
It was hard not to enjoy dinner with the werewolf on the other side of the table.

He was charming, handsome, and polite. Not to mention completely obsessed with me. It was both exhilarating and terrifying to imagine falling in love with him.

But I shut down the little voice that whispered I should give him a real chance. It was true what I said. He wouldn’t want me if he knew the skeletons I had buried.

No decent man would.

It was nice to pretend though. I watched as he tentatively tasted the different dishes I ordered. At least he was a good sport about it.

“Maybe we can try Italian next time,” I offered.

He became serious.

“Will there be a next time?” He asked.

I stilled. Did I want another date with the good-looking, supernatural man?

Hell yeah.

But a part of me knew opening the door to a relationship with him was easier than closing it. Still, when I met his hopeful gaze, the refusal died in my throat.

“Maybe,” I murmured.

“I’ll take it,” he smirked.

I couldn’t help but smile right back. When Sam described her ex-boyfriend, she talked about his infectious grin. She was right. It was enough to raise any woman’s heart rate.

I checked the time.

“We still have at least two hours before Her Majesty is done scolding the young prince,” I told him.

Emerick nodded knowingly. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“The kid’s trying his best,” he said. “Being Alpha is a huge responsibility, and he’s doing a good job.”

“She knows that,” I agreed. “He’s still her kid. She wants what’s best for him, not just what’s best for the pack.”

“Fate named him the next Alpha,” he pointed out. “He was destined for it. The moon goddess doesn’t make mistakes.”

I shook my head. “If I’ve learned anything about your world, it’s that you all put too much faith in fate.”

“What do you believe in then?”

“I don’t know,” I murmured and looked away. “I hope our lives are more than just some predetermined plan of who we are supposed to be.”

“I believe in free will,” he argued.

“Sure,” I nodded. “But you also believe in some path we are all marching along.”

“I think it’s more that we choose who to be and fate decides a role we are worthy of or best suited for,” he said, thoughtfully.

“Well, Emerick, I can put that thought to bed. I’m neither worthy or suited to be your mate,” I assured him.

“Kate -“

“Did you know Sam got into Harvard business school?” I asked him and he gave me a blank stare. “That’s where she was supposed to go before she found out she was pregnant.”

He looked both surprised and confused.

When he didn’t say anything, I continued, “Instead of being angry or upset, she willingly gave up on her dreams to make sure Luke was taken care of. She didn’t even bat an eye. Then, instead of going back to school or starting her own career, she supported Travis in his. After he passed, she launched her business and was super successful.

“Of course she was, right? Because it’s Sam and she’s good at literally everything. In order to do that and be totally present for Luke, she gave up on a social life entirely. Again, she didn’t even feel like she was missing out.

“She would’ve given up her actual soulmate to protect her son. The thing that kept her from rejecting him initially was the heartbreak she knew it would cause Ivar, not herself. She’s the most selfless, loving person that I know.”

He searched my face with a confused expression.

“What does that have to do with you being my mate?” He asked.

“You loved my sister because of who she was, Emerick. I don’t blame you, but I’m not her.” He started to protest but I interrupted. “I get you’re not looking for me to measure up or whatever. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m not the nurturing soul you would want in a wife.”

I finished my rant, and Emerick gave me a long, calculating look.

“Kate, I wish so deeply that you could feel the mate bond like I do,” he said, wistfully. “You moved here because you were worried Sam would miss out on her soulmate, right? What if I’m yours?”

It was a thought I did my best to shut out. The idea that I was somehow destined to be his was one I couldn’t indulge in.

“Happily-ever-afters are for fairy tales,” I told him. “Besides, I’m young Alpha Paulson’s caretaker now. I don’t have the bandwidth to commit to a relationship.”

“We’ll see,” he said after a moment. Then he stood and reached for my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

I frowned. “I told you, Sam’s going to be there for a while. I’m not in a rush.”

“I’m not taking you home,” he gave me a small smile. “Come on. Surely the great Kate McClain is up for a little adventure?”

I looked down at my cocktail dress and heels.

“I’m not sure I’m dressed for an adventure,” I pointed to my shoes. “These are Prada.”

He rolled his eyes, still grinning. “It’ll be fine.”

“Alright, wolf man,” I conceded. “Lead the way.”

I took his hand when I stood from the table and he kept it as we exited. His strong grip was more comforting than I would’ve thought. I leaned into him slightly, reveling in his masculine warmth. It took effort to keep up the walls around my heart with him.

We chatted as he drove, but I found it hard to focus on the conversation. I spent the last few weeks purposefully avoiding my supposed mate. I knew letting him in was dangerous.

Nonetheless, it was hard to deny how attractive I found him beyond just his physical attributes. The fact that he constantly professed his desire to be with me didn’t make things any easier.

When he turned up a dirt road that wound its way uphill, I gave him a suspicious look out of the corner of my eye.

“I won’t ruin your heels,” he huffed.

In truth, I wasn’t so much worried about the shoes. While they were beautiful, they were an unwanted gift or maybe even a payment. The idea left a bad taste in my mouth.

“You should know I’m not super into surprises,” I confessed.

“Really? Miss Likes-To-Be-In-Control doesn’t like to be out of the loop?” He said with feigned shock. “I wouldn’t have guessed that.”

I glared at him. “I’m not a control freak,” I argued.

“Whatever you say, babe,” he said as he pulled off the road at the top of an overlook.

I flinched at the endearing nickname but didn’t bring it up. I looked around and realized we were the only ones up here.

“Is this where you try to murder me if I don’t agree to be your mate?” I asked. “I should warn you, I’ve been in self defense and martial arts since I was three.”

“I have no doubt you could kick my ass,” he snorted. “Come on. This is my favorite spot.”

He met me as I opened the car and held it while I stepped out. I still wasn’t quite used to the chivalry, but it was sort of nice that he made the effort.

We didn’t walk far. Emerick popped his trunk and pulled out a blanket. He laid it out a few feet back from the cliff’s edge before sitting down.

I thought about refusing to join. Then, I looked out over the mountains before us, bathed in the glow of the setting sun. It all but took my breath away.

“Wow,” I whispered.

I awkwardly tried to sit comfortably in my short dress. Emerick saw my struggle and took my hand. I looked into his face, feeling more unsure of myself than I was used to.

“No funny business,” he promised. “But you might be more comfortable here.”

He gestured between his legs. I felt a blush creep up into my cheeks, and turned away. With my light complexion I knew my face would be glowing like a tomato.

I tried to make a joke as a distraction. “I thought it worked better with you between my legs.”

I heard a low growl sound from his chest and noticed he was immediately tense.


“Sorry, I was kidding,” I apologized.

“It’s not you,” he said with a tight smile. “My wolf is a little… worked up around you.”

I cocked my head. If the growl didn’t do it, his admission definitely had my breath catching in my throat.

“Not you, though?” I asked to gauge his reaction.

The knuckles on hands turned white where they rested in fists and a muscle ticked in his jaw. I knew this was a glimpse at the beast just below the surface. The idea was both exhilarating and intimidating.

“Careful, Kaitlyn,” he muttered.

He stared intently over the outlook, but didn’t seem to be taking in the view. I studied him closely. I found it intriguing - probably more than I should - that a simple suggestion of sex could have him so hot and bothered.

The thrill had me crawling into his lap as he had first offered. I scooted my butt up against his groin and leaned back into his chest. His body stayed rock hard and unmoving behind me. An evil grin played at my lips when I thought of his control hanging on by a thread. I never was one to know when to quit.

The sky was painted in orange and purple hues that danced across the pine trees below our perch. It gave a beautifully eerie ambiance to the quiet valley.

“This is nice,” I said, gazing over the landscape.

The only sound I could hear was the intense breathing of the werewolf behind me. When he didn’t say anything in return, I tilted my head back to look at him above me. I could make out every vein in his neck, and his nostrils flared.

His profile in the glow of the sunset was magnificent. From what I could tell, every supernatural being was born without flaws. My mate for example, was the most gorgeous man I had ever laid eyes on. I felt the muscles in his shoulders bunch as I licked my lips. Warmth flooded my core at the thought of his arms wrapped around me.

“Is something the matter, Emerick?” I asked, innocently.

“Kate,” he said, his tone a warning. “You know what you’re doing.”

“You’re the one who brought us up here,” I pointed out.

He shook his head and I noticed his eyes had taken on a golden glow.

“I wasn’t thinking,” he muttered. “We should go.”

“Why? I like the view,” I said.

He narrowed his eyes. Any sane person would probably back down at the menacing sight. I smirked back up at him in a challenge.

“Kate, every fiber of my being wants you,” he growled.

“I can feel that,” I said and leaned a little more pressure into the bulge growing behind his zipper.

“Kate, get in the car,” he snarled.

“Make me,” I said, deliberately.

I pushed off of him and turned so that I faced him on my knees. He gripped the picnic blanket on either side of him like he needed a tether to hold himself down. I put a hand on his chest and leaned down until we were almost nose to nose. The look of desire in his eyes had moisture coating the inside of my thighs.

Warning sirens sounded in my brain, but I ignored them. I wanted this. Maybe not everything that came afterwards, but here and now I wanted him. Eventually he would come to his senses and reject me. This was an opportunity I didn’t want to miss before then.

I brushed my lips against his and felt his sharp intake of breath. He didn’t return my kiss and I opened my eyes to find his expression pained.

“Emerick, why are you fighting this?” I asked, rubbing hands up to play with the collar of his shirt.

“This isn’t a fucking game, Kate,” he growled. “I’m not going to be able to stop myself if I let go.”

I stared directly into his eyes as I reached down. I wrapped my hand around the rock hard length straining against the fabric of his pants.

“Play ball,” I whispered.

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