
It was late when I heard Sam tapping on the glass of my back door. I thought about ignoring her and staying next to my soundly sleeping mate, but she sent a text threatening to break in. I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed and grabbed a pair of sweats before meeting her and Ivar on the porch.

“Where is she?” Sam demanded, immediately.

“Inside. Sleeping.” I told her as I closed the door behind me.

“Why?” She asked.

“Because she’s tired,” I said, curtly, and crossed my arms over my chest.

Ivar gave me a warning look, but didn’t say anything.

“So my sister gets beat to a fucking pulp and then you take advantage of her vulnerability?” Sam asked, her voice getting higher as she spoke. “No way, pal. She’s coming with me.”

“Kate was here waiting for me when I got back,” I spat. “I didn’t take advantage of her.”

“Bullshit!” Sam yelled. “I can smell her all over you, Stone!”

I had to admit, my smelling like sex probably was not a good look. It hadn’t really been my plan to bed the battered woman now slumbering in my house, but I lacked the self control to turn her away.

“Would you believe it wasn’t my idea?” I asked, scratching the back of my head.

“You are such an asshole!” Sam accused. “Can’t you ever not think with your dick?”

“That’s not -"

“Kate’s awake,” Ivar cut me off and pointed towards the back door.

She stood wrapped in the towel she had worn after our shower. A look of surprise crossed her features at being caught. Sam was through the back door and embracing her sister before anyone had a chance to say anything else.

“She’s just upset and scared for Kate,” Ivar offered. “She didn’t mean that.”

“I think she did,” I admitted and ran another hand through my hair. “I, uh, kind of got around before her and I -"

A growl from the king silenced my explanation.

Probably not a good idea to bring up Sam and I to her new mate.

“Sorry,” I muttered.

Ivar gave a tight nod. “Rankor’s a little possessive. I know you no longer feel what you did for her, but the thought of you putting your hands on her…”

I knew what he meant. The thought of the man who hurt Kate touching her had claws pressing against the skin of my fingers. I took a breath and fought to keep Zef in check.

Sam poked her head outside to ask for some clothes for Kate. I didn’t miss the disapproval in her tone or the glare that came with it. At least Kate didn’t seem to notice her sister’s animosity towards me, or she chose to ignore it.

After I retrieved sweats and a T-shirt, Sam sent me out of my own house once again. On my way out, I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and a couple glasses. The king was already settled into one of the lounge chairs on the back deck and I joined him in the other.

“She’s just worried,” Ivar said while I poured the liquor.

“I know,” I grumbled. “I’m just as worried as she is.”

He pursed his lips. “Maybe,” he said, thoughtfully. “But Sam’s also concerned that you might be part of the problem.”

I felt my hackles raise. Ivar sensed my tension and cocked his head in warning. His cold eyes seemed to stare directly into my soul. It was an off-putting sensation, but did a lot to cow Zef.

“You lost control of your wolf,” the king pointed out. “She’s human. If you lost control alone in her presence, you could easily kill her.”

“I would never hurt her,” I growled.

“Not on purpose, but you’re certainly not at full strength,” he said, staring at the trees. “Can you even sense the wolf in the woods?”

“What are you talking about?” I frowned and listened carefully to the surrounding forest. Still, I didn’t hear or smell anything.

“Luke sent Jonathan to keep watch when he realized Kate was here,” Ivar explained. “Not being able to sense him and losing control of Zef are indicative of your decline.”

“Of course I lost control,” I argued. “What would you do if someone hurt Sam that way?”

“Someone did hurt Sam that way,” he reminded me. “I kept control and hunted him and every other wolf responsible.”

“Then you should understand why Kate’s attacker needs to die,” I retorted.

He stared out at the darkness beyond my property for a moment before answering.

“Our treaty with the humans dictates I hold domain over the werewolves and they are not to intervene in our affairs. The same goes for them. Humans have human laws. Kate is neither werewolf or a werewolf’s mate.”

“She’s my mate,” I argued.

The king gave me a pitying look. “I have been where you are, Stone. No matter what connection you feel for her, she is not yet yours. Based on what Sam said even before we knew about her previous relationship, I’m not sure Kate will ever agree to be your mate.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You don’t know that,” I frowned. “Destiny is a difficult thing to avoid.”

“Maybe,” the king murmured.

I wanted to argue further, but I wasn't sure there was a case to be made. While we had become physically involved, my fated mate gave no indication she was interested in furthering our relationship. At the end of the day, I was just hoping to be able to win her over.

“Regardless,” I said instead, “that piece of shit hurt Kate. He doesn’t deserve to live.”

The king swirled his drink, gazing impassively at the dark liquid.

“I had Nelson look into him,” he explained. “His name is Thomas Stiler. He’s big time. Extremely wealthy and highly connected.”

He turned to look me square in the eyes, and I thought I saw regret.

“We can’t kill him,” he said, firmly. “It would raise too much suspicion for the supernatural right now. We have to follow the human way of things.”

“Fuck that,” I spat. “I don’t fucking care about suspicion. He could’ve killed my mate.”

Rankor flashed through the king’s eyes.

“I’ll remind you, she’s my fucking sister-in-law,” he growled. “Do you think I don’t want him buried? You need to see the bigger picture.”

“This is because you don’t like Kate,” I snapped.

“Watch it, Stone,” he warned. “If the last year has taught me anything, it’s that you don’t necessarily have to like someone to love them. Is Kate my favorite person? No, and I guarantee I’m not hers either. However, she is my mate’s sister, and therefore my family. I will always do what is needed to protect her.”

He sounded sincere, but part of me refused to believe he would let a man who hurt a woman he loved live to breathe.

“What if it was Sam?”

He lowered his chin. “Then, I never would have let her leave without protection.”

“Bullshit,” I retorted.

The king shook his head. “I haven’t told Sam, but Stiler is filing charges against Kate. If he disappears, she's going to come under investigation.”

“Charges for what?” I demanded. “He’s abused her for years.”

I stood to pace. My hands shook with the effort to keep Zef in check. He snarled in my mind.

“She never filed a police report,” Ivar explained. “There’s no documented history of his crimes. He went to hospital the night of their last altercation. Apparently, she hit him in the face with a lamp and he needed medical attention. His wife is backing him saying Kate made up wild accusations about an affair with her husband. They are trying to make her sound like a crazed stalker.”

“That fucking coward,” I snarled.

“We are trying to handle it,” he told me. “But you need to prepare yourself. I’m telling you so that if it comes to that, you can keep Zef in check. You are no help to her if you lose control.”

I rubbed a hand over my face and took several deep breaths. I knew he spoke the truth, but it was easier said than done.

“It’s only going to get harder with the incomplete bond.” The king leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees as he watched me fight a shift.

“So, what?” I demanded. “He just gets away with this?”

The king gave me a somewhat evil smirk.

“Do you really think that little of me, Stone? I have someone on it. If Stiler wants to hurt Kate, I’ll make sure he pays for it.”

I stared at him, not sure what he meant. He leaned back and took a swig of his drink.

“If that fails, then I’ll help you kill him,” he said. “To hell with discretion.”

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