Daddy the Miracle Medic
Chapter 198 You Shouldn'T Stay

Chapter 198 You Shouldn't Stay

Nathan may have looked up to Scar, thinking that his sister should find a man like him. But that didn't mean he wanted Allison to actually be with Scar. Nathan knew that Scar played women like they were disposable items, and if his sister got involved with him, she would just become another one of his playthings.

He couldn't believe that his "good buddy" had introduced Allison to Scar after knowing how beautiful she was. Nathan couldn't even imagine what would happen if Scar took an interest in her.

"What the hell are you yelling about? I'm helping you out here! You should be thanking me!" Green Hair kicked Nathan in the stomach and sneered at him.

After seeing a picture of Allison, Scar was immediately taken aback by her beauty. He promised Green Hair that he would make him a small- time boss under him at the casino if he introduced Allison to him. Green Hair was ecstatic and thought himself very clever for making such a deal. As for what happened to Nathan's sister after being played by Scar? Who cared? Even if she died from it, it wouldn't matter to them. Maybe when Scar got bored of her, he'd reward them by letting them have their way with her too.

After meeting Nathan's sister, Green Hair couldn't help but think about all sorts of dirty things involving her.

"What are you making such a fuss about?" A rough voice interrupted their conversation as an imposing middle-aged man walked into the room with scars on his face and hands behind his back in style. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Mr. Houghton! You're here!" Green Hair quickly greeted him obsequiously as soon as he saw Scar enter the room

Scar nodded slightly before locking eyes on Allison's figure in the room; roaming around her curvaceous body before finally settling on her exquisite face.

"Hahaha! The real is even more beautiful than your photo!" With one hand rubbing against his chin while laughing lewdly, Scar said, "You really are something else!"

His eyes were fixated on Allison's body without looking away once. "Mr. Houghton, are you satisfied?" said Green Hair smugly.

"Satisfied! Satisfied! Not bad kid," Scar patted Green Hair's shoulder approvingly while nodding, then turned towards Allison again showing off an amiable smile which made Allison feel disgusted and shivered inside.

"Young lady come over here, you'll be following me from now on." Scar pointed at Allison and waved his hand, saying something inaudible. Upon hearing this, Allison's face changed immediately. "Who are you? I don't even know you! Please leave my house!" she exclaimed.

"Oh? A little spicy pepper, huh? Not bad, I like it! Hahaha..." Scar raised an eyebrow and teased her.

"Mr. Houghton, let my sister go! I'm your brother too and I admire you the most!" Nathan pleaded with Scar. "This is my sister here; those women in the nightclubs are just that - women. You... you have to let her go!"

"What do you mean?" Scar asked with a threatening tone in his eyes. “You're going to be my brother-in-law from now on and everyone in your family will live comfortably without anyone daring to bully them!" As he spoke, he gestured towards his men, "Take her away; tonight I'm going to enjoy this girl."

“Yes Mr. Houghton!" Several of his henchmen moved forward to grab Allison.

"Mr. Houghton please don't do this! You're the most righteous person in my heart; you can't do this..." Nathan's face turned pale as he begged Scar for mercy.

Suddenly, Scar kicked Nathan directly causing him to roll on the ground.

"Please spare my daughter Mr. Houghton!" Kailey cried out while Keagan grabbed an ashtray from the coffee table readying himself for a fight against Scar's men.

Allison was both panicked and angry at this point as she glared at Scar asking, "Is there no law left?"

"The scar on me is the law itself," replied Scar with a wicked grin. “Follow me girl. I won't mistreat you or your family if they know what's good for them."

"Otherwise..." His voice trailed off ominously.

Just then a cold voice interrupted him, "What otherwise?"

Lachlan had walked over from where he was standing with Nora earlier and stood beside Allison staring down at Scar fiercely causing him to shriek uncontrollably despite being so bold moments ago.

His whole body trembled as if being electrocuted. "Mr. ... Mr. Willis! What are you doing here?" Scar stuttered.

"How did I get here? Allison is my classmate and my good friend!" Lachlan sneered, "Who gave you the courage to bully and act recklessly? You and your former boss Tiger are birds of a feather! Neither of you should stay!"

In the next second, he walked towards Scar and slapped him directly in the face.


A crisp sound made everyone shudder.

Everyone stared at Lachlan in shock, including Allison's family who looked horrified. Did Lachlan just slap Scar? Was he crazy? That was Scar, who had a notorious reputation for his power! Green Hair and his men were also stunned.

After coming back to their senses, they wanted to go after Lachlan and kill him for what he did to Scar.

However, in the next moment, one action from Scar made them stop instantly. The boss suddenly knelt down before Lachlan with weak legs trembling beneath him.

"Mr. Willis, I didn't know she was your friend! I... I really didn't know!" "Have mercy on me! Spare me this time..."

“I didn't know... really didn't know... otherwise even if I had guts like a bear or leopard heart, I wouldn't dare have any thoughts about her.” "Mr. Willis please spare me!"

"Don't kill me... spare my life..."

After Scar knelt down, his voice trembling with a sob, he pleaded with Lachlan for mercy, repeatedly banging his head on the ground.

His entire body was violently shaking, and a foul odor permeated the air, with a pool of yellow liquid forming beneath him.

Lachlan's words had scared Scar so much that he had literally wet himself.

Scar was now truly at a loss and wondered why he always seemed to encounter Lachlan whenever he committed wrongdoing. Scar, having heard about Lachlan's terrifying feats, especially his single-handed defeat of the skilled members of the Lowe family, was now fully aware of the extent of his terror.

At this moment, Lachlan turned to Nathan, pointing at Scar, who was kneeling on the ground and begging, his tone mocking and ridiculing. "Kid, is this the big brother you admire?"

Nathan's eyelids twitched, and he was utterly shocked. Allison, Keagan, and Kailey were also nearly jaw-dropped in amazement.

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