Bright lights. Fading voices. Pain.

Flickering my eyelids open and shut, I tried to clear my vision from the blurriness. Squinting wasn't helping, I could barely make the form of two people above me. Their voices vague, I didn't know what was happening or where I was to begin with. I let a few moments go by before I opened my eyes again, this time it was more clear and the ceiling came into view. Turning my head I managed to take a look at the two men stood before me.

'Dad?' My throat felt dry and dusty, I coughed out trying to sit up, my attempt to move was futile as a large hand pressed down onto my chest. 'Don't move baby. You're awake!' Dads voice held a hint of sadness as his eyes searched mine. 'Oh hunny you're awake! How are you feeling?' I turned my face to see mother rush over to me. Her eyes red and puffy, informing me that she'd been crying. I was confused when I look back to Dad and there was a man dressed in doctors clothing looking over at me. I was in a hospital?

'How are you feeling Miss Corleone?' The doctor leaned in and flashed a bright light into my face. Shutting my eyes close, I turned my head away from the light. 'I'm just checking you, open your eyes for me.' I turned my head back to him and slowly opened my eyes. The bright light gave me a headache as he casually blinded me with it. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'She seems to be good. I'll be at my office, if you need me just give me a shout.' And with that the doctor walked away. 'What happened?' Both me and mum said the same thing together. She looked at me with a puzzled expression. 'You don't remember?' I thought about it for a moment then it all hit me. The car following me, the rain, the fog. Red lights. Tree. I jumped up, my heart racing, I tried to get away, I wasn't sure where I was suppose to go but fight or flight instincts kicked in and I knew which one I was choosing.

'Calm down Bella. What's wrong? Should we call the doctor?' Dad held me down on the bed, why was he stopping me? My mind went on overdrive, someone tried to kill me. 'Calm down sweety!' Mother held my hand, squeezing it. I took a look at her worried eyes, tears were already forming. My chest tightened at the sight of her but my heart rate steadied, pulling myself together I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I couldn't panic. I was alive and my parents were right here. I couldn't panic.

'What happened Bella?' Dad brushed aside my hair, his touch gentle as his eyes scanned mine for explanation. 'Someone, someone was following me and then..' Images of before the accident flashed through my mind and I had to clutch onto mothers hand to stop myself from panicking again.

'And then what sweety?' Mother shot me a small delicate smile, warming me with her presence. 'And then the person drove into the back of my car and I lost control.' I took a deep breath. How had I got to the hospital? What happened to that person? All the questions lining up in my head. I felt like I had so many questions recently that I couldn't keep track of them anymore.

'Who would do such a thing?' I wasn't sure if Dad was asking me or himself as he ran his fingers over his jaw, trying to make sense of what had happened. 'I'm so sorry baby.' Mother squeezed my hand once more, all of her emotions put into that one squeeze, it made my heart melt.

'How did I get here?' I questioned, surprised that I wasn't abducted and killed by now. Even the thought sent shivers up my entire body. 'Someone called the ambulance, luckily nothing major happened to you, just a few bumps and scratches, I'm so happy you're with us Bella.' Mother wiped away at the tear that had slipped down her cheek. I wondered if the person who called the ambulance was the person who drove into me.

'Did they catch the guy?'

'No, there was no one there by the time the ambulance and police got there.' Dad sat down on the chair, his eyes heavy with thoughts. Clearly he couldn't make sense of the situation either. It made me feel better that I wasn't the only one confused, why would someone try and hurt me? I barely talked to anyone. My mind drifted off to Chase.. could it be? I didn't know.

A sudden commotion from the hallway caught all of our attention, suddenly Dad stiffened up and his eyes searched mums. 'Is he still here? God damn it.' The frown was more than visible on his tired features, I wondered who they were talking about.

'Is who still here?' I looked over to mum, knowing I wasn't going to get much out of Dad.

'Chase, he's been here all day.' My heart halted at her words. He was here? Why and how? I swallowed the uneasiness down and looked towards the door as his large body barged in, a couple of guards holding him, trying to pull him back. His eyes met mine and instantly he stopped fighting them. Almost as though he had become immobile.

'Get him out of here!' Dad yelled, positioning himself in front of me to block any eye contact between me and Chase. 'No wait.' I spoke out, I don't know why but I needed to see him. I was still confused about a lot of things but I had to see him, I had to talk to him.

Everyone stood and stared at me. I took a deep breath and focused my attention on my parents. 'Can you please give us a minute?' Before Dad could even object I held his hand and pleaded. 'Please Dad.' He closed his eyes and nodded.

Once everyone was out, chase walked over to me, his eyes never leaving mine. He stood next to the bed then leaned down, grabbing my face in his cuffed hands, he kissed me. The kiss so intense that it almost hurt. He looked somewhat pained when I pulled away from him. 'Bella.' He closed his eyes and then opened them again, he looked like a mess, it felt strange seeing him like this, it was as if he had actually spent his time worrying about me.

'How are you here right now?' I went straight for the question even though a part of me wanted to cuddle him and drown in his presence.

'I had a bad feeling all night, I don't know what it was, I just had a bad feeling. And when morning came I kept telling the nurse to get in touch with you, and when they finally got in touch, your mum picked up your phone and told them about this. When I found out I went crazy, I threatened to kill every single person in that hospital if they didn't let me come and see you so eventually they told me I was free to come and visit you as long as I was on my best behaviour. I've had four guards and two cops watching me all day. I tried to come inside and see you but your dad said no so they wouldn't let me in until now, I had to force my way in.' He looked stressed, I wanted to comfort him and tell him it's ok even though I was the one that was laying in a hospital bed.

'Are you ok?' I eyed him, he brought his cuffed hands up to interlock our fingers together. He rubbed his thumb over my skin repeatedly before he answered my question. 'Are you? What happened Bella?' He seemed to be deep in thought, as if having an everlasting mental war with himself, he seemed restless, I couldn't quite understand why he seemed that way, his usual calm collected self had cracked a little and for once, he seemed different.

After I repeatedly told him I didn't want to discuss what had happened, he finally stopped asking and sat there in silence just watching me. I'm not sure when I fell asleep but I managed to do it with him watching over me. When I woke up he was gone and I was alone. I guess visiting hours were over and I was stuck here all alone. Looking around for a bottle of water my eyes fell on a piece of paper on the hospital table.

'I warned you. No visits.'

My heart pounded in my chest yet again, frantically searching my surrounding for any out of ordinary sign, I found none. This paper wasn't here before Chase came and now it all of a sudden appeared on the table? I pushed down the bile that threatened to spill out of my guts and tried to relax. Why would Chase do this? He was all of a sudden let out to come and visit me? Was it that easy for him to get out of there whenever he wanted? And how did he know something had happened to me? A bad feeling? I didn't know if I believe that. Could it be him that tried to hurt me? I didn't want to believe it but I had to be realistic.

I felt a chill go up my spine as I stared down at the paper, did he leave this here when I was asleep? I knew that he was a psychopath but for him to go this far even when I hadn't done anything to him? I was starting to really question his entire identity, who really was Chase and what was he really capable of?

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