Daughter of Dusk
Chapter Sixteen: Sister

Surprisingly enough, I sleep like a rock after getting back to the Manor. Perhaps it was all the new things I experienced; all the excitement accompanied by exploring a new world for the first time, one that was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. And being with Soren, the exhilarating feeling of his soft lips on mine.

For the first time in my life, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

When I awake, I make my way to the library, as I normally do. I practice the skills Blaire taught me for most of the morning just so I can be prepared for anything. Getting comfortable in that stance, working on the aim of my shadowy arrows, and my knife skills should Nox decide to use his, among other skills. I try to keep the volume down for fear of Nox and Melinoe finding out what I’m doing, and thankfully, my time is met with solitude, lest they try to start something with me again.

After the morning, I’m drained, but not as much as I thought I’d be. I suppose I’ve never really tested the limits of my powers; maybe I have more beneath the surface than I realized.

I spend the early afternoon throwing myself into finding anything I can about the Aether powers Teagan mentioned. I have reason to believe it applies to me, but I want to know more about it and discover if this gut feeling really is leading me toward some semblance of the truth. As well as just wanting to learn more about this mysterious set of abilities I’ve never heard of before, not to mention the possibility of my mother having them too.

But frustratingly, no texts even mention the term, let alone explain it.

I place a book back on the shelf and look at my hands as a silvery mist lingers around my fingertips.

My powers aren’t just different from my family’s, but Soren’s too. That much is clear. Perhaps I really do wield Aether.

But why? Why me? And how did I get these powers?

Father is a Shadow Wielder through and through, so it had to have come from my mother somehow. I know it. But who was she? And why won’t Father tell me? I can only imagine it has something to do with the prophecy, but who’s to say what being a ruler over Darkness and Light even means? It couldn’t mean I take his place as ruler, his only domain is over Zala. Not that I’d even want his role anyway. It has to mean something figurative, but what that is, I won’t know for certain until Teagan looks into things on Kera. And who’s to say the prophecy is accurate, anyway?

God, this would be a heck of a lot easier if I knew who my mother was.

And then, it hits me.

Teagan may be looking into the prophecy, but there’s only one way to truly find the answers surrounding my mother.

I have to ask Father myself.

I don’t know if it’s remnants of the courage I felt on Kera, or the elation of being around Soren, maybe even some combination of the two, but the thought doesn’t scare me into complete submission as it surely would have before. It still sends a chill down my spine, but I know I have a right to know who my mother was.

I have a right to ask.

Without another thought on the matter, I head down the stairs of the library and into the hall, making my way toward Father’s study before I have a chance to talk myself out of the idea.

Just breathe, Luna. You can do this.

After a few twists and turns among the cold stony walls, I gasp as an unfortunate turn of events comes toward me.

My sister.

I keep to my side, hoping she just ignores me and continues on her way. But of course, the moment she locks her dark eyes on me, fear trickles into my blood like poison and I know that’s not going to happen.

She moves in front of me, blocking me from going any further. “And where have you been?”

A pit forms in my stomach as her tone slices through the air. My mind instantly goes to the worst-case scenario, but I manage to push it aside. “What do you mean?”

“Where have you been? It’s a simple question.” She steps closer, and I instinctively back away. She and Nox both have a darkness around them, but there’s a twisting, malignant sense I get from Melinoe that Nox doesn’t possess. One that threatens to envelop me in trepidation. But with a breath, I manage to keep my focus.

“Can – can you be more specific?”

“Last night.” She crosses her arms, curling her painted burgundy lips in disgust. “I was looking for you, and you were nowhere to be found. So, fess up.”

Oh no. Think of something, quick!

“I was between my room and the library. Perhaps our paths didn’t cross.” My brows knit together as a hint of curiosity comes to the surface, pushing through her malevolent dark energy. “Why were you looking for me?”

She backs me up against a wall, placing her hands on either side of my face, trapping me before I have a chance to react. My heart pounds as my breath gets caught in my throat, but unlike with Soren, the sensations aren’t from exhilaration.

This is from fear.

“Nice try you little bitch. I looked for you for over an hour and you were not in there. Father knows you’re up to something, that’s why he asked me to find you.”

A shiver crawls down my spine as her malice surrounds me. This isn’t a good sign. No one can know I was out of the Manor.

Come on, where’s that courage I had before?

“Well, as I said, I was in the library. There’s a chance I was just encapsulated by whatever book I was reading and didn’t hear you.” I try to slip away from her, but she blocks me before I can get much more than a step in. “Can you give me some space, please?”

Darkness flickers in the corner of my eye as a shadowy fire forms in her hand, curling a strand of my hair as she holds the flame near the side of my face. “Not until you tell me the truth.”

My eyes widen and I force myself to take a breath as hot black sparks fly in front of my nose. She’s just trying to intimidate you, Luna. Don’t let her.“I did. And if that’s not good enough for you, then I’m sorry.”

She slams her hand on the wall next to my face, the darkness crackling in the brick next to my ears. I shut my eyes hard as the fear surrounding me goes in for the attack, clawing onto my skin, sinking its fangs into the dark corners of my mind.

“You have three seconds to tell me the truth.”

Come on, Luna, think!

The heat of the flames radiates against my face as the darkness freezes me in place, and I prepare for what may be coming next . . .


The sound of Soren’s voice prompts me to open my eyes as he runs down the hall toward us.

Part of me is relieved, but I know we’re going to have to handle this carefully.

If my sister found out he was on my side . . . I don’t even want to think about it.

Melinoe lets me go as Soren approaches, her eyes narrowing on him as the shadows reform in her palms.

“You have no right to intrude when I am questioning someone, do you understand?”

Soren’s eyes widen before he backs away with his arms up in defence. “I’m just here to pass on a message, that’s all. I didn’t mean to overstep.”

“Well, you should have thought of that before you shouted across the hall.” The darkness between her fingers grows in time with the horror spreading through me as I imagine what she could do next.

An image of Soren covered in blood flashes through my mind’s eye and the courage from Kera fills me. It proves to be more powerful than the monster of shadow in my mind and I quickly insert myself between Melinoe and Soren, stopping my sister in her tracks. “Mel, stop. I’m sure he didn’t mean any harm.”

She narrows her eyes. “That’sMelinoe, to you.” She looks between us, and for a split second, I worry that this may not have been the best course of action. Unease pricks my skin as I wonder if she’s going to comment on me standing up for him, but instead, she lets out a frustrated sigh and turns to Soren. “What is this message that you so desperately need to pass on?”

“I’m here to collect Luna, actually. Darius wanted to speak with her.”

The colour drains from my face. He already asked Melinoe to look for me, and she likely already told him she couldn’t find me. That has to be what summoning me is about.

I can lie well enough to Melinoe . . . but will Father believe me?

No, stop, Luna. You were the one who wanted to speak with him anyway. This is good. Remember why you wanted to talk with him in the first place.

“Fine.” I can almost see the daggers in Melinoe’s eyes as she turns to me. “This conversation is not over.”

I nod, and she moves on her way, but as she passes Soren, she seizes his arm. She stands taller than him, but he holds his ground, determination in his silvery-blue eyes.

“As for you, if you interrupt something like that again, you’ll be answering to me. I don’t care what Father says.”

“Of course,” he says with a clipped deference as he forces his arm out of her grasp.

And with that, she turns away, storming down the hall in a huff.

As soon as she’s out of earshot, Soren turns to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

I place my hand over top of his, giving it a squeeze before we disconnect. “I’m fine. But you have to be more careful! She could have hurt you.”

“Could have hurt me?” His eyes widen as bewilderment swims in his glacial irises. “She looked like she was ready to take a bite out of you.”

“No, I know, but . . .” I press my lips together. “I told you, that’s just Melinoe. Nothing either of us do is going to change her behaviour.”

“That doesn’t make her right, you know that.” He looks down, running a hand through his white-blonde hair before his serious gaze meets mine once more. “I’m not going to apologize for stepping in, Luna. I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

“I’m not saying you have to. I just don’t want anything to happen to you because of it. That’s all.” Warmth builds in my chest as the words fall out of my mouth.

His face softens as his shoulders drop. “Let me worry about that, okay? I care about you, but you’re not responsible for my decisions. Me stepping in was my choice. That doesn’t fall on you.”

I know he’s right. But it’s so far from what I’ve felt from everyone my whole life . . . it still takes me a moment to believe him.

I nod with a small smile. “Okay.”

He reaches for me with a grin, squeezing my fingers, sending tingles through my arm before he drops his hand for fear of being caught, and we begin our short journey toward the study.

“What does Father want? Did he say?” I ask as we walk.

“Not really. He’s been a bit strange today, honestly.”

“How so?”

“He was asking a lot about my mother. I had mentioned she was sick before, just in conversation, and he was asking how she was doing. I didn’t mention anything about you, of course, but when I said she was feeling better, he got really nosey about it, insisting on knowing specific details of when she started getting better, how she was doing . . . I don’t know. It was weird. And then, right after, he asked me to come to get you.”

Father couldn’t possibly know I healed Rhea, could he?

I understand him wanting to know if he thought I was involved, but outside of that, why would he want to keep such close tabs on something like Rhea’s health?

“He’ll probably ask me about it too then.” I fidget with my fingers.

He brushes a piece of hair over my shoulder as we walk. “I’m sorry if anything I said gets you into trouble.”

I look over at him. “No, no, you didn’t say anything wrong. You didn’t mention me. But there’s a reason he was asking so many questions. He’s far too good at putting the pieces of things together. That’s not your fault. I’m not sure why he’d want to know all those things about your mother though. That’s a bit odd.”

“Okay, I’m glad it’s not just me who finds it strange,” he says sheepishly. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

I frown. “It’s never nothing. Father doesn’t do or say anything by accident. I wouldn’t be surprised if he asks you more later.” I let my fingers trail down his arm, but I don’t risk taking his hand in case anyone comes around the corner. “Just be careful.”

He smiles. “I will. I’ll be okay, I promise.”

I smile back, before we come up to the doors of the study, its presence ending our walk. My hands start to tremble, but I manage to quiet them with a breath.

Soren’s voice echoes in my mind. You don’t have to be fearless. Everyone gets nervous, what matters is being brave despite it.

I take one more deep breath and release exhale as slowly as I can. Remember your objective. He summoned you here, but you have things to discuss with him as well. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Soren puts his hand on my shoulder. “I can come to see you in the library when I’m done for the day. But come find me if you need anything before then, okay?”

I smile. “Sounds good.”

He looks around, ensuring we’re alone before pulling me close and fitting his mouth to mine for a split-second, all-consuming kiss. That intense fluttering sensation returns to my stomach as my heart thumps against my chest, but it’s not because of panic this time.

He pulls away, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “Good luck, Luna.”

With one more lingering gaze, he backs away, heading down the hall.

I bring my attention back to the study door. It looks just like the others that line the hallways, simple dark wood with metal snake-shaped accents weaving up to the pointed arch. But I suppose that’s what makes it unnerving; its simplicity hides what lies beyond the hinges.

Without another thought, I give the door a gentle knock and decide not to wait for approval before slipping through, lest I let the fear envelop me whole.

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