“You fucking did what?” I slam my fists down on the table as my asshole of a brother bows his head in shame. I told my father countless times Marco was not fit for the job. He isn’t a leader.

Today has proven that.

“I had no choice. You said we needed to get the Capris under control.”

I can’t believe what I am hearing. My jaw ticks as I try to suppress some of this rage inside of me, so I don’t shoot him in the head.

“So, you thought killing his wife would be the way to get him to back off our territory?” I spit out.

“He hasn’t said a word since.” He shrugs, and my hands ball into fists.

I lunge over the table, grab him by the throat, and squeeze. His eyes bulge as he claws at my forearm.

“You piece of shit,” I seethe.

Blue begins to tinge the edges of his lips before I release him to fall back in his chair, gasping.

Pulling out my phone, I watch him closely and dial Leila.

The woman who’s had me wrapped around her finger since we were kids. My blonde beauty who is carrying our daughter. I came here to tell my brother we were leaving. Our flight is booked to Cuba to start our new life away from the mess he keeps bringing to our door.

I don’t want my family anywhere near him.

Holding the cell to my ear, I glower at him as it rings. “I swear to God, if anything happens to her, I will kill you. Blood or not, you will die.”

His face pales.

Relief washes over me when I hear her sweet voice through the speaker.

“Baby, I need you to get home, lock the doors, and wait for me.” I rush out my words.

“I’m at Marco’s with Carla. We’re safe here, right?”

I shake my head, my heart rate spiking. His protection is nowhere near the standard I would have over my family.

“Fine. Stay inside the house. I’m coming to get you.”

As I sprint out of the door, I jump in the car and put her on speaker.

“Leila,” I shout into the phone.

“I-I’m here. Do you want me to get Rosa and Eva inside?” Her voice shakes.

I press my fingers to my temple as I speed down the road. “Where are they? I need you and our baby safe, Leila.”

There’s a pause. “They’re playing in the garden.”

My hands clench the steering wheel. “Tell them to come in, baby. Please, just listen to me.”

“Y-you’re scaring me.”

I bite my tongue before answering, ‘good.’ I know this life scares her. That’s why I am taking her away. Why I never acted on my plans to take Marco out and assume his place as head of the family.

It’s the reason I pretend to be a good man. For her. Anything for her. She doesn’t need to see the cold monster I am beneath this.

“Sweetheart, it’s going to be okay. I just need you to listen to me. Meet me outside the house. I’m just around the corner.” I keep my tone calm, despite the fear running through my veins.

Her rapid breathing grows quieter. “Girls, I need you to come inside!” she yells.

“One second,” I hear my niece, Rosa, call back. I wish I could take her with us.

“Now, Rosa. Inside. I am not asking again,” Leila shouts like an angry mom. She is going to make the best mother for our children.

I turn onto Marco’s road. “Leila, baby, I’m pulling down the driveway.”

“Okay. I’m just coming to the front door. The girls are walking towards the back.”

Marco’s mansion, coming into view, lightens the load on my chest.

“I love you, Frankie.”

I smile, entering the code to his gates. “I love you, too. Both of you.”

The heavy iron barricades slowly open. I rub my hand over my short beard in frustration. Fuck waiting until tomorrow for a flight. We’re going tonight. Marco can figure his own mess out. I am done babysitting his ass.

Racing down the long tree-lined lane, gravel flies as I skid to a stop before the wide marble steps as the front door swings inward.

A loud boom has me jolting back in my seat. I brace forward, covering my head with my hands on the steering wheel as the vibrations rock through the car, shattering my windows around me, piercing into my hands.

It falls silent, so I slowly look up towards the house.

“No. No. No.”

Before I can register what is happening, another bang goes off, flames dancing in my vision.

This can’t be fucking real.

Wiping my trembling hands over my face, I can barely see as the shock consumes me.


I have to help her.

I race out of the vehicle, towards the rubble and smoke. My heart feels like it’s been ripped from my chest.

Only half of the house is standing. The thick air makes my eyes sting. I only have one thing running through my mind: my girls.

Without thinking, I launch myself towards the rubble, pushing chunks of it out of the way frantically.

“Leila!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

Moving forwards, past the remains of the sofa and the sink, I can’t find any trace of her. Fuck.

“Come on, baby. Where are you?”

I keep going on my hands and knees, tossing the debris out of my way. With every second that passes in silence, my hope fades.

There is no coming back from this. It isn’t possible.

It’s my fault. I told her to stay in the house. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My palm lands on something soft. Tugging on it, blood drips over my wrist. Looking down, my stomach rolls as I look at the severed hand in mine.

“No!” I can barely speak.

I choke on the knot that has my throat closing.

“Fuck!!” I roar, taking another look through my burning eyes.

Her engagement ring.

“Frankie, get the fuck out of there. The rest of it’s gonna collapse!”

I swing around to see my brother, face streaming with tears as he looks at the devastation he’s caused.

Reluctantly, I drag myself to my feet. The wall and ceiling groan and I hear wood break. A piece of plaster bounces off my shoulder, hurrying me to lunge out of the door before I’m crushed, dropping Leila’s hand as I do.

Continuing past Marco, I can’t look at him. Anger builds within me so tightly, I might fucking kill him if I do. Each step crushes me as I walk away from her.

A hollow ache wraps around my heart.

She’s gone.

Tears burn in my eyes, and my chest heaves as I sink onto the ground, wishing it would just swallow me up, too.

The pain is almost too much to bear.

“Frankie.” I can hear the despair in his voice as he approaches me.

“Frankie, I know you’re hurting,” he repeats.

I suck in a breath, white rage taking over. It’s a mistake to be vulnerable to him. To show him how badly this is ripping me apart. He’ll never let me forget this if he sees it.

My gun points at him before I turn.

“Don’t take another step towards me, or I will blow your motherfucking brains out.”

He holds his hands up in surrender, tears rolling down his face. “My daughters. My wife.”

My finger twitches over the trigger. But all I can see replaying in my mind are the visions of Rosa and Eva playing in the yard. That’s the last place Leila said they were.

With a huff, I lower my arm. For them, I’ll tolerate his presence. I need to find my nieces.

Let’s hope Rosa and Eva didn’t listen to Leila and stayed outside.

Without a word, I head off, and he follows behind me as we skirt the remains of the house. The girls always played by the swings. The glass crunches under my shoes as we step around the corner. Marco rushes past me towards the two small bodies lying motionless in the grass.

My knees sink into the soft earth as I pull a limp Rosa into my arms. Marco cradles Eva, and a low moan escapes his throat. I put two fingers to Rosa’s neck, searching for a sign of life.

“She has a pulse,” I call out to Marco, who nods.

I cuddle her into my chest, cupping her bloodstained head as I carry her to my car.

Carefully placing her on the backseat, a new wave of fury surges within me as Marco turns to face me.

I pull out my gun from my shoulder holster and press it against his forehead.

“Once I know the girls are okay, you won’t be seeing me for a while.”

Pressing the barrel harder against his skin, he gulps. I can’t believe my brother would do this to us.

“I’m letting you live so you can care for my nieces. But, don’t mistake that for anything more. They don’t deserve to be orphans; they need you. Just know that I will be coming for you. I will make you pay for what you’ve done. You will die for this, Marco. And so will Romano.”

I’d take them if I could, but they’re safer without me. But when the time is right, I will be back for them. I’ll make sure of it.

“I’m sorry, Frankie.”

“No. We’re done. Enjoy the time you have left with your family, because I will end it.”

My life has been ripped from under me. I have nothing.

I will hold on to this searing pain and use it for my revenge.

Today I watched my future go up in flames, and I left myself in the ashes.

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