
Blaise Malakai Vermont: 

“Tell me why again it’s important I attend that shitty event?” I rumbled for the umpteenth time since Xander had informed me of the invite to a bail that I had no intention of attending. 

Every year, I received invites to attend events hosted by the Alpha king of the northern territory, and every year, I always ignored them because I wasn’t a sycophant. I saw no reason to surround myself with power–hungry, selfish, utter disgusting and egotistic buffoons, but it appeared Nicholas never took the hint. 

The Northern army had gained vast control over majority of the lands and Alphas far and wide were bowing to him, choosing to form and maintain a ridiculous relationship with him in exchange for more fame and power. Apparently, being allied with his name radiated fear and they wanted that. 

But Nicholas wasn’t satisfied. Amongst all he owned, he lacked something that he wasn’t going to rest till he had acquired and that was getting allied with me so he could have access to my hardened army and bountiful lands. 

My wealth, indepth connection with the council and army was what he craved and he never relented in his efforts to form a relationship with me so he could brag about it to his stupid entourage. 

“Because Blaise, you’ve almost become a recluse. You keep yourself locked within the confines of the mansion and almost never make an appearance. How do you expect to find your mate when you do not attend such events?” Xander, my trusted. beta and best friend replied. 

I clicked my tongue dryly, dreading when the despised gate came into view, “what make you think she’ll be at such events, hm?” I arched a brow at him from the back seat. 

He snuck a look at me through the rareview mirror, “you can call it instinct.” 

I sighed in defeat, “you could have at least reduced the entourage. 

“Nothing less for you, dearest Alpha. Now don’t forget to wear a smile and keep you distaste swallowed.” He said with his lips curled in a teasing smirk, knowing me so well. 

As my car pulled into the compound, greeted by the security at the gate, my brows furrowed when I saw what looked like a woman running in the direction of my moving car with a determined expression on her face. 

Had she lost her goddamn mind running towards a moving vehicle like that? I immediately turned to Xander who had pulled the breaks impromptu, forcing the car to a stóp before it could hit her. 

I got out of the car with an arched brow, eager to understand what the hell was going through her mind when the utterly delicious scent of chocolate and flowers assaulted my nose, tugging on my heart, making me want to howl. The lady who’s attention had been drawn to the uniformed men chasing her, tried to evade getting caught and ended up running into my 

hard chest. 

“Mate.” Sinclair howled, “she is mate. We found mate.” He wagged His tail like a lovestruck puppy, prancing around with his tongue darted out. 

I caught her, reaching my hand to grab her waist and steady her, and my body grew hot at the contact, goosebumps proceeding to dance on my skin as I glanced down at the woman. She was very small, looking like a child in my eyes darkened when I caught sight of what look burns around her wrist. 

my arms 


She looked up and my word, astonishment was an understatement for what I felt when those dazzling amber eyes bore into. mine, but my excitement soon disappeared when I noticed the bruises on her face. My attention was soon brought to the men chasing her and I subconsciously pulled her further into my arms, flashing dangerously red eyes and bared canines at the guards. 

Chapter 3 

Xander still confused by what was playing out, took my side, flashing a deadly look at the guards who immediately came to a stop, backing away in fear, suffocated by ny menacing aura. 

I heard steps and looked away from the guards that I so badly wanted to tear to pieces, my frown deepening when I saw Nicholas heading my way with the fakest smile plastered on his face. 

“Ah, Alpha Blaise Vermont, I’m quite honoured that you could honour the invitation this time around.” He extended his hand for a handshake but I ended up glaring at his hand with flaming eyes. 


He understood my distaste and retracted his hand, moving his astute gaze to notice the woman in my arms. I noticed his eyes widen for a second in surprise before turning to stealthily signal his guards to remain on stand by. 

With his eyes still on the woman, he cleared his throat, a slight trace of annoyance striking his eyes, “please, don’t let her trouble you. I’ll have the guards take her away and punish her for misbehaviour. She’s not the most well–behaved fish in the 


His comment struck a thick nerve, making my eye twitch. Sinclair was enraged by the discovery, ready to go on a rampage at the idea that his mate was being maltreated. I noticed him signal the guards to take her away from me and I let out a terrifying growl that shook the building. 

“Touch her and watch me commit a massacre in the blink of an eye.” my voice was low and terrifying, my eyes glowing red” as Sinclair fought to take control. 

Nicholas‘ eye twitched but he chose to swallow his annoyance and clear his throat, continuing with his charade of a welcoming host, “well, do forgive me for my comment. Please, come in, Blaise, the others are awaiting your presence.” 

Having had enough his attempts, I turned to the frail woman and gently lowered my hand to caress her face. She had a small face that fit perfectly in my hands, and her big orbs, cheeks, plump rosey lips and round nose, reminded me of a child. She bore childlike features. 

She gawked at me in surprise before looking away in an effort to hide her blush. She looked so tired and weak, skinny and dirty. Her wild black hair covered her face but her tiny hands never let go of the side of my coat that she had grabbed when she had seen Nicholas coming. It was obvious that she was terrified of him. 

“What is your name, little one?” I asked. 

She bit her lips before squeaking in a shy tone, “V–vera.” 

My eyes were glued to her pouty lips, battling Sinclair that was panting like a dog in heat. “Mark her, claim mate now.” He kept chanting over and over. 

“Not now but very soon.” I said to him, sharing his desire. 

“Hmmm, Vera.” I looked how her name tasted in my mouth. “Permit me to take you with me.” 

She didn’t need to say anything. The way she looked at me with eagerness, said it all. I signalled Xander to get the men ready. for our departure and though confused, still obeyed. 

Nicholas upon noticing that my departure was at hand, said, “Blaise, you do not want to leave without greeting the others. They’ve been dying to meet you.” there was an underlying threat in his tone.  sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’m not interested in your gathering of hypocrites. I’m not about ready to endure unbearable minutes of unhidden sycophancy. I’ll take the girl, she appears to have captured my attention.” I said with heavy eyes that promised hell to anyone who dared intervene. 

Nicholas growled, unable to contain his rage and took supposedly intimidating steps forward till he was face–to–face with me. His eyes flashed silver and in a thunderous voice, said, “Blaise, do not forget who owns the land you’re currently standing on. You do not want to disrespect me in my own territory, Vermont! I’ll have you and your men dead before you 

Chapter 3 

even get to cross the border!” 

My lips tilted in a mischievous grin as my eyes suddenly turned an empty black, “is that so?” 

I waved my finger and in an instant, teleported every belonging and men of mine away from his grounds. 

“Good luck finding me.” My faded whisper resounded as I vanished, enjoying the look of horror on his face at my little trick. 

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