If you ask me, my story is just sad.

Can you imagine living for thousands of years, looking for your mate, finding her and then having to share her with another man?

I'm sure you think you can't be that unlucky, but you're wrong.

The icing on the cake was that I had to turn her down in the end.

Depressing, isn't it?

I had met my mate under stupid circumstances. She had already found "her" mate. She was a she-wolf and a demon. Fate had given her two mates, only we all stupidly didn't know it.

In the beginning it was a fierce battle, man against man. Over time, we became friends due to the circumstances Catherine - my mate - created. We had to work together to keep her reasonably alive. Just when we thought we had made it, the next blow of fate hit us.

I was forced by my father, the demon king, to disown my mate as a prince.

Among us demons, it was a disgrace that the mate was a wolf and then also that the mate had another mate. That was a no-go for the whole demon realm, and it was written in the rules, thick and red, and if you broke that rule, you would be banished forever.

Now you could just say that you accept this rule and get over it, but there's a catch.

A demon dies within a few days of being banished. Immortality disappears and you age unnaturally quickly.

Catherine couldn't bear the thought of me dying. I, on the other hand, would rather have been dead than wander around here for all eternity trying to get my life back on track.

The result?

I rejected Catherine and she rejected me. We are now going our separate ways. In the meantime, she's had a baby with Ryan, her partner, and will hopefully be happy for the rest of her life. At least I gave her what little happiness she had.

Conclusion: Depressing is the nice word for my current situation and "nice" is the little brother of "shit".

In reality, I was in an abysmal state. I wasn't even able to get anything together anymore.

My name is Ilay Edevane, Prince of the Demon Realm, ruler of Daemon-Heaven.

My cousin Achira called out to me and pulled the pillow from under my arms: "Ilay, wake up! Have you been drinking half the night away again? Damn, it can't go on like this with you..." she said annoyed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

I laughed quietly: "What else can I do, Achira? If you can give me the solution to all my problems, then please. That's the only condition I have ... That's not too much to ask, is it? What do you think, Princess?" I rolled my eyes and sighed.

My head was buzzing. The bourbon had been quite something and so had the hot demoness I'd dragged along.

As for the demoness ... She was already stewing in hell.

After I had satisfied my sexual urges on her, I killed her cold as ice. That's how you get rid of a one-night stand. It was just as well that Achira always slept on the other side of the house, two floors below. That way she didn't have to overhear everything.

"Ilay ... Understand, I'm worried about you. I know the thing with Catherine was pretty rough, but if she saw you in this state ..."

"Don't you dare talk to me about her," I growled at her and sat down on the bed with a jerk.

Achira looked at me worriedly and bit her lower lip: "I just want you to feel better, Ilay ... We have to put an end to this," she whispered softly and sat down next to me.

I shook my head: "I'm not ready yet, when are you going to get it?" I asked her annoyed and rubbed my temples.

She shrugged her shoulders and ran her fingers through her curly hair. "You know, your father called today ... He wants you to keep working on the slave market thing. He wants results," Achira said, resting her hands on my bed.

I rolled my eyes again: "If that's all, you can go now."

She nodded slightly and stood up, "I'll leave you now ... But I'd love for you to eat with me." Achira tried to smile, but she couldn't.

But her laughter was something that made me happy. Achira was a wonderful cousin. Her wild curls were her trademark and her dark skin was a stunning contrast to her brown eyes. She had model measurements and her striking features made everything about her perfect. She was just as desperate as I was. She was also waiting for her companion.

Achira got up and walked out the door while I sat silently on my bed, thinking about her words.

My life was a fucking fiasco. Everything I did now was pointless in my eyes. Nothing was worth going on for anymore.

I really missed Catherine ... Every thought of her made my chest ache. She was my peace of mind and now there was nothing left.

It had been a year now.

My father was nagging me to stop behaving like a little kid. Even though he was the best example of how to lose your girlfriend. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My father was constantly overwhelmed with his work, so my mother met someone else and decided to separate from my father.

He forced me more and more to do things I didn't want to do, thinking I would distract myself with more work.

The only thing he achieved by doing this was to annoy me.

The end.

I rose from my king-size bed, and the first thing I saw was my own self in the mirror. My hair was dishevelled and I had dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep and all the alcohol.

I realised that I urgently needed a shower because the smell of alcohol and sex was in my nostrils. Oh yes, there was also the smell of death.

I ran into the bathroom, which was next to my room, and undressed.

I stood under the shower and let the cold water hit my body. The cold water made me feel something on me. I took my shampoo and washed my muscular body with it. When I was finished, I got out of the shower again and wrapped a towel around my hips.

After I had brushed my bright white teeth and styled my hair neatly again, I ran into the walk-in wardrobe and got dressed. There were only expensive things in my wardrobe. I put on a navy blue cashmere jumper and black trousers.

I looked in the mirror again and scrutinised myself. My green eyes had never looked so lifeless. My whole face was sunken. "Terrible" was the right word to describe my appearance.

I had to laugh at myself and felt more and more like a psychopath.

What a woman could do to you ... It wasn't normal.

Finally, I left my room and went to the kitchen. My maid had already brought me my coffee. I reached for the cup when a voice behind me began to speak: "Mr ... Our cleaning lady Lina had a terrible accident ... Her friend, the doctor, drove her straight to hospital. She'll probably be out for a while," the demoness said carefully. She was one of my employees.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned to her: "Then you'll take over her work, how about that?" I raised my eyebrows and sipped my black coffee.

As black as my soul.

She looked at me sheepishly and then lowered her eyes: "With all due respect, sir ... I'd love to, but this house is huge. Lina needs to be replaced ... We can't do it alone," she croaked softly. I could sense her fear, because I'd been in a damn bad mood since the incident with Catherine. Any employee who made a fool of me was fired on the spot.

I seemed to have had a good day today. I wonder if that was because Achira had spoken to me this morning.

I nodded slightly "I see. I have to go into town today anyway, so I'll take care of it," I finally replied.

May's eyes widened and she nodded hastily, "Thank you, sir," was her reply before disappearing out the door.

Technically, all my employees were slaves, as I owned them. However, a few years ago I decided that this was unethical and that my 'employees' should be paid for their labour. Since then, I consider them employees and not slaves.

My father wanted me to look more into who was running the slave trade. He was also against it and wanted to put an end to it.

It was a job I did in five minutes and as a bonus I got a new employee.

Perfect, right? One slap, two flies.

I finished the last sip of coffee and stood up again.

I'd get back to my bourbon by the time I got this shit over with.

Then I would have my peace again, at least for a few days, until my father came up with another crazy idea.

I teleported to the black market in demon heaven. Now I remembered why I had never come here.

It smelt musty, there was dirt on the floor everywhere. There was a homeless person in every corner begging for money. There were a lot of people here, slavers, slaves, buyers and many who used the black market to shorten their journey to Lostland. So the place was crowded.

I looked around and saw a stage in the centre of the market. The wood of the stage looked like it was about to break in two. The stage was dimly lit and wet from the rain.

Many people had gathered around the stage and were cheering for the vendor.

It was impossible to top myself, so I stood on the stage too, eager to see what was in store for me today.

"Ladyyys and Gentlemaaaann, the next round!" the man shouted and several women came out, tied naked to ropes. It was so cold that their shivering was hard to miss. They all looked pale and were in a poor general condition.

What I saw now gave me pause. My heart stopped and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Was that Catherine standing on the stage? A woman with long black hair that reached down to her buttocks came out last. I couldn't recognise her because her eyes were fixed on the floor.

The women came out in turn.

"Now we come to number six ... a beautiful specimen ... Unique!" shouted the seller and the crowd began to bid.

Anger rose up inside me and my demon came out. My eyes turned red and smoke surrounded my form.

"Nobody touches them," I growled. Due to my status as prince, everyone was forced to bow to my orders and no one moved.

"But she's for sale..." the salesman dared to say, whereupon I ran onto the stage and grabbed him by the collar.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" My eyes flashed dangerously, whereupon the demon lowered his head.

"I want you to unlock the handcuffs of every single slave," I demanded. He nodded and snapped his fingers once.

The chains crashed to the floor and the slaves looked up in shock.

"In future, this place will no longer exist. If I find out that one of you is trading in slaves, pray for him and his already corrupted soul," I shouted into the crowd.

It was dead silent, nobody dared to say anything.

I looked at the woman who looked very much like Catherine and pointed my finger at her: "You're coming with me. As she had no other choice, she stood next to me.

I snapped my fingers and the whole black market started to burn. It wasn't a typical fire, my fire had a blue colour and was even hotter and more painful. Demons started screaming everywhere and before we knew it, we were back in my house.

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