I can not lose you because if I ever did. I'd have lost my best friend, my soulmate, my smile, my laugh, my everything.

Age 10

Waking up I can't help but smile. Today is Saturday and I'm going to the park with my best friend Kai. He's the future Alpha of our pack. His dad Cylus is Alpha now and his mom Veronica is Luna. We're all werewolves which I think is pretty awesome.

When I turn thirteen I'll be able to shift into my wolf. I can't wait, I'm so excited! Kai and I have the same birthday and we're already planning a huge party for when the big day arrives.

Trying to hurry I climb out of my bed almost tripping and falling. I’m very clumsy for a wolf. I rush out of my bedroom and down the hall to my parent's bedroom. We live in the packhouse with about a hundred other wolves.

Knocking on the door I scream for my parents to wake up. “Mom! Dad wake up! It’s time for the park!” I yell not caring who hears. Everyone around is already used to my antics by now. Kai and I run down the halls yelling every day.

My dad slowly opens the door his brown hair sticks up everywhere and he yawns. He's still dressed in his red plaid pajamas.

“How about breakfast first Avery, you need all your energy for the park.” He yawns again and I nod and jump up and down excited.

“Okay yay! I’ll go eat then get dressed!” I clap my hands and run away. Today is going to be a good day, I can tell.

Rushing down the stairs of the packhouse I skip the last step and fall on the floor. I scrape my elbow but ignore it. Werewolves have super fast healing. My healing is slower though so it will take a few hours instead of minutes like others. I guess you can say I'm pretty unique.

I have brown hair, green eyes, and the cutest freckles. I'm shorter than other werewolves so they make fun of me. Well, they try to but Kai always beats them up. I have to stop him from getting into fights over me at school constantly. He's really protective.

Embarrassed I fell again I get up and run into the kitchen hoping Miss Starla has already cooked. She's the pack chef and I have already made her my honorary grandmother.

Reaching the kitchen I smell all my favorite foods bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I rub my tummy just thinking of the delicious food I can’t wait to eat. I'm practically drooling as I enter the kitchen to see one of my favorite people.

Miss Starla is an older lady with curly gray hair. She's facing the counters but turns when she hears me run in. Everyone says I’m loud and they can easily hear me. Kai is always so quiet he says we are yin and yang, whatever that means.

“Good morning Avery are you ready to eat?” she asks.

“Yes, please! We’re going to the park today.” I smile and hop on the bar stool.

Miss Starla has a huge grin on her face as she hands me a plate of food consisting of three pancakes, four sausages, and about ten pieces of bacon. I scarf down my plate so fast I barely notice she also gave me Orange juice.

Right when I finish my meal and jump off the stool my parents show up. My dad gives me a quick hug while Mom pats my head. I hate it. I’m not a dog.

“I see you already ate why don’t you go get dressed sweetie.” She smiles down at me. Mom's hair is red with brown eyes. I take after my dad with our brown hair and green eyes.

“Okay Mom I’ll be ready soon, I’m so excited!” I shout and run past her.

Hurrying to my room I go into my closet and pick out some jean shorts and a pink tank top. Since pink is my favorite color I try to always have at least one pink item on.

After getting ready and dealing with my parent's slow driving we finally reach the park. As soon as we pull up I smell something delicious like caramel and cinnamon. The smell is so mouthwatering.

As soon as the car stops I open my car door and head for the playground. I can hear my parents shouting for me to slow down but I ignore them. I have to find the amazing smell.

I continue sniffing the air and look around but I don’t see any food around just other kids, all wolves like me. But then the smell hits me and I almost fall back it’s so strong. I close my eyes and embrace it.

“Avery you're here!” Kai runs up to me and I recognize he's the yummy smell. His mom must have been baking again. She loves to cook. Kai and I eat her yummy food all the time.

We run towards each other and stop just a foot apart. My arm starts to tingle and my forehead is sweating. “Hey I feel weird,” I whine rubbing the sweat off my forehead.

“Something is going on I feel weird also, but it’s a good weird.” He grins. We step close together and Kai grabs my hands interlocking our fingers. He presses his forehead to mine and I notice all of my anxiety leaving.

We play for hours while our parents watch from a bench they're sitting on. Kai and I rode down the slide a bunch of times, played tag and he pushed me on the swings. I offered to push Kai on the swings but he got angry and refused. He said he wanted to make me happy. I didn’t want to make him more mad so I didn’t argue.

While Kai plays soccer with some other wolves I start building sand castles when a boy with red curly hair comes over and kicks over my sandcastle while laughing.

“Hey, that wasn’t nice!” I stand up and brush the sand off my clothes. The mean redhead boy just glares at me.

“Shut up you little baby! You're ugly I don’t know why the future Alpha likes you!” He yells.

I feel my eyes start to water and the redhead boy steps closer to me. I put my hands up to stop him from coming any closer. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Kai is my best friend and you are so rude. That’s why he is my friend and not yours so please back off!”

Apparently, the boy doesn’t like what I said because he pushes me down. Falling down hard on my butt I look up to see him hovering over me with his fists balled up.

“I’m going to show you how we treat mouthy girls in my house!” He growls and I see his fist come flying towards me.

I close my eyes waiting for the impact but it never comes. I open my eyes slowly to see Kai on top of the mean kid punching him in the face over and over.

“Kai no!” I stand up and try to grab his arm but he's still beating up the kid. “Kai please stop he's hurt enough!”

He finally stops punching the kid and spins around to look at me. His brown eyes are full of rage and they almost seem to flash gold like his wolf is trying to come out already.

All I want to do is calm him down. I have never seen him so angry. So I decide to close the space between us and wrap my arms around his neck. His sweet scent of caramel and cinnamon radiates around me as he buries his head in the crook of my neck.

“Honey.” He whispers.


“Honey and apples.” It’s what you smell like. It’s so calming.”

I pull away and stroke his cheek with my thumb. “You smell like caramel and cinnamon. It’s calming to me also.”

Kai pulls me back in and buries his head in the crook of my neck again. We just stand there holding each other. Until he pulls away and puts a strand of my brown hair behind my ear. His golden brown eyes stare into my green ones.

“You know I will always protect you, Aves. You're my best friend and I just... I can’t lose you.”

I lay my head on his chest as he rubs my back. “You're my best friend also Kai. Don’t worry you will never lose me.”

I’m not sure how long we stand there holding each other. But we are pulled apart when both our parents rush up. I feel a strong grip on my arm. The first voice I hear is Alpha Cylus.

“What is the meaning of this?” He yells while pulling me away from Kai.

“Let me go now, Dad!” Kai tries to yank from his dad’s grip but is stuck. He's no match for his strong Alpha dad.

“You dare challenge me, boy!” The Alpha yells and lets go of my arm dropping me to the ground.

Luckily my dad rushes up and helps me stand. I'm sure my arm is bruising from the Alpha's death grip but I ignore it. My dad holds my shoulders keeping me in place.

“Let her go now!” Kai growls and I see him take a step towards my dad challenging him.

“Why is he acting like this?” My mom asks looking between me and Kai.

“Do you think?....... Oh no, it can’t be. They haven’t even shifted yet.” Kai’s mom Veronica gasps and covers her mouth.

I see my parents looking back and forth between Kai and me but I’m too distraught to care what they have to say. I just have an overwhelming urge to be near my best friend.

“This can’t happen! My son is a future Alpha! We have to stop this.” Alpha Cyclus glares at me. "Go get the witch, this is a mistake!" he growls towards his wife.

Kai growls, breaks out of his dad’s hold, and wraps his arms around me. “Avery stay with me, don’t go!” He whimpers into my shoulder but he's yanked away.

“Kai please!” I beg and reach for him.

“This can not and will not happen ever!” Alpha Cylus growls out.

My dad drags me to the car while I'm kicking and screaming, and then he throws me in the backseat. My mom sits beside me and holds me while my Dad starts the car to drive away. I see Kai from my window being pulled away from his dad by his shirt collar. He's scratching at his hand to get away but it doesn’t work.

I bang on the window and cry wanting my best friend. I’m not sure why they won’t let us near each other but the thought of being away from him breaks my heart. He makes eye contact with me one more time before my dad speeds away down the road.

I mouth to Kai ‘I’m sorry’ before I feel something prick my neck. My eyes slowly start to drift closed. I have no idea what's happening. Just that my heart is broken and I don’t know why.

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