I kicked and squirmed against Jakob desperately as he dragged me down the hallway with his arms clamped around my waist.

"Let me go!" I cried and pushed at his hands to no avail, "I am not sleeping with you."

"Cut it out, Paige," he hissed as I continued to thrash, "it's not like I'm trying to fuck you."

I squirmed harder against him and held onto the door frame as he tried to pull me inside his room.

"No- I don't want to," I screeched as he yanked me in, "let go of me!"

Jakob practically threw me within the room and slammed the door shut. He turned and gave me a hard, terrifying look.

"Stop misbehaving," he scowled and walked towards me. I stepped back in fear, "I will punish you."

"Leave me alone," I whispered when the backs of my knees hit the edge of the bed.

"I've been nothing but hospitable to you, Paige. I haven't hurt you and I've tried to accommodate to your needs," he was less than an arms length away, "but you are testing my patience."

My face grew red with anger and shoved at his chest, "hospitable? You kidnapped me! I don't want to be here. I don't want to be with you. I want Warren."

He pursed his lips and yanked me into him, "don't you dare say his name. You have no idea what he's done to me."

I was shaking with rage, "I don't care. I love Warren and I want him and you can't stop me from feeling that way."

Jakob's hand caught my throat and my breath hitched, "You are mine, Paige. I don't care if you don't love me. I'll make you. You don't have any other choice."

My lower lip began to wobble now.

"You can't take him away from me. He's all I have," I whispered and wrapped my hand around the warlock's wrist, "he'll find me, I know he will."

"You have me," he scowled and pushed me back so I fell onto his bed, "I'm all you need."

I woke up with his breath at my neck and his arms around my waist. I squirmed and pushed away from him as soon as I noticed.

"Get off me," I hissed and pushed so hard I toppled off the bed with a yelp. Jakob sat up and leaned over the bed as he yawned.

"Well now look what you've done," he sighed and I scrambled away from him when he reached out.

"Don't touch me," I mumbled and swallowed when he gave me a hard look.

"You want to be a good boy for me don't you, Paige?" Jakob hummed and got out of bed. I slipped to my feet and shook my head.

"No. Not for you," I frowned and backed away.

"But good boys get rewards and I know how you love rewards," he whispered and came closer to me.

"Stop doing that, I don't want you," I trembled and knocked against the wall. He reached out and caught my jaw.

"I want you and I'm going to have you whether you like it or not," he said lowly and slid his hand to my throat, "understood?"

I flinched and shoved at him as I tried to turn my face away, "no, get away."

His fingers tightened around my throat, "come on, love, behave for me. You don't want me to be mean."

My eyes were wet as I continued to push, "I want to go home. I don't belong here. I want my life back."

"Face it, Paige, you never had a life. You had him and he didn't let you have one," he scowled and tipped my chin up.

"He's trying to change," I whimpered and wiped at my eyes before tears could fall, "he's trying to be better for me."

"People don't change," he shook his head, "that man is a monster and he always will be. He's going to keep hurting you and hurting you until you give up on him forever."

That hurt me because I knew a small part of it was true. Warren hurt and that's what he did. Maybe he didn't always realize it but he did and he hurt me too sometimes. But I had to believe in him when he needed it most. He needed me to be there right now when he was trying so hard. I had already ruined it, though. I betrayed him. I hurt him and he still didn't understand how to process that.

"Warren wouldn't hurt me," tears were falling now as I kept swiping them away, "I can't give up on him now."

Jakob leaned forward and kissed a falling tear off my cheek, "come on, babydoll, you know that's not true. I could treat you like a Prince. I could give you what you need."

"But you're not what I want," I sobbed and pushed helplessly at him.

His body pressed against mine to keep me in place, "you can learn, darling. You can learn to want me. You did it once."

I felt so heart broken and helpless that I didn't have it in me to argue anymore. My knees weakened and I tried to sink but he caught me as I sobbed and covered my face.

"I want Warren," I hiccuped as he cradled me in his arms, "want my Daddy."

"Hush," he said and stroked my hair, "I don't want to hear you speak of him."

I only cried harder, "but I want him. I want him now."

"Paige," his voice was hard, "if you don't stop talking about him then I'm going to punish you."

"No," I sobbed and trembled helplessly, "please."

He shook his head and held me against his chest, "quiet, baby."

Hours later I was sitting on the floor and crying for a different reason.

"Go away, Jakob," I sobbed and wiped at my eyes as he stood over me, "don't touch me."

"Stop crying, Paige," he frowned and folded his arms over my chest.

"No," I shook my head, "no, I don't want you to hurt me."

"You're the one who disobeyed me," the warlock furrowed his brow, "you shouldn't have tried to get away."

"I just want to go home," I trembled and scooted away from him, "please, Jakob."

He pulled me up off the ground even as I tried to get away, "what did I tell you? This is your home. You can't escape."

I cried harder as he picked me up and began to walk. I tried to struggle but it was no use.

"Don't want punishment," I whimpered and shook my head, "please don't hurt me."

"I won't hurt you badly, Paige," he frowned, "but you need to learn."

"I won't do it again," I whispered as he carried me up a flight of stairs, "please."

"No," Jakob frowned, "no. You need to be punished." Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I elapsed into pitiful sobs as I quivered and covered my face. He pushed open the door to his bed room and dropped me on the bed. I curled into a ball as he retreated into his closet. When he returned he had a straight but thin cane in his hand.

Jakob yanked me up and nudged me to his desk in the corner of the room.

"Put your hands on the desk," he ordered but I shook my head as tears continued to fall. He scowled at my disobedience, "you just added ten more strikes."

I sobbed as he grabbed my wrist and held my palm against the desk. I cried out when he brought the cane down on the back of my hand as I tried to pull away.

"I'm going to add ten for every time you disobey me," he warned in a hard tone. I shook my head and sniffled pitifully.

He smacked my hand over and over and over again until I had sunk to the floor in pain and tears.

"Please," I whimpered and rested my forehead against the desk. "Please stop."

Jakob didn't say a word and continued to cane my poor hand even as I sobbed and screamed. He kept going for what felt like hours until he stopped.

He let go of my wrist and I sank to the floor as my hand burned and throbbed. The warlock grabbed my other wrist and placed it on the desk.

"No," I sobbed and tried to think through the pain, "it hurts."

"Well you wouldn't just put both hands up so now I have to do them one at a time," he scowled and I screamed when he brought the wood down on my hand. This time my voice died halfway through from all the crying and yelping. Then all I could do was whimper and hiss in pain.

At last he released my wrist and I sank to the ground again. My hands burned and ached as I sobbed on the floor. Jakob dropped the cane and walked to the door. He paused there and looked down the hall.

"Watch him, Maeve. Make sure he doesn't try to get away," he said flatly and left me in a helpless pile of pain and suffering.

A moment later I recognized the clacking of nails on the ground. I glanced up through my blur of tears and saw a huge dog padding towards me. I whimpered and shifted and the wolf, I realized, growled lowly.

"Please," I whispered, "hurts."

The wolf back off and circled me curiously. It sniffed and nudged me with its nose as I sobbed. A small whine came from its snout as the animal licked at my salty cheek. I pulled my knees up to my chest and shied away. It kept licking at my cheeks until I was simply sniffling and whimpering but no more tears were falling.

After a moment the wolf settled back on its haunches and laid its head on my hip. I sucked in a slow breath and swallowed as I placed my palm on the wolf's head. It snorted and shut it's eyes as I dragged my hand down the soft brown fur.

"Thanks," I whimpered and closed my eyes too. I liked dogs.

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