The sound of a hammer being clashed against metal filled the room. Sweat beat down his body as he worked heavily on the project, the biggest smile on his fine lips. His wide jet black wings were wrapped around him, his raven hair laid messily in his face. His neon green eyes scanned the creation he had been working on for years now; it was almost finished. It was a long black staff with various cuts and designs on it. It radiated an immense amount of power from it, any human would die from coming in contact with it. Lucifer himself couldn’t use the staff, though he created it. It was for someone important in his... rather long immortality.

″I hope he’s fond of this one day...″ Lucifer finally muttered to himself.

″The Grim Reaper must have his Scythe.″


Seth’s POV

I walked out of the bedroom, confusion washing over me. How did I get there? Did something bad happen again where Jayce had to put me to sleep? And why was Jin sleeping in Jaxon’s bed? Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I made my way out to the living room, my eyes finding their way to Jaxon sleeping soundly on the couch. I couldn’t help but smile as I slowly approached him. He laid on his back, his arms rested securely behind his head. He wore a simple t-shirt and boxers, his pants from yesterday were discarded on the floor. His glasses were still on his face... I figured he fell asleep with them on.

I kneeled down next to him carefully, cringing each time as the wooden floor creaked. I didn’t want to wake him from the sleep he was in... I noticed he doesn’t sleep a lot.

I slowly brought my hands up to his face, wrapping my fingers around the sides of his glasses. I pulled them off, resting them on the nightstand beside the couch. I looked back at him, my eyebrows furrowing.

He had a huge black and blue mark on his left eye. I figured it would be healed completely in the next few hours, or Jayce could heal him... but It still upset me. What happened to him?

I broke my gaze from his eye, glancing over to the plum colored blanket wrapped around the arm of the couch. I figured he was freezing... It’s very cold in this house. He must have fallen asleep quickly.

I pulled the blanket over his body, glancing nervously up at him. He was still fast asleep.

I slowly brought my hand to his cheek, running my thumb gently over it. He truly was a handsome guy, no doubt about it. His skin was soft, a beautiful olive tint to it. He had faint freckles running across his smaller nose. His lips were plump, but he had a bigger bottom lip. His lips were a soft pink; they brought color to his face.

I brought my hand up to his hair, running my fingers through his dark brown locks. His hair was soft too, along with his skin.

I couldn’t help but glance back down at his lips. I couldn’t get over how pretty they were. I mean, everything about him is pretty... Am I allowed to say that? It’s kind of a weird term to call a man... But he really is pretty. Beautiful maybe...

″Hey... that felt nice. Why did you stop?″

I broke my gaze from Jaxon’s lips, looking up in his direction. I furrowed my eyebrows, taking my hand away from his hair.

″Were you awake this whole time?″ I asked him, feeling the blush rise to my face. He nodded his head slowly, a smirk resting on his pink lips. ″You’re not the best at walking carefully, Angel.″

″I’m sorry for waking you up...″ I murmured. He shook his head, slowly bringing his hand up to my cheek. He ran his thumb slowly across it in a comforting motion, gazing up into my hair.

″It’s two in the morning, Angel. Are you okay?″ He asked me, looking back down into my eyes. I nodded my head slowly. I wanted to ask him about what happened yesterday, and why he had a black and blue mark... but I figured he’s too tired to explain everything. Plus... I just wanted to talk to him. No drama involved, at least for a little bit.

″You’re shivering, darling.″ He said. I didn’t realize I was cold until now... All I was wearing was pajama pants. I sheepishly broke my gaze from his eyes. I didn’t want to go back to my bed... I wanted to spend time with him. I felt like a child...

″Yeah... a little bit.″ I finally replied. He slowly ran his fingers down my jaw, slowly tilting my chin upwards. I met his eyes once more... and they were his famous yellow eyes.

″Why don’t you stay here tonight?...″ He said to me, a faint blush on his cheeks. Where would I sleep?... He barely fits on the couch himself.

″Where?...″ I questioned him. A soft smile came onto his lips as he slowly patted his chest... Did he want to hold me?

″I don’t want to crush you...″ I mumbled. He shook his head, holding out his arms.

″You’ll be fine, Angel.″

I slowly climbed on top of him carefully, and I felt the mark on my wrist burning slightly as I placed my head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I finally settled myself. He pulled the blanket over us, a soft smile on his lips.

″Are you okay?″

″I’m even better now, Angel.″

He ran his fingers up and down my back in a comforting motion, and he began humming softly. It was almost like he was trying to sing me to sleep. He must have noticed how I was tense... His fingers ran slowly across to my arms, tracing circles across my skin. I felt like my body was slowly growing numb or weak, the mark on my wrist was glowing bright... along with his.

I felt a whimper leave my throat as he retracted his hand, bringing it up to my face. He let out a soft laugh, tracing my jawline.

″Are you enjoying yourself, Angel?″ He asked me. All I could mutter out was a soft ‘Mhm’ In response... I wasn’t completely tired, I just felt... calm. I felt safe here.

He slowly brought his thumb to my lips, slowly running it across them gently. His breathing got heavier, the mark on his wrist growing brighter with each second.

″Can I kiss you, Seth?″ He asked me softly, his voice shaking slightly. All I could do was nod my head yes... I couldn’t mumble a word.

His lips slowly connected with mine, and he placed his hands on each side of my face. The kisses were slow and sweet... passionate. The kisses made me feel even calmer. His lips were warm and inviting... He was inviting.

″You must be really tired, Angel...″ He said, breaking the kiss. He was right... I tried my best to kiss him back, but he was definitely in charge of the kisses. I wanted to kiss him back but... I was falling asleep.

I nodded my head slowly, gazing up at him. He was looking down at me with the biggest smile on his lips. He looked down at me with... love in his eyes. He genuinely cared for me. I never got that kind of look from my mother. It always was laced with a look of fear or hatred. But with Jaxon... He looked at me in a way I can’t completely understand.

″You could sleep, Angel... I’ll be right here.″

He hummed to me softly, returning to tracing soft circles on my arms and back, Jaxon’s arms and the sweet smell of pine circling me and rocking me into a night of sleep.


″...I didn’t know they liked each other like that.″

″Ah yes... those two are a catch. Quite adorable, don’t you think?″

″Yeah... I guess they aren’t bad together.″

I snapped my eyes open, feeling the blush rising to my face. Jin and Jayce were standing in front of the couch, smiling down at both Jaxon and I. I tried to pull myself out of Jaxon’s grasp in embarrassment, but he pulled me back down onto him. Jin couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle...

″Jaxon Di Angelo, if you don’t let go of me I swear...″ I choked. I felt his body shake with laughter as he opened his eyes, his grip around my waist growing tighter.

″Nah, I’m not ready to get up yet.″ He said. His lips turned into the cockiest smirk, glancing over at Jayce and Jin...

I leaned down next to his ear, whispering.

″I’ll summon a whole demon army right now if you don’t listen to me. I’m a Prince.″ I choked out, my voice cracking at the end. I watched as he rolled his eyes, running his tongue over his bottom lip before he spoke.

″I’d like to see you try, my Prince.″ He said playfully before unleashing me from his grasp. I realized that he was the one thing keeping me from falling off the couch... we were both too big for the small couch. I tumbled onto the ground, the sound of laughter filling the living room... He could be so sweet sometimes... but then switches to being a little shit. I wonder why I like him so much.

I pulled myself off of the ground, making sure Jaxon saw my disapproving glance. He pulled himself up off of the couch, flashing me his signature smirk. I’ll get him back.

″So what’s on the agenda today?″ Jaxon asked, glancing in Jayce’s direction.

″Well... since we accomplished our mission we could return to our dimension,″ Jayce said simply, glancing in Jin’s direction. Jin flashed him a soft smile, glancing up at him with amusement in his eyes.

″... Did you tell him?″ Jaxon asked. Jin nodded his head slowly... I wonder how that conversation went.

″Wait... what about my mother? Oh god... I need to check on her...″ Jin said in a panic, rushing to the door. Jayce rushed towards him, wrapping his larger hand around his arm.

″I’ll teleport you to your mother, darling. Maybe I could attempt to heal her again...″ He said softly. Jin nodded his head slowly, watching as Jayce let go of his arm.

He clasped his hands together, a small spark of blue coming to his fingers. He furrowed his eyebrows, clicking his fingers in anger... I doubt he’s going to be able to save his mother. I wish they would let me try to heal her. I know being Lucifer’s son has a bad reputation... but I just want to help.

Jaxon finally pulled himself off of the couch, making his way over to Jayce and Jin. He easily clasped his hands together, the brilliant yellow coming to his eyes. He created the portal in front of them, obvious of Jayce’s jealous glare.

″Leviathan must be proud,″ Jayce said with a smile, guiding his son into the portal. Jin looked hesitant at first... But he seemed to trust Jayce. It must be reassuring or a fresh feeling to have a parent who is actually there... though he was gone for the beginning for his life, he had a reason. I hope Jin understands that... I think he does.

I watched as Jaxon brought his hand up to Jayce’s head, flicking the back of it. Jayce looked back at him disapprovingly, sticking out his tongue before walking into the portal... They act like children.

″I’ll be back, Angel. Don’t miss me too much.″ Jaxon said to me, winking at me playfully. I couldn’t help but smirk at him as he walked into the yellow portal, it vanishing before my eyes. He woke up with a huge amount of confidence... I know deep down he’s a soft caring kid. Well... man.

Suddenly, I heard a harsh knock on the door. I furrowed my eyebrows, slowly approaching the door. Who would be here at this hour?... It must be one of the vampires of this dimension.

I opened the door, being met with the girl Jaxon and I saw at school. She had a terrified expression on her face, her face caked in blood...

″...What?... Are you okay?″ I asked her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she pushed past me into the house. Her black hair was in knots, her body shaking with sadness. I didn’t really know how to comfort her... I was never the best at doing that. I don’t even know her that well either...

″Um... Look, I know what you are... The vampires around here told me to go to you and Jayce, along with Jin... I did a really bad thing-″

″What?″ I asked her, my heart stopping.

She slowly lifted her head up, her glance in my direction. That’s when I noticed the pair of fangs on her... She was a vampire. That’s why Isabelle was telling me to be wary of her. The people in her school may not have believed her... that’s why they called her weird.

″You... you believe me, right? I’m not going crazy? I’m sick of going around and hiding this... I’m so hungry, god do you have any? Please?″ She said, her voice in a panic. Her eyes were getting more red with every word we spoke...

″I’m pretty sure Elena has some in the refrigerator...″ I murmured, walking towards the kitchen. She followed behind me... I could hear her hyperventilating. I wonder why she has blood all over her...

I made my way over to the refrigerator, opening it abruptly. There were about four packets of blood left here... Elena left them here while she visited us a few times. We were leaving once Jin, Jayce, and Jaxon returned... so I figured it was okay.

She grabbed the packets with a growl, ripping them open with her teeth. I couldn’t help but cringe as she drank the blood... I never liked the thought or view of blood. At least she isn’t drinking mine...

She finally finished, placing the empty packets on the counter. She wiped her mouth, a faint blush coming on her pale cheeks.

″So... you want to tell me what’s going on now?″ I asked her. She nodded her head slowly.

″A year ago I was the head cheerleader. I had perfect grades, perfect boyfriend... until that one night. A vampire. I was walking home from work... and he grabbed me. He... he changed me into this MONSTER, and I tried to tell my parents... but they wouldn’t believe me. Nobody would believe me... I had to feed off of fucking rats, birds... God, It’s been so bad lately...″ She sobbed out. I wonder if Jayce knows about this... The vampires in this dimension might have wanted to create more of them since there isn’t a lot...

″Well... you live with your parents, shouldn’t they know?″

She started sobbing harder, grasping onto my arm. She shook her head yes...

″What do you mean?″

″Well... they fucking know now! I’m such a monster, Seth... you have to help me... The cops are looking for me...″ She murmured, and I realized what she had done...

She fed on her parents. She murdered them. She couldn’t help it.

″They are going to return soon, Jaxon and Jin are doing a small task. We will take you to the dimension we live in... if you’re okay with that. You’ll be with vampires and warlocks that accept you.″ I said to her softly. I don’t think she fully understood what I was saying... but she wanted to get away from here.

″Seth... where are you?″

I heard Jaxon’s voice and the heavy sobbing of Jin in the living room. I rushed out of the kitchen with the girl on my side...

Jin was laying on the floor sobbing, crying out for his mother over and over again. Jayce held him in his arms tightly, tears running down his cheeks.

″We need to go, Seth. Now.″ Jaxon said, grasping onto my arm. He had a note in his hands...

″We need to bring her,″ I said, pointing to the girl. He furrowed his eyebrows... giving me a look that said ‘Explain later.’

″What’s that note?″ I asked him. He handed me the note hesitantly, looking away from me. The words on the paper made my heart sick.

″Bring me the son of Lucifer.″

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