'Where do you see yourself in ten years?' I had been questioning Chase for the past thirty minutes and I'm sure he was already sick of me. I found it quite funny that Whitley had become my second home, yet again. I always seem to find my way back here. First Becca, now Chase.

'I don't think about the future.' He said nonchalantly, earning himself a poke to the chest from me.

'Hey, answer it!' I was acting like a brat now and I was very well aware of it.

'I did.' I was used to his short answers but I wanted more, I wanted to know what went on in that big brain of his.

'So you've never thought about the future? Not even tomorrow?'

'Only if I'm planning something then I think about the future. Otherwise, I don't know if I'll be dead or alive in the next few seconds, why waste my time worrying about the next ten years.'

I knew what he meant by planning. I guess he had spent years plotting his revenge on those nine people he killed. My chest tightened and I had to force myself to not think about that.

'Oh.' I looked away, suddenly not interested in the conversation anymore.

'But if you really want to know and if I really have to think about it. I see me and I see you. I also see little Sofia's running around the house, tearing the place up.' His answer was sweet but his expression was broken by his own words. I'd learned to understand his expressions even though he always had a cold mask on. But I knew that speaking of kids, it made his heart ache at the loss we both had.

'That sounds perfect.' I forced a small smile and looked away, not sure if I was as good at hiding my emotions as he was. But he had already caught on and was on his way to terrorise my failed attempt at hiding my feelings. His finger pressed beneath my chin, lifting my head to look at him.

'If I knew for a second that you were pregnant, I would've never hurt you.' There was pain in his voice and I couldn't help but think back to what had happened. Although I would've never wanted a child that way, it was still sad to go through it and to think about it.

'Yeah.' I forced another small smile and hoped for the best, neither of us needed this conversation right now.

'Next time, I'll take care of you like the little princess you are.' I wasn't sure how I felt about the 'next time' and it felt weird to hear him call me 'princess'. Things like that never came out of his mouth.

'Princess?' I raised an eyebrow in hopes of changing the subject and ending the depressing tension that was choking the both of us.

'Yeah, I don't know why I said that.' He turned his head, clearly not happy with his choice of name to use for me.

'Why are you here, Sofia?' He seemed tense now and I wasn't sure what he meant by his question so I cocked my head to the side and waited for him to elaborate.

'You said yourself in the woods, that I killed you. Maybe not physical but mentally. I also literally killed eleven other people and now, I even killed our baby. Why are you here?' He seemed to be at war with himself. I wasn't surprised, he's never had anyone to be there for him. He never had someone stick around and hold him up while he crumbled down. I knew he had wronged and I didn't agree with it but I also knew that, that's all he knew. To hurt. To be hurt.

'Because I love you.'

His eyes looked back into mine and I knew that he was calming down. I liked being able to calm him, to get through to him, every time he looked at me it's like he was winning his battle with the war that was going on his head. I liked having that affect on him.

Before he could say anything else, I pressed my finger to his lips, silencing his unspoken words as I lifted my body over his, kissing down his chest to his perfectly defined abs to the V line that went down into the waistband of his pants. But before I could go any further, his hand wrapped around my hair and he pulled on it slightly to stop me. When I looked up, his eyes said 'no'.

'Let me make it all go away.' I wanted him to forget, even if it was just for a moment, I would do that for him. I couldn't be afraid anymore, I had to do that for him.. for me.

'I've had my turn, it's yours now.' Even though his words cut deep, as he implied to the times he took his pleasure by force, I ignored it. Not letting it get to my head. I wasn't going to live in the past anymore, it was long gone for a reason.

Before I knew it, he had flipped me on my back, placing himself in between my legs. I let my head fall back into the pillow and closed my eyes as I felt him kiss down my stomach, for a little too long before he slid down my jeans and moved to my inner thighs. When his mouth made contact with the fabric of my panties, I pressed my hand on his head as the words slipped out of my mouth.

'No, wait.'

He stopped and looked up at me, waiting for me to object but I took a deep breath, ignoring the bad feeling in my gut and closed my eyes again. Taking that as his cue to continue, he placed a small kiss on my panty before he pulled it down. My heart was pounding in my chest as I waited for the inevitable. I didn't want to stop him, I knew that would hurt him because he'd know that I'm still not very comfortable but it was me who instigated this and I couldn't stop him now and see him hurt.

His tongue traced over my sensitive nub as his fingers played with my opening. My chest was heaving with every breath I took. A mixture of feelings hitting me all at once while he teased me. Then without a warning, a finger slipped inside and I was left with a small moan that escaped my lips. His tongue continued to latch onto my now swollen nub as he licked and sucked on it.

Finding the courage to open my eyes, I looked down to see his head in between my legs, he slid his finger out and gripped my thighs with his hands as his tongue slid over my opening, causing me to gasp while my head fell back onto the pillow. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

For a second, I had been so lost in the heat of his mouth against my sensitive spot that I no longer was haunted by the images of his past abuse. Instead, I was writhing in pleasure as something inside me built up and I knew I was close to exploding.

Another moan filled the silence of the room and he stopped. I had to catch my breath for a second before I looked back to him.

'Don't cum until I say so.' His eyes were dark and yet I loved the sight of it.

'Got it?' He wasn't going to go down without an answer so I opened my mouth and whispered 'yes.'

'Good girl.' And with that, his mouth was back on me, pushing me to the edge of the world as his tongue continuously hit my walls. I no longer tried to stop the sounds coming out of me, for I had been drowning in the depths of the ecstasy the work of his tongue brought upon me.

'Please.' I whimpered, no longer being able to contain myself, I was going to explode against him.

'Cum. Now.' He didn't have to ask me twice, my hands gripped the sheets while I came crashing down on his tongue as he thrusted it into me one last time before I felt myself clenching around him.

I lay there still panting away, but he didn't move. When I looked back down at him, a small smirk had curved up at the corners of his lips as he spoke the words..

'Round two.'

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