Song- don’t worry babe, Ex Habit.

She can choke me as hard as she wants. As long as I have that pretty pussy smothering my face, I’ll die a happy man.

The weight of her body rests against my neck, making me dig my fingers into her fine ass even deeper. I’m starving for her, and that sweet taste on my tongue. I can’t get enough.

Those little breathy moans she lets out only spurs me on further. Every time my tongue bar hits against her clit, her legs clamp around my head.

“God, yes, Jax.”

Oh, she’s close.

I slide one of my hands along her toned stomach, cupping her full breast in my hand, and pinching the nipple. Her hips start to roll, and her pussy rubs against my face.


I suck on her, at the same time slapping her ass hard enough to have her completely trembling above me. Her hand tightens around my throat, and her nails dig deep into the skin. Blood rushes to my head as I feast on her, taking every last drop of her climax onto my tongue. I want to taste her on there forever.

She slumps herself forward with her breasts squished on my abs and her ass in my face. I can’t resist sitting up and sinking my teeth into the flesh of her thigh and she cries out.

“Oh, shit,” I groan as her lips wrap around my cock.

“I need to see you.” As good as my view is, I want to look into those enchanting eyes as I throat-fuck her.

With her mouth still on me, she shuffles around, positioning herself between my thighs. Her eyes don’t leave mine as she starts to lick up the shaft. I clench my fists, trying to regain some control over myself.

“Keep doing that, and I’ll come all over your face. Is that what you want?” I ask, sitting up on my forearms.

She shakes her head, taking my dick as far down as she can. I can’t hold in the moan that slips from my lips.

As she leans back, she sucks on the tip and my whole body tenses.

“I’d rather have you come inside me,” she says with a smirk. My heart almost explodes out of my chest.

I splutter on a cough, taking in the filth coming from her mouth. Damn, she is perfect. When she starts to climb up my body until her dripping cunt is rubbing on my cock, I don’t know how I don’t come on the spot.

Her hair flows over her shoulder, tickling against my face as her nose presses against mine.

“Be a good boy and fuck me, Jax.”

It’s like she’s managed to unleash a feral beast inside of me. I let out a growl and my hand shoots out, grabbing hold of her throat. I squeeze tight, claiming my lips with her own as I roll us over so I’m positioned between her legs.

“If it means I get to sink inside your soaking pussy, then I’ll be such a good fucking boy for you, baby.”

As my dick teases her entrance, she pulls on my hair, burning my scalp. Which seems to knock a little bit of sense in me.

“Condom, shit.”

Laying her down, I keep kissing her and fumble around, pulling out the nightstand drawer, not wanting to ruin the moment. This is one rule we need to keep.

I keep feeling around for the foil, but nothing.

“Jesus fucking Christ.” Why now? Why, of all times, does this shit happen to me?

“You’ve run out?”

It’s clear she’s unamused by her tone.

“Screw it.”

My whole body is on fire. I need to be inside her.

“I’m clean. I don’t do this with anyone, ever,” I say, trying to gauge her reaction.

Her teeth nibble on her lower lip. “So am I. I’m on birth control. I’ve never gone without one, even with⁠—”

I cut her off with a kiss. That’s enough. I said fuck the rules. Looks like I really meant it.

Sitting back, I spit on my hand and stroke my dick. She gasps, that perfect blush spreading up her neck, matching the color of the marks from my hands.

Hooking her legs around my waist, I grab a pillow from behind us and prop it under her hips.

“I want to see you take every inch of me, tigritsa.”

Her eyes go wide as I sink into her.

“So tight. Jesus,” I hiss.

With one arm above her head, I lace my fingers through her other and lean over her, her hot breath hitting against my lips. With every thrust, the feel of her warmth surrounding my cock is pure, electrifying pleasure.

I’ve never done this raw before. And, holy hell, it’s worth the risk.

She was right. Kissing isn’t my thing. Yet, with her, I can’t get enough.

“Kiss me, baby.”

She moans into my mouth as I pick up the pace, slamming into her and slowly retreating out, over and over again, until I can barely see straight.

“Oh my god, Jax.”

“Keep saying my name, baby.”

She clamps around my dick, and I can’t hold back. The second her teeth sink into my neck, pain sears through my skin, and I erupt with the most violent, all-consuming orgasm I’ve ever had. As my hand finds her neck and I squeeze, she shatters around me.

Holy fucking shit.

Resting my sweaty forehead against hers, I have no words. We just lay there, her nails tracing small circles on my back, sending tingles throughout my entire body as my cock twitches inside her.

“Better than good?”

She lets out a laugh and my heart hammers.

“I don’t know my own name right now, Jax. Yeah, five star service.”

I smile against her hot skin.

As I push myself up, she links her arms around my neck, pulling me back to her.

“I’m going to get you cleaned up,” I whisper against her lips.

She shakes her head.


The corner of her mouth turns up in a teasing smirk. “What’s the point? We’re going again, right?”

I bite down on my tongue.

My brother seriously fucked up letting this woman go. I’m kinda glad, since she’s in my arms and I get to experience this. Damn shame it will only ever be once.

I wake up, immediately aware of the strawberry scent invading my senses. Sweet Sofia. Her back is pressed up against my chest. And I’m lying here with a handful of her breast and an already hard cock poking her ass.

What a way to start my last day in New York.

“Morning,” I whisper against her shoulder and follow it with a kiss.

“Hmm, good morning.” She stretches out, rolling onto her back. With the morning light streaming through my windows, I can see the full array of beautiful red marks scattered on her body.

She smiles at me, reminding me of the last rule I had that we broke. No sleepovers. Not that we slept much.

“And how was the bed for your stay? Comfortable enough?” I tease. Playfully, she hits my chest. Before she can pull away, I hold her hand in place.

“Pretty damn good.” Her fingers trail through my tangled hair before she lets her arm fall to the pillow.

I don’t know what to do with a girl the morning after. This is completely unchartered territory. “What’s your plan now?”

She pulls the covers under her chin and I yank them away, positioning myself between her legs.

She sighs, relaxing her knees against my ribs. “I honestly don’t know.”

“You want my advice?” My palms work up and down her thighs. I don’t know what will happen later, but I can’t stop touching her.

Her eyes narrow in a look that tells me she doesn’t, but I’ll give it to her, anyway.

“Get as far away from my family as you possibly can. They’re toxic. All of them.” Brody has proven to be no different from my mother. I’d take bets on my ‘step-dad’ is a complete asshole, too.

Her lips thin, and her gaze drifts to a spot on the wall behind me. “Easier said than done. I don’t have anything in my name.”

I tip her chin up. “Start with nothing and build an empire then, sweetheart.”

I grab her left hand, studying the rings on her finger. There’s no way he spent more than five grand on these. Fucking cheapskate.

“I’ll give you fifty-thousand for these. Think that’s fair?” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She blinks at me a few times. I turn her palm over and drop my lips softly on the delicate skin of her wrist.

“No. We both know they aren’t worth anywhere near that. I’ve got a little of my inheritance left from my parents.” She lets out a long breath like the words hurt to say.

I don’t think I should ask about her parents. That would be crossing a line that we both silently agreed to place. “In a joint account?” I pull back and study her features.

She frees her hand from my grasp to rub her temples. “Yep.”

Fucking bastard. A money grabber like Mom.

Anger boils in my chest. “How much did you have in there?”

Her maroon hair fans out as she shakes her head. “I don’t know, probably twenty?”

“Wait here.” The air is cold on my naked body when I crawl out of bed, but I’m on a mission.

I head into my office and open up the safe, and start shoving bundles of cash into a bag. There is something telling me to help her get away from them. I don’t ignore my instincts. She deserves better than them, anyway.

As I return to the bedroom, she’s sitting up, watching me cautiously. I drop the duffle on the floor.

“Jax. What the hell are you doing?” The sheet falls from her, exposing her perky nipples, tightening in the chill.

I bite back a groan as my eyes roam her naked body, rubbing a hand over my face to try to concentrate for a minute, then I hold out my hand. “The rings.”

“I’m not taking your charity, Jax.” She folds her slim arms over her chest, obscuring my view.

I step towards her and grab her chin. “You are. I’ve got far too much of it. I’d just spend it on another fucking bike that I’ve got no use for. Take it and run, baby.”

“Why are you so certain I can’t stay in New York?”

If only she knew just how dangerous this city is, and how hard Frankie works to keep it under control, she’d want to leave. Plus, if I knew where I could find her again, I would.

“You got any good reason to stay here?”

She shakes her head, so I point down to the black duffel bag. “This is a fresh start. A clean break.”

Gripping her slender shoulders, I push her back on the bed, her deep maroon hair splaying out above her head.

My nose is inches from hers. “Tell me you’ll take it.”

She sighs.

“Sofia,” I growl.

“Fine.” She wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me towards her, making my cock press against her soaking pussy. “One last time?” She bites down on her bottom lip.

I lean forward, taking it between my teeth. “Is that your way of saying thank you?”

I could do this again and again. Possibly forever. I know I can’t. I’m telling her to run as far away as she can. I’m heading back to Vegas in the morning, anyway. My life here is done.

Her nails rake down my back. “No. I just want you once more.”

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