they could not use magic or attack us. They had to be destroyed. But, I think you know the story from there.”

“After all these years, did nobody think to discuss this with Queen Ryenna?”

“We were too busy trying to help Librona in their war against Scarletta. When our king was lost and King Rowan took the throne, he grew angry. All he wanted to do was see the witches destroyed. He was full of anger and revenge. I tried to talk some sense into him; tried to convince him that we need to talk to Queen Ryenna for assistance, but he wanted none of it. He wanted nothing to do with witches, good or evil.”

“Perhaps I should make an appearance, then,” Mido suggested. “Try to get some answers.” He hesitated. “Especially with that witch on the loose.”

Colin nodded in approval. “That would be a wise decision, your grace. As soon as our army is ready. I will pass the word on to the head commander.”

Mido nodded and the man bowed to him, dismissing himself. Mido made his way back inside the castle. He wandered the empty halls and up the stone stairs. He leaned against a wall and stared out an open window, overlooking the kingdom as the advisor’s words played over in his head. How could he have not known that Re’iam was ruled by a witch? This could change everything, he thought. Surely the queen would listen to him and help him find Calliope. Maybe she would even have some insight on where to look.

Was it possible that Calliope knew about the queen, or had learned it over the years? Maybe she went to the kingdom, hoping she would be safe there. Mido felt anxious to cross the sea and meet the queen and find Calliope. He paced back and forth, up and down the empty hallway as every scenario played through his mind. He watched the sun begin it’s descent and prayed that Maria would return quickly.

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