She writhed in agony, tossing and turning in her painful sleep. Just the sight of her looking so broken and bruised satisfied a small fraction of my hunger. She wanted to earn my trust, she had to work for it, and this, this is how she was going to work for it.

Don't trust her.

She's trying to get into your head.

She deserves much worse.

I held the blade tight in my hand, I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to play me again. This time I wasn't going to fall for her innocence, she wasn't innocent. She'd played her role so damn well and I'd walked right into her trap. I'd spend years trying to protect her and at the end, she showed me just how stupid I had been.

'Wake up.' I slapped her face a couple of times, wanting her to watch and feel what I was about to do to her. Her eyes fluttered open and she jumped up, trying to get away, backing up on the bed. Letting out a deep sigh, I grabbed her small fragile body and threw her over my shoulder.

'Let me go!' Her voice cracked while her little fists pounded into my back as I carried her over to the chair I had set out for her. 'Let go!' She yelled louder this time, digging her nails into my skin, kicking and punching, I had a knife dug into my skin for my entire childhood, did she really think a little punch was going to hurt me?

Throwing her onto the chair, I held her down while she tried so eagerly to escape from me. I could see the pain that soared through her veins as her wounded skin came into contact with the rough texture of the chair but even then, she didn't give up. If I was a sane person, I'd say she had gone crazy.

Pulling out the needle from my pocket, I injected it into her arm, as much as I enjoyed her resistance, for this, she had to stay still. Her arms fell to her sides and her head rolled back. She was almost limp as I tied her to the chair.

'Mak..e it.. sto..p.' She panted her words, trying so hard to push her head back up so that she could look at me, I did it for her, grabbing her jaw, I yanked her head forward, making sure she witnessed this.

Her eyes widened when I held the sharp knife in front of her face, I knew that she was trying to fight from the inside but her body wasn't responding to her damaged brain. I quite liked her restrained and helpless, it woke the beast inside me and only the beast knew what I really was capable of doing to her.

'You're a special one Bella.' I traced the knife down her cheek, wiping the tears that had rolled down her skin. Even now, seeing her cry made me feel sick. I had the urge to stop everything and cuddle her, hold her in my arms and tell her everything was going to be ok, just like I used to. But those days were gone and I couldn't let her tears sidetrack me, I couldn't let her get into my head.

'And because you're special, I'm going to mark you differently from the rest.' Trailing the knife down her throat to her collarbone, I held it right there, watching her chest heaving as she breathed in and out like it was the very last breath she was going to take.

'This might hurt.' She looked horrified as I scraped her collarbone with the knife, a low groan left her lips. I knew she was fighting the drugs in her system, but it was too strong for her to overcome it, so she sat there almost paralysed as I dug the knife into her skin. A single tear dropped onto my hand causing me to momentarily stop. I looked up at her tear struck face and closed my eyes. My heart was pounding, I wanted to stop but I couldn't. She was just like the rest of them, I had to treat her the same.

'Stop crying Bella.' I wiped away her tears once more, my chest tightening with the need to free her from this and let her escape me but I kept going, I dug the knife back into her bleeding skin.

By the time I was done, I had blocked out her whimpers, I hadn't looked at her once. I didn't know if I could handle seeing her cry anymore. Red liquid had pooled down her skin, staining her bra. I knew she was hurting but I had to mark her. 'C' the first letter of my name, to show her that I owned her life now, just like the rest of them, I could end it whenever I wanted.

When I finally looked up at her, she had passed out. She was no longer crying, no longer moaning in pain, she was simply asleep. Her shoulder holding the weight of her head as she drowned into the depths of her misery. I grabbed her face gently, planting a kiss on her soft lips. She looked just as pure as she had looked all those years. Except now, she couldn't fool me anymore. I had promised myself that I'd make them all regret, I'd never been one to break my word. I looked at her motionless form once more, stroking her soft damp hair out of her face. Bringing my lips to her ear, I whispered.

'You did this Sofia.'


'C'. I traced my fingertips over the stinging wound on my collarbone. He had marked me. He'd done it to them all.. right before he killed them, so why was I alive? Why was I still standing here, in front of the mirror, looking at the girl that was looking back at me. Why hadn't he ended my life?

Dry blood had coloured my white bra and the waistband of my panty, I looked a mess. I was afraid to turn around, to look at the many cuts scattered on my entire back. I wouldn't look at it no, not just yet. Not until I was out of here. It still hurt, my whole body ached. No matter how much I tried to understand his reasoning, I couldn't. I couldn't find a reason as to why he was doing this to me.

I knew he was coming when I heard his footsteps getting closer to the door, my brain went overdrive and I scanned every inch of the room to find a weapon of some sort, to try and attack him as soon he opened the door. Setting eyes on the chair, I rushed over to it, it had to do. Maybe I could smack him in the head with it and knock him unconscious for while to buy myself some time to run out, I grabbed the heavy chair and with all of my strength I carried it to the door, waiting by the wall for him to come in.

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It seemed as though he was standing behind the door for some time, my heart was racing, my fingers shook around the chair as I held it up. The door unlocked and in he came, I didn't think twice, I didn't give myself a chance to back out, with everything I had in me, I smacked the chair into his head, momentarily stunning him as he stood there clutching his head.

The halls were dark as I ran down the never ending hall way, there were so many rooms in this place, I wondered what he needed that many rooms for, I didn't give it enough thought, my feet ached as I ran as fast as I could. The stairway came into view and I felt relieved to see the door to the outside down the stairs. Rushing down the large red carpeted stairs, I almost tumbled to the ground, losing my balance for a second. A second is all it took for my heart to roam into my throat as I heard his steady footsteps. He was coming for me.

I banged, smacked, pulled, pushed at the door. It wouldn't open. It wouldn't break. He was getting closer and with every step he took, an involuntary shiver surged through my bones.

'Come on, come on!' I moved away from the door, and ran into a large room that seemed to be the living area. My eyes fell onto the many windows that surrounded the walls, hurrying towards them, I managed to reach one. Pulling at the handle, trying to open the damn window, it wouldn't work. It wasn't opening. My last option was to break it.

Just as I turned around to grab something to break through the window, his chest came into my view. He was stood right in front of me, anger pouring out of him while he clenched his hands into fists. I slowly looked up to his face, I was shaking with fear and the adrenaline that consumed me. He was bleeding, I had cut his forehead, the blood ran down his face, making him look even more deadly. His eyes were dark again, it was almost like a warning, like his eyes were warning me about what I was soon going to receive.

I opened my eyes, pain throbbing in my head. I was on the floor, he had knocked me unconscious for a minute or two with his deathly slap. I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. Wiping at my lips, blood smeared all over my hand. I was afraid to look up at him, afraid that, that would be the last time I looked at anything at all.

'I didn't want to have to do this Bella.' He grabbed my hair, dragging me out of the room and towards the staircase. I screamed at the top of my lungs, fighting my way out of his grip on my hair, but it was useless, he kept going. He kept dragging me until I was back in the same room I had attacked him in.

'Stop!' I screamed, I'm sure if my heart beat any faster I would soon have a heart attack. It didn't bother him though, he didn't care at all that he was hurting me, not only physically but mentally too.

'You're no better than I am.' I didn't care anymore, if he wanted to kill me he could do it. In fact, I didn't care at all. I was numb, my body hurt and my head throbbed. If he was going to do this to me then he had to hear what I had to say first.

'You're not the only one who got betrayed.' He stood and watched me, as I sat there on the floor, looking up at his towering form. 'I trusted you too!' Pushing back the tears that threatened to spill, I wasn't going to cry anymore. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me hurt. Seeing me cracked.

'I put my faith in you..' my voice was barely a whisper now, it hurt to say it out loud. It hurt to really think about it. 'I wanted to help you.'

'You think I betrayed you by not visiting anymore because my life was on the line?'

'Then what do you call this?!' I was yelling again, all the while he stood there in silence, watching, listening.

'I came back for you. I came back to tell you I'm sorry for ever doubting you and now I'm stuck here. You're no different from me Chase. You betrayed me ten times worse than I ever betrayed you.' I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes. My heart was having a spasm attack in my chest as my two minutes rant ended. I knew he didn't even care, this Chase wasn't the Chase I had grown to care for, this Chase, he was a monster.

He crouched down, for a minute his eyes had softened and he looked almost human again. My bottom lip quivered at his gentle touch on my face. My breathing steadied as he pulled my head into his chest and stroked my hair. For a minute I felt calm in his embrace, I felt safe, only for a minute. I let him run his fingers through my hair as I buried my face in his shirt, his touch was gentle.. gentle until I realised what he was doing.

He was pushing my head down, down to his crotch. I felt sick as I pushed my head against his hand, trying to move back but he gripped onto my hair, rising to his feet. I looked up, my heart aching. I had trusted him again, for a second I thought he was going to stop but as I sat there on my knees, looking at his dark eyes, I knew that this was just the start.

Without another word, he pressed my face to his jeans, I held onto his legs in hopes of pulling away from him but my attempts were futile as I watched him undo his belt with one hand, with his other hand, he pushed me back into his crotch. I swallowed down my dignity and waited for the worst.

I could see his member spraining up as he put his hand into his boxer briefs and pulled out the length of him. I turned my head to the side, not wanting to see him but he tugged on my hair and pulled my face towards his solid muscle that was pointing right towards my face, I froze up at the length of it. He was large. Very large.

'Please.' I whispered whilst he rubbed my face against his size, I felt disgusted, I wanted to throw up every time he tapped the tip of him on my lips. I turned my face to the side again, yanking on my hair harder this time, he held my head in place, pushing himself against my mouth.

I closed my eyes and parted my lips, allowing him entry, he held the tip of himself in my mouth for a moment or two before he grabbed my head with both hands and shoved his length down my throat. I had to push against his stomach with my hand to tell him I was choking while I gagged around his member. That didn't stop him though, he pushed further and further into my mouth, a low growl escaping him as he thrusted himself in and out of my throat.

Sliver dropped down my chin all the while I choked and coughed against him, he didn't seem to mind, he thrusted faster now, one of his hands continuously pulling up his shirt as it rolled back down with every thrust. I couldn't feel my throat anymore, he pushed deeper in and stayed still, holding himself in the confined space of my throat.

I took a moment to breathe out of my nose while he had momentarily stopped, I looked up to see through my blurry vision due to the tears that had escaped my eyes from the force of his largeness in my mouth, his head was tilted back, he was panting, almost like he was taking a break before he started ruthlessly thrusting again.

This time he put much more force into it, barely giving me a chance to breathe as his groans got louder, I pushed against his stomach again, trying to catch my breath while I pressed my head into his hands but he wouldn't let go, he continued to push my head down against his length, picking up speed in my mouth, another harsh thrust, another gag of my throat, another loud growl and I felt him empty his semen on my tongue, never pulling out, waiting for me to swallow, so I did. I swallowed him while my eyes searched his.

He stared at me for a long moment before he pulled out, redoing his belt, he patted me on the head and walked out the door, leaving me here to suffocate. Leaving me to drown in the large empty room that had now become my life.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to cry because once again, I had trusted him. For a second I had thought that he might back down, that he'd see the problem, see that he is the problem, but instead he made he feel stupid, he violated me once more, he tore down another piece of my aching soul, I wondered how long it would be until he stripped me from it all, until he shredded everything that made me, me.

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