I spat out the remaining of his pleasure that was dripping down my chin. My head was a lightheaded mess as I once again had been intruded upon. My eyes sought for Chase, looking past Luke's frigid stand as he wiped his member on my torn shirt.

For the first time, I witnessed distant tears in Chase's eyes. I could see the hurt and pain he was enduring and it ached me just as bad to see his strong form so crippled. Covered in blood, he continued to fight against the ropes. He looked crazed, it's like everything had been ripped out of him and he had nothing else to lose but me.

'Chase.' I whispered beneath my breath and his eyes shot up at me, his inner battle fleetingly vanishing until his eyes scanned my body again, his gaze falling on my ripped shirt and the semen that was still hugging my skin and then the fire roared in his eyes once more as he resumed his brawl with the ropes that bound him to his assigned seat.

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'Look at that, is that tears I see on your face?' Luke mocked him, turning his attention back to Chase now that he was done torturing me for the time being.

'Or should we dismiss that as your body leaking?' He roared out with laughter, leaning down into Chases face to taunt him a little more.

'Did you enjoy the show? I think she quite liked my cock ravaging her throat.' It took him only to say that for Chase to launch forward in his chair. I needed him to calm down. I knew he was in agony but he had to control himself or he'd get himself killed. Even though the odds were against us, I believed in him. A part of me knew that he was going to get out of this. I wanted him to get out of this, even if it meant leaving me behind.

'You know, I'm starting to like you tough guy.' Luke ruffled up Chase's hair in a humiliating manner, he wanted to show him that he had power over him, that the cards were in his hands and that wasn't sinking in well with Chase as he continued his war with the ropes. I could see the blood damping his shirt where the ropes were, if he carried on like this he was really going to hurt himself but he didn't look the slightest bit of physically hurt, it's almost as though, the mental pain was outdoing the physical assaults he had and was still receiving.

'Please stop.' I whispered, my head was fogging up and I couldn't think straight.

'I'll do whatever you want, just leave him out of this.' I didn't know what I was saying, Chase had hurt me worse than this yet I was trying to save him. I watched him as his eyes begged me not to say anything else. He shook his head, not wanting me to take the blow but I already had Luke's attention as he strode over to me, a malicious smile plastered across his face.

'Is that so? Anything I want, you say?' He moved behind me, I could hear him cutting the ropes and for a split second I found hope. He had a knife and I was about to be free from the ropes, maybe if I could get to the knife I could hurt him and then free Chase.

'Up, up.' He untangled me from the restraints and held my arm, pulling me up to my feet. My heart was pounding in my chest as he urged me towards Chase, stopping an inch away from him. Suddenly I was filled the need to hold him, to wrap my arms around his neck and make his pain go away but the need vanished as I felt Luke behind me, pressing his erection to my backside.

'Bend over.' He ordered all the while Chase shook his head. My heart was breaking and I didn't know how to stop it.

'If you want me to free him then do as I say sweetheart.' His tone was cold, sending shivers up my spine as I considered his words. If I wanted Chase spared, I had to do this. Switching off the disturbed thoughts in my head, I let my mind numb down along with my body. I closed my eyes and bent over, my face placed right next to Chase's head, I didn't dare open my eyes, I just breathed.

'You get the V.I.P seat with the 3D view, you're a lucky man Chase.' Luke provoked Chase with his words, causing Chase to tense up before me. I knew what was coming when I felt him pull down my pants from behind, along with the underwear I wore. I thought back to the times Chase had done this to me and I felt physically sick. Was this ever going to stop?

I felt Chase turn his head, trying to get me to look at him but I couldn't, I couldn't face him. I knew if I did, I might break, so I kept my eyes closed, trying to find peace within the hell that surrounded me, it was hard to concentrate on breathing when all I could feel was Chase fighting the ropes as his body shook with rage.

Without a warning, I groaned into his ear as I felt Luke penetrate me mercilessly. My eyes shot wide open and I clutched onto Chase, my heart pounding into my throat as he began to thrust. I tried to focus on the growls that kept erupting from Chase but I couldn't ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach as Luke filled me up with his length. I didn't know how long I could keep this up before I threw up my guts.

My eyes fell onto the ropes that caged Chase onto the seat, it looked like it was about to rip as he continued to yank on it. I didn't get to analyse it long as Luke pulled out and shoved himself back into me, causing me to yell out as I fisted Chase's shirt into my hands, holding him for support. The veins on his neck looked like they were soon to explode, I knew he was breaking just as much as I was. Another loud growl escaped him as his entire body shook, causing me to hold on tighter to him and then everything stopped.

When I looked up, I was in his arms being pulled away from Luke. I didn't get the chance to understand what had happened as he pushed me behind him. Pulling up my pants, my heart was ripping out of my chest. I stared at the torn ropes on the floor for a second then looked over to Chase's bloody wrists. He'd ripped out of it and I couldn't understand how. The ropes weren't thick enough but they certainly weren't easy to break, which explains the dripping blood from Chase's wounded wrists.

'Oh look at that, you managed to break free.' Luke had already pointed a gun to Chase's head while his free hand zipped up his pants. I felt sick to my stomach, everything was too much and I could feel myself losing my head.

'I told you, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands.' The venom that Chase spat out had Luke stunned for a second as Chase threw the tape that had covered his mouth, on the floor.

'Scary.' Luke mocked as he stepped forward and held the gun right against Chase's forehead. My head was spinning all the while they went back and forth, I hand to bend down and hold my knees for support, not sure how long it was going to take before my legs gave out.

Moments later, I found myself stood there by myself as Chase and Luke had fell into a physical fight. Chase had managed to smack the gun out of Luke's hand and they were now clawing into each other while I stood there not being able to breathe. Panic had already rose into my system while I gasped for air. I was suffocating.

My panic almost subsided when I heard the distant sound of police sirens. I didn't know how they had managed to find us or if it was even real or just in my imagination because I sure as hell had lost my mind but when both, Chase and Luke stopped in their tracks, I knew that the sirens were real.

'Sofia run!' Chase called for me to get to safety, to run out there and be saved by the cops but I couldn't get my legs to move, I was frozen in my place as my eyes watched Luke grab the gun he had dropped and aim it straight at me.

'I won't let you run away.' Luke's finger slipped over the trigger, all the while Chase launched towards me. The loud gunshot echoed into my head as I lay there on the floor with my heart still beating but when I looked at Chase's face,

The beating of my heart,


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