When I wake up I can't help but stare at Avery asleep next to me. I'm not surprised she's still asleep. We stayed up most of the night tangled in each other's body. We both just couldn't keep our hands to ourselves.

I'm so happy Avery is my mate. I always knew our bond was strong. Now I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. I won't have to challenge anyone for her and our families are friends who already know each other so there shouldn't be any drama.

The only issue we have is I want to mark Avery. My wolf Titan was begging me to do it last night but it was hard to ask her about it while our bodies were tangled together. I didn't want to do it without her consent so I'll just have to ask her about it later.

I brush a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and her eyes slowly flutter open. "Good afternoon sleepyhead."

"Kai what time is it?" she says in her cute sleepy voice.

"Noon thirty. I thought I would let you sleep in."

She sits up abruptly. "Noon! Why did you let me sleep so long?"

"Because you were exhausted. Plus I didn't feel like sharing you yet." I cup her face and start kissing her when she pushes me away chuckling.

"No more Kai I'm so sore. I doubt I'll be able to even walk today," she whines.

I stand up and then scoop her into my arms. She doesn't even protest as I start carrying her towards the bathroom so we can shower. "If you can't walk I'll be around to carry you through the fire darling."

When we finally make it down to the cafeteria for a late lunch our friends are already there. To my surprise, Lance is also present. He's sitting far away from Kayla his mate and I can see how tense he is from here but still, he's here so that's a start.

We walk over to the table hand in hand and Bea starts whistling. "I knew it! You owe me twenty dollars pay up." she gestures to Matt who hands her some cash which she tucks into her pocket.

"Really you bet on us?" I glare at my beta who gulps nervously.

"I expected better from you Bea." Avery scolds her friend as she sits down with me right beside her.

Bea rolls her eyes. "Please we all know what you two were doing all night. The bet was to see if you would make it to lunch or not. I knew Avery would need food eventually and show up."

"I thought you two wouldn't show up until time to leave camp," Matt adds making Avery blush.

"You guys are so embarrassing we need new friends Kai."

I kiss the top of her head. "Whatever you want darling. I have no problem replacing my idiotic friends."

"Hey, you said I was smart!" Lance shouts making the whole table laugh.

We spent the rest of lunch eating and getting to know each other more. Bea and Matt still haven't found their mates and it seems Lance and Kayla are still keeping their situation a secret.

The secret mates manage to make eye contact a few times and even speak to each other without arguing. Lance mind links me he's going to try and fix things and for the sake of our friend group, I hope he does. Their relationship is another issue I have to talk to Avery about. I don't want her stressed out worrying about her friend.

After lunch, we head outside to see what activities we'll have to do today. Luckily we're all in group A so I get to spend the rest of the day with my mate. I'll have to thank the camp counselors later for that.

The six of us spend the next few hours practicing our archery skills, going to a dumb yoga class that's supposed to help with relaxation, and then racing through the woods in our wolf form. We raced against about a hundred different wolves yet I still won. My wolf Titan is very fast.

As we're about to leave and head to the cafeteria for dinner I smell a familiar scent. A growl escapes my lips and I tuck Avery further into my side shielding her. She tenses for a moment wondering what I'm doing when she sees what has me riled up.

Scott walks up with a smug look on his face. "I guess you found your mate after all Kai."

"No thanks to you!" I growl again.

"How was I supposed to know she was your mate? she-wolves throw themselves at me constantly." he gloats.

"Liar I would never-" Avery starts to argue when I push her behind me and get into Scott's face.

"I'm getting really tired of the disrespect. Cousin or not I won't hesitate to put you down. Avery is my mate and Luna. Only an idiot or someone jealous would disrespect her!"

"I have nothing to be jealous about!"

I roll my eyes. "Please we both know you're just desperate and lonely. How many she-wolves do you have to fuck to make yourself feel better?"

He gets into my face and growls. "How about we settle this alpha to alpha then? The boxing ring in five minutes meet me there." he threatens and walks away.

I close my eyes and start counting to ten trying to calm myself before I shift. I want nothing more than to rip him in half. Titan is growling inside my head telling me to punish him for his disrespect towards us and our mate.

A gentle touch on my shoulder sends sparks all over my body. The anger I was feeling disappears. I open my eyes to see Avery's concerned green eyes staring back at me.

"Kai are you okay?" she asks and I roll my shoulders back. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Just peachy darling."

She cups my face and brushes her nose against mine. "I'm not going to tell you to back out of the fight because I know you won't listen. My only request is you don't get hurt."

This is why she is my mate, nobody understands me better. "I love you," I confess.

"I love you more than anything Kai," she replies and places a sweet kiss on my lips. I grab her by the throat deepening the kiss before I pull away.

Then I turn my focus to Matt and Lance. "Stay with the girls Lance. Matt follow me." I order.

They obey and Matt follows after me as we head to the large boxing ring. Several wolves have surrounded it waiting to see who's going to fight next, But I keep my focus on the one inside.

Scott is standing with his beta a wolf named Alex. He's wrapping Scott's hand with tape as he gives him pointers on how to beat me. But his advice is pointless because Scott and I both know I'm a better fighter. I didn't get the nickname Killer Kai for being weak.

I climb into the ring. Matt begins taping my hands. "Scott is a snake so be careful. He might fight dirty." My beta warns and I nod.

"It doesn't matter how he fights. I'm going to wipe the smug look off his face for good." I growl.

I turn around ready to fight my opponent. I can feel my mate's eyes on me but I don't turn to look at her. My focus is on Scott and Scott only. We stand a few meters apart and get into fighting stances waiting for the bell to ring signaling we can start.

As soon as the bell rings Scott swings at me. His punches are wild and erratic. There's no precision or timing to his madness. The idiot is letting his emotions overrule his need to win. I block each hit gracefully waiting for the chance to hit him.

Getting impatient Scott goes in for a kick. I grab his foot before it makes contact and push him back. He growls and snaps at me.

"What the fuck Kai you going to fight me or what!" he taunts me.

Scott has seen me fight plenty of times. I usually strike first going on the offense. But knowing his emotions were in control I went on the defense which confused him.

I shrug. "What do you mean? I am fighting you."

"No you're not!" he swings at me and misses.

Seeing an opening I punch Scott in the face then the stomach. He stumbles a few steps back before regaining his balance.

"There he is Killer Kai. Glad to see the monster finally came out to play. Does Avery know what type of man you are?" Scott mimics knowing it will get a rise out of me.

Growling I go to punch him but miss. Scott dodges my hit then hits my ribs before we begin circling each other again. We're both sizing each other up when Scott lunges for me. I duck and sweep my leg out knocking him down. Angry and ready to end this I climb on top of him and start punching him repeatedly.

Scott tries to dodge my hits but it doesn't work. I deliver blow after blow to his face and chest. I even punched his throat once for fun. The bell rings signaling the fight is over but I just keep hitting him.

"Say another word about Avery and I'll kill you next time." I threaten and keep punching him. He's not even fighting back anymore which frustrates me more.

"Kai stop!" someone shouts and arms wrap around me and pull me off a barely conscious Scott. "He's done you won," Matt announces.

I shove Matt away and close my eyes. I start counting to ten trying to calm myself down. I look over at Scott who is still lying down clutching his side in pain. I'm pretty sure I cracked a rib, good.

Scoffing I climb out of the ring. Matt follows behind me. I unwrap my hands and throw the tape down. I'm engulfed in a hug and Avery's wonderful scent surrounds me.

"I'm so happy you're okay." she sighs in relief.

I'm confused. "So you're not scared of me or think I'm dangerous?" I just beat my cousin to a pulp I thought she would be running in the opposite direction of me.

She cups my face. "Why would I be afraid of you? He challenged you and lost. I think you're an amazing fighter. Raven and I were very impressed with you and Titan." she says and my wolf stands proud inside my head at her words.

I can't help but smile. "Fuck you're so perfect Aves." I crash my lips onto hers. She smiles too before she begins to kiss me back with just as much passion and love. I pull her closer to me and deepen the kiss even more.

"Can you two stop sucking face so we can go get dinner now?" Bea whines beside us making me chuckle and pull away from my mate.

"Fine dinner then I need a shower."

Lance grabs my arm lifting it and sniffing it. "I would say so Alpha." he teases and I push him away.

"Then we're all heading to the party, we need to celebrate you kicking Scott's ass!" Matt cheers.

I really don't want to celebrate I would rather shower than spend the rest of the evening with Avery in my bed. I grab her hand and kiss it. "Only if Avery wants to will I come party with you guys."

We all turn our attention to Avery who can't stop grinning. "Well, party it is then!" she screams making our friends cheer and applaud.

"What about our alone time?" I whisper to her.

"We have the rest of our lives for that. Let's go enjoy time with our friends. Then after the party, I'm all yours."

I smirk. "Promise?"

She smiles softly at me. "I promise we have forever together," she says and I hope she's right.

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