Seth's POV

I watched as Jaxon took the contacts case from Jayce's hands, opening it up. He put his finger into the small circular compartment, pulling out a singular contact. He tilted his head back slightly, placing it onto his left eye.

''So... you're telling me it's not normal to have glowing eyes in this dimension?'' I asked Jayce. He shook his head, handing me another contact case.

''This dimension is very different from ours. They do not know that we exist, Seth. Some of them don't even believe there is a Lucifer.'' He replied.

''Can't you just... go knock on your son's door, say 'Hey, daddy is home! You're one of the most powerful warlocks in all the dimensions, sorry I wasn't there for the first seventeen years of your life!'' Jaxon exclaimed. I watched as Jayce turned over to him, flashing him the dirtiest smile I have ever seen.

''I thought you guys would want a break from everything that happened. In this dimension Seth, you are safe. 97% of this dimension is humans, weak ones at that...'' He said, his voice growing quieter towards the end.

''Ah yes... I'm aware there are vampires who ENCANTO LANDLORDS TO GIVE TWO WARLOCKS AND THE SON OF LUCIFER A PLACE TO LIVE FOR FREE!'' He snapped, slamming the contact lens box onto the counter. I couldn't help but laugh at his frustration... he looked awfully cute when he was mad. Well... sometimes. I've noticed that he had two different kinds of anger. One type of anger is the adorable kind that makes me laugh, the second type of anger is the one that will leave you screaming in fear.

''Do I really need to use these? I bet I could control the glowing of my eyes...'' I insisted. Jayce let out a frustrated sigh, glancing over at Jaxon.

''Jaxon, call him Angel.''

I couldn't help but glare over at Jaxon, watching the smirk spread across his face.

''Don't you dare...''

''Angel... you look awfully beautiful today. Is that a new shirt?''

I felt the heat coming to my cheeks, listening to the laughter of Jaxon and Jayce. I knew my eyes were glowing the neon green once more... bastards.

I twisted open the contact lenses box, poking my finger into the circular compartment. I picked up a green contact lens, it matched exactly to my normal eye color. I tilted my head back, putting one in my left eye. I did the same with my right.

''One more thing Seth... your voice. You have a pretty heavy French accent... could you pull off an American one?'' Jayce asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows, crossing my arms.

''Can't we just say I'm from France?''

''... I'm supposed to be your dad. Do I sound French to you?'' He asked me. I watched as Jaxon walked closer to him, talking in almost a whisper.

''You're not going to high school now are you, pops?''

Jayce let out a frustrated sigh, motioning us to the door. I watched as Jayce grabbed the yellow backpack he picked out, and I picked up my black one.

''Do not let Seth leave your sight, you got me? Teach him what everything is as you boys go along...'' He said, a yawn leaving his throat.

I watched as Jaxon clasped his hands together, a small burst of yellow at his fingertips. He furrowed his eyebrows, clicking his fingers repeatedly.

''Your magic is weakened in this dimension, most of the time it doesn't-''

He clasped his hands together once more, creating a large portal. Jayce's eyes widened.

''Ah yes... show off with your Leviathan ancestry... I'm going back to bed.'' He muttered, waving his hand as he walked away. Jaxon looked back at me, a playful smirk on his lips.

''Ready to play school?''

I followed him as he walked into the portal, dreading the day ahead of me. I hope I don't mess things up... it's only the first fucking day.


We appeared in front of the school... and I was horrified. There were teenagers running everywhere, the building looked like it was almost falling apart... gosh, my kingdom is so much better than this.

''First lesson of today. Try your best not to speak to anyone. Though I'd imagine a lot of people would try-''


He bit his lip, looking in my direction. He motioned towards my body, and I watched as the blush appeared on his cheeks.

''Seth, you're the most attractive being ever created. I'm not even trying to flatter you, it's a fact. You're Lucifer's son...'' He mumbled. I guess he's right...

We walked up to the stairs of the high school, and I couldn't help but notice the stares of the girls and guys. The one thing my father blessed me with was good looks I suppose...

''So... we have to go to the office I believe to get our schedules. I'm not that familiar with this whole high school thing either...'' He mumbled. We walked around the halls for a few moments before I realized... we have no idea where we are going.

''Should I ask where the office is?...'' I asked him.

''Let me do it. If you ask any male or female for directions they will probably drop to their knees with you in their vision...'' He mumbled. I couldn't help but gasp at what he said... like I said before, what a dirty bastard.

I watched as he walked up to a girl who stood alone at her locker. She had black straight hair to her shoulders. She wore a teal sweater, along with grey pants.

I couldn't help but gaze at Jaxon. He was going on about how attractive I am... but he's not too bad himself. He's way more attractive than the average human. He's taller than me by four inches, and he's a little bit more muscular than me. He dresses very well and takes pride in hygiene. His facial features were pretty attractive, his jawline was terribly sharp. He had the cutest set of dimples, and his face had light freckles.

''Excuse me miss, I'm really sorry to bother you. My friend and I are new students here and we are having a hard time finding the office...'' He said politely. She closed her locker, holding her books tightly to her chest. She glanced up at him finally and flashed him a soft smile.

''Of course I can... where's your friend?'' She asked him. He pointed in my direction and I watched as her eyes widened. Her face grew a bright red, flashing me a sheepish smile. I walked up to them, waving gently at her.

She guided us to the office, and I couldn't help but notice her head held low as she walked through the hallways. People glared in her direction and laughed consistently, but were hushed once they looked in Jaxon and I's direction. I wonder what she did... she seems so nice.

''Here is the office... do you two need anything else?'' She asked Jaxon.

''I think we got it from here... thank you so much, We will see you later.'' He replied. I watched as her eyes lit up, waving goodbye to us.

We walked into the office, my eyes finding their way to the lady at the front desk. She had a pair of glasses hanging on her nose, her brown hair pulled up in a tight bun. She suddenly looked up at us, flashing us a smile.

''Hello, what could I do for you guys today?'' She asked us.

''We are the new students Jaxon Di Angelo and Seth Lenior.'' He stated. Her eyes widened, her eyebrows furrowing.

''You two definitely don't look like high school students.'' She muttered, her gaze looking back down at the... device in front of her. Oh god, it looked like a bomb!

''Jaxon... what is that?'' I whispered, pointing to the computer. He sighed deeply, patting my back.

''Don't worry, that's one of those computers I spoke about.'' He whispered back. I nodded my head slowly, furrowing my eyebrows. I still don't trust it...

''What do you mean, miss?'' Jaxon asked. She let out a delighted laugh, taking two papers in her hands.

''Not to disrespect the other children here, but you boys don't look scrawny and depressed.'' She said simply. I couldn't help but laugh.

Oh, you have no idea.

''Here are your schedules, I'm sure you could find your ways just fine...'' She said softly. Jaxon smiled gratefully at her, guiding me out of the office. He took my schedule from my hands, glancing between both of ours.

''Alright so where are we heading first-'' He stopped. He squinted his eyes, gazing up at me.

''We don't have the same schedules... I didn't know they would be different.'' He confessed.

''I'll be okay, trust me.'' I said to him.

The sound of the bell rang in my ears, along with Jaxon's annoyed sigh. He handed my schedule back to me, flashing me a soft smile.

''I know, Angel. I'll see you during lunch, okay?'' He said.

I watched as he walked off into the hallway, leaving me alone. I looked down at my schedule, gazing over it. It said that I had a French class first period... Should I hide the fact I speak French? God... I don't know.

I wandered down the hallway to my next class. Other teenagers were running to their classes, or standing at their lockers and not caring the bell just rung. Honestly... I'm so glad I wasn't born into this dimension... it seems very stressful. Of course, I was a little more lucky with my life, I'm a prince... I would never be able to do this every day.

I walked into the classroom I was supposed to be in, everyone already seemed to be seated. The class had already begun a few minutes ago... I'm sure she will be more lenient.

''Hello... how may I help you?'' The teacher asked me, a soft smile on her lips. She had red hair pulled up into a ponytail, her brown eyes gazing at me. She kind of reminded me of my mother. The red hair and pale skin, the soft voice like honey. The class gazed over at me, some of the girls instantly chattering amongst themselves.

I pushed the thought out of my head, smiling back at her.

''I'm a new student, I apologize for being late ma'am,'' I replied to her.

''Why... aren't you polite. Of course It's okay hun, take a seat wherever you'd like.'' She said, her eyes slightly widened. I walked over to the nearest desk, placing the books down I had in my hands.

''Are you a French exchange student, dear?'' She asked me. Is my accent that bad?... I tried to sound American... Fuck it, I'll just talk normally.

''No ma'am, I'm simply from France,'' I replied. She nodded her head slowly, placing a French book down in front of me. The class remained quiet as she spoke to me... I felt sort of insecure.

''Perhaps you could help the class Seth... we are doing conversations with a partner today and taking some notes.'' She said to me.

''I'd love to.''

She finally paired us into partners, the sound of teenagers chattering filled the room. I was paired with a girl named Isabelle. She had blonde hair running down her back and a set of hazel eyes. They weren't nearly as vibrant and bright as Jaxons. She had a smirk on her lips as she approached me, sitting down.

''Hello there... I'm Isabelle. It's nice to meet you, Seth.'' She said sweetly. She sat down in the chair next to me, opening the French book in her hands.

''The conversation we have to have is about what foods we like... pretty simple. I know French pretty well...'' She said softly. ''If you need the vocabulary list on what we are doing, I have it.''

''No thank you, French is my first language,'' I replied. She furrowed her eyebrows, running her tongue over her bottom lip.

''A french boy... hot.''

''Quel est votre plat préféré?'' I asked, cutting her off. Her eyes widened, looking down to her book. It took her about a minute before she replied.

''Je ressemble à un orignal.'' She said confidently, a bright smile on her thin lips. I couldn't help but laugh...

''You just told me you look like a moose,'' I said simply. I watched as her face turned bright red, her face darting down to her book. She's too confident... I don't like her. I knew she was trying to impress me. She just isn't my type.

''Mon aliment préféré est le poulet... that is what you would say if you like chicken. Something along those lines.''

''I'm vegan.''

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at her blank expression. What the hell is vegan?


''How were your classes?'' I asked Jaxon. He shook his head, walking me into the cafeteria.

''A girl asked me for my number. I panicked because... we don't have phones. I told her I broke it... she asked me why. I said I sat on it.'' He mumbled. I couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter, looking at his flustered expression.

The cafeteria was full of teenagers, labeled as juniors and seniors... I think we were seniors. I don't know where we would sit... everything was full.

I looked at the right corner, and there sat the girl who showed us to the office. She was sitting by herself at the table.

''Let's go sit with her,'' I said to him. He nodded his head, walking over to the table.

''Hello again!'' Jaxon said cheerfully, breaking her gaze from the table. Her face instantly grew brighter, flashing a smile.

''Hello, how was your first-day guys?''

''It was okay I suppose... kind of boring,'' I replied. ''Why are you sitting here by yourself?''

Her face instantly grew gloom once more, gazing down at her hands. She shook her head slowly.

''Just drama. I wouldn't sit here if I were you.'' She mumbled. Jaxon shook his head, flashing her a smile.

''We don't care what people think of us. You look like you need a friend.'' He said softly. She raised her head up, and she looked like she was tearing up. She must have been through a lot... she seems so nice and sweet.

''I'll go get you napkins...'' I said. She let out a soft laugh, bringing her hands to her eyes.

I stood up from the table, walking over to the table full of silverware. They were plastic... and the napkins felt so weird... what kind of place is this? This feels like a jail...

''Hi there, Seth.''

I looked to my left, and there stood Isabelle. She took a few napkins in her hands, along with a fork.

''Hello, Isabelle. How are you?''

''Why are you sitting with that freak?'' She asked. I was taken back, and I couldn't help but glare at her. The people in this dimension are so mean...

''Excuse me?'' I asked.

''You and your friend are too good for someone like that. You don't know how she is...'' She said.

''My friend and I could make decisions for ourselves, darling... and from what I heard so far... she's lovely, unlike you.'' I snapped. She gasped dramatically, placing a hand on your chest.

''Harsh... don't listen to me I suppose.'' She said. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

''I won't.''

I turned my back on her, walking back to the table with Jaxon and the girl.

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