Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three
Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

13Chapters 279Views 2Bookmarked Completed Status


Jamie comes into his powers while adopted into the hybrid family, as he comes of age his fight for recognition and a desire to protect those he loves Isaiah went into a coma his breathing was intermittent and shallow. “Are you asking us to terminate his life son?” enquired Robert, Jamie raised his head and looked into Robert’s eyes. “No sir, that is my place, he’s my kin.” He was unable to form any further words; silently he took out his hunting knife and thrust it into his brothers’ heart. There was stunned silence from within the cave. “We will have to burn his body, if it is left here, then the animals will eat the flesh and contract whatever it was that was killing him.” Said Jamie. Juliet positioned one of her arms over Jamie’s shoulders. “Son what you did then, took great courage, I promise you no animal will desecrate his body, we will use some of your Pars home brew to kindle the flames.” Jamie left his knife where it was; as he knew that to remove it could risk further contamination. “At least with the fire, he will keep us warm for a few hours.” He bit his lower lip and allowed a tear to flow from an eye, and then to the amazement of the others, Jamie started to hold his brothers hand, as he looked into his dead brother’s eyes, and started to chant a song which all male members of his family sang at the death of...

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