Times passes in a blur of engines roaring, voices booming, and doors slamming. The general consensus is the boys are pissed. I was, too. Seeing Joe’s face at my door tonight had me shaking—with suspicion and with fear. I formed it all into one easy outlet though—anger. I welcomed its sharp claws digging in, knowing I would need it if Joe thought he was getting past my door. Judging by the way he was pushing to get in, it might’ve even been what saved me had he succeeded.

After Coty showed up, essentially saving me—or Joe, we’ll never really know now—all that rage morphed into disbelief. Disbelief in Joe’s audacity to show up at my door at all. Disbelief in Coty for riding up on a white horse disguised as a black street bike to save the day. Disbelief that I had let everything get so far out of hand.

Where did it all go wrong?

When had it ever been right?

Truthfully, my time with the boy next door came as close to normal as I’ve ever experienced. With Coty comes Beckett and Marc, a trifecta I never could’ve anticipated. Even though they’re not my family, they are a family, one that defends what’s important, what they love most. For the briefest of moments that included me. Until I took myself out of the equation for being the biggest problem.

Returning to Coty’s room, the disbelief quickly dissolved into sadness. And longing. The constant ache from the past week sparked back to life bringing along its close friend misery. The torturous combo making my chest sting from their cruel ways. The trickery they use with lies of not being good enough, that I’ll never be good enough.

A knock at the door has me sitting up, the blanket gripped tightly between my fingers. The door cracks open as Coty’s shadow falls over the beam of light cutting through the room.

“I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You didn’t.”

With a nod, he steps inside, bringing a glass of water. He turns to me after setting it on the nightstand. “I just wanted to check to see how you’re feeling. And if you needed anything else?”

Where do I start?

“Thanks. For the water. And earlier. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”

Coty sits on the edge of the bed, gazing into my eyes.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. There’s nothing to be sorry for. What he did was his mistake. Not yours.” He sounds so sure and I want to believe him, but a part of me wonders. Wonders if I did bring this on somehow. “I’m the one that’s sorry. For this whole week.” His voice catches and he drops his face, hiding it from view.

I shake my head. “No, I’m the one that pushed you away. I’m the one that’s been fucking things up from day one.”

His stare finds mine again. Eyebrows pinched, he asks, “What do you mean? You haven’t fucked anything up.”

“Ever since I moved in next door you’ve been dealing with my shit. My mere existence brings on a certain amount of…hassle, for everyone. Trouble follows me, affecting anyone stupid enough to get in the way. My problems aren’t yours, Coty, and that’s not fair to assume otherwise.”

“First of all, that’s not true. Trouble doesn’t follow you. You’ve encountered some awful people in your life that think you’re worthy enough to go after. That’s not your fault, it’s theirs. And second, your problems are mine. We’re a team. Whether you admit it or not, you belong with us.”

Scowling, I turn away. “I never asked for that.”

“You didn’t have to. Give me your worst, babe.” I scoff at his words we’ve thrown around in less serious times. “I got you. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. It doesn’t matter. I’m not going anywhere.”

I close my eyes to whisper, “How can I be sure?”

I feel the bed move.

“‘Cause that’s what family does. They stick it out. They laugh, they cry, they bleed for each other, but they don’t walk away because things get tough sometimes.” I finally look as he rises to his feet. “You should get some sleep. I’ll be in the living room, if you need me.”

My hand shoots out to grab his, stopping him mid-step. “Will you,” I pause, swallowing my nerves, “will you stay with me?”

The corner of his mouth quirks. “Always.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I make room for him on the bed while he undresses, leaving his shorts on. Closing the door, he joins me, wrapping an arm around my middle from behind. He doesn’t pull me to him though. I yearn for his touch, for his peace, so I slide closer until our bodies are molded to one another. Coty takes a deep inhale, relaxing around me, his limbs heavy on my torso. The weight, the warmth, the knowledge that Coty intends to stick it out with me even though I’m a walking disaster—it all settles over me, silencing the doubts stirring beneath.

“Sleep, babe. We’ll figure everything out in the morning.”

His words play on a continuous loop until my eyelids finally grow heavy.

* * *

I wake with a dry mouth and pressure behind my eyes. The previous night rushes back to me. The shots with Drew’s friend, Coty, Joe. Ugh. Life may very well be sucking me dry—although the shots didn’t help matters in that department.

On a groan, I reach over Coty’s sleeping form to grab the glass of water, letting it wash down the cotton someone obviously jammed in my mouth. Vodka can be such a bitch like that.

I roll back over to snuggle in when I feel a hard poke to my thigh. Now it’s Coty’s turn to groan but his grip on me tightens, pulling me closer so his erection presses against my backside. A fire ignites just below my waistband, spreading its flames up my entire body, settling on my cheeks.

Coty’s husky voice croons in my neck, “Good morning.”

It is now.

“Morning,” I squeak out.

His head jolts up. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m…good.”

His smile matches mine then he leans forward to kiss my lips softly. Just as quickly he pulls back, eyebrows tightly knit. “Sorry.”

My hands come up to grasp his jaw. “Don’t be.”

I pull him in again to kiss me properly—thoroughly. And Coty? The guy doesn’t disappoint.

Things go from hot to scorching rapidly. Two lost souls coming together to find refuge in each other’s embrace, neither one willing to pull away for fear of losing the only connection that truly matters. Where he pulls, I push. When I take, he gives.


Two fingers hover near my mouth awaiting access. I slowly obey, opening my mouth to allow entry. Coty watches as they slide between my lips. Just before he can pull them out completely, I bite the tips, making him halt. I may listen occasionally, but that doesn’t mean he’s in control. Keeping my eyes locked on his, I watch as they darken to almost black until I can no longer make out his pupils.

I let go, making him groan, then he returns his attention to my mouth still sucking his fingers. I swirl my tongue around his digits tantalizingly slow. Carefully—methodically—he removes them, returning his lips to mine and I feel his now wet fingers slide beneath my loose drawstring. Instinctively, I lift my top knee, allowing him better access. Finding no underwear to work past, Coty covers my center instantly and starts working me into a frenzy with his wicked fingers.

His kiss picks up with renewed vigor. His tongue, relentless in chasing mine while he grinds into me from behind, has me clawing at anything I can reach, which facing away from Coty there isn’t much, so I grip the back of his neck, keeping him plastered to me. I let my body show him what my words can’t. My mouth kisses away the hurt I know I’ve caused. I ride his hand, clearing the uncertainty I know still lies within. I moan the name of the man who’s stolen my heart so completely and tenderly I didn’t even notice it was gone until he already had it cradled safely in his hands.

Coty’s fingers and hips take turns thrusting, causing a perfect tide, drawing me closer and closer to shore. My moans increase until I know his roommates can hear but just as I approach the coastline, Coty breaks away, sitting up. I gasp at the harsh interruption but am quickly flipped to my back and yanked to the edge of the bed, quieting my protest. I’d laugh except the seriousness on Coty’s face has me staying quiet.

Dragging my pants down, Coty cusses seeing my bare pussy on display and begins lowering himself in a daze.

“Hey,” I say, stopping him.

His eyebrow quirks so I jerk my chin. He obliges with a smirk, leaning up to kiss me roughly. Fully aware this is give and take, he has to give me what I need before he can take what he wants. Although, after this week the lines between want and need are completely blurred.

Coty drops his forehead to mine. “God, I missed you. Don’t leave me again.”

“I won’t,” I breathe out.

And surprisingly, I mean it. I don’t want to go through this unrelenting squall without Coty as my anchor to prevent me from drifting off into the madness.

“Promise?” he pleads quietly.

My pulse quickens so I try to capture his lips but he pulls back, waiting. Give and take.

“I promise,” I whisper, releasing the weight that’s been crushing my chest for far too long. Coty’s mouth crashes to mine as I guide my hands up his toned back, bringing him between my spread legs. I’m just starting to remove his shorts when Coty slides down my body, taking the unnecessary clothing with him. With a secretive grin, he throws a leg over his shoulder and dives between my thighs, causing me to throw my head back on a moan. He pushes my other leg wider while gripping where my hip meets my thigh, holding me in place. Spread so openly to him, it doesn’t take long for the pressure to build. The waves of ecstasy are rolling nearer as Coty licks me with a punishing rhythm. I’m shamelessly riding his face, holding him exactly where I want him when he pulls back slightly.

My head shoots off the pillow.


“I want your eyes on me.”

Does he not realize how much effort that will take? I can barely remember my own name and he wants my eyes to remain open and on him. This bossy shit has to stop.

Dropping my head, a smile creeps out as I shut my eyes and lower my hand. My middle finger barely skims my throbbing clit when it’s smacked away with a growl.

“God, you’re a handful.”

My smug laugh is smothered by another moan as Coty lowers his mouth to the spot my finger was rudely denied. Sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth, I come instantaneously—with my eyes closed, like a normal person.

Coty stands to grab a condom before dropping his shorts and boxer briefs to the floor. My eyes, now open and alert, drink him in while he rolls it on.

“See something you like?”

His head tilts to the side and he opens his arms, giving me a better view. Perfect. He is absolutely perfect. And mine.

I crook a finger, beckoning him forward. He complies, trailing kisses up my already buzzing body. By the time he reaches my mouth, I’m more than ready.


“Liar.” His deep chuckle rumbles my taut belly, warming me straight through. His tip nudges against my entrance, making me gasp.

I pop a shoulder. He asked if I saw something I like, but that’s not the word I’d use to describe how I feel about him, not anymore.

Coty, sporting the sexiest smirk, slides his swollen cock inside, letting my heat surround him fully as I cry out in pleasure. His hands frame my face, then using his thumbs he strokes my temples softly.

“I like that answer better. I don’t know which one turns me on more—your moans or your sarcasm.”

“Probably the one you don’t have to work as hard for.”

Pulling out slowly, our breaths both catch from the loss before he glides back in, hitting my walls deep within.

“Babe, you’re one challenge I’ll never forfeit,” Coty says before gently rocking his hips in time with mine.

I hold him to me or he holds me to him, I’m not really sure, all I do know is this moment. This moment being the one that I will hold forever in my heart, taking it out to measure against any other in my life going forward because this is the moment that Coty first made love to me. And it was everything I never knew I wanted, and more.

* * *

“Here, take this one. I love you in my clothes anyway.” Coty’s tone rises but I ignore it as he tosses a hoodie on the bed.

I scoop it up happily, taking a whiff of his spiced coconut body wash embedded in the material. Seeing it’s another one missing its drawstring, I smile.

A series of knocks that remind me of a new pop song has Coty shaking his head. “I’m surprised he gave us this long.”

The door opens to Beckett standing with his hand over his eyes dramatically, while also peeking between his fingers. Coty shoves his shoulder.

“It sounded like someone was dying a slow, sexy death in here. I didn’t want to interrupt. Luckily, it was fast.” He throws his hands up in defense, laughing, when Coty casts him a frown. “So, you’re back then?” His eyes fall on me. “For good? No more of this silent treatment bullshit?”

I pick at an imaginary piece of lint on my pants. “It would appear so.”

What feels like a freight train plows into my chest, knocking me backward onto the bed with a laugh. Lifting to his hands so he doesn’t smother me to death, Beckett looks down with a huge grin. “Welcome back, neighbor girl. Welcome home. I’ve missed you. I mean I didn’t miss hearing that sound you make right before you-”

A demanding hand grips his shoulder, yanking him upright before he can say more. “We get the point.” Coty pushes him toward the door while my eyes stay on the ceiling, praying my cheeks aren’t as red as I think they are.

“I’m just messing around. Anyway, you used the camera last night, man?” Beckett’s change in tone has me sitting up.

“I wanted to film, uh,” Coty’s eyes flick to mine, “a location.”

“What camera?” I bite out.

“Not that kind.” Coty winks. “It’s attached to my helmet for riding. Actually, all of ours have them now.”

I try, but fail, to hide my grin. They were planning for my return all along.

“Well, it picked up something else I think you should see.”

The dark look he pins us with wipes the smile from my face.

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