TW: one mention of r*pe, nothing too severe though. Thank you for reading!

Alva’s POV

It’s him. He’s the one who brought destruction onto my family name. Though I couldn’t see... Lucifer described him to me when I was younger.

The blond curls on top of his head. Built like a God... a true greek. His smirk is vicious; he’s nonstop with his hate. He gets pleasure out of making people go mad.

Before I was born, He ventured in Syria for a bit. There was a plague going on, but my family was healthy and well. Of course, the plague didn’t affect him, due to his Nephilim abilities... but he strived to see my family hurt. For what reason? I don’t know. Did he want to see them hurt? Did he hate that someone wasn’t suffering?

There were rumors that he was racist to my kind. He’d throw racist slurs at the Arabic people of Syria; especially my family. My family was a wealthy family Lucifer told me... we sold all kinds of clothing and fabrics.

Perhaps he didn’t like that. He didn’t grow up wealthy himself. That’s the thing about Avel... he believes that since he had a bad childhood, everyone owes him something. That’s not how life works. You’re supposed to move forward and cast away the bad thoughts... not dwell in your past.

My mother Aya was my grandfather’s prized possession. Lucifer described her to me as one of the most beautiful creations that God has put on this earth. He told me I got my violet eyes from her... she was gifted with beauty by the angels themselves. If the myths of the Greek Gods were true... she’d be Aphrodite he told me.

Avel made a deal with the demons that lingered around Syria. If they caused destruction on my family, ruined all of their achievements, made them suffer from the plague... He will give them Aya Amari for their own pleasures. Being the lust filled demons they are... they accepted.

Avel kidnapped my mother in the middle of the night and made the exchange. She fought and pleaded with Avel... but he had no remorse. He threw her down into hell for the demons to catch and do as they please.

I don’t know if my family is still alive. I don’t know if the demons held their end of the deal... Avel left Syria right after he threw her down into hell. Perhaps he felt guilty for what he had done?

The demons had their way with my mother and impregnated her. She tried to pull free from the demons; tried to climb up the stairs of Lucifer’s castle. But she couldn’t. They couldn’t sense that something much bigger than demons had passed through to hell... so she suffered throughout all of her pregnancy.

When I was born my cries alerted Lucifer. The demons had already murdered my mother before he got there.

My father is unknown. Amongst the millions of demons outside of Lucifer’s castle... he cannot be found; nor does he want to be found. One thing we know about him is that he’s more powerful than the others. His looks overtaken my mother’s dominant traits... I had inherited his white hair.

I promised myself a long time ago I was going to avenge my mother. I couldn’t go visit her since she had gone to heaven... but God had told me she loved me once. That it’s not my fault.

It’s the wicked’s fault.

I’m going to avenge my mother. I will have his Nephilim blood spilled in my hands. It will run free through the gates of hell.

His reign is over.

″CHARGE!″ I said with a scream, the anger leaking out of my throat. I felt my magic course through my body; the power lacing in my veins. The warlocks beside me and the other creatures of the mythical world let out battle cries as they thrust themselves forward towards the undead.

Jin ran beside me, his bright blue magic lingering at his fingertips. His face was twisted in anger, the power was overwhelming inside of him. I could tell. His eyes were completely blue... This could be either a good thing or a bad thing. He could kill the undead with the click of his fingers, earning us more time to fight. The bad side of it is he will drain himself dry... and tire himself immediately.

The undead came up to me with a growl, slicing their swords at my shoulder. I quickly dodged the sword, making contact with one of their chests. My sword sliced through the flesh; the sound of demonic screaming filled my ears. I couldn’t help but notice their red eyes... this was definitely Lilith’s work. I’ll send them back to hell one by one... thank you Lucifer for these gifts.

They were disgusting. They were already falling apart by their limbs... they weren’t quite zombies. They were being controlled by Lilith... but since she’s been asleep for so long, I’d imagine it’s quite hard for her to get a grasp onto her abilities. She was weak... I’m stronger. Much stronger.

Jin suddenly clasped his hands together, letting out a battle cry. The sight of blue electric crowded my vision as the hundreds of undead around us perished within the blink of an eye, their screams of agony and pleas of forgiveness filling my ears. There had to be millions of them... Lucifer did tell me a long time ago that the Felids of punishment was the most populated.

″There’s... there’s too many of them, I don’t-″ Jin started. His words were cut off as he looked off in the distance. I looked in his direction his gaze was in... the sight infuriating me.

A ball of hell’s fire was coming towards my way.

It seemed like everything happened in slow motion- besides the fact that the ball was coming in superhuman speed. Avel must have thrown it at me... he’s aware of my presence. He knows who I am... we have spoken before.

I was in my bedroom. I couldn’t help but let the tears fall from my eyes- I was so frustrated with being blind. I’m tired of being locked up in this castle... of course, I love Lucifer and Leviathan as my own fathers, but I want a life out of hell... I’ve heard of grass from the stories Lucifer read to me at night as a child. He said that it smells divine, it smells like a clean, lively smell. What does it feel like to hug someone alive? A mother’s touch? Lucifer and Leviathan’s hugs were so cold... they were full of love, of course... but I crave for warmth. Hell is cold and tiring... it sucks the life out of you. I know that I’m alive... but I feel dead.

Maybe there was someone out there for me... someone who loved me. Lucifer told me that every warlock or mythical creature has a soulmate... maybe I have one? Maybe they are out there waiting for me... what if they are alive? What if they have the warmth I desire?

″Mm, what is wrong, Alva?″ A voice suddenly said to me. It didn’t sound like Lucifer or Leviathan... and it couldn’t be a demon. The castle has a spell on it so no demon could come and hurt me... only Leviathan’s servant could venture inside the castle- but he’s basically an elder demon.

‴Who are you?″ I whispered out, pulling myself up from the position I laid in on the bed. The voice let out a sigh as he approached the bed- I heard it. The heel of his shoe made a click against the cold floor- Was he going to attack me? I know damn well I could fight just fine... but in the castle? How did they get in here?

They sat down on the bed next to me. His breath hitched as he brought a hand up to my cheek, running it against the skin gently. I wanted to pull my hand away... but he was so warm. It was nothing like I’ve felt before... I was really touch deprived, wasn’t I? I’m letting a man who I can’t even see caress my cheek...

″You look nothing like your mother, Alva Amari... You’re awfully handsome, I wish you could see...″ He whispered to me. ″Maybe more handsome than me...″

He trailed his finger down my cheek to my lips. He ran his thumb across my lip, bringing his fingers under my chin. He knew my mother?... how did he know my mother?

″I was going to kill you... but you’re too pretty to kill.″ He said softly to me. Kill me?...

″I suppose your mother was quite enough. At least your mother did something good with her pathetic life. You brought beauty onto your family name...″ He said with a laugh.

″GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! LEAVE! GO!″ I screamed at the top of my lungs, pulling myself away from his grasp. I clasped my hands over my ears as I screamed... I wanted him to go away. It’s my fault, oh my god it’s my fault... she’s dead, they hurt her, it’s happening again, it’s happening again...


Lucifer and Leviathan ran into my room, trying everything in their power to comfort me.

They were cold.

Jin jumped in front of me, the hell’s fire being connected with his body instantly. He fell onto the ground, a terrifying scream leaving his throat...

″JIN! NO!″ I screamed at the top of my lungs. All I saw was him being engulfed in the fire... I didn’t care about the dead around me. I only cared about Jin at that moment... he’s the warmth that I’ve been craving forever now. I don’t care about Avel anymore... it’s Jin. It’s always supposed to be Jin.

″So... I guess that’s why I found you so attractive...″ Jin mumbled as we sat on the bed. His pale skin was flushed bright red as I gazed over to him; his mark was glowing brightly. He was avoiding my gaze out of embarrassment...

I intertwined our fingers. I felt a rush throughout my whole body... he was so warm. His skin felt so amazing against my cold skin... he was alive. He was real... and he was all mine. He was supposed to be made for me, right?...

I held back the tears in my eyes that threatened to spill. I had been touch deprived for all of my life... it’s kind of silly that I’m crying over that fact that I could feel something for once. Something living... something real.

″I’m going to do something. Tell me if you want me to stop.″ I whispered to him suddenly. His head turned towards me, his eyes flashing a bright blue. He nodded his head as I took his hand in mine.

I traced the lines in his hand, the rush in my body coming to me once more. I trailed my fingers up his arms, grazing my nails against his soft skin. He let out a whimper as I slipped my free hand under his shirt- but he didn’t protest. His chest... it was warmer than the rest of him. I loved it. I loved how warm he was... It was making me feel warm. I felt alive for once in my life.

I traced his jaw with my other hand, all the way to his lips as I ran my free hand over his chest; pushing him down on the bed. He arched his back against my touch as I ran my hands up and down his body- the warmth was getting to my head. I felt intoxicated by his warmth and scent.

″Y-You’re so cold...″ He stuttered out, tilting his head back. I knew I was cold... I lived in hell for all of my life.

″You’re warm... I love it.″ I said to him in almost a groan. I placed my fingers under his chin, forcing him to meet my eyes. He was trembling; I knew why. I had basically felt him up... but I didn’t want him like that right now. I want to feel his warmth engulf me.

″Please kiss me, please...″ He begged me desperately as I ran a thumb over his bottom lip, a whimper leaving his throat. I had never kissed anyone before... but I felt so in control of him. I felt like I knew him forever now... God, this boy is mine. He’s nobody else’s.

I barely grazed my lips over his.

″You have to earn it. Do you think you earned it?″

His face flushed bright red. I loved making him like this... it made him warm. It brought heat to his body...

″Yes, please kiss me...″ He begged once more.

I brought my lips down onto his, the warmth of his mouth intoxicating me. His mouth had to be the warmest spot yet... I want to explore every part of his body. I want to learn more about his body, figuring out the warmest part of him.

He belongs to me... and I belong to him.

I went to run into the fire... but he held his hand out. His hand... it wasn’t damaged at all. He was thriving in the fire... he was perfectly fine. I watched as he stood up, clenching hell’s fire in his hands. He looked at me with fire red eyes... his body radiating red. He was the warmest I’ve ever seen him... I wanted to reach out and touch him-

But It’s hell’s fire. I probably shouldn’t.

Before I could reply, I heard the sound of a woman’s voice behind me. It was soft, like a melody...

″You’ve caused enough destruction.″

I felt as two nails dug into my eyes, the pain... I couldn’t explain it. I heard the sound of a deeper voice screaming at the top of their lungs... it was my voice. I was screaming. I couldn’t see... she blinded me. Lilith blinded me once more... I can’t go back into the darkness. I can’t. I can’t live without seeing Jin’s face...

I heard as he started screaming in fear. He was in trouble... we were losing this battle. The undead were letting out delightful laughs, cheering on Lilith. I felt so helpless... I could never defend myself while I’m blind. Why would my mother love me while I’m like this? I’m so fucking worthless...

I heard the sound of Jin crying.

″GET AWAY FROM HIM!″ Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I heard the sound of lighting above me, a thunderstorm brewing at the sound of my screams. I clenched my fists out of anger, thrusting my hands upward towards the sky. I felt as lighting struck onto the battle felid, the ground rumbling due to the impact of the lightning. The sound of the undead screaming filled my ears... it had to be at least thousands of them. I felt so drained of energy... but I had to protect him. He’s my soulmate... I had to protect what is mine.


Jin’s POV

Lightning was crashing down onto the battlefield in violet rays. Rain crashed down onto all of us; The rain washed away the hell’s fire from my body. I watched as the rain washed away the blood on Alva’s face... he was blind once more. His eyes were damaged greatly... Lilith sunk her nails into his eyes. She went for me next... but Alva scared her off. Alva killed at least a thousand of the undead...

I ran towards him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. He hesitated at first- but realized it was me. He had to know my scent and touch... he had to.

″It’s me, I promise... Alva, that was amazing, I didn’t know you could do that...″ I said to him. He slowly nodded, placing his hands on either side of my face.

″I told you I was special...″

I couldn’t help but laugh.

Before I could reply, I heard the sound of Seth letting out agonizing pain. My eyes immediately met him... he was clenching his chest tightly, his eyes were purely black... He was shaking against the cold rain. I knew it wasn’t because of that...

″JAXON! NO!″ He screamed out, letting out more cries of pain. His body was shaking rapidly, I wanted to go over and help him but I couldn’t... I could only watch in fear- it was terrifying...



God I’m so sorry you’re all gonna fucking beat me okay please don’t be mad

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