Seth’s POV

I anxiously paced around the bedroom waiting for Jaxon. We needed to go down to the jail cells to release my mother... I figured that Jules was going to hang my mother sooner than we thought. I don’t know when he’s going to do it... but I don’t want to take any chances. I can’t let my mother die because of me... I just can’t. I don’t care what she did to me as a child... she’s my mother. I know that’s stupid to say and it might sound weak... but I will not let Jules murder her. She was an amazing Queen to our people, and everyone knows that. Everyone still wants us to rule, I’ve heard it myself when we arrived.

″Seth here is your water,″ Jaxon said, entering the room. I stopped pacing around, running up to him.

″We need to go release my mother. Jules just came in here with my friend Estelle, they had a fight. It’s too long to explain, but he saw that my crown was missing from my nightstand and he knows that I’m here. He’s going to speed up the hanging process, and I have a feeling he’s going to do it sooner than I thought...″ I said in a hurry. I watched as he slowly placed the glass of water in my hands, running his tongue over his bottom lip before he spoke.

″I want you to take a drink first, and think about releasing your mother. Are you sure that’s what you want?″ He said. I brought the cup to my lips, taking a drink before I spoke.

″It’s not her time to die, and there’s no way in hell Jules is going to be the one who causes it,″ I replied. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

″Okay. Guide me down to the jail cells, I have no idea how to get there.″

I guided him out of the bedroom, and over to the stairwell. I haven’t been down these stairs in years. The way my castle is set up is all the bedrooms, ballrooms, and kitchens are on one floor. The stairwell had about four flights of stairs, the jail was deep in the ground where nobody could hear them. We were walking down the third flight of stairs until he stopped me.


I looked over to him, his hazel eyes furrowed.

″What if this is a trap?″ He asked me. ″What if he absolutely knew you were in the room and said those things to lure you down there?″ He asked me.

″He doesn’t know that I’m immortal. He doesn’t know anything about me, he thinks he could kill me... remember?″ I replied. He shook his head, gazing down at the fourth flight of stairs.

″What I’m saying is... what if he’s dragging your mother to the hanging area as we speak?″

We walked faster down the flight of stairs, my heart pounding a mile a minute. I can’t let her die this way... I just can’t.

″Take the spell off of us...″ I said to him once we made it down the stairs. I watched as he snapped his fingers together, running over to the jail cells. My mother wasn’t in any of them... Oh god, was Jaxon right?

″She isn’t here...″ He said, his voice cracking.

″I guess the Prince isn’t as smart as he portrayed himself to be.″

Jaxon and I turned around, and there was an army of men standing there. About twenty of them with armor on and swords clenched in their hands. The one who spoke was standing in the front, a smirk on his pale lips. He slowly approached us, dragging his sword against the ground. I recognized this man. He was one of the men I combated with, he taught me some of the things I use today.

″Really? You’re siding with Jules?″ I asked him. I felt Jaxon slowly walk in front of me, putting his arm protectively in front of me.

″I refuse to have my king as a demon, or whatever the hell you are... warlock, vampire...″ He mumbled. He glanced in Jaxon’s direction, making a disgusted sound.

″Warlocks... disgusting creatures. Are you related to that Zayden fellow? a weak warlock... we have his sword in the museum. I wanted to fight with it, but apparently, humans cannot touch it...″ He mumbled. I watched the anger come to Jaxon’s eyes, they shined a bright yellow. The group of men broke into laughter, walking closer to us.

″Aww... looks like we are making the little warlock angry-″

″I’m over two hundred years older than you slags. Can we get on with it already?″ Jaxon said angrily, his Italian accent leaking in his voice. He clasped his hands together, yellow energy appearing at his fingertips. Jules really isn’t stupid... He knew what he was doing. I needed to get up there...

″Your magic doesn’t scare us. We won the war against both of your kind... this is child’s play.″

″...You didn’t fight against my kind.″

They looked in my direction, smirks on their lips. Some put the helmets on their heads, preparing for battle.

″You’re a simple demon... aren’t you?″

″Vous allez avoir un réveil brutal.″


Jaxon’s POV

I glanced over at Seth, my heart stopping. I didn’t know exactly what he said... but I knew it was nothing good. The last time he started mumbling in his native language was when he almost blew his castle to pieces.

I looked at his eyes... and realized they weren’t the neon green they were supposed to be. When his power is coursing through his body, they turn a bright green. As mine does, but yellow. His eyes were pitch black... his body was twitching.

He slowly turned towards me, a smirk laced on his lips. I wasn’t scared one bit of him, though I should have been. After seeing the mark on my wrist and his wrist... I know he cannot hurt me. Plus... I’m immortal. I’m scared for these men.

″Are you ready?″ He asked me. His voice wasn’t how it normally is... It was more deep and distant. I nodded my head slowly, glancing back at the men in front of us. They had terrified expressions on their faces, their hands shaking around their swords.

″CHARGE!″ The man in front screamed, causing a loud abrupting from the crowd of men. Only a few came for me... but the rest for Seth. One attempted to collide his sword with my chest, anger boring in his eyes. I dodged the sword, grabbing his arm and raising my hands. I slowly twisted my fingers, watching as his neck slowly cracked. He let out a scream of pain as he fell to the ground, the next man coming in contact with me. His fist connected with my face, making me stumble back onto the ground. I raised my hand, feeling the power coursing through my body. I usually never use my magic... but I cannot use my arrows, we are too close. My father must know the situation I’m in, he’s probably proud of me for using my magic...

I threw a ball of yellow energy at his chest, it knocking him back forcefully. The men behind him also fell back with an ear piercing scream, their eyes widened.

I looked over to Seth, and the sight was terrifying.

He stood in place, and the biggest smirk was on his face. The men were attempting to stab at him, but a protective force was around his whole body. It had a black tint to it, but it was clear. That’s exactly what I wanted him to do in our first training session... a protective shield. I watched as he slowly raised his hand, and I noticed the black ball of energy at his fingertips.

He simply reached his hand out, touching a man on the shoulder. The man’s eyes rolled back, falling down on the floor abruptly. The other men looked at him in fear, running away to the opposite side of the room. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to hurt me for two reasons... but I was terrified...

And slightly turned on, but it’s fine.

He slowly followed behind him, the main man screaming at Seth to stop. The smirk on his lips increasingly got bigger, extending his arm further.

″You’re not going to win, boy... We locked the door up there, you’re not going to get to your mother... the bitch is probably dead as we speak.″

″May my father have no mercy.″

He charged at the men, throwing pitch black balls of energy at their chests. His eyes seemed to be an even darker shade of black... It’s like he was feeding into his dark side. He was going to fight for his mother even if it was the last thing he’d do.

The men instantly died, and I heard delighted, dark laughter leave Seth’s throat. I felt the smirk lingering on my lips, walking up to him. He looked back at me, and I watched as his eyes softened. They were still pitch black. I watched as the smirk came onto his pink lips, walking up to me.

He wrapped his hand around the collar of my shirt, pulling me to his lips. I stopped him before our lips met, putting my face to the side.

″Easy there, tiger... I know my soft Seth is in there somewhere. We need to get your mother, okay?″ I murmured. I turned my face towards him again, watching as he nodded his head. He grasped onto my shoulder suddenly, and I saw darkness. I couldn’t help but panic, what if he was strong enough to kill me? what if he could kill people who were immortal? what if-

We appeared at the top of the stairs, and I couldn’t help but smile. He must have known I didn’t like the stairs...

I watched as he turned the knob on the door... and realized it was locked. He grew angrier and angrier, and I realized that the man said that before he died. They locked the doors. I was about to use my magic to unlock the door... before he started punching it.

Each punch he made in the door made a huge dent, forcing it open. He only had to make about three punches until it fell over onto the floor, making a huge crashing sound on the wooden floor.

We instantly heard the screaming and crying of the men and women outside of the castle... and I felt my heart drop.

″...Mom?″ I heard Seth whimper, and I knew that he was back to his old self. He ran from the stairwell, making his way to the doors. I followed behind him, my heart beating a mile a minute. He ran out the front doors, and the sound of Seth’s people grew louder... and the sound of Jules speaking.

″Do you have any last words, Queen Ella?″

″...I’m so sorry Seth. I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you... I deserve this.″ She cried out. They stood up on a stage, and Queen Ella was standing on a chair. She had a noose around her neck, it was connected to a large wooden bar. The crown of thorns was still deep in her head, maybe even further. They were too far away... I don’t think Seth was going to make it in time...

I watched as Jules laughed, leaning over to her.

″Ready to be with your boyfriend, bitch?″

She sobbed louder, and I heard the screaming of Seth. He was running towards the stage... he was too far away. He wasn’t going to make it.

We are too late.

Jules kicked over the chair, the crowd of people sobbing louder. Seth stopped in his tracks... watching his mother struggle for breath.

″MOM!″ He screamed out desperately, his voice cracking. It was full of hurt, desperation... sadness. He sounded broken.

Guards behind him grabbed his arms, pulling him up to the stage. He didn’t even try to get out of their grip. He was frozen in place, he was shocked... he was broken.

They pushed him down in front of the stage, making him watch her die. He sobbed louder and louder, trying to reach out to her. His sobs were so genuine, so hurt...

I looked down at my wrist, seeing the mark glowing once more. I felt anger coursing through my body. Those guards were once his people. Jules used to be his best friend. They portrayed him. Nobody is going to hurt him like this. Never again.

I pulled an arrow from my back, grabbing the arrow. I aimed it straight at the human’s heads, pulling the arrow back. I was told to never hurt a human. It would go against everything we were all about. We were supposed to leave them be... but I don’t care. I’d kill a thousand for Seth. I’ll kill everyone.

I released the arrow, watching it go straight through their heads. The three of them fell over, and the crowd began screaming.

I teleported myself over to Seth, my heart breaking at the sight. He was staring at his mother hanging from the rope... she was dead. Jules just gazed down at Seth with the biggest smirk on his face... I hate him.

″Seth... Angel...″ I said quietly. He slowly turned his head towards me... his eyes were black. There were tears streaming down his face, but they were blood. He lost his only family in the matter of a week...

″We didn’t make it...″ He whimpered out, his fists clenching. The mark on his wrist glowing brighter. I knew what it meant. I can’t comfort him right now, not in this place... I need to teleport him out of here before he loses control.

His head slowly snapped to Jules... and the sight made everyone gasp in fear.

The wings in his back slowly appeared, they were a pitch black color. A black power formed around his body... it almost looked like fire... That’s when I knew.

His father was helping him.

He’s not physically here... but he’s helping.

″I’m not scared of your wings or your black fire... I’ve trained for years with you.″ Jules said. He slowly raised a sword, pointing it at Seth.

Seth slowly walked up on the stage... but did nothing. He had a ton of power coursing through his body... but he didn’t know how to use it. His normal self didn’t want to hurt Jules.

I watched as Jules thrust the sword through Seth’s chest, the end sticking out his back.

The crowd let out a terrified scream, sobs leaking out of woman’s throats. Babies began crying... I instinctively clasped my hands together, walking up onto the stage. I made a yellow colored portal beside Seth and I, grasping onto his shirt. Oh god, he’s hurt... this could take weeks to heal-

I watched the smirk on Seth’s lips form, grasping the handle of the sword. He slowly pulled the sword out of his chest... the wound healing instantly. Everyone remained silent... including Jules. He had a terrified expression on his face... and I think he finally realized he was going to lose.

He held the sword in his hands, the wound in his chest already healed. He gazed up at Jules with those pitch black, emotionless eyes of his.

″I will ruin you.″

I grasped onto the back of Seth’s shirt, pulling him into the portal before he could do anything to Jules. He let out a scream of anger as we fell into the portal, my hand still wrapped around his shirt. He’s almost completely lost control... I need to calm him down. I need Seth back.

We came out of the portal, and we were in Jayce’s living room. Jayce was sitting on the couch, his eyes widened. I instantly wrapped my arms around Seth tightly, screams were leaking out of his throat.


″Seth, it’s time to calm down.″


″Angel, we have to calm down now. We must.″

″I said LET GO!″

My grip on him grew tighter as he thrashed around, and I saw as both of our marks grew brighter. Over time, he finally stopped. He slowly hit his fist against my chest, sobbing softly. I watched as the black left his eyes, his emerald green eyes coming back.

″Angel, It’s okay... I’m right here.″ I said, feeling the tears in my eyes. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair as he cried, hearing the one word he said over and over again.

″Mommy, mommy...″

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