Daughter of Dusk
Chapter Nine: Willow

A wide clearing meets my eyes, surrounded by the large trees that cover most of the forest. But in the centre of the clearing stands the most beautiful tree I’ve ever laid my eyes on. It’s just as tall as the others, and the colour of its bark is just like the others, but the branches of the tree grow so long that they cascade down towards the grass, with the light, moss-green leaves clinging to the branches as much as they can. The branches have very little space between them, almost creating a curtain of sorts as the long, downward-pointing leaves glisten in the dim light. I’ve read the phrase ‘gentle giant’ in a book before, and that’s exactly what this tree reminds me of. It’s tall and strong, but graceful at the same time. I’ve never seen anything like it.

“Wow,” I breathe.

Soren chuckles softly. “I used to come here all the time growing up. I think they call it a willow. Apparently, it’s the only one in Zala, or that’s what I’ve heard.”

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper, stepping toward the trees’ calming presence.

I reach my hand out, running my fingers along one of the cascading branches. The leaves are soft to the touch, the branches flexible enough to sway open, allowing me access to the secrets that it holds closely. A delicate smell I can’t exactly pinpoint wafts over me, but it’s softer than the woody smell of the other trees.

Soren comes behind me, reaching over my head and moving a collection of branches aside, allowing space for both of us to step inside the makeshift curtain. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Let’s head inside,” he says, guiding me through.

Inside, the trunk of the tree is enormous, but I suppose it would have to be to support a structure this grand. The bark looks rough from certain angles; a reminder of its age, its presence in what I can only imagine is a thousand lives lived before mine. I wonder how many stories it could tell if it could speak. From the inside, the large, sweeping branches reach high above us, almost as though they’re protecting us as they arch towards the ground below. The branches and leaves are opaque enough that they create their own makeshift wall, allowing us to remain unseen.

This is a piece of Zala that is for us; no one else.

“Will this do?” Soren’s voice breaks my daydream.

I look around once more as warmth fills me. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

He gives me a lopsided smile. “I figured you’d like it.” A wash of pink crosses his cheeks before he continues. “Let’s see if this portal technique really does work out here.”

I nod, taking a breath, focusing on the task at hand.

He stands behind me as I close my eyes, narrowing my mind to where I want to go.

I want to go to the island – Kera.

Kera . . . Kera . . .

A fizzing sound prompts me to open my eyes.

Mauve sparks flash before me, hanging in midair like miniature explosions.

“There it is!” Soren puts a hand on my shoulder and steps closer, his excitement palpable in the air. “Keep going!”

I can’t help but giggle as I focus once more. A buzz radiates through my fingertips, like a force that’s desperate to escape me.

Before I know it, the sparks have grown into a swirling oval of lilac shades that stand just barely taller than me, with the edges of the swirls dissipating like a cloud of fine dust. It floats there, analyzing me in its otherworldly gaze, as though it’s wondering why I haven’t stepped through yet.

“Luna! You did it!” Soren pulls me into a quick but tight hug. I don’t hesitate in returning the gesture this time, and instead, I let myself get lost in the safety of his arms for the few wonderful seconds the embrace lasts.

I glance back at the portal as we separate. “I suppose I did.”

“See? I knew you were strong enough to do it.”

The look of unabashed joy is one I didn’t think could even exist. It’s one I wouldn’t believe was real if I didn’t see it before my eyes. But it’s not the smug happiness I always see on Nox and Melinoe’s faces. This is something unencumbered by ego.


We watch as the portal shrinks before our eyes, until after several moments, the sparks fade into nothingness, prompting me to question their existence in the first place.

“What do you think, then? Do you feel ready to go to Enas? To Kera?”

As I take in his words, the weight of everything hits me. I’m seriously considering doing this. But what happens if the amulet somehow fails? What if I go there, and chaos ensues at my presence? What if something goes wrong, and I can’t get back?

“Sorry,” I shake my head, running a hand through my straight, dark hair. “I’m not sure if I can.”

“What’s stopping you?”

“I’m just starting to think that perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, now that it’s gotten real all of a sudden.” I sigh. “Why am I afraid? I shouldn’t be.”

“You’re going to another world you’ve never been to before. I think it’s normal to be nervous. I would be too,” he assures.

I blink at him. “Really?”

“Mmhmm. You don’t have to be fearless, Luna.” He takes my hand as silence falls over us. “Everyone gets nervous. What matters is being brave despite it.”

It takes me a moment to process his words, but it makes sense. Perhaps it really is as he says.

“Here, I have an idea,” he continues. “Tell me the first thing you’d do when you go to the island, if that’s what you decide to do. Maybe that will help.”

I frown at him for a moment before going along with his suggestion. “Honestly, I’m not sure what the first thing I’d do would be. But . . .one thing I want to see there more than anything is a sunset. The way that books describe sounds so magical; something about the sun coming close to the horizon makes the sky light up with all sorts of colours. From red to orange to pink and everything in between. I want to see if it’s really as beautiful as the stories of Enas say.”

“Hmm.” He smiles as his cheeks go pink again.

I nudge him. “What?”

“You come alive when you talk about all this, you know.”

I blink at him as my heart skips a beat. “I do?”

“Of course. I can see how passionate you are about it all.” He reaches for me, gently running his thumb along my shoulder, sending a rush of warmth through me as he continues. “But I was just thinking . . . no, never mind.”

I put my hand on his arm as my curiosity picks up. “Never mind what?”

He looks down, his blush deepening as he takes a breath. “I – I think a sunset would be beautiful. But I . . .” His crystal eyes meet mine. “I don’t think it could compare to you.”

My jaw drops as his words steal my breath away. “Soren. . .”

“I’m sorry, I know that’s forward, but it’s how I feel.”

I want to believe him. I want to take everything he’s saying as the truth and accept it, but something prevents me from doing it. It’s not Father’s voice in my head – it’s mine. One who is convinced that I’ll never be anything more than a mousey, bookish girl who knows nothing about romance.

I look down. “I think you’re mistaken. Melinoe is the one who got the looks of the family, not me.”

“Honestly, I don’t find her attractive. I don’t think I’ve ever really seen her without a scowl on her face,” he jokes.

I can’t help but giggle before he continues. He gently tips my chin up with his fingers, the action filling my pounding heart with an intoxicating flame . . . one that is desperate to close any and all space between us.

“But besides that, I like you. And not just for the things you’ve done for me. I. . . I don’t know what it is. You’re not like anyone else in Zala. There’s real colour to you and your skin; everyone looks washed out compared to you. And brown eyes might be common, but, there’s something about yours that - there’s so many layers to them. There’s this warmth to you; I’ve never felt that from anyone before.” He runs his thumb along my jawline. “It’s like it’s pulling me towards you. Or something. I don’t know if that makes much sense.”

“It does, I think,” I don’t know how the words escape me, considering the tornado spinning around in my stomach.

“I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable with all that, I suppose I just . . . I want to be with you.” He pauses. “I at least wanted you to know how I felt, in case I didn’t have a chance to tell you before you left for good.”

I smile. “I am planning to come back, you know. I’m not going to take your amulet and never return it to you. But I understand what you mean. And I would be lying, if . . . if I said I didn’t share those feelings too.”

I’m about to catch myself for having the audacity to say such things, but I stop myself. I don’t want to hide how I feel from Soren. Even if it’s like I have a hurricane set loose in my stomach, even if my skin ignites at his touch, even if his words take away my ability to speak. . . there’s something about him that puts me at ease. That I can be my true, authentic self, whatever that may be.

I don’t have to live in a lie around him.

He gives me a wide grin. “Really?”

“I think so.”

That emphatic smile envelops his face again, and I can’t help but return it. But that doesn’t stop my mind from bringing me down to reality, just a little bit.

“Of course, we’ll have to determine how to work around Father, and then there’s what to do about my brother and sister . . .”

I trail off as he skims my jawline with his thumb again. “We can figure all that out later. For now. . . do you want to wait on going to Enas?”

I think about his words for a moment. Despite everything that has just transpired with him, something within me feels more ready than ever to take this step. To explore this other world, with his support acting as the wind beneath my wings, as the saying goes.

“You know. . .I think I’m ready to see what it’s like there.”

“In that case, we can work out how you and I can be together when you get back.” He pulls me into another tight hug, but it’s longer this time. The faint sound of his heart beats against mine, the quick, strong rhythm putting me at ease, grounding me in this moment.

“But for now,” he continues, running his fingers through my hair. “I’ll await your return.

“I’m tempted to invite you along, I whisper.

“If the sun didn’t take away my shadow powers without an amulet, I would.” He chuckles. “But you can stop by my house when you get back if you’d like. I’d love to hear about everything you find.”

I nod as I fit my face into the crook of his neck, letting his good energy envelop me as it has before. But something about this feels different. We’re closer now, with no secrets, no unspoken feelings in the way. Just he and I.


Before I can react, he pulls away for just a moment, leaving a feather-like kiss on the left side of my cheek.

My heart pounds so loudly that I wonder if he can hear it. He pulls away again so I can see his face, and soon I’m giggling as I swim through the cool, silvery waters once again.

“I’ll let you get to it then.” He bites his lip with a grin.

I nod and step away from him, holding my hands out and creating the portal once more.

But as I step forward, a wash of fear and panic suddenly cascades over me, making my nerves stand on end. What if this doesn’t work? There’s a chance this might not even take me to Kera at all. What if all this was for nothing?

I take a breath and let the thoughts pass by, focusing my energy to Kera, the place that has called to me ever since I read it on the worn pages.

Before I can fully comprehend it, a portal sparks to life in front of me, the mystical lilac swirls staring at me once more.

With a deep breath, I bring my arms back to my sides and look back at Soren.

“I’ll see you later?” He smiles.

I nod. “See you later.”

I turn back to the portal, and with a deep breath, I step through . . . into the unknown.

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