Contagion - Book Two
Contagion - Book Two

Contagion - Book Two

14Chapters 250Views 4Bookmarked Completed Status


Jamey faced frightening odds of survival, the genetic hybrid creatures had started killing his family, in desperation and love he fights to survive. The giant hybrid beast of a bear named Minstrel was still a formidable adversary; he reached the room only seconds behind Jamie, although his injuries were extensive and he was already virtually unable to stand, and although Jamie tried desperately to enter the adjoining security room and close the door, he was himself now in considerable agony from his ruptured and infected wounds. Minstrel had lodged his huge bulk firmly within the frame of the door making it impossible for Jamie to close. With a single swipe of his right paw, he caught Jamie full on, sending him crashing into the sidewall and crushing three more of his ribs and fracturing his neck and scull. As he lay slumped against the floor and wall, in a haze of vision Jamie could see Minstrel staggering his way towards him, then with considerable rage and effort, the beast was raising once again on his hind legs, as he did, he loomed over Jamie triumphant in finally having reached his prey. As Jamie felt himself fading away, he could see Minstrels huge body coming closer, until he could smell the creature’s foul breath.

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