Camp Mirror Lake
Chapter 17 Ben's Lies

The next morning, instead of eating with my cabin mates like I was planning on, Ben came and whisked me away to a private table for two, looking out over the rest of camp. Jack didn't even bother stopping him when he started kissing me out in the open.

Some poor soul was made into our personal waiter and brought over our breakfast like we were royalty.

I had to sit there and let Ben put his filthy hands all over me, at the same time, I couldn't look over at Nate, since I was basically married to Ben now.

That didn't stop me from feeling the jealousy snaking through his soul. I could feel the heartbreak, yet there was determination in there. He wouldn't let this really happen. We were both playing along.

That didn't seem to matter to me either, when I heard one of the girls sitting next to Nate start flirting with him.

"So, I know we haven't had much time to talk," mumbled Ben into my neck, "I'm sorry Nate got you alone yesterday. He is just jealous. But from the looks of it, he'll go after just about any girl." he chuckled.

My stomach was in knots. I didn't know what was more sickening, Ben's mouth all over me, or Nate's mouth on someone else.

"I'm glad your brother went after you last night, I would have myself, but it seems Ethan was faster. Sorry about the whole "baby army" thing upsetting you. We can take it slow if you need too," he whispered seductively in my ear. "We won't even need the army, Little Bee. Just you and me, that's all it takes and we can rule the world. And even if you want to wait for the babies, I am giving you fair warning, I plan on taking advantage of the fact that you are going to be my mate. I can wait until Saturday, of course. It's just two days away..." he purred.

The more he talked, the angrier I got, and the more desperate Nate felt. He didn't want me going through with this any more than I did.

When I was finished I stood up to leave, but Ben brought me to an abrupt halt. He pulled my body up against him so my back was to his front.

"What's your hurry, baby?" he traced his lips along my neck making me want to squirm, only that would not get the result I wanted.

"I have to get to the ropes course with my cabin mates," I tried to sound casual about ditching the fake-hubby-to-be.

"Why don't you come riding with me today instead? Jack won't care," he said caressing my arms with his big hands.

"I've already gone riding," I reminded him. "It wouldn't be fair. Plus I'm excited for the ropes course!" I tried to sound enthusiastic about falling down the repelling wall.

"I guess you better get your kicks in now, because next week will be our honeymoon and you will be all mine!" he promised.

I strained a smile and made my escape to the ropes course with my friends and yet another cabin full of boys. They were cabin number 5 I think. They didn't even bother with me, since I had been claimed.

"Kay, guys. I'm Ron. I need everyone to break off into groups of 4. Two girls and two boys in each group. Group one will go to the repelling wall. Group two will go to the rope web. Group three will go to the climbing rope and rock wall! Let's go!" He shouted.

We all made it into our respective groups. Becky and I were paired with James and Eli, in group two.

What I soon found out was, The rope web was like a big spider's web, and we all had to hold hands to get through the thing. It was pretty fun! I was especially happy I didn't fall on my butt and embarrass myself!

Next we went to the climbing rope and rock wall. I hate climbing ropes! But I made it, and my team cheered for me as I rang the little bell and slid back down and high- fived my team. Then we climbed up the rock wall and slid down the other side... It wasn't that bad.

When we got to the repelling wall, though, Ron came up to me and pulled me aside.

"I've been hearing rumors around the councilors sayin' that Nate had his hand's all over Ben's girl. Jack said that he lured you away and now he's been givin' Nate a bunch of girls to keep him occupied, since, you know... You're engaged to Ben an all. I also heard they had a all out brawl, and Ben came to save you, because Nate's jealous that you were promised to Ben. Ben's been raging the last couple days, sayin' he should just take you now and not wait for the mating ceremony..." Ron chatted.

My jaw dropped. Was this what everyone was thinking? That Nate was trying to steal me away from Ben? And that I had just accepted my fate?

I couldn't correct sick gossip, however. No matter how much I wanted to. It hurt! My soul hurt to hear they put Nate as criminal while they have Ben sailing in to be my white knight.

"Anyway, I want you to know... I don't believe any of it," Ron finished.

I looked at him, dumbfounded. "You don't?" was all I could squeak out.

"No. I've known both of them for a long time. Nate would never force himself on you. Also, I'm not blind, like Ben thinks I am. I can see how you look at Nate, and how he looks at you. He loves you, and he will do whatever he thinks is best... Even if it means givin' you up to keep you safe from Ben's wrath," Ron whispered.

"Thank you," I choked.

"For what?" he seemed confused.

"For seeing through Ben's lies. Do me a favor, and make sure Nate is safe?" I asked, even if I didn't have the right to. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Ron smiled down at me. "No problem, darlin'. You keep safe too. Nate's my friend, and I don't think he would survive if anything happened to you."

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