Cherry Girl
: Part 3 – Chapter 21

By the time I made it back to my switchboard, I was a shaking mess of confusion, and worry, and hormones. A stop at the loo to put myself back in order hadn’t helped much. I knew enough to realize I was in deep, serious trouble, but then, I also didn’t have any earthly idea about how to get out of it either.

Neil wanted to fuck me. In his office.

And I would have let him.

What in the hell had gotten into Neil? Caveman plus Greek god equaled big problems for me. If Ethan hadn’t interrupted we would’ve been going at it hard on his desk at that moment. Jesus Christ…

I sat there for a minute and tried to process what had just happened with Neil in his office.

What did all this mean coming from him? Was he trying to torture me?

Did he just expect I would sleep with him whenever the urge struck? Was that payback just then for leaving him all those years ago? Was he just being a manipulative bastard and trying to guilt me back into his bed because he thought he might get away with it?

Well, if so, then he was a delusional bastard as well as a manipulative one. I sat and seethed in my chair, getting angrier and angrier with every moment that passed.

I opened up my email and started typing.


If you think I’m allowing you to drive me home tonight you are bloody dreaming! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

I had some hope he really got my message, both literally and figuratively, because this time he didn’t reply. Maybe some sense had been smacked into that thick head of his when the boss caught him trying to have sex with an employee on work premises. Wasn’t my fault. This one was completely on Neil. He made the massive mess. He could sort it out.

Once five o’clock rolled around, I’d calmed down enough to think about my self-defense class. Maybe I’d learn some techniques I could use on Neil if he tried to seduce me in his office again.

Would there be a next time? There can’t be a next time, stupid.

I told myself to shelve the matter for the time being, as I had to focus my attentions on the class I was about to attend. I left the locker room adjacent to the training facility dressed and ready. The memo had suggested comfortable clothes and shoes for the class, so I’d brought a bag along with me today with trainers and workout gear.

I came out into the main room where I was supposed to meet the instructor, someone named Terrence. The classes were one-on-one, to maximize the benefit of the time allocated. Apparently BSI didn’t mess about when it came to this stuff.

The lights were on, and there was a PowerPoint set up in the back, but I didn’t see anyone in the room.

“Hello?” I called out but was met with silence.

I walked over to the mat in the center and looked around the room. Typical workout facility with weight machines and treadmills, free weights and assorted equipment for training in the martial arts. Probably did the whole Krav Maga thing here, too. It was quite the rage and I had friends that never missed a class.

I’d keep an open mind, but I wasn’t into that sort of thing really. I preferred taking walks outside, or maybe Pilates, or yoga in the park. I was into more mellow forms of exercise than what could be had indoors behind the walls of a gym.

I heard the sounds of the double doors opening behind me and turned to see.

Not my anonymous instructor named Terrence.


Dressed all in black, nylon joggers and a long-sleeved dri-FIT that followed the form of his chest and arms like a second skin.

He walked slowly towards me; his eyes predatory again as they devoured my whole body.

Oh please, no!

“There’s been a change of instructors. I’m afraid you get me.”



“What the h-hell?” she stammered, her expression one of furious beauty, as well as utter contempt.

That’s right. She can use it to her advantage.

“You cannot be serious,” she said, her mouth falling open in surprise.

“Oh, I’m very serious about self-defense training for all employees at BSI.”

“That’s not what I meant, Neil, and you’re very aware of it.” She stomped her foot and pursed her lips together in a sexy pout that sent my cock into instant hardness. I wanted to kiss those angry lips of hers until she yielded to the inevitable.

Me, her—gettin’ down to it. Once I cracked that hard outer shell she’d encased herself in, I’d have a way to reach her, and we could figure out the rest.

I shrugged at her and asked, “Shall we begin?” I held out my arm with the palm up, directing to a position on the mat where she should stand.

“No!” she shouted. “We’re not beginning anything.”

“You are here for a required class, yes?” I started pacing her, slowly in a circle. She turned her body to follow me. “You must be trained in self-defense.” I pointed both fingers at her. “I’m here to teach you.” I pointed my thumbs back at my chest, all the while still circling her, making her more and more uncomfortable as the seconds passed.

It’s always good to have a plan.

“But you can’t just come in here and be my instructor after what—what just happened in your office but three hours ago!”

“I don’t see any other instructors in the room, do you?” I looked around at the walls for dramatic effect. “Just me.” I tightened my circle, getting closer in distance, and watched her eyes grow dark. My taunts were making her angrier by the second.

“This isn’t right, Neil—f-for you to be doing th-this to me,” she sputtered.

“There you go again with that word, Cherry. This is such a nebulous term in my opinion. I really think I need to demand a solid definition for your usage of the word this.”

“Why are you being so cruel? Haven’t I suffered enough, you sadistic arsehole!”

“Did it make you angry, Cherry?  Do you want to beat me right now for what I tried to do to you earlier in my office?”

She glared and panted in short breaths, her beautiful breasts heaving under that tight pink sports top she wore. I desperately wanted to tear it off her and see her naked tits.


I kept at her. “I would have you know, if E hadn’t come in when he did?” I held my hands out in show of surrender. “Well, you know I would’ve had you spread out on my desk and screaming my name in under two minutes—”

She slapped me hard right across the face, the sharp sting bolstering me to finish the task at hand.

“Shut up! Shut your dirty mouth, you bastard. Why are you saying such things to me? Why are you taunting me so cruelly?”

I held out my hands, offering my body, offering myself to her.

“That’s right, Cherry, let it all out. Hit me. I can take it. Say what it is that’s made you so very, very angry with me. It is me, isn’t it? It’s me that you’re angry at.”

She paused, breasts still heaving, her fury on the verge of release when I let her have the rest.

“Time for the truth now, beautiful girl. Come on!” I gestured toward my chest harshly. “No more lies, no more fading away into the background and giving up. Truth only. Say it out loud so I can hear you! SAY THE FUCKIN’ TRUTH TO ME NOW!” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She hit me over the chest, arms and face, with all the wrath of a volatile female, enraged, and fighting her way closer to me with every smack and slap she dealt out.

“You didn’t come for me. You should have come for me in Italy, and told me the goddamn truth. You let me believe in something that kept us apart. I loved you, and you let me stay away when you could have come to me! YOU DID THAT TO US, NEIL!”

She collapsed against my body then, crying in great anguished sobs, the fight gone out of her, the truth finally revealed.

I held her close and cradled her head against my chest; against my heart where she had always been, even when we were apart. Where she would always be.

“I know,” I said against her ear, so she could hear me clearly. “I did that.”

I took her face in my hands and lifted it up. My Cherry’s face was wrecked with tears, and streaked with black eye makeup, and yet, the quiet stillness of her as I held her there to me, made her appear so beautiful. It was the truth of the moment I suppose. We were finally there on the same page, at the same time, reading the same fuckin’ book.

“I know, I know, I know. I was wrong. I should have come for you.” My thumbs caressed her cheeks as I held her, trying to make her understand. “I am so sorry.”

I kept her face very close, held in my hands and brought my lips to hers.

She flinched.

“Let me, Cherry. Let me in now,” I whispered softly, my plea both a request and a command.

I tried again, and this time she accepted my kiss. Her soft lips quivering under mine in beautiful acquiescence. I deepened the kiss. I showed her all we’d missed in the intervening years. I showed her how good it could feel to have your lover’s tongue in your mouth. I showed her my love.

From there, things got crazy, to the point I was supremely grateful for disabling the video surveillance for this room.

I walked us to a padded wall and set her back up against it. Nothing was going to stop me this time. Nothing.

Not even her.


Neil’s hands were all over me; his tongue was in my mouth, his body swallowing me up. I couldn’t do much more than let him take me.

I was on fire, everywhere, and my mind was lost in the taste and the scent of him as we consumed each other in the training facility room, up against a upholstered wall.

He jerked up my sports top and growled when my breasts spilled out. It was a sound of hunger and raw emotion as he looked at me. My nipples were already hard, aching to feel his mouth on them again.

I threw my head back into the wall in ecstasy, when I felt that first exquisite touch of his tongue tasting my skin. He sucked, and bit, and licked at my nipples, and made me delirious with need. I held the back of his head to my breasts as he worked them over.

“I need you now,” he said on a harsh breath.

“Yes…” Nearly incoherent with desire, I didn’t care we were in a public room. Didn’t care. Didn’t think about anything beyond Neil and being as close together as we could get.

He’d already pulled away and dropped down to his knees. His hands went up to the waistband of my yoga pants and yanked them down. Hard. Knickers came with. He put his lips on the mound of my pussy and kissed softly, as if he were giving it a sweet greeting after so long being parted.

Well, it felt like it. My body knew his as intimately as was possible to know, and yet, here we were together in a brand new reality.

“Lift your foot,” he said, before dragging my right leg free from knickers and yoga pants in one fell swoop. He left the other leg alone. We only needed one side unrestricted to accomplish the goal here.

Neil was back on his feet and kissing me before I could hardly take a breath, his hand sliding up my hip and over to the front, covering my mound with his whole hand.

“I want you, Cherry.” He slid two fingers in between the lips. “Right here, right now.” His fingers kept probing me, going deeper through the slick wetness he’d created, to find my clit.

I cried out when he made contact, the burn so good I knew he’d make me orgasm in another minute. He plundered my mouth with his tongue and my pussy with his fingers, sliding back and forth over my clit until I couldn’t help but shout when the climax hit. His mouth over mine muffled the volume of my cries, as I rode it out on his talented fingers.

I felt him working the front of his joggers with his other hand, getting his cock out and ready for me.

“Here we go, beautiful girl,” he said into my eyes, as he lifted my legs off the ground and opened me up. I felt the head of his cock kiss my entrance an instant before he buried himself deep inside me. “Fuuuuck,” he moaned, “you’re tight around me.”

“Oh, God…” We both paused as we slipped into place together for the first time in many years. The awareness of what was happening between us, overwhelming. I let my thoughts drift as I clung to his strong arms. My back shifted into the soft wall over and over as the deliciously huge length of him stretched me decadently. In and out. Faster and harder we worked at it, our mouths glued together, our bodies struggling for the peak until I got there first, my inner walls clamping down reflexively around his cock.

I cried out as it happened, again, unable to move anymore, only capable of taking what he continued to give me.

Neil’s eyes burned into me as he started to come, his penis growing harder and fuller as it jerked and swelled in the peak of his own orgasm.

Time slowed and mellowed, our foreheads pressed together, Neil still gently rocking into me, but now in the way of a caress. He kissed me softly, lovingly. It all felt very beautiful and right, but as my body came down from the high of the sex, reality dawned about what we had just done together.

“I’m going to put you down, okay?”

I nodded, the lingering pleasure being replaced by worry.

He pulled out of me carefully and set my legs down to the floor, steadying me until I had my balance. I felt so much wetness this time. I realized it was more than I’d ever felt before, just as I looked down upon a stream of shiny semen rolling down my thigh.

“Oh no…you didn’t have a condom.” I bent down to the floor and frantically tried to thread my foot back into the open leg of my knickers and tangled yoga pants, in a complete panic about what Neil would think, or say.

I pulled them on and my top back down to where I was decent and thought about running out the door. I really did.

Neil must have made an accurate assessment of my emotional state because he grabbed me by the upper arms and held me firmly to him. “It’s okay. Everything is okay.”

“But—but we didn’t use—but you came insi—”

Neil kissed me on the lips, probably to shut me up more than anything, but it did help a little. “It doesn’t matter,” he said as he shook his head slowly back and forth, “because I don’t care about condoms anymore with you.”

I started to cry, all the emotion was just too much, and I needed some privacy. “I—I need to get myself cleaned up and d-dressed to go h-home.”

“Shh, don’t be scared. It’s okay, Cherry. I’ll help you.” He kept running his hand over my hair as he soothed me with reassuring words.


“I know a place. Come with me.” He held my hand and wouldn’t let go. Not one time did he release my hand as we took the lift back up to the forty-fourth floor, or later when he snuck us through a back entryway, that led to a locked door, which opened into a private suite behind his office. “This is mine and nobody else has access but me.”

“I can take a shower?” I asked, now very unsure about everything and everyone. Even myself.

“Of course.” He still had my hand in his and brought both of our hands up to his lips and pressed them in a soft kiss to the back of mine.

“What happens now, Ne—”

He kissed me firmly on the mouth, a demanding kiss of entitlement, his tongue pressing forward to find mine, moving in deep swirls. He finished in his own time, the intent to take charge of the situation very clear in his method.

“I’m keeping you here.”

“What?” I asked him, my arms now clasped around his neck, holding on to keep my legs from buckling and sending me to the floor.

He smiled at me and found my lips again for another kiss, this one sweet, and gentle, and slow.

My worry felt less but my legs didn’t feel even the slightest bit stronger.

“You’re staying with me. Tonight…in this suite.”

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