Claimed by the Mountain Man (Montana Mountain Men Book 4)
Claimed by the Mountain Man: Chapter 11

Holy fuck. I love sex. I mean, show me a man who doesn’t, but what Lulu and I just did was so much more than just sex. My brothers have hinted that fucking their women has been different, but I had no idea what they really meant until now. Lulu is everything I’ve ever fantasized about in a sexual partner. She’s submissive, without being meek, she’s wild and abandoned and fuck me, her pussy is perfection.

It’s selfish to confess that although I’ve always made sure my previous sexual conquests have had a good time, I’ve never been hugely concerned with making sure I was ticking all of their boxes. Fuck buddies are fun, but as long as they got off and so did I, I never found myself giving a crap about what they needed, or at least not more than just a good fuck.

Everything about Lulu is different. It’s been years since I wanted to try and get my entire dick inside a woman. I know I’m blessed with a hefty load and once I figured that out, I also worked out how much I could use and which bits of my dick were unlikely to feel the inside of a warm, wet hole. There was no way I could be content with that with her. No way could I fuck her with the full length without hurting her, but this first time and hell; probably every time, I needed to be all the way inside of her, to claim her with every inch of me and she took it.

Her pussy is so tight I’ve been chanting “Don’t come, don’t come, don’t come,” inside my head since the moment the head of my dick slid into her platinum fucking cunt. I have never felt so much, enjoyed anything so vividly, or come so hard in my entire fucking life, and even though my balls are empty I’m ready for round two. This is the first time I’ve ever fucked a woman bareback. I had no clue how good it would feel and now I know, there’s no way I’ll ever put anything between my dick and her cunt again.

This is my woman and I feel that right down to my bones, to the very core of me.

“Fuck, Kitten, that was unbelievable,” I rasp against her cheek, dragging my lips to hers and kissing her.

“I…” she trails off, like she can’t quite muster the strength to speak. She’s still clinging to me, her arms around my neck, her legs wrapped around my hips, a mixture of my cum and hers dripping from around my dick and coating us both in our release. Slowly, I withdraw my dick from her heat and her arms slide from around my neck as I pull back until I can look down and watch the head of my cock slip out of her. Her pussy is pink and puffy, her lips and entrance slick and glistening with wetness. “Jesus, I wish you could see what I can. Your cunt is gaping and dripping with my cum, I wish we had time for round two, I’m already getting hard just from the sight of your slit.

“Penn.” The sound of my name on her lips has me looking up, but instead of the bliss I expect to find on her face, her expression is… Worried? Unsure?

“What’s the matter? Did I hurt you? Are you okay?” Fear overwhelms me and as much as I needed to claim her, I worry that I’ve damaged her, that maybe she didn’t enjoy it like I thought she had.

“I…” she pauses, swallowing visibly, then pushing herself up onto her elbows. “Err, we weren’t careful, I didn’t even think. I should have.”

“What the fuck’s going on, Lulu? I’m clean, I should have said something, but there’s no way I’d have touched you if there was any chance.”

“I’m not on any contraceptive,” she blurts.

“Okay,” I nod, waiting for whatever it is she’s worried about telling me.

“We didn’t use anything and I’m not protected.”

“So?” I laugh. Is this her only problem, that we weren’t careful?

“I haven’t needed to be on the pill, or whatever, not since before Poppy.”

Placing my palm on her stomach, I lean down and kiss her. “Kitten, I never had any intension of being careful with you.”

“What the hell does that mean?” she snaps, glaring down at my hand on her stomach like it’s offending her.

“It means I want to breed you as soon as fucking possible, I want your body swimming in my cum until my baby is in your belly. I want to make a house full of brothers and sisters for Poppy.”

“Breed me?” she hisses angrily. “Breed me? What the fuck do you think I am, a horse?”

“Kitten, you need to watch your mouth and your tone, right now.”

“I,” she shrieks, “I need to watch my mouth and my tone, do you hear yourself? You need to fuck off, just oh my god, what the fuck?”

I don’t think, just act. Flipping her to her stomach, I part her legs and fill her with my dick before she even has a chance to argue. My palm connects with her ass cheek a moment later and I keep spanking until her skin is pink and she’s screaming and moaning while I punish her. Sliding my thumb into my mouth, I lave it with my tongue, getting it plenty wet before I part her cheeks and circle her ass, making her instantly freeze beneath me.

“Penn, don’t you dare,” she demands.

“Dare what?” I taunt, pushing against her tight ring of muscle, refusing to back down until the muscle relents and the tip of my thumb slips inside of her.

“Penn,” she cries.

“I told you to mind your tone, I’ve been warning you to mind me since we met, and I told you there would be consequences for your mouth. Now your ass is a fucking perfect shade of pink and my thumb is inside your tight ring where my dick will be shortly if you don’t stop giving me attitude.”

“Get off me,” she growls, trying to buck me off.

With my dick impaled in her cunt and my thumb up her ass, she isn’t going anywhere. “Oh you’re looking to get ass fucked aren’t you, Kitten? Do you want me to fill your naughty girl hole with my big dick?”

“Your dick is not going anywhere near my ass,” she cries.

“Oh it is, Kitten. I hadn’t planned on that happening tonight, but if that’s what you need to stop being a brat then I’m happy to comply.”

“I’m not being a brat. We had unprotected sex and you’re acting like it’s completely fine. It’s not. I could be pregnant and you’re talking about breeding me like I’m a freaking brood mare.”

I don’t know if she realizes it, but she just got through her entire rant without cursing at me and I can’t help smiling. “Kitten, I’ve told you what I want from you and I want all that now. I want a ring on your finger, you in our bed every night, our daughter in her room down the hall and a baby in your belly. I haven’t lied or bullshit you about how you’re mine. My dick’s been inside of you, my cum is coating your pussy walls and hopefully taking seed in your womb. I don’t think you’re a brood mare, I think you’re my fucking woman.”

My dick’s hard inside of her, but I’m not fucking her, I’m just keeping her still and reinforcing my claim on her literally from the inside and out.

“This is all happening too quickly, it’s too much,” she whimpers, her voice breaking.

Sliding my thumb from her ass and my dick from her pussy, I lift her from the bed and cradle her in my arms. “I know this might feel like a lot, baby, it’s fast, but don’t you feel how right it is too? If you didn’t feel it, you’d be fighting me harder, but you’re not. You throw a tantrum when you feel like you need to rebel against how much this makes sense, but when it comes down to it you settle down the moment my hands are on you. Because you’re mine, and even if your mind is rebelling against that fact a little, your body and soul know exactly who owns them.”

“You don’t own me, you can’t own a person, that’s barbaric.”

Pressing my hand against her heart I take hers and press it over mine. “My heart is only beating for you. I’ll never want another woman, never need anyone else but you and as much as you might want to deny it, I know you feel the same way. Your heart beats for me and nothing and no one will ever change that now.”

“I don’t want that,” she says brokenly.

“Liar,” I whisper back.

Her head moves from side to side. “No, it’s the truth, I don’t want to be with you, I don’t want this…” she pauses, her soulful eyes staring intently at me. “I don’t want you.”

Anger and blind fury barrels through me and the next thing I know I’m above her, my hand around her throat, my dick slamming home into her wet cunt. “Tell me to stop, Lulu, tell me you don’t want me, tell me you don’t want this,” I shout, punctuating each demand with a hard thrust. “Tell me,” I roar.

Her eyes are squeezed tightly shut, but she’s not speaking, not telling me no. I stop moving, dragging my dick all the way out of her, the head pressed against her entrance, but not inside. “Tell me to stop, or beg me to keep going,” I demand.

“Penn,” she groans, her eyes falling open as she blinks up at me.

“This is your one chance to stop this, Lulu, if you don’t I’m going to come inside of you and I’m going to keep fucking you until all you can taste and smell and see is my fucking seed. I’ll keep fucking you until you’re pregnant with my kid and nothing you say will stop me. I’m claim you over and over until you can’t function without me, until you crave my dick, until you need it like you need air to breath and food to survive. I’ll make you so reliant on me you won’t know how to move without me.” Pausing I give her a chance to speak, to do something, anything to protest against my furious words, but she doesn’t say anything, just keeps looking up at me through eyes wet with tears.

“Tell me to stop, or beg me to take you. Choose.”

I watch as she swallows, then her lips part and she says the sweetest words I’ve ever heard. “Please Penn, take me.”

Slamming my dick back into her, I fuck her hard and fast and brutally, not taking care not to hurt her as I fill her with my dick over and over. I don’t pause even when she comes, fucking her through one release and straight into a second, until my balls tighten and I feel my own release explode from my dick with a force I’ve never experienced in my life. I come and come, my seed flowing from me as I do exactly what I promised her I’d do, fill her cunt with my cum.

It takes a while for my body to calm and I stay inside of her, lifting her hips and tilting her pelvis up, keeping my cum in her while I keep her pussy plugged with my dick. If I could, I’d stay like this, pushing my seed inside of her all night, but even without looking at the time, I know we need to get back for Poppy.

I thought my anger would have abated with the way I just used her body, but if anything, sating myself in her cunt has barely taken the edge off. I’m pissed at her and I have no idea how to resolve the fury I’m experiencing.

Reluctantly I slide my dick from inside of her, noticing her wince when I drag my cock free from her heat. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” she shakes her head.

“Don’t lie to me, Lulu.”

“Fine, you didn’t hurt me in a bad way. I’m just a little sore and tender.”

Nodding, I don’t speak again as I slowly climb off her and start to collect our clothes from the floor. Handing hers to her, I sit down on the edge of the bed, not looking at her as I get dressed.

“I need to clean up.”



“Unless you want me to make your ass mine tonight too, I suggest you get dressed,” I spit angrily.

We both fall into a weighted silence for agonizingly long moments until she speaks. “Are you okay?” she asks, her fingers brushing along my arm.

“I’m fine,” I spit curtly. “We need to get back for Poppy.” Standing, I pull away from her touch and move to the door, glancing back over my shoulder and watching as Lulu fidgets with her shirt, then slides her feet into her shoes.

Silently she walks past me as I hold open the door for her, her expressive doll eyes begging me to say or do something. But I have no fucking clue what to do, so instead I open the door that will lead into the main house and twine my fingers with hers as I drag her outside and into the car, ignoring all of the questioning looks from my family as we go.

Neither of us speaks as I drive us back down the mountain to Chloe’s place. I have an overnight bag in the trunk, but honestly right now, I don’t know if staying with her will help calm me, or just make me angrier. She wants me, that much is obvious, but she doesn’t want a relationship with me, to start a life with me, or to allow me to be a part of her and Poppy’s future. I know my brothers’ women have all fought their relationships, but I don’t think any of them ever said they didn’t want them the way Lulu did.

“I’m sorry.”

Her voice is tiny and I can’t help but look over at her sitting in the seat beside me.

“What for?”

“For saying all that stuff, it’s not true.”

“I know you want me,” I scoff, a little more harshly than I intended. “You can lie, but your body can’t.”

We fall into an uneasy silence again, I know she wants me to say something, but I’m too fucking angry at both her and myself. She shouldn’t have said all that bullshit, but I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did either. I touched her with anger, I didn’t hurt her, I never would, but I fucked her hard and fast to punish her. It doesn’t matter that she came more times than I can remember, I still should have taken more care with her.

“You scare me.”

“I’d never hurt you,” I say quickly, slamming my brakes on and skidding to a stop in the middle of the road.

“I know. Physically I know you’d never hurt me, but I don’t mean you scare me like that. I mean you scare me because you seem so sure.”

“I am sure,” I tell her confidently.

“I know and that…” she pauses. “That terrifies me.”

Twisting in my seat, I take her in. She’s tiny, petite but with a woman’s body, all curves, tits and ass. “Why does it terrify you?”

“Because I don’t think I’ve ever been as certain about what breakfast cereal I want as you are about wanting to be with me, wanting a future and a family with me. It’s a lot, Penn, it’d be a lot after a couple of years, it’s just too much after a few days. I need some time to come to terms with everything but you won’t give me a second.”

“I can’t. You have this look in your eyes and I know I can’t give you space because you’ll try and talk yourself out of how right this is. Can’t you just trust me, just put your faith in me and let me be sure enough for both of us?”

“I don’t know if I can,” she shakes her head. “That’s asking a lot of me. We don’t even know each other.”

“See that’s where you’re wrong, Kitten. We know the important things. You trust me with your body, you trust me with your daughter, you trust me with your heart. It’s the inconsequential things you’re fighting, but you have to see, if I own the very core of you, what else is there for you to put at risk?”

She freezes as she takes in my words and really hears them. Putting my car into gear I pull off again, making my way back down the mountain and giving her at least a little of the time she asked for.

Pulling into Chloe’s driveway I turn off the engine and get out, circling the car and opening Lulu’s door a moment later. Taking my hand, she lets me help her out and doesn’t fight to free herself from my grip when I keep her fingers entwined with mine and lead her up to the front door.

The house is quiet when we enter, Chloe is fast asleep on the couch, the baby monitor next to her, the tv playing on low in the background. Closing the door behind me, I release my hold on her hand and watch as she crosses the room to Chloe and gently wakes her.

“Hey, we’re back, why don’t you go on up to bed. Thank you for keeping an eye on Poppy for me.”

Chloe blinks sleepily and waves Lulu’s words away. “She slept; all I did was sit next to the baby monitor. Night.”

“Night,” I say as Chloe passes me, heading up the stairs and away from us.

Neither of us speaks until we hear Chloe’s bedroom door shut, then it’s just the two of us again, the tangible atmosphere thickening between us. I can’t fuck her again; I was too rough with her earlier and she’ll be even more sore in the morning after the pounding I gave her cunt. But I don’t want to leave. Being away from her feels wrong, but so does constantly forcing my will on her.

“I want to stay,” I blurt, when I can’t decide a delicate way to word it.

“I’m sore, I—”

“Not to fuck you,” I interrupt. “I want that, but I know I was rough. I just want to be with you, leaving you here and going home without you. I fucking hate it.”

“I don’t…”

“Stop thinking so fucking hard,” I growl. “Do you want to wake next to me? Sleep in my arms all night?”

Her teeth appear and she bites down on her plump bottom lip, dragging it along as her brow furrows. Then she nods, a barely perceptible nod. “Yes.”

“Thank you,” I praise, curling an arm around her back as I dip my head and kiss her. “Let’s go to bed.”

Turning off the tv and lights, I lock the front door and check the windows before I lead Lulu upstairs to her bedroom. She immediately moves to Poppy’s crib, peering down on the tiny sleeping princess, before she kisses her fingers, then softly rests them on Poppy’s forehead. Watching her, I will my dick to calm down, but seeing her care for her daughter is so sexy and my cock hasn’t got the memo that we’re not getting laid again tonight.

Lulu stares down at Poppy for a few minutes, then she smiles and turns to her dresser. She pulls out some pajamas, but I lay my hand on her arm and stop her.


“I can’t sleep naked, what happens if I need to get up with Poppy?”

“You got a robe?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then if you need to leave the room, you put on the robe, but when we’re in bed together I want to feel you against me.”

She bites down on her lip again, but I tug it free with my finger.


I help her undress, then pull off my own clothes and crawl beneath her comforter. She’s on the other side of the bed, so I drag her to me, cupping her still wet pussy with one hand and banding the other around her waist.

“I thought we agreed no sex,” she says, a wary whispered laugh filling the silence.

“No sex, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to touch you.”

“Oh,” she whispers as I part her folds and start to fondle her, circling her clit.

She sighs, her body relaxing into me when I find her clit with my thumb.

“You need me to make you come? I’ll be gentle.”

I feel her nod, and I smile. Slowly I slide one finger into her, gently pumping it in and out as I rub at her clit. I go slow, dragging her pleasure out until her cunt clamps down on my finger and she cries out. Her orgasm isn’t an explosion, it’s a slow burn of pleasure, meant to relax not be a preamble for more and after a moment, she relaxes into me.

A shrieking high-pitched wail wakes me and I bolt upright, scanning the room before my eyes land on Poppy who’s sitting up in her crib, fat tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Morning Princess,” I croak, my voice rough with sleep. Pulling on my jeans I cross the room to her and lift her from her crib. “Shall we wake Mama up? I don’t know your morning routine yet, so we’re going to need Mama to tell us both what to do,” I tell her, glad that her tears and cries have stopped as I cross back to the bed and sit down on the edge, keeping Poppy cradled to my chest as I stroke Lulu’s cheek, gently waking her up. “Kitten, Princess is awake and I’m not sure how mornings run yet.”

Lulu reaches out sleepily and Poppy lurches toward her. Placing the little girl carefully in her mama’s arms, I stay where I am and watch as Lulu holds her baby girl in the tightest of hugs. This right here is why I’ll never be able to walk away, no matter what Lulu says. These two are mine, my family and I don’t want my world to exist without them in it.

“What do you need me to do?” I ask, running my fingers across Lulu’s bare shoulder.

“What time is it?” she asks sleepily.

“Six thirty.”

“Coffee.” The word is more like a plea and I chuckle, scooping Poppy from her arms and holding her to my chest.

“I’ll take the princess with me and start the coffee while you get a shower.”

She doesn’t speak, just shuffles her head back and forth across the pillow in a sleepy nod.

“Come on, Princess, let’s go make Mama some wake up juice.” Poppy smiles her gummy smile, patting my cheek with her hand. When we get into the kitchen, I pull out the highchair and strap Poppy into it, it takes me a few attempts to get the straps connected right, but eventually, she’s secure and safe. Grabbing her a couple of toys from the playpen in the living room I place them on the tray in front of her, then busy myself with the coffee machine.

For the first time, I wish I had more experience around kids. If I did, I’d know how to help, how to make breakfast for Poppy so I could do more than just stand around and wait for Lulu or Chloe. Remembering that yesterday morning she had oatmeal I set about searching the cabinets, eventually hitting gold when I find the one that’s full of baby food. Grabbing the box of banana flavored oatmeal I read the instructions, seeing that at her age Poppy should have it made with formula milk. I find that in the same cabinet, and make the princess breakfast.

It’s a little warm once it’s ready, so I turn on the stove and cook the eggs and bacon I find in the refrigerator. By the time Chloe and Lulu make their way downstairs, there’s three plates of food waiting on the table and I’m half feeding myself, half feeding Poppy our breakfasts.

“You made breakfast?” Lulu asks, shock clear in her voice. “For Poppy too?”

“She had oatmeal yesterday, I wasn’t sure if she had it every morning, but I figured two days in a row wouldn’t hurt her. I haven’t made her any formula because I wasn’t sure if she had juice or something else. I made bacon and eggs for us and the coffee pot is full too.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Your mama sure raised all you boys right,” Chloe says, slapping me on the shoulder before she leans down and presses a soft kiss to my cheek.

“Thank you,” Lulu smiles softly, leaning over to kiss Poppy on the head before she turns her attention to me. “Where the hell did you come from, Penn Barnett? Men don’t do this, they don’t cook and care for other people’s kids days after they meet them.”

“Barnett men do, like Chloe said, our mama raised us right and our daddy taught us to appreciate a good woman when we find her. I’ll take care of you and our princess for the rest of our lives if you’ll let me.” Pulling her into me I kiss her hard and fast, then I let her go and carry on feeding our girl.

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