Seth’s POV

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The words left Jaxon’s lips, his voice full of astonishment. We were practicing hand to hand combat, later we would attempt again to connect with my abilities. My hands were wrapped around Jaxons wrists, his arms above his head. I was looming over him, my legs on either side of his body. He had a faint blush on his face, sweat beating down his forehead.

″I practiced with my old friend Jules and other men for years, I don’t rely on magic.″

He suddenly pushed himself up with force, taking me by surprise. His left hand wrapped around the collar of my shirt, his right hand gripping my side firmly. He pushed me onto my back, his hand snaking up to my wrist, pinning my arm above my head. His eyes flashed a bright yellow, his lips were twisted in a smirk. I watched as he slowly ran his tongue over his bottom lip before he spoke.

″I’m more than two hundred years older than you, Seth... I’m more experienced in a lot of things.″ He whispered to me, and I felt the blush rising on my face. Dirty bastard...

″Your eyes are yellow... getting excited huh?″ I whispered to him. I watched as the smirk left his lips, the yellow in his eyes growing brighter. His grip around the collar of my shirt grew tighter, leaning down closer to me.

″You should see your eyes, Angel.″

He let go of my shirt, his right hand letting go of my side. I watched as he climbed off of me, the smirk returning to his lips. He held his hand out, looking down at me with those yellow eyes of his.

I gladly took his hand, pulling myself up.

It’s been about a week since I left my kingdom. And I have to admit... I’m kind of worried. I’m not worried about my mother, I’m worried about my people. Even though they did threaten to kill me... I swore to protect them always. I not only miss my people, but I also miss my grandfather. In my memories, it showed that he knew about who I was... and he wanted my mother to stop what she was doing. Even after knowing I was Lucifer’s son, he still treated me with love and respect. I miss Estelle... I figure Jules wants nothing to do with me.

He’s another thing I am worried about.

Jule’s family has been great friends with my family for centuries. They are the family that will take on the throne if mine is dethroned. Since my mother had messed with Lucifer himself... the kingdom may not trust her or the rest of my family anymore.

I know Jules. He’s a dictator once into power. He will make France into slaves. He’s joked with me for years that he was going to get the throne... Estelle his queen. The only thing that is holding Jules together is Estelle. I know Estelle too. She’s strong, a fearless woman. But she will not let any man walk all over her. I admire that about her. No matter how much she loves Jules... if he goes crazy with power she will leave him in a heartbeat.

″Seth, I must speak with you,″ Jayce said suddenly, walking out of the large mansion. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand, his purple painted nails wrapped tightly around it. He walked up to Jaxon and I with a confident strut, his black outfit giving off a soft glow in the sunlight.

″What is it?″ I asked. His facial expression looked distraught, his icy blue eyes seemed to look darker than usual. He looked over to Jaxon, motioning for him to leave.

″I’ll talk to you later.″ Jaxon said softly, raising his hand and waving. He wandered off into the mansion to do God knows what.

″We have a problem...″ Jayce finally said, glancing up with me with sympathy.

″What is it?″ I asked. He hesitated before speaking, the glass of whiskey hanging at his side.

″I’ve had some spies over at your kingdom for the time being. I won’t disclose everything that is going on just yet, but there’s something that happened that you have to know.″ He said. I wonder what’s going on?...

″Go on...″

″Your grandfather... he’s no longer with us.″

The words hit me hard, my eyes widening. He wasn’t even that old... he was healthy, I don’t understand... Did the kingdom murder him? Is my mother dead? Is this what is happening because of me?

″What happened?″ I asked, my voice cracking. I wanted to cry, but I knew I had to be strong. There was a war coming... I don’t know when, but I can’t become weak.

″My spies found his... body first. Elena was one of them. She inspected the body... it was the work of a werewolf.″ He said softly. What would a werewolf want to do with my grandfather?

...Because he used to be the King. My mother may be next.

″There’s a war coming, isn’t there Jayce?″ I asked him. He nodded his head slowly, his gaze staring blankly at the ground.

″This was the first attack on human’s since your ancestors began the war in the first place. There’s no doubt your kingdom knows about your grandfather’s murder by now.″ He stated.

May his soul rest in peace.

″So what should we do?″ I asked. The smile returned to his lips, glancing up with me with those icy blue eyes of his.

″I want you to venture to your kingdom once more with Jaxon. He will put a protective spell over both of you so no human will see you both. I want you to see what is going on. I want you to go because you know the kingdom better than anyone else... You’ve lived there your whole life.″ He said to me.

Maybe I’ll fucking throw a punch at my mother once I get there.

″When are Jaxon and I leaving?″ I asked. That signature smile of his spread across his lips, bringing the glass of whiskey on his lips.

″Now. Elena and the others have packed your things. You’ll have to stay in one of the bedrooms in your kingdom while under the magic for the nights you’re there-″

″We have to stay a few nights?″ I asked. He motioned for me to follow him into the house, walking back inside. I followed behind him, the sound of chattering filling my ears.

″When your ancestors declared war on us years ago, we had a leader. We thought it was going to be an easy win... so we thought. Our leader was murdered by the humans, and stole something very dear to our hearts.″ He said to me, leading me into the living room. I watched as he snapped his fingers, and a bag appeared at my feet. It was a bag full of my belongings and other essentials.

″What was it, and who was the leader?″ I asked. His lips twisted into a smile, gazing up at me.

″My late brother Zayden. He was a few centuries older than me... It’s a long story.″

″Please continue, it may help me find what you’re looking for...″ I said.

″My brother Zayden used to be the high warlock before me. He was adventurous... kind, he taught me how to use my magic. Our father was never there for us, so we had to fend for ourselves... but anyways, his adventurous ways had to come with a price. He was disciplined with having his immortality and magic taken away for a month, father hoped that in that month he would perish...Humans declared war in that month... he begged for his magic back, but of course, our father said no. He wanted to fight along with us. He did fight so bravely...″ He said with a smile.

″When one of your ancestors struck him with a sword, they took his blade away from him. They figured it had some magic laced within it, coming from a high warlock. Which it did somewhat... but not much. It’s more of a family sword... I’d like to have it back. Could you do that for me?″ He finished. I’m so glad that Jayce didn’t have a grudge against me for it... He took me in, almost like his own son. He saved me from killing my whole kingdom that one day... He’s a wonderful person.

Or... warlock.

″Of course I could do that for you, Jayce... where do you think I could find it?″ I asked.

″I’d imagine it would be in a place where they would want to show it off. They always love to gloat about how they ‘beat’ us...″ He said, a hint of anger in his voice. I raised my eyebrow, looking over to him.

″What do you mean?″ I asked him. Before he could respond, Jaxon walked into the room. He smiled brightly at both of us, throwing his bow and arrow over his shoulder. He had changed his outfit, he now wore a regular t-shirt and Jeans.

″That’s a story for when you return. Are you okay with doing this Jaxon?″ Jayce asked him.

″I’d like a little adventure in my life... and I’d like to get the sword back too... I remember it being pretty badass. I remember when I was a younger warlock... Zayden would show it to me, he tried to teach me with it. Nobody could use that sword better than him.″ He said. Jayce flashed him a smile, his light blue eyes glistening.

″Thank you so much. If things start to get crazy and you get discovered, report back here.″ Jayce said in a serious tone.

I watched as Jayce clasped his hands together, blue electric forming at his fingertips. He created a portal for us with a smile, glancing back once he was finished.

″I will see you boys in about three days. I’ll be here researching more about you, okay?″ He said to me, his purple nail pointing in my direction. He’s been trying to find ways to teach me how to use my abilities... over the week I’ve only gained control over killing things with a touch. I could do it if I set my mind to it, and I could reverse it. But he knows that there are other things I could do.

″Have fun, Jayce,″ I said softly, looking back at Jaxon. He motioned for me to go through the portal, a smile on his lips.

I turned my face back towards the blue colored portal, walking through it.


″His portal seemed to be kind of off...″ I mumbled, looking over to Jaxon. He had a smile on his lips, glancing at the woods.

″We aren’t too far away, he may want us to get a walk in.″ He replied, directing my attention to the woods. I could see my kingdom in the distance, but not too much. It was getting dark outside, and not to mention cold...

″Can’t you create a portal to my bedroom?″ I asked. I heard a snicker from him... how amusing.

″I told you, I don’t like to rely on my magic. Besides, I bet you could travel yourself there just fine if you really put your mind to it.″ He said. I raised an eyebrow, looking in his direction.

″What do you mean?″

″You’re the prince of demons, prince of the underworld not to mention... there’s plenty of ways you could travel without walking.″ He stated. I don’t know how I feel about those titles... he’s not wrong about them. Imagine the prince of France also being the prince of the underworld... that’s pretty interesting.

″I wasn’t aware,″ I said.

″You’ll figure it out Seth, we can take baby steps. Together.″

We finally approached the kingdom, we were right outside the gates. As we got closer to the kingdom, the sound of angry screaming filled my ears. I wonder what was happening?

″I will put the magic on us now, okay?″ Jaxon whispered to me. I glanced in his direction, and his eyes were a bright yellow color. He clasped his hands together, the sight of yellow electric covering us.

″I have a question...″ I said suddenly, making him look in my direction.


″Who is Jayce’s father? If it’s not something to be spoken of I understand...″ I said. He smiled softly at me, glancing at the kingdom.

″He’s a lower rank demon, though powerful. He’s favored by my father, but he’s not a greater demon. He doesn’t really have a name... he’s more of a servant.″ He stated.

″... Wouldn’t you be the high warlock then? Since you’re higher in rank?″ I asked.

″Jayce is about a century older than me... and wiser. Yes, once Zayden unfortunately passed on I was granted the role of high warlock... But I didn’t want to do it. I knew how badly Jayce wanted to follow in his brother’s footsteps, I know now that he still misses him terribly. Jayce is truly one of the most amazing warlocks I have ever met, I’ve never seen someone so fit for an important job.″ He said. I couldn’t help but smile... the amount of love he had for Jayce was beautiful.

We finally walked into the kingdom, and the sight made my stomach hurt.

Everything was destroyed. My people were fighting, children were crying. The markets were no more, people were stealing... what had happened?

″ATTENTION!″ A voice screamed, and I knew who it was.


My attention flew to the balcony on the castle, overlooking the people. Everyone looked up at Jules with disgusted looks in their eyes, mother’s holding their baby to their chest.

″Good day my people, It’s lovely to see you all...″ He murmured. His hair was slicked back, and he had the most disgusting smirk on his lips.

″We are NOT your people, we want Seth and the Queen back!″ A woman yelled, making everyone shout in agreement... I couldn’t help but smile. I looked over to Jaxon, who was already smiling at me.

″You’d rather have the son of Lucifer as your King? And the woman who bared him in our presence? I don’t think so... I’M KING!″ He screamed, making everyone silent.

″My army will find Seth and he will be hanged before all of you. He is not returning, and we will have a change around here... in order to do that, we must start with the Queen.″ He yelled. My jaw dropped open, placing my hand over my mouth.

He suddenly leaned down, pulling my mother up by her red locks. I couldn’t help but feel my heart ache for her... she’s my mother. She had a black and blue mark on her face, blood dripping down it. She had a crown of thorns deep into her head...

I felt my eyes get watery, my vision getting blurry. My stomach hurt terribly... I knew what that meant.

I felt myself hurl over, throwing up all over the ground. Jaxon let out a loud gasp, placing his hand on my back. The crown of thorns...

God had the crown of thorns.

She’s paying for what she’s done.

Birthing me.

″She will be EXECUTED TOMORROW. Her demonic child is next... and If ANY of you try to protest... you’ll be hanging with her also.″

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