
Emerick and I walked in behind Lucian and Ivar. I had to admit, the men made for an impressive group. All three scanned their surroundings and carried themselves with deadly confidence. I wondered how anyone could mistake them for anything less than supernatural warriors.

Lucian gave us the run-down of the sham office space. Apparently it had been unoccupied for a couple months, but Cassie put together a seemingly lived-in façade overnight. They even recruited a receptionist and other fake staff to sell the narrative. Lucian’s name was emblazoned on the front door.

“Look at that,” Ivar chuckled, tapping the lettering. “Finally got your own place after two hundred years.”

The well-dressed attorney just grunted in response.

“Are you an actual lawyer?” I asked.

“I’m licensed in every state of the US and Canada and I consult on several cases overseas,” he responded.

“Oh,” I said, furrowing my brow. “I didn’t realize the king would need legal assistance.”

Lucian just shrugged without breaking stride towards the conference room. We each took a seat. Emerick sat to my left, Lucian to my right, and the King on Lucian’s other side.

I clasped my hands in my lap to keep them from shaking. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins. It was a familiar feeling that I thrived on in the courtroom.

Lucian looked up from his folder just as Scott, Thomas, and two other men I assumed made up Thomas’s legal council stepped in, escorted by the fake receptionist. Thomas scanned the three seated men before locking eyes with me. I could see him take in the bruising I left visible with poorly hidden disgust.

He wore an expensive suit and too much hair gel as usual. His expensive cologne assaulted my nostrils and made my skin crawl. At one time, I thought he was extremely good looking, but now the thought of letting him near me made me nauseous.

Thomas smirked as he settled in his chair.

“Is this your legal team or a group of assassins?” He asked.

“They can be both,” I quipped. “Today, they are my legal team.”

“Lucian Benedict,” Lucian introduced himself. “This is Ivar Blackfang and Emerick Stone. Mr. Blackfang represents the company that now employs Ms. McClain.”

“And Mr. Stone?” Thomas questioned.

“He’s a friend,” I answered.

“We bring friends to legal proceedings now?” Thomas narrowed his eyes.

I held his gaze, trying to appear unfazed. “This isn’t a formal deposition. I asked Emerick to be here. He and I work together.”

“And live together?” Thomas spat in disgust.

“That’s none of your concern,” Emerick said, coolly.

I shot him a look.

Scott spoke up next. “I assume you all read the documents I provided this morning?”

“We have,” Lucian said, calmly. “I would like to present you with the countersuit I plan to file should you choose to proceed.”

Lucian slid four copies of legal documentation across the table and each man picked up one. I watched Thomas read quickly. His grip on the paper got tighter and tighter before he threw it on the table in front of him.

“How fucking dare you!” He snarled. “All I did for you and you’re going to sue me for ten million dollars for ‘emotional trauma’. That’s bullshit. And that bit about workplace sexual harassment? Laughable.”

I reached for Emerick’s knee under the table in warning as much as support. I knew Thomas’s words would be difficult for him to let slide.

“With all due respect Mr. Stiler, there’s plenty of evidence to support our case,” Lucian said, folding his large hands on the table in front of him.

One of the men I wasn’t familiar with spoke up, “And Ms. McClain is prepared for a lengthy trial in which she would have to testify? Our case is a simple contract breach. Yours is much more difficult to substantiate.”

“Ms. McClain is very familiar with the legal system,” Lucian said, flatly.

“Being on the other side is a little different,” Scott pointed out. “Mr. Stiler has plenty of evidence of Kate’s wrongdoing as well. He is currently still recovering from her most recent outburst.”

Scott indicated to Thomas’s stitched scalp.

“As is Ms. McClain,” Ivar growled. “We have hospital records from several other encounters with your client. All are clearly outlined in the paperwork Mr. Benedict prepared.”

Thomas’s side of the table shifted uncomfortably. It was clear he hadn't been honest about his involvement. The three men surrounding him eyed my injuries and continuously glanced at the document before them.

“Are you ready for your wife and children to see the evidence of your involvement with my client?” Lucian asked Thomas. “We will choose to make the evidence public should this go to court.”

“Thanks to Kate, my wife is well aware,” Thomas said, glaring at me. “If you want to make this personal, that’s fine, but my lawsuit is about my business.”

“Thomas, you’re mad I left,” I said. “That’s fine and I understand, but suing me for six million dollars for finding a new job six months before I should have is absurd.”

“The number reflects my firm’s lost revenue,” Thomas said simply.

“Ms. McClain earned your firm one million dollars a month?” Ivar asked incredulously.

“On average,” Scott said, pulling a spreadsheet from his file. “She was a top performer.”

“Clients enjoyed her… charm,” Thomas said, clearly insinuating something untoward.

Emerick stiffened beside me.

“Thomas, I was good at my job,” I tried to keep my voice calm. “Let’s keep this professional.”

“Oh really?” Thomas spat and his attorneys glanced at each other nervously. “Was it a professional courtesy when I paid for your condo, car and law school? How about Botox? Or maybe your new tits?”

Emerick leapt from his chair and it hit the wall behind him. All eyes spun to look at the furious werewolf. I quickly grabbed his hand and his eyes locked with mine. I shook my head slightly, pleading with him silently. He took a deep breath before unceremoniously retaking his seat.

Thomas smirked from across the table. “Guess your friend didn’t know about that, huh?”

“Mr. Stiler, if Ms. McClain was bringing in a million dollars a month in revenue for your firm, I think you have been more than compensated,” Lucian said, calmly.

“I could sue your company, you know,” Thomas pointed threateningly at Ivar. “Now that you know she is contracted to work for me, it’s a violation for you to employ her.”

“No, you couldn’t,” Ivar’s tone was dismissive. “You should know who you’re trying to intimidate before you speak out of turn. I’m here to ensure we come to an agreement that keeps Ms. McClain on my staff.”

Thomas looked like he was ready to argue. Above anything, he hated being rebuffed.

“Thomas,” I said and every head at the table turned to me, “what do you actually want? You and I both know six million is outrageous. I don’t think you really want to settle this in court either. So, why are you really here?”

Thomas raised his chin slightly. His eyes narrowed as he spoke.

“Can we have the room?”

“I’m not leaving her alone with you,” Emerick growled.

I ignored him.

“Fine, Mr. Stiler,” I said, decisively. "Let’s talk."

Thomas’s council got up wordlessly and left the room. The men on my side of the table each clenched their jaws and glared at me.

“You’ll be right outside,” I said pointedly. I knew they would still be able to hear everything that was said and step in if necessary.

Lucian nodded first and stood. Emerick was last and his gaze burned holes through my ex the entire way out of the room. Thomas kept his smug expression and leaned back in his chair.

There was a moment of silence after the door clicked shut.

“I don’t even get a proper ‘hello’ anymore?” Thomas asked, casually.

“Cut the bullshit, Tom,” I sneered. “What do you want?”

“I want you to fulfill your contract,” he said, cocking his head.

“Excuse me?” I asked in disbelief.

“You owe me six months,” he said. “I want you to stop throwing this pathetic tantrum and come home.”

“I am home,” I held his gaze. “I told you before, we’re done.”

He clenched his jaw. “We got into an argument, Katie. That’s not a reason to throw away our relationship.”

“Our relationship?” I laughed darkly. “I was your mistress for four years. Go home to Amanda and your kids.”

“You know I need you, Katie.”

“Why?” I asked. “So I can be your punching bag or a good fuck when you want it? I’m not living that way anymore.”

“I love you,” he said, firmly.

I sighed. “You know Tom, I’m disgusted that I ever believed that. You never loved me.”

“Katie,” he reached for my hand and I pulled back sharply.

"Stop, Thomas," I told him.

"I don't know how to live without you," he pleaded. "I know I've drug my feet on the divorce, but I don't want -"

"You don't want what?" I asked. "To hurt Amanda?"

"It’s not that simple,” he shook his head. “The kids are still young. I just need you to be patient.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"It’s not about whether or not you leave your wife. You would never treat her this way, so clearly you feel something different for her than you do for me.”

I gestured to my face.

His eyes darkened and his lip twitched. He could play the game in public, but behind closed doors, it was only a matter of time before he turned into a monster.

"She knows when to shut the fuck up," he said, keeping his voice low. "You and your fucking mouth don't know when to quit."

I kept my tone even despite my heart rate increasing, “Thomas, I’m done. I’m moving on with my life.”

“No one will ever love you like I did,” he spat. “You’re damaged goods.”

It was a line he used a lot in the past. No one would want me anymore since he had already had every part of me. For years, I bought into his bullshit.

“I would rather be alone than spend one more day with you,” I said without a hint of sarcasm. “I’m not going to let you hurt me anymore. I’m going to ask you one more time, what do you want?”

He slammed a hand down on the table and I jumped.

“Dammit, Kaitlyn! I’ll tie this up in court for as long as I can. You’ll have to move back to deal with it. You can’t fucking leave me! I’m Thomas-fucking-Stiler-"

His tirade was interrupted by Emerick bursting through the door.

“Shut your fucking mouth,” he shouted.

He picked Thomas up by his suit collar and pinned him against the wall. For the first time, I saw terror glint in Thomas’s eyes.

“She asked you what it will take to make you go away,” Emerick snarled. “Give me a number or I’ll make sure you never have the chance to breathe the same air she does again.”

“Emerick!” I shouted and stood.

“Sit. Down. Kate.” He said through clenched teeth.

I stilled. Emerick had never spoken to me that way. He was always kind and gentle. This was a glimpse at the beast that was his other half.

I wanted to tell him to shove it, but years of dealing with an abusive partner had me obediently lowering myself to my chair. The air caught in my throat as fear settled over me.

“Give me a fucking number, Stiler,” Emerick growled, and pressed Thomas further into the wall. “Then I want you to walk out that door and never think of her again. I’m giving you one fucking chance.”

Thomas looked into Emerick’s eyes and his own widened. I imagined he saw Zef stare back at him and was trying to make sense of it.

Emerick shook his shirt collar and Thomas's legs dangled uselessly.

"I will never let you lay a hand on her again," Emerick growled. "So either give me a number and walk away, or I'll make sure you never leave this fucking building."

“Two million,” Thomas whispered, finally.

“Done,” Emerick dropped him with a thud. “Lucian get the paperwork drawn up and get him the fuck out of here.”

He stalked over to me and I could indeed see his wolf just below the surface. His chest heaved in his rage and I could see claws in his clenched fist. I shrank back as he approached.

He noticed my recoil and paused.

“Kate,” he said gently.

I shook my head. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them, they were no longer glowing.

“Get away from me,” I told him.

Hurt painted his features, replacing the unbridled rage.

“Kate, I -“

“I don’t care,” I cut him off. “Just leave.”

He stood rigidly before running a hand through his hair.

“Okay,” he said after a moment. “I’ll meet you outside.”

I refused to meet his eyes and didn't respond.

“I’ll wire the money when the paperwork is drawn,” Emerick said, turning to Lucian. “Make sure he has no chance at contact.”

“You don’t -"

I wanted to say Emerick didn’t get to decide how this was handled or pay for my freedom. The werewolf king spoke before I had the chance.

“We’ll handle it, Stone,” Ivar promised.

I knew the king was probably aware of Emerick’s wavering control. It was his responsibility to keep the supernatural secret.

Emerick turned without another word and strode from the conference room. I heard the front door of the building slam behind him.

Thomas was uncharacteristically quiet the rest of the meeting until the final documents were placed in front of him.

“This includes an NDA and a no contact order,” he said, blandly.

“Correct,” Lucian responded.

“This is what you want?” Thomas addressed me.

“Yes,” I told him. “I told you, I’m done.”

“Fine,” he muttered.

After signing, Lucian promptly pulled the document away and stood.

"Now that this is signed, you are to remain five hundred feet from Ms. McClain or you will be in direct violation," my attorney explained. "I suggest you leave now."

Thomas got up and shook hands with all the men in the room. I didn't acknowledge him when he stood before me. The thought of him touching me at all made my stomach turn.

Finally, they all got in their luxury rental cars and left.

“It’s over, Kate,” Ivar said, gently placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded as we walked out of the sham office. My eyes fell on Emerick who leaned against the SUV that brought us here with his arms crossed. Somehow, I forgot that he would be waiting outside.

I chose to ignore him and tried to open the car door. He stopped me and put a hand around my waist. I stiffened in response and tried to step away.

"Kate, what's wrong?" he asked. "Please talk to me."

"I'm ready to leave," I said flatly.

"Don't do this," he pleaded. "Don't shut down."

"How I deal with this is none of your fucking concern, Stone," I hissed. "Move."

Despite my words, I felt my heart rate ticking up and panic building in my chest. I was desperate to get away and seek solitude. Instead, I was met with the solid form of the werewolf who refused to leave me alone.

"Running away is not going to fix anything," he insisted. "Eventually your going to have to show some sort of emotion."

"You want me to show some goddamn emotion?" I demanded, my anger and annoyance building. "I fucking hate you! You had no right to interrupt my meeting. I'm not your mate and I never will be."

I was breathing hard and shaking. I met Emerick's face to find his expression mirroring my own fury.

"You're upset," he said, his tone careful. "You don't mean that."

"When have I ever said anything to the contrary? You're a great fuck and a necessary distraction. Nothing more," I spat.

Ivar stepped between us before Emerick could respond.

"Stone, go for a run," he commanded. "Everyone is a little on edge. Let's take a breather."

I refused to meet Emerick's intense gaze, but I heard him grumble before he stalked towards the trees, ripping his clothing off on his way.

The ancient king turned to me with a befuddled expression.

“Can you take me to the Alpha’s Residence please?” I asked more calmly that I felt.

“Yes,” the king furrowed his brow. “Are you sure that’s where you want to go?”

I couldn’t meet his face for fear the tears I was holding back would fall. I couldn't exactly pinpoint what brought them on, but I wanted more than anything to be alone.

“I’m sure,” I told him.

Ivar put his hands in his pockets before looking at the ground in front of him and nodding.

“Okay, Kate. I’ll take you,” he said, quietly. He paused for a moment before saying, “He was doing what he thought he needed to to protect you.”

“I really don’t care to hear about how much I need protecting or how great of a guy he is,” I muttered before turning and marching towards the SUV.

I ripped the door open and sat in the backseat heavily. The king looked towards the sky and took a deep breath before following me towards the car. His expression was flat, but his usually cold eyes betrayed what I thought might be sadness. To my surprise, he took the driver’s seat and started the engine.

“Lucian went after Emerick,” he explained without my asking.

I didn’t respond and we spent the rest of the drive in silence.

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