Chains to Crowns
Chapter 7

She heard the door close with the grind of the key.

She curled up on the floor trying to pull the scraps of t-shirt from her wounds.

She whimpered, that was her worst beating so far.

She was confused… he’d watched.

Klara stretched, birdsong reaching her ears as the sun streamed into the bedroom through the curtains she didn’t close. She was surprised her back only felt tight, it didn’t feel painful. She wasn’t used to being able to have a shower. So she wanted to take advantage of it... she was allowed... right?

Just as she stepped into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her, a knock came on the door. She bit her lip. “It’s James, the doctor you saw yesterday,” he said through the door. “Can I come in?”

“Erm…” Klara hesitated looking down to just the towel she was wearing. “Just a minute?” she asked worriedly.

“Open the door when you’re ready,” came his response. Klara quickly threw on clothes, remembering underwear, she went to clasp the bra around her back feeling the wet dressing felt odd against her fingers. She kept trying with the bra how Adelaide had taught her but couldn’t clasp the bra, she huffed throwing it to the floor. “Stupid thing,” she muttered as she got a t-shirt, pulling it on, it instantly stuck to the dressing.

She apprehensively opened the door seeing the dark-haired man. “Hey Klara, how you doing?” he asked kindly. She looked away, “OK I think,” she answered her toes.

“Can I have a look at your back?” She nodded, then looked nervously around. “I won’t look.” She looked to James who had put a hand over his eyes. She hurried towards the bed taking her t-shirt off and lying like the day before. “OK,” she said when she was ready.

James pursed his lips a little at the wet dressing, but said nothing as he gently peeled it off. He was happy to see the wounds no longer weeping. He did as the day before washing his hands before applying the moonflower ointment which looked to be working; the oldest whip marks were almost gone.

“I’m putting another dressing on, please try to avoid getting it wet. If you’re going to bathe remove the dressing, I’ll leave some so you can replace it. Just ensure your wounds are completely dry before putting on the dressing,” he said as he finished. Her back still surprised him, he had never treated someone that had endured so many lashes. The silver in her bloodstream would surely be affecting her. He moved away from her, “You can put your top on. I’m not looking,” he said. She scrambled to put it on, turning to look at him standing in the middle of the room. “OK,” she said again.

He uncovered his eyes, “I’m going to apply the ointment tonight as well, Of course, the King can do it for you if you wish.” She shook her head. “You,” she whispered.

“Very well. Do you have any other injuries?”

“No,” she whispered looking at her lap. James frowned at her, the King had already notified him of his suspicions. Saying what she had said to him the night before. “Very well, if you’re still sore a bath will help better than a shower. And remember to eat even if you’re not hungry, your stomach needs to stretch, which will only happen if you eat regularly.” He gave her a small bow before leaving the room.

The smell of something sweet, buttery and warm wafted up her nose. She put her nose in the air, it smelt so good it was making her mouth water even though she still felt a little full from the day before. She wondered if she could go find the source of the smell. She hadn’t been told she could leave that day. She was used to the rules changing, some days she’d be allowed food, other days not, some days males were allowed in her room to do whatever they wanted, other days not. Some days the girl that would bring her food was allowed to stay for a few minutes, other days she’d have to hurry out.

She learnt to never ask for anything. If she asked, it was denied. She made the mistake when her father broke her nose, he hadn’t let her eat for a week and she asked for the plate of food that was in his hand. He’d taunted her, sneered then ate it in front of her before smashing the plate over her head. So she never asked for something ever again.

Marc peered into the room, Klara sat on the edge of the bed. “Good morning, want breakfast?” he asked with a smile.

“I-I can?” His smile fell slightly.

“Of course, you can go anywhere. I’d just ask a guard or someone if you want to leave the wing, just in case you get lost.” Klara nodded, not believing him. “Come on, breakfast is nearly ready.” He held his hand out, not entering the bedroom.

Klara wasn’t sure she wanted to hold his hand again, although it hadn’t felt bad, but the tingles made her feel strange. She didn’t want him to get angry though so she put her hand in his, allowing him to guide her down the hall.

They sat at the table eating warm pastries. The pastry Klara was eating had apple within it. She wanted to savour the taste, but she also wanted to eat quickly. The niggle in the back of her head saying the food would be taken. “Th-thank you for… erm...” she wasn’t sure which words to use, “...For not sleeping in the bed?”

“Little one, I’m a man of my word. If I tell you something, it’ll happen.”

“Thank you,” she said again, but just because he said that today… didn’t mean it would be the same tomorrow. “Klara… you know sharing a bed doesn’t mean we’ll have sex,” Marc said slowly. “Sex?” She hadn’t heard that word before.

Marc thought for a second, thinking about what she may know. “It?” he’d guessed that’s what she was referring to the night before.

Recognition came over her face, she averted her eyes from him. “Y-yes it does.” Marc took a deep breath, laying his knife and fork down gently.

“It doesn’t have to,” he said gently. “Look, I can only guess what happened and you don’t have to tell me… but I’m not going to do anything that you’re uncomfortable with. If you say no; it means no. I know you won’t trust me straight away. But you can trust me,” he implored, his tone calm and warm while his eyes held seriousness in his strange golden eyes. Klara chewed on her lip. She’d said no yesterday and nothing bad had happened, and he had let her eat today. Maybe he was different?

Marc pursed his lips a little, “I need to go do a few things.” He rose to his feet, moving around the table. He stood awkwardly at her side for a moment, he wanted skin contact just to shut his wolf up. He scratched his neck, “Can I kiss your forehead?” He never thought he would have to ask something that was so normal, but he needed to gain her trust. Klara nodded a small nod, so Marc leant over and lay a gentle kiss to the centre of her forehead. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Klara closed her eyes as tingles went over her face. His lips felt nice, it was comforting. His lips left her forehead, his golden eyes locking with blue for a moment before he walked towards the door. She smiled a soft smile to his back, her hand going up to the still slightly warm tingly spot on her forehead.

Klara looked to her still nearly full plate of food; she had eaten one of the pastries. She wasn’t sure if she was meant to eat more, she wasn’t hungry, but the doctor had said she needed to eat even if she wasn’t hungry. She forced two more pastries down, enjoying the taste but the discomfort grew too much so she had to stop.

She sat at the table, wondering if she was allowed to go anywhere else. She thought of the dark green room and the TV... if she left the door open? She bit her lip wondering if that was enough or if Marc expected her where he left her. She slowly slid off the chair, half expecting him to walk in and ask what she was doing.

She nervously made her way across the room. When no-one came, she reached the door. She peered out into the corridor; it was empty. Butterflies exploded in her stomach as she raced to the green room. She almost felt like giggling because she felt like she was breaking all the rules... she'd decided to find out what punishments she'd receive in her new home.

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