Camp Mirror Lake
Chapter 2 Ken and Barbie

We stepped into a little cabin and were immediately greeted.

A peppy little blonde with spiral curls falling down her back in a perfect pony tail, and sparkling blue eyes, wearing a perfectly clean white shirt, with a brown vest holding a little pin designating her as staff, and khaki shorts, practically bounced on her toes next to her counterpart, a ruggedly dark haired young man with dark brown eyes, perfect white teeth, and gorgeous dimples.

I instantly didn't trust them. There was something off... I couldn't put my finger on it, but they gave off a funny vibe I wasn't sure was natural. I could feel them in the same way I could feel Ethan... Only not as strong. Weird. Normally he was the only one I could feel.

Just like he always has this gift of reading my mind, I seemed to sense his emotions, and for the strangest reason I felt them doubly here. I could feel his strong unease with these guys. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I gave Ethan a side glance to see if it was just me going crazy, but I could tell somethings sent up the red flags his way too.

"The Jamison twins," the boy crooned. "We've been waiting for you."

"I'm Jen, and this is Ben," the cheerleader beamed.

"Cute, Jen and Ben," I replied and tried to keep as much sarcasm out of my voice as I could, but lost the fight from rolling my eyes. This was all I needed. Ken and Barbie councilors. Someone stab me and put me out of my misery!

Ben grabbed my hand in his large warm one. "Allow me to take you to your cabin, Melissa. I can take your gear for you and show you around, before campfire tonight," his voice was low and smooth... and almost hypnotic.

"No, it's cool. I can take Lissa to her cabin, just point the way," interrupted Ethan, putting his protective arm around my shoulders, while still beaming his most charming smile at Ben.

"I thought I might show you to your cabin, Ethan," responded Jen, slinking up to Ethan. "We actually have your cabins on opposite sides of the camp, as requested by your parents. It would be better if you let your sister go with Ben, but I would be more than happy to show you were to stow your gear and give you a private tour," she practically purred.

Something was definitely going on. I knew my parent's wanted me to prove myself, but why would they split us up like this? This was wrong, and we both knew it.

I turned a panicked glance to Ethan, and I could feel his protective brother instincts kicking in, but there was nothing he could do. He did not look happy about this turn of events though. It felt like we were both being manipulated for something. But what?

"Don't worry, Lissa. I'll meet up with you after we get our stuff all squared away." He gave me a reassuring smile, but his emotions were a mess! I knew that he knew something was definitely off about this whole situation.

"Kay, I'll catch you later, Twix," I smiled.

I'm the only one who calls him that, but what else do you call your twin?

Ben grabbed my gear from me, and led me out with my hand still in his. As we were leaving I took a quick look over at my brother and the too perfect blonde, and watched as he gave her a nervous smile, while she slipped her arm through his like she owned him.

"This way, beautiful," Ben turned my attention back to him.

Then what he said caught up to my brain. No one had ever called me beautiful before and my face turned red.

It's not like I wasn't pretty. I knew that I was. I have long dark curls that reach my waist and bright green eyes. I've seen girls by contacts to get their eyes the color mine were. They were like this strange clear seafoam green. I even had a dimple on my left cheek. But no one ever seemed to notice me... Which was normally how I liked it (even if I felt lonely all the time).

The fact that he called me beautiful was both flattering and disturbing.

Ben pulls me into a medium size cabin, and closes the door behind us, and I got a bad feeling.

I looked around the small space and noticed the boxes big enough to stow our gear at the end of each of the 3 bunkbeds, stacked with military precision. He threw my gear on the last one on the bottom.

"This one is yours," Ben announced.

"Uh, thanks," I choke out. Ben's close proximity to me made me really uncomfortable. I swallowed, hard, twice, as Ben slowly corralled me into a corner. "I think I got it," I tried to chuckle, but it came out as a squeak.

Ben leaned into me, "No problem at all," he whispered. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

At this point, my heart was going to explode out of my chest. I had never been in a situation like this before, and I wasn't sure I was happy to be in one now! What do I do? Crap!

I tried to give Ben my best smile, which I must admit was a little rusty, and tried to dislodge the boulder stuck in my throat. "Uh, so... You said something about a tour?" I tried to sound excited by the prospect instead of scared to death, but I'd rather be out in the open, where there are more people to see us, than trapped in this ever increasingly claustrophobic space, being shared with a guy I was highly suspicious of.

"You know, I've never met anyone with such bright green eyes. They are bewitching," he whispered, placing his lips next to my ear. "I would love to spend a few minutes getting to know you, before we head out around the campground."

At this point, I freaked out! I placed my hands- on Ben's chest with every intention of pushing him off of me, screaming like a little girl and running away from camp!

But Ben had other ideas. He took my hands in his and wrapped them around his neck, while his eyes flashed (and I mean that literally! Creepy!) deep amber and focused on my lips. I got a strong emotional vibe coming from him, something that I could only described as hunger... Maybe he was a vampire? I don't know which thought disturbed me more; that he wanted to kiss me or suck the life from me!

He just placed his soft, warm, supple lips over my mouth when the door suddenly slammed open.

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